Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Wednesday 1 April 1914, page 3

Useful Recipes. MAYONNAISE SALAD DRESSING. Blend together the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, a smlf teaspoonful of mustard, two dessert spoonfulls of sugar, a little salt and cayenne. When mixed to a smooth paste add one dessert spoonful of oil (if liked), three or four table-spoonfuls of vinegar, and the same quantity of cream or condensed milk. Strain ready for use. This is good for 24 hours if kept in a cool place. IEEF AND TONGUE GELATINE. Ingredients: 3 lb brisket of beef, 1 calfs tongue, glaze. Method: Remove the bones from the brisket, place the tongues on the beef, and roll up together. Secure with tapes and skewers, and boil gently for three hours. Press, and allow to cool, and glaze with brown glaze. Garnish with water cress and serve with salad. It a prop4'r meat press is not at hand place the joint in basin -and cover with grease-proof paper, on which stand thie fiat irons. PIGEON PIE. Ingredients: 3 or 4 pigeons, r lb bacon, salt and pepper, % lb steak. Method: Cut each pigeon into two portions, also cut up the bacon and ?-eef into pieces. Place all in a stewpan, well seasoned, and cook for one Lnd a half hours. Place in a pie-dish, and allow to cool before covering with pastry. Bake in a hot oven for three'Luarters of an hour, and serve cold with salad. All meat pies must have a hole left in the pastry to allow the gases to escape. HO31E-M1ADE I'ICKLES FOR MEATS. Ingredients: 1 gallon water, 1 '/ lb salt. 2 oz. treacle, % lb sugar. % oz saltpetre. Method: Place all. In a saucepan. and bring to boiling point. Simmer for a few minutes, skim, and allow to get quite cold. Place this in an earthenware vessel, and put into it any meats for pickling. The Joints should be turned each day, and left for five or six days. The brine may be used more than once, but should be re-boiled before putting in fresh joints. SPICE CAKES. These are very cheap little buns. and very delicious. But they should oe eaten while fairly new. Reuire: I ozs. hour, 2 oza. butter, I egg, 3 ozs castor sugar, 2, teaspoon'ul baking powder, 1 teaspoonful of nixed powdered spice, 1 teaspoonful >f golden syrup. Cream the butter and sugar. Beat Lud add the egg. Mix the flour, spice mnd baking powder. Add these lighty, and the syrup. If very stiff, warm he latter. 'Well grease some small lns, fill them about two-thirds full of Lhe mtlxur and bake them tin a mod

orate oven for about fifteen minutes. Dust with castor or icing sugar after turning them out. SAVORY BISCUITS. Prepared beforehand, only needed heating at the last minute. Required: About 8 unsweetened biscuits of any kind, 1 oz butter: about 4 teaspoonful of jnade mustard, 4 tablespoons of grated cheese. Put 2 teaspoonfuls of grated cheese on one side, and the rest in a basin with the butter and mustard; work together with a wooden spoon. Season and spread a layer on each biscult. Place on a baking tin in the oven until hot through and colored nicely. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of each and serve. A PANADA. "Doubtful" asks what is a panada, and how she can make fish crouquettes A. A panada is not a sauce. It is a thickening mixture. Take, for instance, an ounce of butter and an ounce of flour. Melt the butter in a clean enamel pan, add the same weight of butter and about four tablespoonfuls of milk, and cook this, stirring al the time to keep it free from lumps, until it is a smooth, stiff paste, which clings to the spoon and will lift from the pan, leaving the bottom quite clean. The recipe for croquettes which you ask for will illustrate this point well. Make the above panada. Have ready 6 oz. of cooked fish, free from skin and bone, and broken into quite small pieces. Season the panada, by the way, as you make it, with a sprinkling of pepper and salt and mace, a drop of anchovy essence, and a little lemon juice. Mix the fish with it, and turn the whole out on to a plate, and allow it to cool a little. Then form it into rolls about the size of a big cork. Egg and crumb these, and free in deep fat. Do not have the mixture too soft. Only practice will teach the exact consistency. A RICE CAKE. Mother asks how to make a good rice cake. A. Cream a '/ lb of butter with same quantity of sifted sugar, add the yolks of two eggs, one at a time, beating each in turn thoroughly. Add 3 oz. fine flour, which should be dry and sifted and have mixed with it 2 oz. of ground rice, a good teaspoonful of baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Beat carefully, so that all is thoroughly blended, then add the white of an egg beaten to a stiff froth,. to which should be added 8 drops of esesnce of vanilla. Beat all thoroughly, and if too stiff add a little milk. Well butter a shallow cake-tin, and cake in a moderate oven for threequarters of an hour.