Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Wednesday 23 December 1914, page 2

WITH L. i;t;ti 1i INCOIrPOrATED "TI'? :'.1 :/.. 1 OJS..7 21.].? WEDNESPDAY, 23rd DIECEMBEBR. The Christmas season is now almost with us, but unfortunately the joy with which the whole of the civilized world always looks forward to this fes tival day will, this year, give place to gloom to millions of people. When we enter upon the day which celebrates the birth of the Prince of P'eace, many of the nations of the world will be engaged in deadly warfare. In place of men and women bei;ng able to send forth the greeting of "peace on earth; good will toward Imen," there will be the gloom of the cannon, the snapping of the Inachine gun, the clashing of swords anll the thrust of thle bayonet. Instead of goodwill there will be bitter emmity. Thoughts of peace will give place to a longing for carnage. Away in the field of battle tens of thousands of men may let their minds wander back to mlany a hlappy Christmas spent in the past in the home circle, when joy had banished all cares, but they will on this occasion be faced with the nerve racking torment of battle. Instead of the fireside they will be out in the piercing cold, in sodden trenches, and ever on the alert to make or repulse anll attack. And then behind the grimness of the actual battlefield, there is the awful desolation which the armies leave behind theml. Homes destroyed, relatives killed, and little children starving. Vt would, under the sad circumstances, be out of place to talk too much of a merry Christmas, for whilst many countries are so far free from the scourge of war. still everyone, with a heart capable of pity, must think of the sorrow and suffering which will be the lot of millions of people during the Christmas season lut we can look with pride on the feats of arms of the Allies We can read with pleasure of the wayin which the British army has upheld its glorious tradilions, and take heart from the fact that Australia is giving freely of her sons in the defence of the Eumpire. We can renmmber that the forces of civilization are arrayed against those of barbarism, that the powers of justice are being pitted against those of a pitiless despotism. We have reason to hope that out of this season of deepest trial, of cruel warfare and of untold suffering, there will come a day when the world will be assured of years of peace, when not so much consideration will be given to weapons of warfare, but the thoughts of mankind will be turned more and more to improving the conditions under which so many people have to live. The Premiier moved the second readingof the Income Tax Bill. The bill provided for the increases over £500 stated in the udget Speech.. It further allowed a deduction of the amount pail for the Federal land tax, and contribulltions under the Workmen's (Cmpensationr Act. The' rates were:IPersonal lexei tiolin not exceeding £500, .I. ii, the i personal not exprtion £h1000, 5d in the £; personal exertion not exceeding- £1500. Gd in the £. Tr'i';(Inal exertion abovet 1500. 7(d in il' £. .Propertyinot exc'iolding £500. ld in the'l ; property not exceedinig CL 01)11. 101 in the £; p roerty not exeiiihing 1500(1, 1! ill tie t; prnpertyIhove £1500. 112 in th £ The inr"reases i na' alI in ini llme' above 5000. T'lhis s is to provide tile reiviymini of il,. mnn.y h1 orrwmed this "e':r. 'lTh'l' estirn;uti ,l r 'ivinj ' for tile incra·sid tx ws. a I!!1. '100.)0) : !I1( . 'l "_'(.i , l!)1 17. L'l:Ml .10. : 1918, tlh total cname from ilcomli.s of £1501 nd over,