Northern Times (Carnarvon, WA : 1905 - 1952), Saturday 31 December 1910, page 3


The temporary stranding-of toe Koombana last week reminds us of the fort

night's enforced stay in the middl* of Shark Bay some 20 months ago. Two days were spent In endeavoring: to understand

the motor boat, and send it 14 miles to Daabam. On the Wednesday (the stranding occurred early on Monday) the wind had freshened, and everywhere sea-horses shook their manes angrily, bat through .them -fcbe-lannch forced its troubled way, from time to time burying itself in clouds of spray, till the milky-way that followed resolved itself . into sea-green, and the watchers on the Koombana knew that the engine had been swamped. The sail was hoisted, and back they came.

Next day the captain, and a few of the passenger* essayed the journey again, reaching the settlement after a rocky time. On shore, they were deluged with enquiries. The wag of the party was in form. He was asked how the chief steward stood for provisions.

" Nearly ran out," be said. " Fact is, ma'am, we're eating the poultry consigned to Cossack and other places."

"But," protested the lady,** surely the captain has no right to kill other people'*

fowlB 7'

"What are we to do?" he rejoined. " He can't see us starve. Anyway, we've nearly run out of fowls,"but there's a donkey aboard, and there is talk of starting on him next.