Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Friday 19 August 1932, page 21


Young Australian Actress Going To London

To seek fame and fortune in the British talkie and theatrical world. Miss Donalca Warne, the 19-year-old Australian actress, who made a meteoric rise rfrom the ranks of a

musical comeay chorus to the leading woman's part in 'Rookery Nook' three years ago. Is travelling to London with her mother by the lirer Comorin. which sailed from the Outer Harbor yesterday afternoon.

Mi*s -Warne appeared in 'Rookery Nook' in Adelaide. Since then she has, played leading roles in both comedy and musical comedy, and recentlv completed a Sydney season in a leading part in 'Bitter Sweet.' She has also appeared in several Australian talkie shorts, the most recent being a new film. 'His Royal Highness.' in which George Wallace, the Australian comedian, is starred. Although the film is completed, it has not been released .for exhibition yet. and Miss Warne will not see it until a copy is taken to London by the maraging director of Efftee Fiin Productions (Mr. P. W. ThringK who is leaving Melbourne by the Orama next week. Mr. Thring is taking copies of all the 6tucio's output with him to place on the film market in Great Britain. Miss Warne is optimistic about the future of-the Australian talkie-making industry. 'I can see no reason why it ehould not be a wonderful success.' she said. 'The pictures produced up to the present have shown considerable promise, and have gained great praise from the critics in all States. Now what reins ins is to hear what the British

critics think of them. I intend to return to Australia, because I think that there will be wonderful opportunities here for actresses with experience of talkies.** Miss Warne will coucpntrate on dancing practice on the trip to Loncon. because she intends to seek musical comedy engagements before making for Elstree. the English talkie producing centre. She said Australian eirls with a wide experience of dancing were always welcome in musical comedies in London, because it was recognised by English producers that they were among the best dancers for that type of work in the world.