Warrnambool Standard (Vic. : 1872 - 1879 ; 1914 - 1918), Saturday 4 March 1916, page 2

SHRISTORTIOAL PICTURIE. Tlie hilotopilaiS " Nurise Cavell," whiieh ,will 'be screened this evening byi the Star. Pieture' Co. was chosen by the managuement of, the Company s;. in their obinion, the' bet -ind tnuest reuresentation of atii event .hsiicl has' stiri'ed the' deepest "feelings of boti .tlie warring and neutral uations of the woirld. The Star CO~maany.was fortunate in having the bdokini ofi either- one bf ..t'fwo films, depictiig the sto1rt iihich were issuel simultaneously in i [elbourne.Tho picture chosen is described as n tredit to $btAhn Astrallia ;produeers; the *r. C. Willimisofi Co., under -the supervision of Mr. V. J. Lincoln, wlidse ilamb has been associated. with the iroduction of Australian photoplays tince tlhe iieiebtion of cinematography. The J. C. Williamson Co. have sh'ii ?adiiirable resti.int in thie selection of the caste and the iirtui"menient of the scenes. A suptoi'ting programme rather longer than usual.; and containing .filni by imak"as .ilio aire seldoni r i"resentedl in W ruanuibool. ?ill be screeined. The ilins inilijde thiedrama: "Thobu shalt lot cmtset." "The GChli-ka's Revenge, ~ a production of the Barker, Enhlish 'Studio; "He Loved the Ladies;" a Keystone comedy ; a. cartoon sketch "Coaxing? tie N7utrals"; a1d 1several hiorterovery inteiesting ihictures: Botlh tle Tohwn amd Oddfellowis' Hlls will be iised this evoehing, and the samee ! lrograpnmm w'ill' be .crooinedl ini each hhll. Seats :it either hnall mtav be reserved at Mr. Davies' witllout 'extra charge. Additional rows of 116 and 11 seats have been reserved for this notable performanceat": the Toirn Hall.