Prahran Telegraph (Vic. : 1889 - 1930), Saturday 29 April 1916, page 5

QUEENB OF THE FILM. Mary Pickford and, Billie Burke. Mary Picikford is seen tins week at the ltovanl Pictures, Vindsor, in Littleo l',al.'' Certain critics on the occasion of each new film wherein the dainty littlo actress is starred, inv aiably point out that she has passed hler -zelnith and ,that lary is quite too, too, utterly passe. BIut thwe putli gc o oti loving her'ill the sanme. i'ho 'pu blic know beat. InI 1i12--just the other day, so to speak, when nMary Pickford made oer appearlsnce in Davii liolasco's "Oood 'littlo Dcril," nlot'ten persons in the audiiinre rrcognised ler. Onlo night receltly she toek hier seit int a box at it iroellllilaiu thiiatri and a tlousasnd


who will be eoon at tih Pliubo 'Theatre, Elsternwirk, in " Littlo Pal," on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 1st, 2nd and 3rd. o<ltolokers sliok, heir Ille. Inr her particilnar lino she'loas hitherto had no rival. WVhlt Mary Pickford isto tho screen, Bllie llrko hs been to t the stage in .\aorica, and now' " lli i" ln colnic right' ollt firom ' tlhe "legitimate " drainu into the li,"ht of tie cinema. Slie ik petite, Xaninty. fnsinatinlg. 'hellr, ill years gon by she was piearin.g in tit " I)uclhess of .)Dantzic,' hlhi w"-is ichlanimed tile prottilest actress ill iillodlho. I[r ailitlv s a Iomnedienlnu is iilierited. Ilhr fAlther, Ililly Burke, was thle mlost famuous rloo in Americn iiiid an genuine fiIn-kinkCr. Sihe mnkes anI admirible boy. When she manndo her first ippenrance inl a ho"'s costuno it wiias is ommy Beltlbert in " Thei Amizons," sihe fell in lovo with-tho pockets. ."It is somethling neao," she sall (tlint was in 1913) " for me to have lipockts. They .don't make them often itn girl's clotlis, .and when thecy do nniclh of nnytfiing else. Just for the delighit of it, I carry a penknife, a hunch of keys, andl a hiarmonica in iiiy pockets everv night oil the stage. Anil it' schi a rhlief to have nomo nice ptr to put vyor inndrs-sometinmes When I wnn little I used to think I would lhe if I could carry white mlice in


who will appear on Monday, IMay 8, at the Royal Pictures, Windsor, in "Caught in a Cabaret; he will be soon on Thursday evening next at the South Yarm Pictures, In " A Night at the Show." Charlie isalso billed at the Phoebe Theatre, Elsternwick, for Thursday, Friday-mnd Saturday, May 4th, 5th and Uth. my pockets like the boys did. I'n not so s'stlhusiastic for that now. I did tlinik I'd try it, but I lost my nerve." Int tleso dlys llillie" hIlrke is Mrs. Ziegfeld. Ilcr husbanld rsins tie Dalnse do Follies, and since the Indy has gone into thl " movies," her work beguai early in . tile smornuing, whereat one American paperr priints a picture of her motoring down roain her manusiont at Ilnbtiags-on-llilsoil every morning, mnooting her husband every miorning on the road just getting home fromnt Ilus " idnight Frolics." Her debut on the screen is in tho Triangle picture, ,' Iegg' "--tl ostory of a Scoftch-Anmerican girl from Now York, who, at the mmimuand of her unclc, stern anid proud Andrew Cnmeron, returns to the dour atmosphere of the Scottish Uighlands: Fun, pithos, daring,. are incorporated in ggy, who into ,the now atmosphere of her life brings the ivilfulnoss of a lhilnrious ye loving nature. Part of theo -tilnoe shib nisquerades in boy's clothes, arid from'tho moment she steps inito thle picture she takes conmmand of the whole play. " Peggy" is redolent of Scotland.. Its scenery is superb. And the plly; like tile chief personage in it, has a daintiness of, its own to commend it. There is for instance, the introduction of a shlort fairy fantasy which is delightfil because of its grace and beauty.