Warrnambool Standard (Vic. : 1872 - 1879 ; 1914 - 1918), Saturday 29 December 1917, page 3

' CHRISTMAS TREE. '; 'very happy' Christmas Tree paity was given by )Ir.; Gray and the ladies of" St. John's Presbyterian Church.. Warrnambool to' the '0boy and: girls of the South Warrnambool Sunday' School in the little Presbyterians Church. at South Warrnambool. last. Saturday afternoon: 'In spite of the great heat theie was - a full muster of the scholars; and in the'shadow'of " fhe .church ganes were indulged' in. Thereaftei afternoon'tea was'served; and' an abundance of god things 'was enjoyed by the: ytong folk. Later on the event of the afternoon came off. All assembled in -the church- and -admired the 'Christmas Tree;? ith its 'i'onderfhl and beautiful r;fts.. The Rev. John Grui:;T.A:.B.D:- .presided'and "ave a short Christmas address. In une course Fath"er Christm:is annear: ed and was' welcomed with enthusiism.. E'ch' scholar. present received an apprOpiiate gift at the-hands of the god'" old Father Christmas. and with further gifts of sweets handed to the young ' people, and ample. remembrance of some absent: ones. a very' hapor afternoont ciame 'to "an eid. ' Mr."Peele"whhb"is the hon. organist at the church.made'a very cood Father Christmas. Other friends of"the church ii South Warrnanihool gavo valuable held 'to the St. John's ladies in carrying out the proceeilings of the affernoon.' SALE OF BUTTER AND CHEESE. S.lhe !Commonwealth -Prioes: Com missioner announces that a Federal conimitte' has ' been- appointed in connection with the -sale of butter and cheese to. the .Imperial Govern. ment, The functions- of-the committee will be-(1) 'To collect the necessarv returns from factories and agents; (2) to deal with and distri(bute any additional hmodnta that may be received from the' Imperial Government 'on t'e' re-sale of the butter and cheese in Great IBritain; (3)' to establish uniformity of agents, commission for services rendered in connecrion with the sale; (4)to' ap point secretaries and executive '?tncos in 'al States to carry out' 'under their jurisdiction, the '"irious duties per?aining to the above a nd'to keep records' duly audited 'of receipts aiu disbursements. The Government' has also' decided 'that all space available for ibutter and cheese 'for' shipU ent to' London be reserved 'for sales 'to the Imperial Governrment. ( OUT-DOOR SKETCHING CLASS. SMiss Noiman. of the: Ararat"Studio, announces that she is visiting Warrnambool during the ' holidays. from 1st January:and intends'to fo 'm an out-door sketching class as in former years.: Visitors and localresidents interested 'in this' form of artistic pastime are invited to 'join and thus obtain pictorial 'souvenir" 'of some of the local beautystiots.'' Miss Norman is a 3eniber and' Exhibitor of the Victorian: .Artists' Sciete, and all particulars concerning""'tghe forthcomine class may be obtained of Miss Fuller "Upton;,"' Canterbury Road.