Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Wednesday 1 April 1914, page 3


AUTUM1N AN!D WvINTER COLORS. The variable weather does not suit those who cater for the public taste, because with seasons running into one another, as they have done lately. there is always danger of new fashions being neglected. However. it seems certain that autumn, and presently winter modes will have to be followed. Color will predominate everywhere, and among the many shades none will be more popular than brown. We shall have all tones of brown, nutbrown, cinnamon, leather brown. fawn. mordore or golden bronze (this is a warm mellow tint, bordering somwehat on chestnut) and nattier. In blue. Persion and Chinese shades promise to be the mostpopular. But the autumn tints are by no means to be confined to brown and blue; must more vivid coloring is to be seen. Purples and crimsons, orange, yellow citron, and, to be absolutely up-todate, the new tango which is a cross between flame and tangerine. Alter this, it is somewhat of a relief to learn, on the authority of a French expert, that black and white will be all the rage later on. The fancy for striped and tartan velvets as trimmings is very noticeable. though. of course, a whole costume would be altogether too loud. R.oman striped ribbons are also being used grealty to ornament gowns. The colors include all the new bright tones glaringly blended such as navy with tango or emerald, sherry with white or prunella, white with orange, tango flamed with black and sate with white. TIGHT SKIRT GOING OUT. We still have with us the skirt that is painfully tight, but gradually commonsense is asserting itself again. .lowly but none the less surely, with a few pleats here and a fold or two there, the greater width is gradually being added. In many of the latest tailor-made skirts for travelling, the side seams are opened up for some distance above the hem, and are arranged with practical buttons and buttonholes, so that they can leave absolute freedom of movement to the wearer. Queer semi-barrel skirts and draped skirts go on their way rejoicing. In really skilful hands the new draperies can easily be arranged in such a way that they emphasise the good points of the figure, and conceal every short coming in the most wonderful manner. -,4,le the actualabhrics themselves_ gain considerably in charm from those A-lightful effects from light and shade which are very seldom seen when the skirt show only an unbroken line from waist to feet NEW STTLES IN CORSETS. The corset will play at least as important a part in the new season's outitt as it has ever done. The latest shapes have a perfect harmony of line. and comfort is the happy conbination of all. All the stiff and uncomfortable angles have been done away with, and among the very latest models are the two-boned corsets in white with a swede finish. What bones are used are few and wide, and t-y means of a good deal of study are now placed in exactly the position they should occupy. The corsets this season are very long, even it would seem to the verge of exaggeration. When filled to the figure, there is no pressure at the waist whatever. Leading doctors have lately declared that the long straight corset is quite the beat from the health point of view, so that the new styles have the merit not vnly or improving the figure and giving comfort to the wearer, but also of meeting with the approval of the medico. HATS AND THEIRI TII3IMIIýNGS. Some of the new hats of the season are showing great exaggeration in the height of their trimmings. In some cases the crowns are composed of immensely high folds of velvet or silk, which tower above the narrow brim. To some faces these high folds prove becoming enough, but others are dwarfed into insignificance, while the all black hat is still a favorite, brighter colors are also in demand. There is a fashion that may meet with favor among many girls. This is to have the crown of the hat made of satin in a shade matching the coat and skirt, but to keep the brim of black velvet These hats fit well on to the head and are delightful. Some times the brim has a deep cleft in it at the left side just above the ear, and is slightly lower at the right side. Only a little of the hair shows on the temples and by the ears. Often enough there is no trimming whatever on the hat beyond the satin crown; so close fitting and compact is the shape that no hatpins are required to fasten it down. FASHIONS 1i HAIR DRESSING. New astyles in hair dressing include the abandonment of the fringe and the substitution of the little flat curls which used to be worn years ago to decorate the temples and forehead. Only one or at most two of these curls are used now however, enough to b~reak the monotony of the hair-line, from which the tresses are brushed right upwards, so that the forehead is1 left absolutely revealed. Jewellery for hair dressing is coming more into general use. The horse-shoe headed pin is a great favorite. set with stone and mounted on tortoise prongs. TWO USEFUL WRINKLES. While on the topic of-the hair it may be useful to some readers to have a tip given by a ladies' hair-dresser. Many people dread washing because it looks so dull and lifeless for days afterwards. This hairdresser simply adrised rinsing the hair in water in which camomile flowers had been steeped. Those who have tried this say that it makes the hair beautifully soft and glossy. Sometimes it is not always convenient to wash one's hair when it needs it, and in these cases a dry shampoo will be found most satisfactory. rowdered orais-root should be. shaken over the hair at night, and then brushed out very thoronughly in the morning. This cleans the hair beautifully and a small quantity is enough for several shampoos. A great thing to remember Is that a clean 6rush must be used for the brushing out CARE OF THE HANDS. The simplest and best way of keeping bands s nalls in good order is to use a lemon. Half one and insert the flngcrs, turning round and round i nthe pulp. This will tend to prevent the skins growing up round the nails, rind hiding the white crescent. After washing the handn well in warm water and soap the skins surrounding the rails tho,'ld be Iushed down by means .t onf's fingers. or tnttcr etill, by a blunt bone instrumcnts supplied for the purlpose. t:l.ulair polishing w!.h tie chPu.:e le~thcr and powder provilv'iJ :n the little manicure sets will raka a wItdarfiz dilterenca in the ap

pearance of the hands. f the nails are brittle rub into them every night just a vety 'Pttle olive oil or cold cream. It is an excellent remedy. TO LIGHTEN DRUDGERY. Dishwashing is the monotonous grind which tries a woman's soul. Here is how a bright American woman got the better of it. -To give her own words: "I purchased a wire basket to set beside the dish pan and had bars of strong wire placed right across it, so that plates could be held upright to drain. I used boiling water in abundance, a soap shaker, and a hard brush to polish off the sink with a good cleansIng powder when the dishes are finished. I moved my dresser near the sink. I wipe the dishes and put them away with one motion of the annrm. This saves muscle." IN CASE OF COLD. Some people always get breakings out round the lips whenever they have a bad cold in the head. The simplest way to overcome this is to smear vasaeline all round the nose and lips at night as soon as there is even a suspicion of a cold, and to do it every night till the discharge from the nose has practically ceased. This is an excellent plan and keeps the skin beautifully soft through even the worst cold. , HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To preserve the polish on pianos first wipe over the woodwork with a soft piece of flannel wrung out in warm water, with a little good soap; dry well. Then wipe over again with a little salad oil, and polish lightly; lastly use a little furniture polish which should be rubbed in lightly and briskly. This should be done about once a week. PREVENTION OF WASTE. "Waste not, want not" is a motto of deep significance. Economics teach us that waste of any kind is unnecessary. and what is more. culpable. Nature teaches us that lesson. A good housewife inspects her pantry every morning before ordering the meals for the day, and left-overs are never permnitted to remain and spoiL Everything left over should be put on, or into, a clean dish or basin and covered. A meat safe ought to be found in every pantry. If not, wire covers, or thin muslin should be used as a protection. Meat left to get cold in the gravy tecomes "soppy." Safes require scrubbing with soda, soap, and hot water, several time during the week if they are to be kept sweet and wholasome, and the flooL. of pantires washing daily with hot water and soap with a little permanganate of potash thrown' in. Absolute cleanliness in .lahces where food is kept is essentia. All :anned fouos should be turned out xf,er opening and used as spee?tiy .*s possible: the same day, in fact, or the ,ext day, but no longer. THE USES OF SALT. Salt is almost as useful in the housenold as the hairpin. For example, ,f the teacups are discolored, a rubuing with salt will remove all the :tuin. Salt cleans decanters, frying ,cans and irons, while if you add a .ittle to starch it prevents the irons ;ticking to the garments. A table;poon of salt added to kerosepe when filling lamps will make them give a brighter light. To remove ink spilt oli linen clothes cover the stains with salt and llilk, continuing until the marks disappear. Wicker furniture scrubbed with salt and water (no soup) will look as fresh and nice as when new. A lump or salt kept in the kitchen sink will keep the drain pipe clean and wholesonte. :For a gargle, salt is excull.utL A bag of hot salt often relieves toothache and salt water is good for strengthening the gums.