Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 10 December 1875, page 10



Sir,- An article on a fatal case of snake

poisoning, at Swan-hill extracted from the Riverine Herald, appeared in your Friday's issue, commencing—

"In consequence of the importance at-tached to the question of the efficacy of Professor Halford's cure for snake-poisoning by the injection of ammonia, which is at present being considered by the medical profession in Melbourne, we have been at some trouble in ascertaining the circum-

stances connected with the recent fatal case at Swan-hill, in which Mrs. Falconer lost her life, the whole of the facts being obtained from Dr. M'Intyre, who had the case in

charge. Mrs. Falconer, it appears, was bitten at half-past 2 p.m. on 3rd November,

and Dr M'Intyre was in attendance at a quarter-past 4, and after examining the

wound he at once injected 30 minims of ammonia, and also applied it to the wound. At a quarter-past 5 pm. he again injected 30 minims and at 6 p.m. he again injected 30 minims of ammonia. During these opera-tions other stimulants in the shape of brandy were administered."

It is stated that Dr. M'Intyre also used the battery very freely from 6 p.m. of the 3rd of November, to half-past 4 a.m. of the 4th November, at which time Mrs. Falconer complained of the battery being too strong. From this time Dr. M'Intyre states that the patient progressed favourably until 3 p.m. of the 5th November, when a change took place for the worse, clammy sweats having made their appear-ance, when ammonia was again applied, and she revived a little. Ammonia was again used at 4 p.m., but from this time she gradually sank, and quietly passed away a little before 6pm, quite sensible to the last, 50 hours after the arrival of Dr. M'Intyre. Now, in this statement of the facts of the case there is not one word as to the admi-nistering of nourishing food during the inject-ion of ammonia and the administering of other stimulants in the form of brandy, &c., which are as necessary to the support of the body during these operations as the am-monia is to counteract the action of the virus, and unless the body be so supported during that time, when the time arrives that the virus ceases to act, or, in other words, is subdued by the action of the ammonia, then a lethargy so terrible sets in that there is not sufficient vitality in the system to pro-duce the reaction necessary, and the patient gradually sinks and quietly passes away quiet sensible to the last, as described by Dr.

M'Intyre in poor Mrs. Falconer's case, and

others I could name.

I have seen Professor Halford's remedy applied, and that in as startling a case as could possibly be found. I allude to the case of Coutts, of Talbot, who was under the care of Dr. Dowling, of that place.

Coutts waa bitten twice by one of the most deadly of our poison snakes-which snake was full-grown, as was proved by the measurement between the punctures made by the fangs as shown on Coutts's hand — having, therefore, a double dose of poison in his system. About the same time elapsed between being bitten and medical attend-ance as in the case of Mrs. Falconer. The man was quite insensible when the ammonia was injected, and be revived in a most mar-vellous manner, but the relapse was much worse, as he was not only quite insensible, but large lumps were plainly visible on his throat from muscular contraction, and yet, on the ammonia being again injected, he, as it were, "in what appeared but a few seconds," started into life, and said, "I feel all right," and on my asking, him if be felt anything particular about bim, he said I feel as if my toes were going to bust, "burst"

But in the interim of all this he was sup-plied by the kind and enterprising chemist at Talbot with the most nourishing diet at short intervals, consisting of very strong beef tea, and ad interim a glass of brandy with egg broken up. And this was continued not only during the evening but through the night and next day, and yet notwithstanding all the nourishment he had received, the in-fluence of depression was so great that he had great difficulty in shaking it off. And I felt satisfied at the time, and am still of the same opinion, that without the large amount of nourishment that had been administered to him, Coutts's life would not have been worth 50 hours' purchase.

The effect produced in my mind on wit-nessing tbe injection of ammonia in Coutts's case is as vivid as when I saw it, nor will it ever be effaced. Nor are the impressions made in other ways weakened, but are much strengthened. For I do not think that all the ammonia in the world would save life in snake-bite, unsupported by continued supply of tbe most nourishing diet ; nor would the most nourishing diet have any effect without the aid of ammonia to counteract the action of the virus : but both used very generously would, I think, counteract the effect of the

most dangerous snake-bite in the colony.

I trust, Sir, you will pardon my trespassing so far on your space. Nor should I, but from full conviction of the very great value of

Professor Halford's remedy. Nor should I like to see it stamped out, or in any way impeded, by the mistakes of a medical man or any one else, which must be my only apology for troubling you now.— I am, &c,