Casterton News and the Merino and Sandford Record (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), Monday 23 December 1918, page 2

t'rinted Monday and Thursday Evenings. MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1918. " Peace on Earth." "Goodwill to Men." CHIIIS.TM??S.Ti', with its joyous message is once again upon us, The awful a carnage of blood that deluged Europe for over four years has been stayed, and those nations who hoped, by use of their might, to bring the world into subjection to their captivity, have been defeated and deprived of their power to further imenace the peace of the world or the righti' of snmall nations. Paradoxical though it may seem, it is undeniably true that during that dark period the I the greatest factor sustaining the will of those who warred for righteousness was the Divine message of " Peace and Goodwill to Men," That was so because it was well-known that there could be .no satisfactory peace till those perished by the sword who" deliberately drew the I sword against mlankind. Though not all hare perished, the enemies of mankind have been deprived of power to force their will upon an unsuspecting world. The spirit that has sustained the Entente Allies in their great struggle has been a firm confidence, unexpressed though it may have been, that the settlement of the world's trouble must be founded on the Divine message of the Saviour of the world, whose teachings were founded on love and goodwill, and until Histeachings were recognized there could be no guarantee of permanent peace with all the advantages and advancement arising therefrom. For all the sacrifice entailed in the struggle the world should, and assuredly will, be made a better place, and so to-day we hail the glad and joyous message sung by thie angels at Bethlehem at the birth of Christendom, feeling confident that; the message is as real to-day as when chanted by the Heavenly choir. To tiose who hlave suffered by bereavement there comes the sacred memory that Christ Himself suffered for mankind, and their loved one followed only in His steps. While participating to the full in the joys of the season, there can this year be a thorough sincerity in the wish so freely expressed on all sides, and which we heartily join, 'by wishing all ', A MERRY CHIIRISTMAS, And a IIAPPY NEW' YEAR." - Oi page one of to-day's Issue appear the following" items :-"Our Soldlers"on Service Abroad (letter from the late Private Allan McoColl to Mr F. Sanderson, of Wando Vale), and "Read, Mark, Learn." On page four will be found :" At the Council Table-Notes and Comments," "Market Reports," "Shot and Shell,"" Dallarat Pig Market," and other Items of interest Raffles were conducted on behalf of the Australian Comforts Fund on Thureday with the followingresults:-- Blouse. Mrs M. Leak; Bag MissTurner, "Harlad Hills;" Cake, Miss Myrtle Harris; Sweets, Mwi Davis. Christina. Eve falls on Tuesday, the usual practice night of the tasterton Brass Band, but at the meeting of the Committee on Saturday nighlt, It was decided that the prectice for Tuesday evening should be abandoned owing to so ninany of the players being engaged in business till a late hour and consequently ul?ble to take their allotted places. At the social held at tile Castorton Higher Elementary School on Friday eveanLg, Mr W. A. W, Kell, correspond. eat.of the School Committee, announced that the Government had signified their -ntention of msakins further mprovememte atthe school by building an 6oice and store and re-.modelling the old bullding, thi being work the Cormtlttse had been advocating for some time. Mr 5. Jaehns. of Bili.allah lRoad, Caaterton, ow-rdrlay reoiived a cable from.-l? i?n, Oerporal J, A.Jsffryen who b--bee ? aproner of war In Oermaay, ?stating tat he ad arrived in Eanlana an we:.hen on a visit :to bit aunt at Wviel"O' Ile ataed he was well "a ageoted toret.Un to b&utrlls in Mere aest . ,, - . Don L'?1. I: .t i toffs leowse augh's 'thaoy. Caat n,

A mild sensation wDu cansed In Outer. ton. when It was learned that a visitor for the last three or four months, who had pcaed as a retired grazer, had disa: ppeared without notice, and left several .of his friends lamenting. He was ofan Saffable nature, and was singularly well behaved, and consequently was made znuohof by several whom he met. It Is understood that he engaged a car at Caterton to drive him to Hamilton on Saturday. On arrival there he borrowed a sum of money from a publican who is well-known in Casterton, but failed to settle for the motor hire, and it was found out later that he had again passed on, leaving another victim to regret hay. ig been so trustful The Suit of clothes or Costume rained by Mrs C. V. i.rdy In itd of tlhaOlenelg Battleplane fund, has been won by birs Alr. Ilowlett of Casterton, with ticket No 496. In consequence of the cancellation of the Battleplaneo movement, poermission was obtained front tho Shire i'resllont to cortinue the raclle, end to donate the proceeds in equal shares between the local branches of the Patriotle Fund, and Red Cross Society. These bodies have each been forwarded a cheque for £7!1/d, as a result of the effort. On Saturday iMr C. Smith received i telegram, stating that his son Driver C. E. Smith was expected to disembark at Port Melbourne this morning. Mr Fell's mnotor bike and side car was engaged and Mr Smith left for Hamilton early In the alternoon, where he boarded a goods train, enabling him to connect with the Adelaide express at Ararat, thus reaching Melbourne in time to welcome, with Mrs Smith, their Anzac son. Word has since been received that Driver Smith arrived this morning, and will return to Caster. ton on Wednesday night. On Sunday next services in all tihe Anglican Churches will be held in conlt memotation of those who have fallen in the war. This is being done at tile re. .quest of the heads of the Church in England, Impressive services should result, and the public should attend in large numbers as a tribute of respect to those who gave their lives for them. The Band Pictures will be held on Friday evening next Instead of the usual night, Thursday, which happens to be Boxing Day. The star.picture will be "The Knife," and there will be comic and scenic films together with the 11th episode of the " House of Hate." A tan will be given to every patron that evening. The death occurred at " Uxbridge Hlnouise," Melbourne, on Thursday last, of Thomas Allan Cawker, younger son of -Mr and Mrs. Thomas Cawker, of Casterton, at the age of 34 years. lis remains were Interred in the Casterton New Cemetery on Saturday morning, the .. funeral being of a private nature, only a few of the most intimate friends being present by invitation. The Rev. J. Meers conducted the burial service, and Mr W. J. Peden had charge of the mortu. ary arrangements. The schools excursion to Portland will be held on January 11th, when conces.lone as usual will be available. The train will leave Casterton at 7 a.m., the time of return being fixed at 7 p.m. Efforts are being made to arrange for a special train from Casterton to Merino on Saturday next, but no reply had been received from the Railways Department at time of going to press. The amount required as guarantee by the Depart. ment has been arranged. Mr J. Campbell, of Warrnattool, anlnounces that he will arrive at Castorton with machine at the end of January, and will be prepared to thresh all kinds of grain in beet style. Boxing Day will be celebrated at Sand. ford by the holding of the usual patriotic sports meeting on the racecourse with all its opportunities for picnic parties, who will be supplied with hot water. Jumiping events for horses form a leading feature In a lengthy and attractive pro. gramme. A ball will be held in the evening. Profits are for repatriation purposes, "The Boys " deserve all that can be done for them. The "'Ding Boys'" will appear at Casterton on Saturday night and ott Monday evening next.' They will present " You're in Love," at the Mechanics' Hall.On On Saturday evenitg next, at the Mechanics' Hall, Casterton, Mr D. B. O'Connor will present Mr J. C. William. son's latest success, " The Bing Boys Are Here." Those in search of a pleasant evening will not be disappointed if they pay a visit to these wonderful " Bing Boys.'" Visitors to the Mechatnics' Hall on Saturday night will see a musical reveue `--" The Blng Boys Are Here." At Strathdownie the usual Boxing Day -Day Show and Sports will be held on Thursday next, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to patriotic purposes. A good day's outing is assuted, andti patrons will'have the satisfaction of having a pleasant day, and at thliopme time help. uig a worthy object. On Christmas Eve (Tuesday evening), the ladies of the Red Cross Society will 'conduct several stalls at the depot, HIenty SStest, when season's delicacies will be on sale, In the course of a speech made in Paris President Wilson said:--"I believe that a league of nationsis- indispensible to the preservation of peace," -." A sequel to the report of the Royal Commislion on the Navy department's "purchases has been the resignation of ?SenatorJ. J. Long, of Tasmania. In the -report the commission expressed the opinion that Senator Long had received A2400 from Father Shaw In connection with the sale of the Shaw Wireless Works to the Commonwealth Government. Senator Long, in addressing the Senate on the day after the report was tabled, denied the allegations brought against him, .A report received it Copenhagen from Vienna states that at a Monarchist meeting several generals nominated the Archduke Max, brother of the ex-Emperor Karl, as his sueccessor. The Soviete are preparing the sharpest counter mesA message reaching Parls front Constantinople states that a Russian antiBolhevist mission, at the head of which is M. Mlllukoff (leader of the Constitr. tlonal Democrate) has arrived at the - Turkish capital from Jassy (Roumania). The AotingPrimn Minister (Mr W. A. Watt) announced in the House of Repro. sentatives on Friday that Lord Jellicoe will visit Australin shortly on on oticial mission connected with the future niaval pirogramme of the Contmonwealth Government. Rear.Admlral Sir Lionel HalS-ey,K.O.M.G., .B., hes been appointed in bthe command of the Australian fleet, and it ie expected ihe will bring the fleet Ssbook to the Commonwealth early next year., Giving evidence before tite United . States Senate inquiry into war matters, Mr Nally, VlicePresident of the Marconi Company, said that during the war there were25 Mexican wireless stations under German control. The State Department at Washington baa been informed that in the Don region (Southern Russia), the Don Cossacks defeated the Dolshevike, capturing 20 field gIus and thousands of prisoners At the London College of'Musieo eam. inations held at Hamilton on Thursday - last, Mise Mavie Spursell, pupil of Miss Lamborne, LU.L.IM., pavedthe exantminuation for diploma as Assoclate of the - London College of Music. Mr Herbert was the examiner. ''the members of the Paris Ilotelkepere' I'nlion have decided that they will neither .mplo' nor find accomniodation for any - ronos of enemy origin for the next ten ye- ars? . S HOLIDAY NHrEDS. I B re .ti a bottle of ObhmberSlan'.,O Coll a sad Dilsrrlnhas Remedy with you wben tartthg on y _r hollday, - It ,annot be bought On abed the steamer or tralo. OCbase of water end qilmate -:. often causi ?dio attaoke of disaibea and itIs best to be prepared, ' Soldeverywhere. -" ..... . '