Casterton News and the Merino and Sandford Record (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Thursday 26 April 1917, page 3

"Anzac JDay.", WVorld-WlVhe Celebra|tionI. "Anzar Iay" standsl alone and will for ever stanl as that one of our Nalion, al l)ays of Anstralia, which reerord inauignrntion of the grentest glory Ann. tralia Iha ever rereived. It commenm. orates the landing on Gallipoli on April 21, 11115, which stands recorded ae the most mnrrellol mTilitary nchievemenlt on record inm tIe world'~ history, an achieve. ment that in one leap placed Australian sohliers and their New YZeal?nd com. rades at tile very topl among IBritisl or any other men i, arms. "Anzane )ay" was celebrated yesterday at nll Victorian State Schools in MAel ourneand through. the State, as at Gasterlon, no in every other part of the British Emlpire at patriotic gatlherings and in churceh serrices. CEil HlllhATION'l AT CAS'HTIE:T'ON STA'T SUIFOOL. At tile Canterton school, "Altza 1)ny' was celebrated in a litting manner. The pupila from both Iligher Ilementalnry anid ]lementary Schools were eongreg,? ted ill front of the building, where there was a considerale gathering of parents and n itizens. Among those present were:--Orn IPeebles little and Jloss, Ilr Skinner (chairman) "Mr W. A. W. IKell (correspondel) Mearn JI.11. Cnnmpibell, II. S. n'Mlleilln, and T. il. Smith (mlloe hels of tlhe Committee). Ar It. ,letfreyan the remaininig memlber being ollt of town. Private E. ,.h. ayward, a returned soldier and an oldt echolar, wns present, ilso the Casterton' Comlpanly of .eniior atldets. Addreosseswere_ delivered by I)r Skin. ner,COr X.A. Peeblles; 11er F. StillwlIl, Mir T. . Sniith and Plte. Iliiywnrd. : The Honor lloll was themi read by thil Ileal Teacher, tihe !Last IPost" heing sounded by BIngler I. Shipham in honor of the departed heroes. A choice musicnal programme wan rendered by tile schlolnrs under the lealder. ship of ,Miss Cawker, and the.llag wam saluted, the piroceedillng cloing with

three hearty cheers from t r staff on the cnll of Dr Skinner. 3fEr.or·a.r, This I)ay. ,'"Anzao" Day wa ceolebrated in the S,?tt.' BSlools yestetlay, and by chulrcll s?ervice:.