Northern Times (Carnarvon, WA : 1905 - 1952), Saturday 11 August 1928, page 4

Onslow News.

(From Our Own Correspondent)

Onslow. August 8 Shipping

The Centaur arrived here last Saturday morning and discharged 50 odd tons of cargo, as well as 50 rams for Yardie Creek Station.

The lighter Rouzelle, once the property of James Clark & Co., but now trading under the ownership of Cap tain Courthope, arrived in Beadon last Friday for the purpose of lightering a quantity of cargo and a number of rams from the Centaur to Yardie Creek Station. The transhipment was speedily effected and much credit is due to the staff and lumpers of the local Harbor and lights Departentin for the efficient manner in which the cargo was handled.


The new motor locomotive belonging to the Harbor and lights Department which arrived here a couple of

weeks ago is giving every satisfaction, and is a great improvement on the antique method of loeoinotiou which previously prevailetL

Big Meeting at Nanutarra.

On Saturday last all roads led to Nanutarra Station. It had been decided some -time previously by those concerned that - Nwmtarra should l>e the rendezvous for a number of meetings of particular interest to Asliburtonites, and thither on that date those interested betook themselves. On Saturday night some 80 visitors sat down to dinner. It was probably the largest private gathering -ever assembled at any homestead on the Ashburton. All the visitors were men, with the exception of -one lady. Mr. Ted Roberts, the genial host and manager of Nanutarra, had not spared himself in "catering for tfeg wa«ts ana co&tfort oS

guests, particularly insofar as tlv» commissariat department was concerned, and the tables literally groaneded beneath their burden of good things. It was originally intended that after dinner the members of the Ashburton Road Board should hare their usual monthly meeting, but unfortunately. although there was a representative gathering, it was discovered that there was not a quorum present, and that particular meeting was adjourned. The committee and officials of

the Ashburton- Picnic Race Club then j

went into session, and many import- j

ant club matters were dealt with. After the committee meeting a short adjournment was made, and then the general meeting of members of the same club was held. Representatives of the Ashburton Race Club who were present were invited to attend, and after the business of the Picnic* Race Club had been disposed of a round table conference of the two clubs toon plaee. later the members of the Ashburton Telephone Syndicate sat down to their meeting to discuss several matters affecting the telephone service between stations on the river.

One matter iii particular, wliicli lias been causing great annoyance to subscribers and destroying the efficiency of the service for some time past, came up for discussion, and it is hoped that as the result some effective means will be found for removing the cause of the .trouble. It was 2 o'clock oil Sunday morning when the last meeting concluded, and after all present had partaken of a "night cap" a concerted movement was made to tha sleeping quarters, and ere long most of the visitors, many of whom had travelled 100 miles to attend the meeting, were making "music" in the land of nod. By midday on Sunday all the visitors had departed and life at Xanutarra once more resumed the even tenor of its way.

As a result of the meetings of the two race clubs it has been decided to abandon the picnic race meeting at Mount Stuart this year owing to. lack of feed for horses, and for similar reasons the Ashburtou Ilace Club decided to forego its intended grass-fed meeting and carry out a corn-fed programme instead. Particulars of this will be advertised as soon as the programme has been approved by the W.A.T.O.

Ainong those present at Nanutarra during the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Watts (Ullawarra Station), Messrs. John Forrest, Mervyn Forrest, Ernie Corbett, Arthur Corbett, K. Clark, V. McCarthy, R. Kuowles, A. King, T. de Pledge, R. Greenway G. Greenway, Simon Campion, S. R. liedditch, R. Hancock, M. Donovan, F. Pilkington, A. Fauckner, S. Ottawiay, A. Maher, T. Woods, T. Stevenson, R. Hooley, Dr. Stenning, Dr. Tepper, and Captain Courthope.