Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Monday 25 May 1914, page 6

BU5'SINESS NOTICES. Wihat about that Present? " WHY NOT GET IT N'OW? WE'RE HERE READY TO SERVE YOU, A&ND SERVE YOU 1wELL. READY TO GIVE YOU SATISFACTION RIGHT UP TO THE HILT. Watch and Jewel'ry - epairs a :ape:iality E. Herbo rt_ Lewis, Watchi:nker, je".tiler, and , .('ptician. TREASURE HOUSE, NEAR? POST OFFICE. COLAC. PHONE 152. DAIRY VIEN ! Why waste time tu ind mo:,ey by 1).richi.'g with J~Ais or Oi when SKLC' kErs'; Mt.A? T I 'R NC;H Will Give 1,000 i',." Cent Better Results. W~HnIY NOT TIY THEM AND- MAKE SURE OF SUCCESS. Tacking Point, Port Macquarie, N.S.W. May 5th, 1914. The Manager, Dear $ir.--iili y-u kiLdly forward ' doz. of your "Drenches" pir r turn. as a fter once using them with such satisfactory results 1 do nou care to be without them. Thanking you in anticipation, Yours truly. (Signed) (Mrs) A. E. GLEN. Singie l'ackut= ~b/ per duz., ironm Stores, Chemists and Produce Merchants. ESLL' by M.scrs Thursfield. Colac; Black, Camperdown; Jolly & Simpson, Lirregurra; Morrell & Burnett,; Boylan, Cororooke. JRUCKE, TOMPSITT & Co., Victorian Agents.

Give Your ChiUd's';.o d Immediate - t~rnti .' There is probably nothing harder on a child's constitution than a cold or hacking cough. 31an? ch Idren have a series of these cu:i,:aints throughout the winttr, with hardly an interval of rest bet'. e'n. At such a time THURSFi&{.D'.s B-.SAMI SYRUP .. rsr. A few doses will 1 bre up the most stubborn -, j, _tihe the irritation in the throat, and take that "tight'" S:awucay flrin across the cis*rt. But this is not all L'..L .l\A'.ti STYRUI' s:r ..ithens the bronchial tubes .. iarit! the cild against bti : a r'adtLLl tillic to coughs ::; co!ds. I: T ' c1h" Vhy neot purchase a bIut o-day? It wrill ensure .ci s*:c., fur our chid tu-n?g:t, at. al:oW you to get your proper Bottle--l,. i.1; t and 2/. :V. Thursfied, Nlurr y street, Colac. - -, I - ;I NT ASTERS, STOCKS, PANSIES, " E L all FLOWER and VEGETABLE ',1 hIr.y )ld cli'itatte FIUL'IT TI, !S-, Itos l'lants. Shrubs. Etc., ?.- -vi orosl-l\y when trans:;lanted to i ei!,.-r districts. . 1.f :i i:S > iand ILANTS are cl, on: IIONO:L. TRY THEM. .1: rorders d.ivered FltEI' GHE IA1: to any Railway Station. -AT.xL ,GUES 1 ItFEE on apilic.' tcn. George S?mith, ;tJd :d Plant Me chan, Ballarat. Established 1S64. Furniture Notice. ALWAYS GO TO J . Jo nsttnl and Cc ALK IN ANtINaS'dCT. i1.; UP 'PHONE GG. :, ",W HERE iWILL YOU SEl A1 LARGERl SELE C(I1ON. SONE l ILL GIVE YOU lETITEII VALUES. '::wd H.,u i Furnishers knon tiat i y consulting us, they will get the t for thieir huore, because we have inade it our crowning achievements t. exactly tit the requireInents of A ustralian Households. .e set BEST VALUE, finest timber, made by white la.bor; Carpets and i.: oleumus, la .e variety for selection. .. pay the freight on all cash orders ; -aiuu on our different articles. .: ,EBALDL?.-Striking Designs and siplendidly built, contains three levelled mirrors, two drawers, two doors Wire Cosches. Bedsteads, leda and Bedding. Call and Sea our Lino l:uum. Call and Inspect. J. BLANE. BOOKSELLER. STATIONER, and NEWS AGENT. MURRAY STREET WEST, COLAC. HIGH-CLASS PLATE and LEATHER GOODS.

PEG G'S STrATIO7NER & FAN .Y GOOD3 Be loyal tD the Eimire by wearing one of our Empire Badges-id- each. Secure your Decorations and Badges at once. "THE CORNER" NEWS AGENCY. J. F. Parkinson, Will forward Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, from the Printing Presses of the World, to any address. Inspect our Stock of The Latels, Novels, Leather Goods, Stationery, Plate, and Antimony Ware. Toys, and Fancy Goods. J. F. PARKINSON. STATIONER, NEWS AGENT, Etc., TH OR CORNER. MURRAYT TREET.

FOR SALE. CHOICE ONION SEED FOR SALE. BIrown Spanish. R. HAIlk'NEY, Beeac. FOR SALIt. i Improved Tip and Farm Dray combined (new).1 1 Milk W\\'aggon (new), 3 Gtg (new), Siingle and one Double Seated Buggy. L. QUINTON, Western Coach Works, Colac. F A R ýM S. 1O': PRIVATE SALE.--On very e a 'l r: . llp to as y ars, Six Ex- "., , . av,--r,.. g abi',zt >0 5,: , arii \ rlini a fle 'of a raiv.'a. :.t'Ier" part v,[ the land is a very rch , . vil Fiat, splendidly drained, S,;,u fur pruducig heavy crops of p', a:tves. Iideal rye grass and" clover . Eciich farin has-I banks formi:ng- .*,* i ,l fr farin hoiulleteads. .n-s-.aubt t £20 to £22 per acre. Inspection invited. THO.JIAS BAKEIR, "Corunnun," Colac.

L AND FOR PRIVATE SALE. Many Fine FARMS in several parts o"f Victoria including several in the t'o:ac du:eric:, oath in the vo:canic are.t and outside of it. Some of :them w,:h up-'o-da:e Dairy Homesteads. Une spelciaily cheap I`ARM11 of 2=9 ar 1s4, hlg3li)y iilmpruove, near a rilw ay S.... S, l t cu .ul, £6 per acre. May tline pruperties in New South ,'.. in the wh'i:t growing areas as .: as in the un:ry dist-ices, ir:clud- uoe .tec:aiiy cheal Dairy Farm of .:r t, acres, all very prime river :.p.:t, a pic:uresque paddock on the baliiS of tile homestead; £10 per e-, o:. Gover nment terms. Pump. ;.lant for irrigation included. ji.t'y it:ie money required down. THOS. BAKER, "Corunnan,'" Colac. 0 o R S A L E. HP LDI)LES, in any quantity. Apply SILLIA Ml. LEE, Builder, Gellibrand reet, Colac. F O R S A L E. G00 TONS FIREWOOD (Gam, ,r Bale on the Ground. W. R. EDGAR, Co. Verf C(la' 110 oR SALE. Fir,:wood, Wire Posts and Strainers: :bout 1000 tons, '' ft. and 4 ft. Apply +' Arthur Hurst, Murroon.

--TIES FOR PR!VAT! SALE - &i. .Ui• , a. u, L ,R ,| U ;i-.cui,mcd Cottage, with stable, shed, etc.; wate*r laid on; 66 feet to i.uii ~Streut by a depth of 165 feu:. l treiC is'_. ..-liu,.v,;cd lW.b. Cottage, fitle large L , l ranuath, guud position, in -" z;_ l , re l. ri c, £47 . .-,?'uvoa.c". 11 .1-. Cut:?aeo c:ntrally situtt ,, l Ht?,e SLre't, i420. l:uHi' ueu ;::1ts Houuse, with stable S u? ,iu? i llut s:, I acre land, ec li g itable gearan; ,aud '\"i 5-i'iuJnd W.B. Cottage, Lu .. frV:i:magU to Clai\ert Street, : iy. e t: :ntally situat?td. rice £4sU. :I x l, feet to Dennis Street. £125. tGOR SALE. FOR SALE. 5 <kpu.sit, balance as rent, for 5roo::-,u cottage..50 .50 deposit and £12 10s per quarter for 6-roomed house; all conveniences. 'i deposit and £1 per month for few blocks of land in Haberfield subdivision. Fire, Accidents, and Workmen's tompensation Insurance in the Mercautile Mutual Company. Life Assuranc s effected in the A.M !' Society . . . IVAN R. FORBES, Mercantile Chambers, 1.I. 134. G. S. CONNOR, i.;b:CiRONEE1., COMMISSION A FINANCE AGENT. Manners-iut eon street, Colac. .and Sales conducted in any part toe district. Segular Auction Sales of Horses, ,rniture, Fowls, and General Farm reduce every Thursday. :iole agent for the Eclipse Potato igger; United Insurance Co.; U*i*r:?l: Mbeer. !'i:YOU DRESSY MEN: , We have just opened per S.S. "Demosthenes," 2 cases of WOODROW'S HATS and CAPS, In all the most up-to-date shapes and colors, rough and smooth felts. Call in and inspect; we will be pleased to show them to 'you. District Agent for Woodrow's. We have also opened per 6.6. "Otranto" 25 pairs only MEN'S TWIST RIDING TROUSERS. Strapped Chamois Leather-a really splendid line-19d pair. WILL C. SYDENHAM. THE MEN'S CLOTHING STORE, MURRAY STREET. COLAr N o T I C E TRESPASSERS with Dogs or Guns on our Property at Irrewarra after this date will be prosecuted. CCALVERT BROS., Irrewarra. April 54th. 114.

BUSINESS NOTICES. INSIST. ON HAV~-? . G HATS IAVING ONCE WORN A WOODROW YOU WILL WEAR NO OTHE:. CYCLES. CYCLES. CYCLES. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. Have your NEW CYCLE BUILT LOCALLY. We build to your own order, and are here on the spot to back up our guarantee. AUSTRAL B.S.A. CYCLES, .. £12/10/. CYCLONE CYCLES ....... £8/10/. JUVENILE CYCLES .. .. .. £7/010. Guaranteed 2 years. We have a Fine Assortmnent of SECOND-HAND CYCLES, all renovated as new; culuprising Massjs, Singers, Swifts. B.S.A., at from £4 to £6. Over 20 to choose f.rom. A ,r one of them a real bar;ain. AGENTS FOR' DUNLOP MOTOR TYRES. All car sizes kept in stock. ELECTRIC CCCLE A MOTOR CYCLE LAMPS. The Latest Novelty. Vulcanizing and Repairing Motor Tyres a Speciality. Cycle and Motor Repairs of all descriptions promptly and efficiently carried out. We carry a large stock of Petrol. Oil, and all Cycle and Motor ReQualsitlles. Burns and Short, AUSTRAL CYCLE WO l\, and .'iOTOR GARAGE. MURRAY STLREET, CULAC (opposite Post office). Tel. 170. ALFA LAVAL SEPARATORS THE FARMERS' FAVORITES. Stiii on Top. L.K.G. MILKING MIACHINES Mitchell's Ploughs and Drills. Pail or Re!oaser System. Admitted the Best. FELIX - MOTOR ENCINES Wood's Reaper and Binder Simplest and Best. Strongest and Surest. AND Pttlit Field and Drive Gates. ALL DAIRY REQUISITES. AND ALL FARM MACHINERY.

anal To Let. I l!IrnrftQJ fi· 4(1 kinds Effcted.

Plums Worthi Picking -aT-Wv. R. EDGAR'S MURRAY ST., COLAC. CENTRAL SHOW ROOMS. Phone No.'s 18 and 139.

rlmorica's Best-Maxwell & Hupmo-I bile Motor Cars. The TYRES that save:--CONTIN-' ENTAL. All sizes stooked and repairs executed.

:r?o!r Grags anRd Re alr Wcrks, 411 Repairs Guaranteed. Reliable Motor Carn for Hire. Livery stablos and Horse Bazlar. Horsee, Bugpiem, and Drags for Hire. Trains met by appnintnment. Special Wedding Conveyanoee.

Railway and Gener"' Carriers. Furniture Stored or Riemoved to any part of the State. Auent for: Orient Line R.M.S. Steamers. R. and J. Edgar's Mantels, Etoves, and Grates.

W. R. EDGAR._. (RNTIAT BROW PO lMg. MITZRAY ST., TE ARO. LINOS, CARPETS, CURTAINS. PICTURES, and every Description of HIGH-CLASS FURNISHINGS for 1914. ROBT. MILLER. ART FURNISIIEIt and PICTURE FRAMER. (Late of J. G. Johnstone & Co.) AUSTRALI AN-AD E BL ANKIETS WE PAY CARRIAGE TO YOUR NEAREST RAILWAY STATION OR POST OFFICE. Single Bed Size (wool and cotton), measuremez', 52 x 72 inches; weight, 4 lb. Price, 13/S. Medium-size, for three-quarter bed (wool ald cotton), measurement 66 x 80 inches, weight 5lbh. Price, 20/6. Double Bed Size (wool and cotton), measurement 70 x 84 inches, weight 6C'i lb. Price, 22/6. Large Double Bed Size (wool and cotton), measurement 72 x 90 inches, weight 7 lb. Price, 23/6. Double Bed Size (guaranteed all wool), measurement 72 x 90 inches, weight 7 lb. Price, 30/6. Our TERMS are CASH ONLY, and Money Refunded if you are not pleased. Creer, the Cash man, DRAPERY ARCADE, MURRAY STREET, COLAC. THE IMA?ME is voU OCUARANTEE When purchasing a Polish for your Linoleums and Furniture, thbe name " SHI-NOLU iM " on the tin Is your guarantee of seatlsfaction. SHI.NOLEUM gives the richest `-., and most durable finlish to all Floors, Wood-work and Furnlture; It is made from the S btst and most expensive waxes 'j -whlch makes one tin last as long as three of the old-fashic r! loned watery oreams, j-'i O BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Every genuine tin the ame - orn the top and bottom.

BUSINESS NOTICES. Dear Sir,---- -It may interest you to know that after TWO YEARS' service, travelling 11,000 miles, my FORD Car was taken down and not a single bearing could be takeInup. In that distance I used 114 tins of -Benzine, averagidg over 24 miles per gallon (over iibush tracks); and less than 20 gallons of oil. In the whole of which distance I got but ONE . puncture. The second set is wearing as well as the first. th r t. Yours faithfully, (Signed) A. L. JOHNSON, Town Clerk and Borough Surveyor. SEND TO-DAY FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG AND ARRANGE FOR TRIAL RUN. EDMOND L. WHITCROIT, !Ii nMURRAY STREET, COLAC. BANG i BANG! BANG t SHOOTING SEASON 1l04. ; ; , . , . A FEW PRICES. D.B.z?.L. Guns, with cross bolt, £2121, S.B.i.L. Guns, with Patent Ejector, 22L6. D.B.B.L. Guns, by Isaac Hollis, with cross bolt, £5/101,. We import direct Guns by Hollis, Holloway, Bonehill, Harrington, and we guarantee every gun at under Melbourne Price. CARTRIDGES. As usual we are unboataable. Black P'owder, 6/6 per 100. Smokeless Powder, 813 per 100. Special Match and Duck Cartrid gos freshly loaded, always on hand Black Cartridges 7/ per 100. Smokeless Cartridges 8/9 per 100 ( a I esI B the Iho l ua gers.

Gane Milking Wi achine hile L j1iiA?1 A i . . t ! 'Australasi. The main Points are. NO MILK TO HANDLE--goes straight to Separator. Can be fitted to any make of machines. Cups are quick and clean milkers. Pulsator requires no belt to drive it. It is everlasting and gives a good pulsation, causing a good release; also gives an atmospheric pressure at same time suction tikes place, thereby not necessat;ng a high vacuum. See waht the users say:"We wish to state, in answer to your enquiries 'e GANE MILKING PLANT, that our plants have given us every satisfaction. The Machines milk well with no injury to the cows. The reienasor is very simple and easy to keep cleanu, taking very little time--only sucking water through, and occasionally putting brush through. The pulsator gives no trouble from start to finish. We cannot see anything about it to go wrong. In tact, we are satisfied and can recommend it to any intending purchasers. Signed, James M'Kenzie, jun., R. M. M'Konzie. Warrion; M. tI. Morris, Cororooke; George C. Nelson, Noorat, Peter Stokie, Beeac; P. J. M.urnane, Gerangamete; R. Milne, Cororooke; Phillip Callahan, Barwon Downs; A. and E. Middleton, Cororooke; John Darmody, P. Westwood, Colac. and more to follow. F & CO., Machinery Dept,., Colao. W. FLEMING. Western District Representative. Address: Colac. COLUMBIA Buy a Gramophone and make your COLI Grarnophon :: Home harmoniously happy at Xmas. - . The "Columbia" from £31101 to £35. ; The "Premier" from £4 upwards. The 'Rexophone' from £3/101 upwards. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY at J. DONALD DICKSON'S, WATCHMAKER, JEWEL LER and OPTICIAN. (Opposite Bilsone')' GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND R. HARRISON, MU?FRRAY STREET, COLAC. Only Goods of First Rate, Quality Stockled. . -Try our Special Blend of Tea, at 1s 3d per ib We invite inspection of our Crockery and :Glasswar,

bUSINESS NOTICES. Stronr's Red Flag Shoe SaleSAILS MERRiLY ON. BOOTS and SHOES FURTHER REDUCED for TWO WVEEKS ONLY. GLANCE AT THESE PRICES. Men's Tan Willow Calf Bals., splendid value, were 12/9; now 8/11. Ladies' Glace Kid Shoes, patent caps We guarantee them. Sale price 6/6. Men's GLnce Kid Bals., patent caps, made on the latest last, were 13/6. We surprise ourselves, 11/6 Ladies Glace Shoe, patent caps, pump soles, were 9/6. For the next two weeks, 6/11. Men's Strong Watertights, solid leather throughout, nailed or sprigged, Your last opportunity to secure a pair at this price, 8/11. Ladies' Glace Kid Lace Boots, Cuban heels, neat patent caps, were 10/6, While the Red Flags flutter, 8/6. -z I EVERY LINE REDUCED. Strong's, COLAC'S LIVELY SHOEMEd, WILL. WHEN Manage ,r. Phone 100. SHE IS AFLOAT. a .e Motor Launch "PROGRESS." "cnie. pleasure, Fishing and Moonlight Excursions on the Lake. The "PROGRESS" has been passed ',y the Marine Board of Victoria as a seaworthy boat, and licensed to .,-. forty passengers. She is fitted ith a 10 h.p.- Motor Engine, and will ,, the fastest boat'ever run on the T.?e. The prices for a 16-.mile run will ,,._ -Adults, Is; Children, 6d. Half Price ev'rY Saturday. Free runs on the 19th and 20th Feb.. ary, from 2 to 9 o'clock. ?ropriotor, HANS FISCHER. Prie sdldroeS. Orient flonse. 110LAC AERATED WATERS & CORDIAL MANUFACTORY. GEORGE WILMOT. Manners-Sutton Street, Colac. Desires to thank his numerous i iends throughout the Colac Distixet for the Royal Support accorded ul:n, extending over a period of 35 years, and trusts that by strict atteation to business, and endeavorinr to keep pace with the times, to wu.rit a continuance of that confidence. The following commodities are manufactured and will be delivered t_ any part oLfthDisrict. Lime Juice Champagne -Syphone Limnerick Champagne Hop Ale .ursapuarilla txtract Ginger Ale. Urange Champagne Lemonade br;it Champagne Soda Water uta Champagne lHop l3 lters Wioger Champagne Ginger beer d:aipberry Vinegar Litha Water Lmie Juice antid ods lUnerry Llder Lemon Syrup FepperumI Claret Cup ahanay kiali Laime J uice Cordial Ginger Otout Lazoon equash Sarsaparilla _iot ' Tom UCioves Aushroom Catsup Glass Bottles FRUIT JELLIEI. .. it irom rurt, a most deiblucuu .itpouid, tried by exuerts in Melbourne, and pronounced the best procurable, either colonial or imported. The tdimple Directions for use-2lace the contents of the packmetal). Pour over it one pint ot boiling water; stir until dissolveO. klace the jelly in a we? mould, anti. wili be rveAdy for usae. SUPPORT LOCAL lhDUdltai' . and: GELLIBRANID STREET. Begs to Notify the Public of Colac and District that he has taken over the busines of GEO. GALLOP & CO., and hopes by honest work and fair charges to merit and receive the support accorded the firm. The Business will be carried on under the management of Mr W. J. SPOVWART, who is experienced in all branches of the trade. Vehicles of all descriptions made to order. A. trial sollcited. L. QUINTON, WESTER N CsACH WORKI. Printed and Published by JOINWOODS, for the proprietors, 1. Woods and Company, Murrey St., oloao. Viasgthd