Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Friday 8 December 1916, page 8

CALENDAltS FOlt CHIII8TMAS. USEIULb Pi'ESENTti. One can always fall back on calendars when the question of presents is under review. For it really does not matter if more than one goes to a household, because they can be put in the various rooms. Just now, too. when money is scarce there is a good deal less to spend than formerly: so the idea is to see what, can be done in a short space of time, and with very little expense. Tile little book calendars may be had fronm 1/9 a doz. upwards. The smaller sizes are about, 21in. by sin.. ore even less, and with pretty photograph mounts, and pretty pictures, delightful little gifts can be made. The mounts are stiff, so are ideal for the purpose. If you can run to a punch to make the holes for the ribbon for hanging up. so much the better, and the appearance is enhanced. This punch costs about 2/, and will last indefinitely. See that the pictures you are using are artistic-small photographic studies, odd scraps from magazines, postcards, and so on. Cut into circles, ovals, or squares, according to their style. and with thin, but strong glue attach one of these to each card. in whichever position seems -to be best. If the picture is sufficiently large to cover the whole card it will probably be au easy matter to Lind a fairly blank space-say in the sky portion-where the little calendar may be glued. Then the holes must be punched and the ribbon run through and tied, and all is completc. Of course the styles may be varied with the sDhae-it is merely a question of individual caste. For the more elaborate calendars those framed in cretonne are delightfully artistic. These need a sheet of glass and a tablet calendar showing the whole t2 months of the year, some narrow cord (which used to be a penny a yard, but is now three half-pence), and some medium strong cardboard. If the calendar is a card one it will do as it is, provided there is about 2 inches or so margin all round; but if it is merely paper it must be carefully mounted with very fine glue. Glue is generally the best for work of this kind, as it dries immediately. After determining the sige you wish the picture calendar to be, cut the glass the full size, and two pieces of cardboard, one for the front and one for theback. You will also need a piece of wood the length of the back, and the width about two inches at the top, and widening out to three or more at the bade. Remember that the cretonne is not to be Coered. This forim the outnide of the frame. and the glaal dses bebind Itll sal over tb cale?ar. It

the cretonne be fairly dark, it will keep clean for years, and a fresh calendar can be inserted when the other has run out. Measure the size which the dates occupy, and then proceed to, cut a similar sized piece from the centre of the pieces of cardboard, so that a frame is left. Iron carefully suulicient cretonne to cover, and, laying the cardboard frame on this, glue neatly into position. Now cut out tlhe centre, and glue over the Imargin on the wrong side. The frame is now ready to have solme of tthe narrow three half-penny cord sewn round. Cover the back piece with cretonne, and treat the stand in the samlne way. Top-sew the stand In t11t top edge of the back pakrt. and then inakeo holes through both the alek an?t tihe stand iboult two inches from the tIwer edge. Through these holes pass a length of cord, knot it at tie front. and spread out flatly on the black und glue down in order to avoid a lump, leaving sufticient play of the cord to allow the frame to stand upright in the proper fashion. Then sow cord all round the edge. Lay the back flat on the table, put the calendar next, theln the glass, and finally tile front, and proceed to top-sew the two cords together all the way round. The frame is then cos-' plete. Lou can franle all sorts of pie tures in this fashion, and turn theist into calendars, by glueing a small one down the side, or you make the framtj oval, and put it on sideways. Then next year the calendar may be detached and a fresh one put in its place without disturbing tile pictutre at all. ou can also make a spocial place for the little date book by cutting the opening of the frame out bodily, but by leaving in part of Ithe corner, the size of the calendar. The result of your labors you will find surprisingly artistic and pleasing.