Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 21 December 1922, page 7


The. victory of Be-echo in the OfanlirijtaBshire was not the. «clj- ?Brprta- of the nnal meetiug of the season at tJewmarkei. In point of fact tt was -quite imJd iu comparison with at ltirt two results— Lhit of the Criterion Stakes for twoycaioli? and the Jockev C3nb Ctan. iTh» d«L

leat or the crack j-oangster of the year, Town Guard* ia &« toaaer raw, ?wifirtBfcst a -deal tit forfeetting by afl ifco Sftfegfeff it- In seven races the cold trained by O'jlpin had oniy once - known defeat, which sas on the occasion of his debut, and that was ?excusable, since vounj; horses often do -aot give of their best An being first introduced to the serious tioslness of racing. Since then he had woo the New Stakes at Ascot, in which he had given a four-Jengths' beating to Papyrus; The Natural Breeders' ' Produce Stakes at SandoK-n, where he had won easily against Cos, and the ?'Gimcrack' at York, jt was a very notable and distfncuithed record. How, therefore, couid. it be expected that he would fall to win i the Criterion Stakes, in which Papyrus, j

on level terms, was ills only rrral wiib : nny serious pretensions? The bookmakera' asked for substantial odds ou; there ! was no fielding against him. I thought he I appeared rather listless as he walked round tne paddock ring and once he stumbled, as a listless horse will do, but one naturally concluded that his trainer would ! not be running him unless satisfied that' he was in a condition to do his best. Then ? eazce the race. In the first hundred vards j he seemed to take a lead of two lengths, I and one looked to him to do as he had so , often done before. The starter. Captain ; Alison, afterwards confirmed the impres- J sion that Town Guard at once established! a lead of two or three lengths. The idea that he would tvin as usual remained for some seconds, and then it dawned on onlookers that Papyrus was going just as well as he -was. Anyone iith an intimate knowledge of Donoshue's ridine

aouid gra&p in an instant that be was holdior the hot favorite, and sure enough he challenged in earnest jn the descent of Bushes Hill. To th; consternation of the admirers of Town Guard it was realised that their champion was going to be beaten for he could not poll out any more. First Archibald asked him with his hands, j and then he pulled his whip out -ud applied it for the first time. Jt was almost \ unbelievable, but it was so. From that jwint it Jas ail over. Town Guard «-;is beaten beyond a shred of hope; cot, mind you, by a short head after a hard rac'. i but by a big margin- He was incapabl?] of shosring any fight and puUiup: out Uie ' least hit of reserve, which fact in iteelf is more than sufficient evidence that the real Tos-n Guard was not seen. It would be ludicrous to suppose that he was, since that would involve such as Cos in bis dethronement, and Cos cannot possibly be a stone or two behind Papyrus. One can only suppose that Town Guard could not

have been as straight in condition as his trainer believed, or that he was sickening for some ailment like coughing. His! trainer is experienced enough to have had] no suspicions, and afterwards he to'.d 'Lord Wooiavrngton that he couid not elucidate the mystery. On teturnhMr to tin: paddock the colt showed no signs of auy respiratory trouble, which -would assist In j disposing of the persistent rumor *fr-n Uej had gone wrong in bis wind. For Papy- 1 nis, let it be said that he always was a hi°h' clens two-year-old, and the probability ibis that he veil! be always in that catr-. ftory. The most unaccountable thine in

his career xa, how he came to be beaten eo badly for the Oiampagne Stakes at Roneaster, which, in the face of it, pots Drake in the position of an outgtanjiio? rhamnion. The owner of Papyrus, Mr. B. Irish, is dndeed a mctrt fortunate man, f.T TPitH very little money he bonsht Periosteum, and iron a Gold Cup with him. And no»- at his first venture in high-class bV-od stock he gets ho'd of eueii a distinguished youngster as Papyrus undoubtedly is. ? , Before turning to tbe Jockey dub Cap. I sbou-M like to nwrntion tint. Drate fur- ? ther adveotured hie excellence in the j Moultca -Stakes, whioli was run on Cam- j

briffseshire Uay. liie dranal overthro*of Toivn Ou-ird on the previmis afternoon ? did not deter the od-ls-on layers. They j sttf-ped in ho\i and (iaid as nnuca as T to 2 on. The biff colt «trir-r-ed well considir- J h-g that he had liad a fairy f^renu--us i -^aeor end he won trv three l«ifrth£, Thk?i -*eems conviflcinc enmrh J'iieu rtad -»a ! ?leaner. Hut. whether because 'he 'nay h^ve ; V«en in Jrant of a rest, or Hv.-iase his j ]r.m-r-rs have a limit, wliich wroie -rit:»5 t'link thev can dpfine. the fact remains tltat Jie dii noi treat his or-poneot^ as s- uiflny c-m'.-mptuTj.-: hacliR. He cnild not. do «-). Jna tlnx it vas iliai Btkiry h-id to ridi- '::^ aHIi han.1 and heels t'-dvive liim h itne h\- the margin stiT^I., wji i st-i-np.d. ji-t him fair!-, i a ! .--lit He i?id Ys r-ar- bad- ml ' :i 'ain L'sv- u!:e tiie iiiei dial he tirt'ii u:: ? j!-o 1i.:', iiur ii i?. or omirse. TKi-^ji.f- I'nt ; h,- iia-1 cr-::o o.lf an.) .va- w u-=f*-l .-f the ; t, -t -viiic-i -!?? nl: r.-iiv haveT !yrd -Vst'r s -'n. !'?-!? the 'ir.-t title, an oaii brntjer : 1 T?'.i--inii. V-.-it unhU? hi-, d.^tingnieheii , i .ltr. S.ihas'i i= a c'nesnut. He flid not j a ;.ea?' I- ')e 'rcidv.'.ariil it is --ienr that j Aiec 1'aifar is gtviug him every, chance J

ta sbow thit iieimiy one day be«B«Bo|M as his looks and breeding snfgs^t S^S ran lairiy *-ell.'bat it vas left to rheoa^B seasoned Atirovaf to fill second ftas ^SSM in front of Lord Ganley'e err TettJSBM filly. Kiggng Cup, who ran mA Sem^S nence that at one period it » 8o«liM she *onld do to Sr^e that W&A S±Ef*W ros did to Town Gwrd. . gH Tfe Jociey I lib. ?|IMIW |j| 'HIM the ?St. Leger in otmfinaBg «9le, ntSH matters nctJOiat the three^nr^aas ??«

not mc« ayiangrAtinar^JIH-ft tf^H minms. Behind him, almost tafled ioC, «?? finite ^ftiHSiiTOi^^M to captare the IoeaiBLT5^r^3^^^^S health. Bat JaVWiV fntbt smelt toT^reefegj rnn^ te trae, fxUUW^, iuUu-im* to gfe^ public as a vaTpSW &w9t-iEBr'^ Jockey Onb Cap m mm^miem£$3| ter. One of his few oppaDettbj was &tSH?| Hussar, who bad ran in ss U ii 1 1 ffc Hi j thirteen previous Tm&Wi&Ui£ atg tatkms bad been AooC/lroittte^soBe-S tope, as it were. Therefore, low loill^J be gc^ibV^be accepted m -agfcjgafej^

ouite an mtelligent end e^n&if£&&a that the St. Leger form wi# fejaggji firmed, even thoagh the f^v^'^mitfrn fartter. Instead, -we saw B«rarXdM3g3 not only beaten by Bucks BBass^^Bga simply routed in the meat iiii)|»iTijifjifcajj ?Kay. A quarter of a mile from fena£x§g| was dear that the classic tfiwiT ^^SsSsm going as veil as ins joeker wjutet. J^SJT^B to. and thereabouts, BaUyherae BBaaeAiSSB have the beating of him. Ba^BSB^g was going well, bat observers stmtrif tnjijrjgfl him seriously. Stiu. the latter aSSl went the farther did Bueb Hassar :3s£mm away, and at lart it was realised SotJSOS was not going to be ean^it. Xa»3^@^9 the .most forcible expedients oat Be^^S Lancer, but the only result *«£ job ^^^S mistakeable «gn of distress, an€ Trirlf^^ Bucks Huasar went gaily to win bj-saai£|3j length? the St. Leger hero toBeS Imejlfg tired and defeated, up the rising e««'||g to the wmnins port. Many peopie f^^^a laid the slight odds-on askeS wica 3tga really ehoald have xen more drfiaaolt *a^S back bim, and they, of course, weB&ia'SgBl

tounaeu. ?--n- aue uauej, i u»jr um, naKj^a quite a. good win over Backs Hnssar; itaj3B then be was tempted by the kajj- prjfee^g ?B'Jiidi did not call for much of an oaSterffUm to secure a cood stake. Furtberraorje, I&VS ha* ever been an ardent believer m ^fegg borae, aud recalled that -before tbe PtQjrjjB he was 21 b. better tban Ceyfcmese. ?; %-^g