Prahran Telegraph (Vic. : 1889 - 1930), Saturday 2 September 1916, page 7

Spring Fashions. P'icturestqueness will lie the feature of the Spring fashions. The widebrimmnedl hat with its graceful lines aln curves will overshadow the stiff aliailne. slhapies of the winter modes, and flowers true to nature, and those of the futurist design, will brighten the daitntiest of toilettes. Perhaps the deptression of war has brought with it a longitng to revive the chlarm and pirluantcy of the old. world frocks in our gownts of to-dlay, for there is everyv evidence that the comnlilng fashions will rival those of the picturesqlue W'attaut periodl. So varied were the styles exhibited at a fashiron parade that it would le dillicult to give supremiacy to one. One of rithe most convenllienlt, and at tihe sam:lte time eronotmtical. fashions is the lng-coat dtress. that catn le worn equally welIl in or out of doors. It is really a simple little frock, arrangedl to fasten dlown the cenltre frlont, can la slippled ont in a minuteit, anil is ewcoming to miost figures. One imodeli in biscuiit-coloured linent had cuff:iiTs andl collar of the same material, Ibut iln a rich tomato sihadie. andtl the hllt aiind hem had pipings to nmatch. The skirt was very muchi flaredl and theI fullnecss easei at thle waist and covered with a wide ibelt. Some of the tailoredl coat dresses are finishedl with thle new shaped pIilerinl or cape, which develops into a poilnt at the back as far as the waist. andi1 then narrows gradually to tilhe shoulers. 'iThe majority of dinnet r gowns are mal(. entirely of tulle or net, the skirt

o:Iisting of a csries of graduated tlmnlces, the bodice having a shortsi asted effect, and long sleeves caught in tightly at the wrist. Now that tulle and laces are so fashionable, it is quite a simple matter to renovate a last year's frock and make it uip to date with a small expenditure. 'Tiny black velvet bows and head ornaments are used, a great dleal as finishing touches, whilst buttons, Isith large and small, continue to Ise popular.