Casterton News and the Merino and Sandford Record (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Thursday 23 December 1915, page 2

Monday and Thursday Evenings. THInRSDA'l, DECEMBi ER :, 191i. ChrlIstinai. ---------"Be of Good ;Cheer." As was the canose last year, we enter now upon the season which specially emphasizes the Chrisl Ian desire and doctrine, "Peace on Earth, Good will Toward Men," with the shadow of a great war cloud spread over us, it otay well be to remind us of tile limit of human ability to safeguard mankind from such a catastrophe as we have in this deadly and terrible conflict between tations that are accounted civilized, and with but two exceptlons--Japan and Turkey--are professedly Christian. It is impossible for us to look forevard to the great festival of Christmas with expectatlcn of that carefree joyousness nand lightness of hert with wh(lh; up to last year, we in Atls: tralia were always able to approach a season that bespoke and evoked a general sense of goodwill and krindliness as boetwoon one and the other, and surrounded us with an atmosphere of merriment and rejoicing. But we should he craven indeed, if time of present evil finds us forgetful of the many Chrintmnstides of peace, content and enjoyment that fell to our lot, before we were called upon to blpar the heavy hurden of- to-clay.- We should he foolish and poor spirited, more. over, if In noting the dark:cloud of war, we failed to Iote also th?;iailver lining, and failed to rememntber that just as a season of great plenty follows a season of esuch drought ar.d misfortune os we passed through recently, so assuredly will we have a seanson of honorable and lasting peace, assured in duO course by the vietory of Great Britain and her Allies, who fight in the courso of freedom, following upon this season of danger and difliculty. It will ill become us tthen, and particularly us "children of an older grow"th" If in this Christmastide which is upon us we fall to showe ourselves witit cheerful front, unafraid and undismayed, confident alike int the righteousness of our cause and its ultimate triumph, and especially if we allow feelings of care and anxiety to cast any shadow over the happiness and merriment of our little peopsle. Now is their time of youth, that gives them claim to till the freedom front care, and all the pleasures appiropriato to their years, that we elders can give them, and we must surely hind surcease from anxious care and gloorny thought, if we seek for our young people-and see that they get it-this year, as well as every other year, all the enjoyment that for them is ever contred in that wish we here extend to al?i"A MERRY CHRISTMAS." "Two Oreat Figures; Lieut. Throssell, V.C., and Corporal Ferrier" "Interesting Municipal IRecords," Milk Funds: For Mon in the Tronches," other Patriotic Funds acrknowledgonlonts, and the prograimmes for Boxing Day Races, Shllow and Sports, att Strathdownlo e nd Sandford, aPllonr on page 4 in tills isnde. Cnsterton business peplolro re making reaoly for the usual Christmas Eve display whllich never fitils to remind us of the fact that we tire entering Iupton the festive seaonson of Christmantide. It is alroueady evident that the display will be no less yarled and brilliant than in previous years, and will serve to show that whatever may be tile case is regardrn the ellnely, Castorton traders, in common with nill other residents of the district, atre not doworearted,but ent t on continuing their ordinary business, like the war, to a victorious issue.The The Wilkin State School achieved very satisfactory results at the recent examinations, when three out of four candidates were successful in gaining the qualifying certificate, the successful candidates being Jeffrey Barrow, Hugh and Annie Ross, the last narrmeod, years of ago, being, it is believed, the youngeost child who hagnitoned the certificate. The only candidate from the West Strathdownio State School was also successful. Tenders returnable to Mr B. Shephard, manager"Wurtwort Koort," Henty, are Invited for supply of ti00 tons of firewood. Children are admitted to our Stato Schools at the early age of 4i.r years, though attendance is not compulsory till they roeach tlhe ago of G. Toachers are anxious that parents should take advantage of the regulation which permits them to send children at 4ii years, be. cause, assisted by the admirable Kindergarten system, of which we have at Castorton a particularly able exponent in Miss Scott, the little .people joining at thle earlier age get so good a start with their school work that they are easily able to get to a higher standard in sueceosive later stages in their school work than they otherwise woult do. Nntwlthstanding war and drought, and all their accompanying mIisfortunes, Christmas trade stt Casterton scorns to be ant rlk as usual, andl the fact that it lls so shoild serve to cheer tip the poeshsnlstle folk who nclirneo to sen in misfortune reason for despair Instead of reaoon for strong endeavour that bids defiance to despair, iand leads to fortune. Mr J. Olancy begs to acknowledge "Button" money, of which 'Mrs Fred James handed in the sum of £20 4s, pro. coeds of sales of "Allies'" buttons, anti from the young ladies of the Casterton Higher Elementary the saunt of £10 'Is, being proceeds of sale of 1200 "Anzac" buttons in connection with the observance of "Remembrance Day" (Friday last). The ladies are thanked for their patriotic efforts. Both thee9 sums have boon forwarded to tie lion. Organisor of tilte Commonwealth Button Fund. Melbonrne. Mr iltugh MoEachern, of -hMryaring, ihas jUls taken delivory of a aory fine lot of 3000 "Correo" anti "ltingwool'", station bred, two tooth, iterino wetlhero. Tie sleoopl represented were mnncls admired by many whto thal roon thlots on thto way dawn. Mr.W.D. D avis, of "Tlo Gums", wiloannagreatly taken witht them, admired tile sheep for- their'brBoding, donseity of wool andt growth of .1leeco shown for the period of tho. year. Eveory osheap was landed fat, whlich irellocts credit upon thie care exorcisedl by di rover MaoOsbo of Sandford, who. was in. charge. s Mr McOaho met with many dificulties through havingenoounte r d flooded country, but sicceeded itn trnging the sheen down in excellent ciondition with a mini. isum of losses. Holders of hotel, rwine atd splirit or billiard room licenses are reminded that lieoonso foes must he pali odt or befalo Thursday next, Deon list. antd that in default of paymoent Wlthlin tIo pIoriod speol. fled the licenses rlapso and hllisinesa carled on under thIoen must cease. Al Muarray coil, '-weighing .18bl., -"was caright in the shallow water atsLake Colao onSunday. 1 It is suppostld to be ono of the survivors of a few that were released In thie Iko about 30 years ago; (Irn Tlursday, Jalistarn. Oit,; hMostrs A B .-ittith and On will shold a speesil loma"e sale at whlh theby will offer, 100 draught and light Irorace, inneld[ng 50 mairbs and foals;forMraMahd : .d SMesars.P. Laarmonil and CO hold their next stock snale at.Castrrton on Thlursday Janiuary13th. Messrs Ynirin Bros bold their neixt stook snletat -.Oastertn on" Thursday ,annuary 13th. TEAS AND DINNFJI it a9 SOhlo, my thine lady,:: ino yos atre all frayed:tn; t'sgalin '. Thrse tels ito one afternoon, A dinner dftsoward, .: :" .; Posalbsy'aa thtsstst partp.'. -- INot'stie k.hrlt jrits uto?f'Nots;L is6;· ~ srit,

Senior-Constable Kane, who has been absent on leave since Thursday last, returns to-morrow, and will resume duty on Saturday morning. In hsl absence Constable Duvenal Is In charge at the Casterton Police Station. 'fhe Church of lnsgland Pressbyter{iad, and Methddist Chdrches will he associ? ated in the estahlisHimenlt of tile Bsindqt School Wiilh hi uo b)? op6noe at Dldn: ibaln on th ilfr t Siitdanjr ihe No4 eopr, arrangopmenti Having been i oade t p?rcvide for.,children of pnrenits. of li three denominations participating in the instructon given., :The Station Master, at Casterton. (Mr OF. F. Sullivan) has called, attention to the fact that :people desiring to go to Portland and return the same evening: will be able to do so to-morrow (Xmas eve) or on the following Friday (New oear's Eve), as the 10.17 a.m. train front funmilton to Portland and the 2.55 p.m. train from Portland to Ararat will bo run on those days though they. are not run on other Fridays. The annual Schools' Excursion to Portland takes place on Saturday. Jannary 8. Particulars are given in our advertising columns in this issue. The Onsterton Auotioneers' otlleee will be closed from to-trlortow (CflTiest iin Eve). till the niornidd of Mondayl JIantuary lr d:' The Bella Vista stock sole, with offeor log ol 200 hood of choice dairy, cows and heiferos takens place on Tuesdy, -January II. Particulars in advertising columns. Tenders for supply of forage far..pohiO horses will boe received up Tuondny, January 11. Readors and advertisers are remlnded that there will Ibe no issue of the *News:" on Mondany next (Booing Day) or on the fIllowing Monday, January :rdl. Thorn will be no stock sales at Casteor ton next Thursday, December :1Oth. hut sales will be resumod on the followting Thursday, January 6th. Tile pupils at the Convent oehoolgive an entertainment at the Castorton iloe chanics' on Wednesday night., Ducembser 29th. Part proceeds are to hI donated to patriotic funds.