South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 10 December 1842, page 1

MUST WOOL SHIP FOR LONDON. ^. -r- THK tine fa*t-saiiing coppered JmP|Sj^ MqUe TAGLIOM. JmBbBE*' a I, 350 tons register, Wm. JQSbBv Black, commander, having nearly (be whole of her cargo nidged, und very superior uccominodation (or passengers, will be ready (or ecu about tlie middle of December. For freight or passage apply to II. XV. PHILLIPS, Or to JOHN BAKER, liindley.street. PIRST WOOL S«ll* FOR LONDON. »- THE barque StARAH fr ELl jBaTCJBN. ZABETH, Jouk Habt, com IwIQmW^^. mander, having her dead weight qgjggjgjjjjfg} tbe 20lh December. For freight or passage, apply at tlie South AuBtraliuii Company'* office, or to John Ha»t. North-terrace. Decembt* 2, 1842. FOR SYDNEY, VIA HOBART TOWN. ▲^f^e THE well-known brig EMMA, Jw,- Capt. Alexander Spuoul. having JUJSk^ just arrived, will return us above WlKe^ in ten days. -KS9tV Foi freight or passage apply to JOHN NEWMAN, Rundle-street, And Queen's Wharf. Port Adelaide, December 5tb, 1842. DIRECT FOR SYDNEY. ±JT^ THE well known fast tailing MMjm- packet brii; DORSET will JmpSSjj*. arrive here in about twenty-one vu|gb' days, and will positively tail for tbt %kBB9BF above place (direct) seven days afterwards, the greater part of her cargo being already taken. For freight or passage apply to V. & E. SOLOMON, Sydney Packet Office, Ciime-street. Dec. 9, 1842. FOR TORT NICHOLSON, NEW ZEALAND. - j|- THE fine barque GLENARM, inlwjtLV or some other verse), will sail tlHilrwift^ itom tb's Port in ten days W^mmr For ffe'Kut °r passage apply i^mfifak to the Captain on board, or to C. 8. PENNY, Ilindley.eircet. FOR PORT LINCOLN, To Sail on Saturday, the iOt/i itut. At^tf*- THE fine fast ? Bailing brig JBtt— _ KIXG HENRY, JKkJSK^ 2'n ton8- Captain Robinson. For ^SKjT fieigbt or pas*a«re apply to *SH9iW BUNCK & THOMSON. fttmdlo «tr«of. 6th December. 18-12. WOOL. THE undersigned is a purchaser of Wool, for Cash. JOHN HART. WOOL. THE UNDERSIGNED are purchasers of wool, or are ready to make advances on consignments to their house in London. HAGEN&CO. WOOL. THE undersigned will make advances on Wool of this season's clip, consigned to their agents in London or Liverpool. JAMES FREW & CO. WOOL. THE subscribers will purchase or made ad vances on wool consigned to bis agents in London and Liverpool. A. L. ELDER. WOOL. WOOL may be stored, or sorted and pressed, at the premises lately occupied by Mr J. Snooke, or it may be deposited there for sale or inspection. Applicaton to be made to JOHN BAKER, or to HAGEN & CO. TERMS t t. 4. Receiving, Storing, and Delivery, including a week's rent, per bale ? I O Rent after first week, per week ? 0 3 Sorting, Packing, Weighing, &c. ? C *i TO FARMERS. rflHE undersigned are purchasers of WHEAT, J. foi cash ©* goods. BUNCE & THOMSON. Bundle-street, November 25, 1642. On Sale al the Stores of Ike Undersigned, FIRST quality AMERICAN FLOUR, in barrels, at £18 pet ton, or 19s. ler 100 pounds. V. Ik E. SOLOMON, Currie-street November 25, 1842. To Drapers, Farmers, and ttrool-Dealers. THE nndersienrd bavin? ? selection of Man. -4ieeter Uooos and Wines, beg to inform the trade that they will be obliged by a rill, and also that they are prepared either to puichasi*, or receive on cont-ipnment to their friends in Eng land, any of the produce of the colony. SAMUEL STOCKS. Jem. & CO., GrenMI-strect, Dec. fi, 1642. TO HKADS OF FAMILIES AM) COOK?. KITCHEN STUFF bonght by the «m4er eifm-d, and the highest price given, trips' fa» bought W. II. tU'RFORD. Soapsstd Candle Mater, 98 swi 164, GrenfcU-rtrert.

I'LATTS'S LIBRARY. f% ECEIVKU ex Uorset XV Thin blue wow post Large ditto ditto. Impressed Satin foolscap A few London-made penknives, uiid A large assortment of uccoiini books. ! N.B. Platttft Library is the only plate to obtain ! Playing Cards und delicious cheroots. ON SALE, at ths stores of tbe undersigned— Superior Champagne Do. Claret (14 years in hottle) Do. Hock A. L. ELDER, Hindley-street. EX ' GLENARM.' STARCH, best Poland— soap of three qualities — herrings— ?mustard— pork— salt in bags and baskets—tobacco pipes — negrohead tobacco of the best square fig — ladies' boots, shoe*, &e — cloth, hair, tooth. Mid nail brushes — t-cytii« poles — hay rakes — baskets— glue — stationery and oliiee books — barrow wheels— spades — wedges — maul rings — pickaxes— bullock chains — trace chains — ?beep belts— copying presses— locks— liolts — putent pressed batten, shingle, and paling naiU — woollen goods and Wituey blankets— u book case— two cheflbniers — one sofa— one chest drawers. Also, sherry, port, claret, bock, und champagne in bottles; brandy, sherry, and icil wine in quarter pipes.— On sale by C. S. PENNY. Uiudley-strect. EX 'EMMA,' FROM SYDKUV. REAP HOOKS Cross-cut saws Scythes and handles A new supply of iron. BLYTH BROTHERS. Hindley-street, December 9, 1842. IMPORTANT TO FARMWtS, &c. A Reduction of from 10 to 15 per cent, in the Price of Spirits. THE SUBSCRIBERS have tbe pleasure of informing their hKADV homey customers that they will now supply them with excellent giu at 15s |ier gallon, Scotch whisky and Jamaica rum 14s., and colonial brandy 12s. ; alto, Surra goiia and Pontac at £4 per quarter cask, or 4s 6d per gallon. DANIEL NICHOLSON & SON, Hindlcy-street. TO THE FARMERS. GOOD sound ENGLISH ALE, £i 10s. per bud., or 2s. Cd. per gallon Rum ? 12s, per gallon, or 2s. 3d. per bottle Gin ? 12s. ditto 2s. 3d. ditto Brandy.... 15s. ditto d*. Od. ditto Port wine 4s. Cd. ditto lUs. 0d. per dozen. The best stock in the colony of strong ale at moderate prices tor Christmas use. Sir John BsrUycorn Inn, Rundle-street. FOR SALE, A FEW superior two tooth cross bred Leices ter Rams, petectly clean. Apply to H. W. Phillips, Hmdley-strcet, where they may be seen. December 8, 1842. CAPTAIN GREY'S REFUSAL OF TUIAf. BY JURY TO MESSRS UOKKOW & UOOUIAlt. In the Press, and shortly will be Published, Price One Shilling, THE whole case of this Firm and the Local (jnvnrn ment, including Messrs Borrow & Goodiar's petition to the Right Hon. Lord Stanley, Secretary for the Co lonies, and all the original correspondence, shewing the extent of Messrs Borrow & Goodiar's claims upon the Local Government at the present date, as also the gross injustice to which this firm has been subjected by Captain Grey's refusal to have their case decided by an appeal to a jury of their countrymen. Subscribers' names will be received by Messrs Borrow and Goodiar, and at the Register oflice. Rundle-street, corner of King William-street. As only a limited number of copies will be printed, early application is necessary. Jtyislcr Office, On. IStb, IM2. TUB FIRST pnODl'CriONS IN THE WORLD rOR THE HAIR! THE SKIN!! THE TEETH!!! Rowland's macassar oil, A t'egetiitik I'rotiuiitm. THE only article that produces and restores hair ; also whiskers, tuustachios, and cyc-brows; promts hair from (ailing off or turning prey to the Istest period of life; changes grey hair to its original color; frees it from scurf, and makes it bcatifully soft, curly, arid glossy. Id dressing hair, it keeps it firm in the curl, uninjured by damp weather, crowded rooms, the dance, or iu the exer cise of riding. To children it it invaluable, as it lays a foundation for a bcaotiful bead of hair. Od purchasing (beware ol' counterfeits!!) ask for ' Rowland's Macassar Oil'- and sec that those words arc on the envelope, with tbe signature and address, thus -A. MowLAND & Son, 20, Nation -Sardcn, London. Couutcrsigoed Ale*. Rowland. To ensure the genuine article, arc dial the words ' Rowland's Macassar Oil ' are engraven on the back of the envelope nearly 1500 limes, vontaiuing 2'J,02S letters '-without this none is genuine. Frlce 3s 6d; ?s; Family bottler (containing four small) 10s 6d, and double that site Sis per bottle. Rowland's kalydok, A preparation from Oriental Exotics, ii svw universally known as tbe only safe and crbcieut protector and beautiiiet of the skin and complexion, lis virtues are conuinonl; displayed in thoroughly eradicating all pisiples, spats, redness, Un, freckles, and other uonigbtl} cutaneous defects, In beating chilblains, chaps, and in rendering the most rough and uneven skin pleaststly soft and smooth. To the cotapteiinti it Inpstts a juvenile roseate hue, and to the neck, band, and arm a delkary sad fairness m--ritallcd. It is tavataahV. «s * leamatiag kndtefmMaswkih, during travelling, or espossre to the sun, dust, or harsh winds, aad after the beatcd atMospliriv of crowded as scmUirs. G'ruUcmpn will find it |icculiariy grateTuI after shaving in allaying the irritation. I'rice 4- «d and 8s «d per bottle, duty included. ROWL ANll'6 ODn NTO OB I»E AK I. DENTI Fit ICR A white powder, of Oriental herb* of the saon delightful fragrance, — It t-radicatct Urtar and rfcrayiil simts rram the teeth, prcseiTCs the tiianiel, and G«es the t.xth firmly in their sockets remierinK thna delicately whito. Bring aa auti-vrorimlir. it eradicates ilie vruhy lYom tli. puns, strcngtiirus hrarc*, and rcndrit tlntn tS a health} tvd ; it svcwivcs «o|ilcasaut lasu-s rroin die mouth, which often remain after ferer*. taking tnolirine, &c^ aud in puts a rfdif-1itf«l fragranrc to die breath. l%itT is -M |»-r bev, doty inrludcd. Nonce - The name aad address of die |iroprwton, A. RowLixi* A: Som, 20, HattonGaltlon, IaikIor, are engnuvd -» the U«vcnnnrnt stamp, which is |«-iv-l «nbc'ka?-*»t*'«nil'Odorto;-«te- priaitud inndtm (he wrtpper fa wnirli th«- Kalj^or is enclosed. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! ! --nmptned of titc most rtmdrtom and tn Jiy fa^tvdiads awl which «ro frrquetnhr tressed or«on die Omrart aadrr the lotv of being dn-ap. Ke «ar in ask far HOWL.INWS smiHns. SoUb*fi*ctr PsHiaarr and Medkm Vender tamdtmt ikrcMUstaoMsl.

SOI.TH AUsriCALIAN HANKINtJ COMPANY.1 AT iht; l'ii-t AihiuhI General Meeting nl : 1 tlit-ii- Oilioe, No. i\i, OUl jSKtad.airrct, tin | t Ut«JiifsJ.iy, June 'J'J, liii-1, ihu foUuvviug ivbolu- 1 tioiiK wet* unaiiiinoucil)' adojitcd : — -i Muvt-d by Major J. CruiUsliuiiU, eveouded ly c Henry Cox, linj , i I . Thut the tte|iurt of tbe Cuiii]i:iiiy'« opera lions --?- now read, tc udopteii lur t c Firt.t An mi;il lii'port of Ilie South Ausir:t!iui li.iiik.nt, Company, and printed and rireiilaUii uiuli r «.he ilirei'tiun ot'tliu Hoard ; ulso llut the uccouul^ ol the CompxnyV ullUlte, to tlu- -'.Jill vi .Niuy iubl (us now Miuuiittud), be ttppiovod * Moved liy Thoniiis i'oyudor, Cm)., seconded by J. Jortin, Kkij., ' IS. Thut the rtcomini'iidttioii oi tlie Uiru'totR. to declure tor the cntuiii^ year u tlim'.ciid ol 02 ? per vent, per ouiiuin on the iiistulinenu paid up, In; hdopteil ; and that llit y be uuttiufibud !o puy tlie same; Jiill-yfrttly as IichtoIkic. i .viovv-il by Cupt. is. lialduck, K. N , ms otidod | i-y J. l-iv»vsu-r, Kd.j., i * :- Tuar tlm Iti^'ut Huii Sir Jotin I'irit, ltart., -Lord Vhiyor, und t.'eorge Davenport, Ksq , lie i\-- * elected us Uirectort, and William Cliipjiuulule . und l\\i\ Ludlnuke, U.-qis , hs Audituib ul tilt' fidiil Company. Moved by \V. Chippinrlale, iivq , seconded l;y another Pioinictcr. 4. That the best thunks «il' the I'roin.etors lie ' given to tbe Oireitor.s tor their 6ti-xv:-slul nia- : nugemi'iit of llif Company^ all'uns i Motvd by IS. DiveU,'K»q-, NS. i'., stfonnVi! ty lte»r.Admital li. llaulcer, 5. Tliat the wutmust iliaitkt-ut°tlii* 'lectitij; t»u given to Mr K .Stephens (thd Adcluide niaiisiger). unit Mr G. J. VViieeler (tlie London Maaat;.-i)i for tlieir Jiie iimiiu^einent oi tiio ouniiesb --[ the bank. EDMUND J. WHKELKK. Aldiiuger. Lonte. June 31), 1842. M0NUMEKT TO COf.ONIX -IGMT. j To Stone Masons, liv.Udcr.--, and Contractors. \ THK lietigiis foi' tbe n.ominient to lie erected i over the {;rave, in Liglit-'o,uuie, luivmg I lieen Milmiittecl to and iipproved by iiw com- ' mine. pai'tieK di^irous of contracting for its erection, can inspect tlie plans ut.'d sptrifieutions at Mr Km^i-Urn's olliee, oiote-strrel, on i«nd utter WodiK-Ktlay, the 23rd Hist. Tt'iiuc a to In1 delivered at Mr Kiii£Ktim's oflicc before 4 p.m. on Satur day, the 10th December, IS4'2. T!ie Committee ure not liutt'id to accept tin: lowest leiuier. November 17, ISfci. AI)i:i.\ll)K I.ITKHAUY AN!) SCIKNTM'IC ASSOflATION AND .MKCU AMI'S' INS'J'llT j'li. £N cu/isequence of it beini; represented tl-ui :i Ii.I|-l- |.io|ioition oi tlie meit In rs oi this lii^titti'ion are oii^apcd it' pettinj: in tlm lir.r vect, tLe I'ublic Lectures -w ill Ik; diKi'iititiuucii until the 3rd of January next, wliea l)r Kent will ){ive lii* promised lecture on chctnislry : subject— bydroj;vu, water, and aerostation. ? I ws.'-ouTTJOs of i'\rtni:rsiiip. | rillili (riijtartneriihip e.uii.'d on in Adelaide Ly 3- Hubert Andrew Mcliueu und Tliomah Auld, under tlie linn -if Metueti iv Atild, as in. reltaiits and stui'cltei'jiei.-, was tkis day -listc!ved Siy \ mutual cout.'.ii(. U. A. M.rE'JKS ?JliOMAS Ai:L!i. Witness — Patkick Atti.n ' David AIiiuuay. The business will in future be carried on liy Robert Andrew Me burn, who will i.ettle nil accounts ouin^ by tlie lirm, und to whotii ull Hfcounts vii u.g to tLe firm ore iv^ut tiled to be paid. It. A. MeEUEN. Gtb December, I8J2. NOTICK is hereby given, that the p:irttitrsliip beretolore t-uusi»tint; iieliteen und curried on by U8 tlie undeitigi.i.d. Gourde 1'ife Anqas mid George Miller, :-t No '-!, JelFry'ti-MmaK:, St Vary Axe, City ul London, in the County oi Middlesex, as nurcliaiits under the firm oi G. 1;. Angus and Co., was tliifc «i;iy dissolved by muuml consent: and that, by tlie like consent, uli debts -'.u«; and ovrine to and tVotn t:-c said Aim .uli !«? received and paid by the said George Kile. Aut;as, by wtioiu tbe business will iu lutuie he catried on. — Oatcu this 24th Juv of Jutie, in tlie year ol our Loid 18it-. GKORGK FIFK ANGAS. r.iiOKGE r.:iLLii;;. MR RICH.MAN litidinjr it tucsseaty totpside in Adelaide, has itMiined tils |iiulessioiiul practice at his olliee in King WiUiuui-birott, Adelaide. December 8, 1842. WL CHANMNG being about to leave the ? colony for Kngluiul, detirc nil persuiib having claims iijjon liini, to oend in lluir a- coiitits without delay. And uli perkuus indditcii to liini «re rrquestcil to settle tlieir uecounts iinnu diately. Gou^f-r-strect, Dec. S. 1842. mox!:v. ra^O I'f advanced un tlic security of improved A. Country Land. App!y to J. rtOUi:RTS, LhmI Agent, Kirig-VillUrb-Ftrpet, adjoining tbe twjisler Olliee. ADRLAIIIK HUNT.— lltMIIX.I' HACK. ASU'KEI'rtTAKES of 1j-.icIi. ..itliaMili Kcriptidh added, to he run o\vr lliree miles, witli nine 4-leet jninps, by liurses honi fide tie pruperty t»l mbseiibers to the Adelaide hunt. Weights as followh:— :i-yi'Hrs old ? 10 ston: 4-yoHTsold ? 10 ' 7il» .Vy.ars t-:-J...» ? il ' ?«yi-Hi««jld ? II ?? Tib Jjeais »id und np«nl ? |-J! ?? Mart* and gclditigP nlluw.d .'Jibs. Trn'ctmrs«? and time ul Martini; to bcadvnt.ieed at Cliristinns. I'titrames to be lelt in writing uith die SecitUrv ul (lie Hunt. tsOI'TII ACSTKALIAN MAOAKIM^. AFKW r»mplet-; i,«'t« of tli- tirst fulum«o-this tHMio«ica! aiv still i« lian.i. and timy W bad lor iiiiicinc up, ar Mr Muo1ou«mu's .Sutio/w lVa.-1'iicuM-, Mr Piau.sV Li1if-i-Hiu.iley-«trocr, or ct tfa« 'SotiJj Atntrrittt! ll^cister** IVintin;' Oflirr. .*:.nU-ttaLvr4l*!i. lii'i. I

Till: I-RKNCII r.ANOl'AGI'. ECHCkCHKU has tlie l...i.or to inform the ? iiiliuUuiits of Adeluidc ui-d its vicinity, | but lie em.iniUv's pivin^ lusbuns in tiie Fien.-h I Laliguuge on moderate terms, eittiei in town or | it bib own huiise, in Kiiiidli.tirreit, No. Hit, tlie I ild etitublihlied ileiiut ul genuine fCau rlu C»lugiie, I leiirly opposite Messrs hew K; Co'». j N.U — A neat cottuge to let. -to uii: li:t, A GOOD HOUSE, with stiop. &r., with or without it bal.e-lioiiM-, ovcii, &e., on the icre coiner of Hiup U'iihuoi (irni Kumllc-hti-;ets. tin;uiie ut Mr liiayV, boutoud 6boe inanulac oiy, Ki.iiille-fctiei-f. N. IS. A i-;uull tjuaiitity of hemp for «ule. TO LICT, THE STOUKS,diveiiiii(; house, &c, at prtscnt occu|iied by Mr Ii. N. kutitutt, Hiri(lli) liri't Apply to Messrs Sitnrl, Jonston, K i-:iyne, ir to K. N. lvwii:n:tt, on the -jremi&c6. TO BK SOLD BV PKIVATt CCKTKACT, -Ti1li!C veil-known estiite late.y in ilie. M. |i :tion ot Gairatt & Fisher, comprising a 'iriclt dwelling, liou^c, mi iron »t.»ie uitti exten sive ci lluruges, two olliies tl:irt«»en l-vt sijiihiv baeli, oiil-lu.ii-ek, &C, &.C., all in good repair. Ivr |iilticuiaih apply to the. Trustees, Mr THOMAS TAYLOR. Attorney. --iiwii'.°- place ; Mr SAMrF.L'KENNRTT, Httlifux-sttcut, Adclairte I'irie-stitct, AdeJ'iiJe, Sip.. 'J.i, Jt^lL-. ?? i;i:iiisri:i:' i:ht.\»i.isii.mi:nt. 'J AMI1S Al.l.KN. hnvlnir i.ur.)i:t-,.,l t!,,.. ulwvc wcll ,| K-tii!.U-liiiuiit, lu-|!s tu iiittirni Uii! imlilic- that lie i- enaliliil l» I'M.eiite tvorv di.-M-1-ilitiini of HllOlC in.l .Mil! I'lilNTINli uitli n,-^ und des), :in,l. IVoiii thu liinnoii.-» initlay in I'liriiisirniK the olliw. the rxtoiiMVj variety --r ty|K-( tl»! ^?'?'sitiT |«irt uf niiii'h has Ihiji: lately r.-ct.-ii'fd s innl tile well-known character of IhccMaMisiiim-iit, lie flatters liiinsvlf that any work which In- niuy In' cntra-ti'd with will In! i-xoeutod in u ftjlu nut Iu !'?? sur|i»'-st'il in I.oiiiIoii. l'u-tiiiK and luiiiMiilU |-iinto-l at an hour's no! ice. JUST 1' I i! I. I S II E I), I'lllCB TIVO Mill I.I NO-, No. 3 or Voiitti: II. or un: SO! 1H AUSTRAIJAN MAGAZINE. Kuiii.o ii v T. V. Coiitn, Ksg. ^'^1113 Miifazim: for Uvccniber contain the folloniug I The Women of Sou*'i Australia. No. II. 2. A Talc; cil' S-rih Australia, liy A. II. K. 3. llamhliiu Itejainisreiicov. By \'iatoii. 4.,., No. II. llv IIcmiy II. )li».KHAit. Ty. On ihi: DiMriii'tion --t' Noxious Inserts, No. II. Ky Nairn* Amaioii. f-. All's Wiii'iit, a Keuiiiiiseeiiee. 7. Tlit Storm. By Natvii.i: Amaioii. b. Voy.nrcs and Adventures ameni; the Islands of the Adjarem Cults, No. 111. 9. To a Mother on her Birthday. |)v K. A. 10. Tiio l'liilosopiiy --( I'aiasiur Generatiou, No. I. 1$- \\. l)i in:, Es-|. M. Tin- DiiIiikIi Caterpillar. Ky the Ili-v. It. Tivion, Neiv XeiilatKl. 1 2. Monthly lt- void. l'uiilisheil liy Jamks Ai.i.kx, Hiiiullc-strco'i, corner of Kiii^ Williatn-stiuet. N.R. Tin' South Au tr.ilian Magazine coca t'roo of liuMa^t* ??haiire to any of the Colonies, ami to all jiarw of '.iri'.ct (iritaiu NOTICES OF THK PRESS. Tlii S««f« AuKlriiliiiu M-ir -tziui , Kvs. 'J. 10,11, anil \-. Maciloupjill, Adelaide. lf-*». Tins imoresiiiig periodical has rompteicil its first year, with ei tv appi araiK'e cf that vigour tvltirh will enable it lo reach a f;onil old airc. Among tin- atliiles before us are a sensiltlc e^sij on t'.ie *' Union el t lie Auslraliisiaiic Coluiiies nniler a Oovernor Gcneralfbip, ' iiiuiestiiijt 'Notes on the Natural lliM.iry of Smith Australia, °' soinn bold pninrs on ' Vegetable I'll) sioloiry, '' the ' Cli c.iatu -;f Smith Australia, ' besides poetry and liriion. &c. As a specimen ol'ihc more prartically nv'ul of these essays, we. extrait one upon the. 'Cultivation of the Vine, ' a subject whicli tve ate most anxious to keep befure our reader-. The Editor of the present volume, James Allen, Esq., has, in consequence of his becoming the proprietor of the South Australian Register, resigned the Magazine into the hands of T. Y. Cotter, Esq., who, judging from the papers which have already appeared in the Magazine from his pen, will not, we feel satisfied, unworthily fill the place so successfully occupied by his predecessor.—Australasian Chronicle, October 11. Siii'iii AtsiiiAi.ux H«iW.isi:. ? We have jiisticrei\cil mnuliers oliliis M»i;ir.iiie up to Septcmln'r, whirh last constitutes tlie nuifili niontlily pan of the series. This pulilic.iliiii is a credit to the colony, not wily ficia tlie clepanl niannir in which it is got ii|-, but from the ability anil talent displayed in its paces ? in fact, many ol' the ?'HI ides arc worth) ofthe column* of Itlncl.uooJ, »'i Frasi i. We «ii»li it th-: lull success to iiliicli its merits ciililles it, oml Nimrercly hope that a similar uuder talvinswill lie equally well coiulurted in Sndiiev. - SyJnry Ciusi/tc. Oelulnr fiift. SHEET ALMANACK FOR 1843, PUBLISHED AT THE REGISTER OFFICE. Rundle-street, corner of King William-street. JUST PUBLISHED. Price Sixpence. THE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET ALMANACK FOR 1843, containing — Tlie Daily f'i \b\.\, «itli the lining nmi ?c-ltiitp uf Ilie sun and moon, the latter li.»iii£l*'cii calculated f.T ilie |«ir;io.-c cf !-lii«iip iii.iotli(.!it ?.?\j!'i!igs, «h:cli had Ixrn suggested l»j many us extremely desirable. Gardeners' mid Farmers' Calendor I'ixed and Mo-ealile Kes;i-als, Auuiicrsariet, &c. KelipsesinlhlS Liolof (ioiermnent Ollicers of the Colony Military r.stablishinent Munici|iat Corporation uf Adelaide Oe«era»lV)siO'.Vice List uf I'ostinasicrs Itilcs of I'ostace. &c., Ac. KOVAI. SO17TI1 AUSTRALIAN* ALMANACK AND UKMCItAL IIIRErTOHV FOR ISI-J. EdiUil tig'f. Y. Con kb,, c.ssitU'd iiy s.rtfd! - ah-r lirnAt mcti ??/ ubUitg. [K callmiatu n'!iiiit(it!i,'iiV»c, Mr At.r.EKbcgsr-'«|H«-Iu1ly t.i ti.tiaate that this work is in tlie rawrsv of'i- materials liaving Uva *hea«ty collet. -d and rjrelllili rctisol. 11h- | «if Uit: Almanack pi-U1is|it.t last year will be foliim ei, with tiie adJiUoo, l.o»«--r, «f t»-n aud ititelxKt-inp niaui-r. No |-aiiis viW W spnvA \n maVc it in all nvpivn ca-h »* «ill ntiiliT it»«i«B:«if tV higfett %ni-\ir rwiiTaaec. It « ill !-? r- aJj for dWiteiy (rorln.-Kl* c«rl* to -«d-U-dir wubuj diariru to be (applied Itefore the rad cf the year. Adrcnisrrs an* rrqoesu-d to fonrar! tfcrir rcmaiBrira ti«m at earh as rniMbk. ~ S mb Anwtrs'lan UcRi-t«fOlTrt, -kii.?-.r ?«..!*?*?

SALES BY AUCTION. ^ I.AIiGi: WOOL SAI.K. FBENTKAM NK4LES i« iimlrncled to » ? oiler, Tuns Oav, Saturday, December lOlli, -the ful'owii:^ lot oi this jeai'u clip : 1 IH link'-: (trime wasltr.d wool | ^2 ' uuwaslietl 10 ' mi peri or «mn]ile, washed ' I) ?? lambs' | Merch.iiils ami eliijijicrs arc rer)iiei,to.l to intend ? ea.iy, as tlie uNHP.SKttvKD sale will continence ut twelve precisely. For the Auction Company. j CATTLE AND HOHSES. f TBKNTHaM NRALESwillsellTitis Day ? A prime lot ot cattle, liotses, Sin. Atrri. which, A firt-t-iat«- cntiiu iiurn-, just arrived from Port , Lincoln, «j;c rising three, color bright chestnut. For tlie Auctiott dompaiij . -i Tea, Corn Sacks, Beer, -$r. TllKNTHAMN BALES will ?ell. This Day, i ? M\) che.-ts oi prime tea, ^00 corn eackti, -(J biurels ule, ICO doz. bottled ule, turpaulins. i i Boohs and Clothes. ' JUENTHAM NliALES will sell This ? 1-aV, ISO vul nines of booke, and cloth lor 20it |iaits trousers. 1'or the Auction Company. Jlij Order of Mr E. Howard, Attorney lo Air Lazarus. l,A/.AKLTs's STORH. JBF.NTHAM NliALKS has received in. ? ttiuctioiis to bell, on Monduy next, Ueeentbcr 12th, \r4i, at twelve o'clock ut noon, ui:J ioliovviiip -lays, the whole ut' the VALUABLE STOCK of tins celebrated e« tublisbuicnt, und the lease of that first-rate site for si sltop. Amount the nuiiicrotu m tides will bo found— 41) cvvt. siiRur ?iOcwt. ginger 2 cut. diied apples ' 151) bottles muhtard t MO ll-s. doves I 600 lbs. pepper | I0O lbs. ci eu m of tartnr j .'-() Lott'cs lctnon svrujj 10 cwt. c.iffce I *2 cut. tutluric neid { hid Ba'.b brick m ! ;i(H) bottles pickki j IU) His. curraway heeds ! yi'O lbs. CHthonate boda { Sill) liotties Ciipeie I 100 bottler lime juice | 1GI lbs. essence ol' lemon nod iitppcrmiut i tei.-baird oil cans (tl'o. Inijjcst in the colony) i^iiallef ditto, xvith put«nt pump, cans, &c. l.'bls of haberdashery, hosiery, kloptt Mcg-ii«^Uit;lit chandflier, with globes, p^ftgj^cc. (cj»t 30 guinea*) ScHH^Pii stone 50 oBtneTciirry powder | 150 glass tumblers 3l» Relit*' hutH 8 liaiiilbOinesliow cauiKters 4i) ilia, candied lemon prel t!l) lbs. almonds 120 lbs. RaWpetre 40 lbs. alum 1*20 lbs. mould candles At) bubkets bait Cord, corks, maize, 'hell almonds Walnuts, various glass, labels. mtiii which. The best cortu- in Adelaide I ! The uncxpired tc-t yeuit.' lease of the ' Victoria Store,' ground rent very low, olFerin^ bii opportunity to a pushing tiadeMtmn to uiuUc a Jorlune, like liis picdecessur. TIMUICR SALE. JUENTIIAM MvAl.KSwill boll on Tuet. ? day, December 13, at. Futilie'n Tiinbt-rYitrd, Hiudley'-ttrfet, broad and nairow puling, ?iitnglct ?juurtering, lutbt, &c. Er Emtno. JHENTIIAM NKALliS will .ell on ? VWdin;bday next — Al) barrel* of eupevior flour, tbe finest tmmple ever ofleicd. 100 hhir sieves, mould boards, and catt boxes I ton tvliitniiiR 41)0 *K»t wheat and flour sacks. Fur ibe Auction Company. Flour and Cfteese. JBENTHAM NliALES will sell, without ? tiny ifBcrve, fill bags of 6at and second llour, und a prime lot of cheese. For the Auction Company. Land and Houses. JBKNTIIAM KEALKS will *elt. in it few ? days, ? in'rat number of small «nd lar^e «-tate«-, lotvn propertlef, and village allotment*. For the Auction Company. TO HE SOLD BY PUBLIC MJCTION. HY t. NONMJS, On VVrti»»sAay next, the 14th instant — AVKIlV va1ual«leand intercstirir collection of N All VI ?-t.;i-S,in the niftiest state uf prcsemtion, comptisinR many rate cperf ?in us. c»llcrU--l on the banks of the Murrey, or in the remote interior. Together with a valuable assortment of jewel, lety. watches, gold and silver guards, silver sniilT bun, &c, && C«ck«- tiax*. ttaiU. and stampa Saspended lamp* and fittaBga I Kritatinia metal ware I A large collection of theologtcd «rnritt ? A qnantitf nf |rttine dwecc, swi other co1o«i»t produce, togpdicr with — i M bvatreiti firime wheat (more or iese). 1 Hindlcy *ttv«%Ueee«tJer 10, 1612.

rO UE SOLO »Y PUBLIC AUCTION, BY I. NONMUS, 3 n Wednesday next, the 1'Jtb ini,t«nt — AVAKIKTV uf useful and valuable eff'Cfs, lui-icliuuilite, American riotir in, :i)lonial produc', aud three excel In.l siNe) vutcbes, with valuable appenrtaces. Hindley-Klreet, December IU, I84'J. rO UK SOLI- BY PUBLIC AUCTION, BY MR A. II. DAVIS, At bin rooms, Currie-ntreet, Adelaide, on Thurs day, the litti Ueeenibn, 1842. at eleven tot twelve o'clock — I *%€) D^/'I'-N tine bottled tile, without *' reserve j »lso. Beer, port, sherry, and claret, ami tundry mercbaudise. MB A. H. UaYIS lus rt-ctived instruct iont. to sell 11V l'CHI.IC AUCTION. Un Thursduy, the ±-nd December, 1S42, u-il«»s previously dtspobed of privuti- contract — ONE «.| ilie very best cultivated COUNTRY SUCTIONS within t«o miles -il Adelaide. A very superior COUNTRY SECTION, situate on Eyre's Flat, in District C. Thi»t very excellent TOWN ACRE, No. 194. iu Liglit-sijuarc, covered with buildings ; ttie tvhule let to fioni tenants. Seveml frecliold sections in Brighton, Hind marsh, &c, &c. Furthei particulars may be obtained of tbe Auctioneer. To Merchants, Shipowners, Pahilcrs, und Others. MESSRS LAMBERTS: SON. auctioneers, Riindle-street, have receive! instructions to sell ul tlieir rooms, BV PUBLIC AUCTION, On Tuesday, the 13tli December, at twelve o'clock precisely — 1 5 dozen t-hot- brushes II ' \tuititers' brushes 3ri 5-gall. vans boiled linseed oil 1 ' raw oil 5 cans 2 gallons each I cask containing 22 bladders putty 3'.) kegs white lead, '2$ IbB. each '20 ' blaek paint 37 ' brown do. 3SI ' slate do. Sacking canvas aud wool Lagging Double and single blocks) Metul sheaves tun! builders' pulley v-ln'L-U Turning lathe mid pump borer Hope Steel flour mill Without, reserve Van Diemen's Land Flour, Sherry, Claret, lioltlcd Ale and Porter. MESSRS LAMBERT & SON mil «ell BV PUBLIC AUCTION, At tlieir rooms, llundle-ntrcet, on Tuesday, 13th December, at twelve o'clock ptecisel) , without reset ve il tons Van Dicmen'a Land flour, 1st quality dquiinci -casks sherry, no cltnrges 5 cases claret do. Champagne Bottled porter and ale. Cuttle Company's C/u-rse. \/TE S S R S LAMIIGKTK SON. LvJ. Auctioneers, Kundlc-strcct, will sell BV I'UBLIC AUCTION', At their rooms, on Tuesday, IStli December, at twelve o'clock precisely— 4 tons of the finest cheese in the colony, from the celebrated dairy of the Cattle Company, mt Mount Darker, in suitable lnt«. The cheese has age, is deservedly celebrated, and in condition to ship to any part ofthe v.oild. Without reserve. BY OKUEU OFTHE MORTGAGEE. Valuable end extensive lSusincss Premise* in lliudley-street . MESSRS LAMBERT & SON. Auctioneer*. Ruudle-fctreet, bbve beeu honored with in structions to sell UV I'UBLIC MOTION, At tlieir rooms, on Friday, ICth December, al twelve o'clock precisely — The splendid business premises atid excellent private residence, store, bud out-olb'ces, lately occupied by Captain John Walker, and now rented by the Corporation, ftituated itt the beat part of hindley-street, being the half of acre No. ? 5, iu excellent repair, and freehold. The entire property is so well known, that it it unnecessary to dwell upon its highly advanta geous character. Plant mid particulars mat be seen tt the auc tioneers ns above, or of W, Hartley, £sq., solicitor to the Mortgagee. 'UOVAr. C5KOKGK.' ffi HE well-known Clydeadale hctroe ROY A I, M. GEORGE will stand to rover this season at Chambers'! Livery Stables, North-terra«f». JVoynt? (imrgt to n Mire foal-getter, and too well known to intd lurther cominrnt. Terms— For one mate, £4; two mares, £7 i ? three or more, Li each ; by bill at three month*. ' ACTiT-OX.' Til 16 splendid tborotigh-brrd horse ia rising fIs )vnt*. aUnd« 15 hand* 3 inches, is by Roj-gI Oak out ot Anna by Whalebone, known to lie of the liett blood in England. Will stand * CbamLers's Livery Stables. Terms— Five guineas, by bill i.t three months ; and any marts not proving in lonl will be covered gratis neat season. Any marvs covered by Atteon last Mason not in l-ial, tvill be coveted at half-orice tliisiear Adelaide, Scptemb.-r 23, 181'i. 'MEADI^.' *T-t«K thnnMKfc-bred Arab hone $iKAMtuS. 1 inpurtet ban 6tnf-apoie in the iJwiw. will stand t» nm thi*»e«Maat tbe nJJuei -t-»«r» Bttaee ft TWaraa, Kw-4le-eiR«t. Tenot — Five CwneM, gram*** imawlr.i.