Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 17 December 1954, page 2

FOR AUS TINl SALES & SERVICE Also Agents for LANZ, IIIILLDOG TRACTORS DULDIG MOTORS 50 DARLOT STREET. HORSHAM. Phone 832 A YEAR OF SPLENDID ACHIEVEMENT! Assurances in Force now exceed £3o00,0o,oo0 The 75th Annual Report of the T. & G.Mutual Life Society reveals a year of great progress. NEW POLICIES. The public in Australia and New Zealand ag1ain dl unnfstrated its conllldene in the T. & G. by taking out a record amount of assuran c during thea year. 112,117!l new I.ife 'Policie aIsuring £.12.585.15.lt and 13,7.12 Per.canal Accident and Sickness Policies were issued while l7,189 ILife Policies were endorsed with Accident I:nefits for £15,12,1175. ASSURANCES IN FORCE. The Assurance.s in Force exceed .£t0,000,0100,). That the T. & G. has been entrusted with the responsibility or proidrling this great ntrantle of protection Is striking evidence of the esteem in which the Society is hield: INCOME. The Income for the y'ear increased by more than £1,880,0t0I to the record total of £1t7,:lSt150,000. SERVICE. The Society places the greatest implortance on rendering the l maximluml service to its members. All cllilm are settled promptly. During the year £(i,7ti0,0l00 was paid to policyholders, making a total of more titan £47,f,8f,I00o during the tlast ten years. SECURITY. T'rile T. & G. is in an inlpregnable linancial positioln. The Assets, which incveased by £7,540,0000 to the record total of £!)7,000,000, are held in trust to meet payments to policyholders as they fall dt'e. GROUP ASSURANCE. In the past year the attractive clnditions offered and the splenllid service given by the T. & C. ha5vq indlucetl many industrial and commlercial organizations to authorize tle Society to underwrite their Staffll Sutperannullation and CGroupl Provident Schemes. 78 Years o Ser?ice. P'relt utd u l. .la a Shareholders l6dual e Soc??e?.. T. & G. nUILDINt;. .?i.;I.IIUlJltNE. Tlhr Asltrasi;lssl 'rTmperasnr antl Gleneral Mutual Life A+ro ratice So lidty LImlited. (Ilnc,ryuratrd Is Victoria. 1170.)

The otp7 t h? r. c o r m .(.I-? _ ? ? 1 -... your best insurance against FIRE! .. Avoid heavy ]o.sses iand h:JrdIip-iltii l a, Coowper IFirelighler--re.ady for ??ontl-- your EIrolErlty. IPuulyp si Tl4y.or grilty water Ewithout d:aage or blockage. " Mrcrrhme n lu rn thw nllnlllrile.l (`oulJr il:tl il~uttr In )·ur dil-r. --o /,r Mio . nI d a .d 0 hr ,. " MACHINERY Made and guarontced byL cIllr CORPORATION LIMITED (Formerly COOPER.ENOIscEFRING COMPANY PT?. LIMlltOJ ' IH LITTLE BOURKE ST. MEIROII801 Y.r " Wirt on~c

S;& M. TIPPiTT Funeral Directors 27-29 PYNSENT ST., (Opposite Fire Station) PHONE 649 DAY OR NIGHT. Funerals Conducted in any Part of State. Cremations Arranted.

," 'B g "O / [ ' U r MM • /;!!?,? /ill ' ,N T WIIIn IN'/?I??rPh! tT" Ur`?S?. W'll/HlNriII/'tlll/'7nl/illigII II/llf/I'Mn:IIN/llhm iltlmmTig i /, m grg 'ggmiyi/i;n /:lliT Mbre than your money's worth ! FIRST look for Cht-istmas piesents at.. . LANGLANDS " rt In the Showroom there are UNDIES . . ..by --?? Kayser, Lustre, Luco and Balmoral -VESTS, PANTEES, SLIPS, NIGHTS & A PYJAMAS, etc. s .. NYLON FROM 20/6 to £6/6/Acd plýease RAYON FOM 7/16 to 79/11 HOS IERY I E . BATHERS by Jantzen - Perfect in ' LI N GE RIE fit and .styi Snappy and comfyt9 ý1 " Red; ,iGeen, Aqua, Black 4 4 .. tig there * ' Daffodil and others Priced 69/6 to £6/6/r.Hi_ h s and Sktrts by Jant en inrrgayest colors, are an added at raction LANG LANDS .'l THE WIMERlA .SbPING CENTRE lUf l n W..u msmn am anI 3Ni n mm ae .m e .nm m an m1 D1E.

Give hwA ctfl ý Chýýs~ha "1 M for (M ai · K0 uulity ACTIL st c. V S*LA OTO ETL NDUSTRIE LIMITED ACTIL AVE. -WOODVILLE, S.A.

COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES PAYMENT OF Child Endowment & Widows' Pensions Because the normal due date fal'l on a public holiday the next payment of ChilI Endowment and Widows' Pensions will be made onTuesday, 21st December, 1954. All recipients of Child Endowment and Widows' Pensions should call at the usual office ofpayment .on -.. Tuesday, 21st December, 1954. Reciplents who are paid.by cheque will also receive 'cheques on the earlier date. Age and Invalid. Pensions and Wives' and Children's Allowances will be paid on the normal pay. day -Thursday, 23rd December, 1954.