Ararat Advertiser and Chronicle for the Stawell and Wimmera Districts (Vic. : 1899 - 1918), Saturday 4 March 1916, page 2

SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1916. A sitting of the Supreme Court is fixed to be held at Ararat on Thursday next, but so far- no cases have been listed. The Heon. J. Drysdale Brown, M.L.C., has left for New Zealand. He will be absent from the State until the middle of April. In the 147th casualty list issued by the Defence Department, the following names appear in the list of ill:- Pri-vate W. Flavell, Moyston; Private L. Ford, Wickliffe. A record was put up in the way of recruiting at the Town Hall on Thursday last. In all eleven candidates presented themselves, all of whom passed tlhe final medical test. Mr P. Somerville, who has been supplying the Moyston Presbyterian (Church during February, has been appointed to Outtrim, and the Home Mission committee has nobody available in the meantime. The special meeting of tl*i Ararat Shire Council fixed to be held on Monday next. to consider the council's financial position, will lapse, owing to certain councillors not being able to attend. Accounts await payment at the Ara. rat Sub-treasury for the following :E. Blake. W. J. Edwards, Flattely and Lewis. C. Ford (2). W. H. Grano, G. Iiarriott. J. Hart. J. Isbel (3). P. O'Hare, W. Osler, E. M. Seeney, F. P. Thomson. J. Webster, W. White. A meeting to wind up the Miners' Boxing Day Sports was convened last night, but only the secretaries turned up. Tile total profits from the sports were £106/4, which was equally divided between the Red Cross Society, the HIospital and the Worn Out Miners Fund. Quartermaster and Lieutenant H. 1. Williams, of the 73rd Infantry :Yictorian Rangers), who has been emyloyed as assistant Town Clerk of the Borough of Ararat for some time past, has been called into camp, and will take his departure from Ararat next Monday. lie has been appointed to the Expeditionary Forces. The parents of Sapper Jas. Hamilton, of Boundary Road, have received word of his safe arrival in Bombay. He left Melbourne by the s.s. Soldauah on 5th February and arrived in India on 28th February. He sailed with the first wireless troop under contract to the Indian Government and will proc(eed to Mesopatamia. A special meeting of the Ararat Borough Council will he held on Monday evening next. The business is to accept and adopt the recommendation of the committee of the full council for the appointment of an engineer-in-chief for the electric light undertaking, and to consider the matter of calling for applications. Sergeant S. V. Moore, son of Mr J. Moore, of Ararat, who arrived home re

wounded, has been recalled, and will take his departure to-morrow morning by the express. It is the intention of the local Recruiting Committee to give him a welcome home and also a farewell gathering at the Town Hall this afternoon, at four o'clock. To-day a number of Ararat's young ladies will make another appeal, this time on behalf of the sick and incapacitated military nurses and the Red Cross Society. The sale will take place of "Our Day" (nurses) buttons, and throughout the day they will perambulate the streets of the town, disposing these. The arrangements are in the hands of the Mayoress. The Rev. A. Thompson has been appointed Anglican clergyman in charge of the parish of Landsborough, and commenbd his work there last Sunday. Mr Thompson was educated for the ministry at the Church Training College, London, and at St, Paul's Hostel, Essex, England. The rev. gentleman has had much experience of church work in Laneashire and London. He has lived in Australia about two years. A pleasing ceremony took place at an impromptu meeting of t de Ararat Fire Brigade on Wednesday evening. It was the presentation to Lieutenant 0. Rowan of a long service medal, he having completed fifteen years in the service of the brigade. The medal is a handsome decoration. and is supplied by the Country Fire Brigades Board. Lieutenant Rowan suitably.--acknowledged the gift. At lIast nights --.,-nueeting of tihe Charities Carnival Committee a comIunication was read from the Chiet Commissioner of Police, in reply to a request from the committee, stating that the secretary of the Police Band had in. formed him that the bandsmen had exhausted their leave for thle present year; also drawing attention to the fact that they had assisted the Ararat carnival last. year, therefore the request for the attendance of the band this year could not be entertained. Frederick Tracey was brought before Mr T. A. Wild, J.P., at the Ararat Police Court on Thursday morning last, charged by Constable Tucker with being drunk and disorderly in Barkly street. He was fined 2/6, or 24 eoums' imprisonment. Tracey on being liberated again got drunk and fell into the hands of Constable Graham the same afternoon. He was brought before Mir E. J. Simpson, J.P., at the court yesterday morning, when he was fined 5/, or 48 hours' imprisonment. At the committee meeting of the Ararat Borough Council on Thursday evening next last the matter of the enlargement and improvement of Oliver's Gully reservoir again cropped up. The Town Clerk read a letter from Mr H. V. Champion, the engineer in charge of the works, to the effect that he had approached the departmental officers eomcerned, with the result that fresh tenders would be called immediately for the works. Mr Champion stated that there was no doubt about the work being proceeded with this time if a reasonable tender was recommended. Councillors said* that the last tender was reasonable enough, and there was a possibility of such not being the case in connection.with the fresh tenders.

At the meeting of the Methodist Conference on Thursday night the election of president for the ensuing year took place, with the following result:The Rev A. Madsen, Lydiard street, Ballarat, 221 votes; the Rev. E. '1. Cox, 106; the Rev. A. E. Albiston, 8, and a number of others from three to one votes. The Rev. A. Madsen, in returning thanks, said that at every critical moment of his life there had been the impact of some human force behind him to lush him on. "My policy," said the new president, "will be to have a campaign of prayer. Our brave men are standing in the trenahes in places of danger for us, and it is not too much to ask those at home, both inside and outside the church, to stand in places of prayer. for them." A scathing denunciation of Australian Labor legislation is made by the American Trade Commission which recently visited the Commonwealth. Whilst boring for water was being carried on at the property of Mr J. T. Lane, at Coorabin, a seam of coal was struck. A trial shaft is now being put down. During the past 12 months under the operation of the Imperial meat purchase scheme, the New. Zealand Government has paid the producers approximately £7,327,000. Police investigations at Rio Janeiro show that two Germans were guilty of the explosion on board the liner Tennyson in Brazilian waters. The culprits and their families have since disappeared. Mr Alexander Clark, of Nullan, after, volunteering for active service. 14 times. and being rejected- on each occa.siou,

to develop his chest. He then volunteered and passed the first medical test. The New South Wales Cabinet has adopted suggestions by the Chief Secretary -(Mr Black) for the establishment of depots for fish at various points along the coast to supplement the supplies provided by the State trawlers. At a recent meeting of the University Sports Union Council the advisability of the non-participation of sports clubs in competitive sport was discussed. The president, Professor Spencer, moved--"That no University club should enter any team for competitive games during the war." All the delegates present spoke in support of the proposal, which was carried. On Thursday evening last, at the meeting of the committee of the Ararat Borough Council, Cr Edwards referred to the large amount of money outstanding in connection with thb, electric light undertaking. He said that people came to the town like "birds of passage," rented houses to which the electric light was installed, and took their departure without paying for the current. He thought some scheme should be established to put an end to such a practice. One councillor suggested making the landlords responsiblle. but other councillors said such a step was not possible. The Mayor said the council was now looking more closely into thme matter, and there was not now so much of the business as former,y. They had to take a certain risk, the same as the Gas Company did.

i meetiig or tile queensiani Cooperative Dairy Companies' Association was held at Brisbane on Tuesday. Practically all the manufacturers in Queensland were represented, and there were also delegates from the Northern river districts of New South. Wales. Several speakers denounced tie Government in unmeasured terms for its interference with the dairying industry. They asserted that they intended to fight for their wives and children, and that they would not allow the Government to drive them off the land. One speaker said they must put their shoulders to the wheel, and prottis against. price fixing. A voice-Put in guns. Another voice-Yes; even that It might be better to die. Mr Harris said the Labor party had asked the Imperial Government to give 41d for meat, and yet it asked the small man to sell meat to the Government for local consumption at 3id. This was what they called loyalty. If they could not get redress here, they would go to London to the Imperial Government. Mr J. Greathead (Bundaberg) suggested that Mr Harris should meet the Premier. Mr Harris-I would like to have him outside for a few minutes-he would have a warm time, or I would. A correspondent writes to the Ballarat "Courier":-"It is an open secret in well informed railway circles that drastic measures will shortly be taken to induce the many strapping young fellows occupying snug positions to take a hand in the titanic struggle for freedom, justice and liberty. To the employees who have willinchv -one

to take a hand in the Empire's battle the Railway Commissioners have acted very generously, not only safeguarding their positions, but actually guaranteeing that enforced absence slill .in-no way interfere with their promotion or status. Such liberal treatment induced o, large number to enlist, several of whom have died fighting for the honor of Australia and the Empire; but twice as many remain behind who have inexplicably turned a deaf ear to the call of duty. All over the railways can be seen these serviceable young men, and to give them one more chance of showing their courage and patriotism the powers that be are determined that 12 monit'hs' leave of absence shall be given to all single men, whether permanent or casual, who fail to respond to the call of duty. This invitation should have a marked effect on thB eligible young men, who are unfettered with responsibility, and it is well to remember that the period named can be extended without dificulty."?