Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Wednesday 4 April 1917, page 5

WARJflME JEWELLERJY. WHAT 18 WORN. There are some people who are handling more money since the war than ever before, and for some at least of these people jewels have a great charm and fascination. Colored gems for th epresent time are not the voque, and for this reason as well as the general war-time increase on everything, diamonds are rare and expensive. Good taste demands sobriety in the matter of jewels among women just now. But never has tehre been a time when mementoes and keepsakes have been so popular, and the quaint and unusual are in great demand. There is a great revival of the mascot. Lucky charms are pcrsented to departing soldiers in bushels. Enamel battalion colors form a busy department of business for the present-day Jeweller. These are made up in hte form of clasps, sleeve links, pendants, brooches and rings. The three stone engagement ring is as popular as the five-stone hoop. The wedding ring to-day is narrower than the huge circle of former years. Earrings are little worn, only perhaps the little stud of pearl or coral. AUTUMN FASHIONS. Autumn garments are fashioned of clotn, serges, tricot, gabcord, gabarnine, and velours. The display of faunious really uepends upon the calcilaer, and not on the weather. The tones in general are all subduedsoft mole, dark green, navy, black, browns, russet brown, in checks and tweeds. Many of the new suits show a lack of trimming relying solely upon the smartness of the cut for a successful effect. Skirts show considerable fulness, worked in at the waist line on either hip, and all are so well cut and arranged that it is difficult to discover any hint of bulkiness or clumsy proportions. The general appearance 'they achieve is of slimmer hips and waist' than has been fashionable for" quite a long time. One may notice in some instances the coat trimmed with large, open pockets. made without flaps. They are set fairly close together in the front, and may be finished with the favored row of machine stitching, in some instances thi sstitching continuing right across the front of the coat, forming a kind of yoke effect below the waistline. In other instances very narrow strips of fur of a very smooth pelt may outline the pockets. Many of the new tailored suits have collars and'cuffs of fur. All the additions on coats are to be very much narrower. A novel idea is introduced on some of the tailored suits by having two narrow straps, one set about three-quarters of an inch have the other, doing duty in place of a wide waist belt. Another scheme tg a narrow girdlelike band of the same material as the suit, carried once round the waist, and crossed in front, both ends being securely buttoned under the arms. The idea helps to hold the fullness of the coat under the arms. Tucks may lso be noticed as a trimming for the tailor-mades. One or two tucks are set three or four inches above the hem of the coat, the latter stopping midway between the hip and the knee. This last detail is one of fashion's latest crazes. Stitching is one of the most fashionable trimmings. It may be carried out in silken threads of the same shade as the material. Although there will be many closed-up collars worn, there will be still be just as many open-fronted coats, or one can have a becoming sailor collar that can easily be rolled up if preferred. Some of the new coats are trimmed with one of tho new deep collars of Australian opossum. A great charm is the introduction of the new yoke or panel effects, and these will be very popular. The buckled waistband holding the fulness to the sides adds to the attractiveness of the tailored coat. Novel pocket flaps take tho place of a coat belt, in some instances. The new semi-fitting coat is allied to a basque, The side pleats are held in place by three pocket flaps, they help to define the waist line. Smart velvet cuffs and collars decorate some coats and skirts. A new idea is to show a dark lined abric trimmed with pale lined collars, revers, and fine face clothsoft shades of grey, fawn, blue foi example. A negro-brown costumE was faced with a warm tint of pali fawn or champagne-colored face cloth. Military braid will also play a parn where a suit is in question, as wel as buttons. The pleated skirts lool very well. One'I eaw was of green. grey tone, fully pleated, and aceom panied by a rather loose coat, trim med with very long double pocks flaps on either side. A very daint thre-decker white lawn cellar finish - ed the neck. Buttons trimmed th Sfront of the coat AU'ZVMN HATS. t As regards hats, one of the mo! tlaeamble pants Is the decided t?*d

much og besa to eot maw the the narrow. The moat economloal glove for every-day wear is made of chamois leather. They can be washed frequently, but the must be done carefully. Always wash them in osft soap or soap that has been previously melted. To rub soap on chamois gloves is to ruin them. The water should be lukewarm. Pull the lolves on to the hands and fasten them, and then rub the hands together as though washing them. Don't take them off until finished. Press the soapy water out while still on the hands, and then very carefully draw them off. Do not rinse them, but alter blowing into the fingers button them together and hang over line. Do not peg them. When dry they may feel stiff, but they will regain their natural softness after being drawn gently on to the hands.