South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 8 May 1844, page 1

FOR SYDNEY DIRECT. jfajST* The fine last-sailing schooner ^ShhjkL I. W. Brown, commander. Having all Tier *f8sB9D* freight CDga^ed, will meet with quick dispatch. For passage apply to the Captain on board. E. L. MONTEFlOfcE, King- William- street. FOR HuNGKONG. ( Should sufficient inducement offer ) JrJTjKv The AUGUSTUS yMmW^^ w'' be 'ald OD *°r ''ie auove P°rt 0D 'lor ytMHHJBSSjr return from Sydney.^ PPy ° 'JOHN HART. OB, HAG EN & CO. 'VVcdnoday, May 8th, 1844. 8 A Z A A 11 . Under the Patronage of Mrs Grey. npHE Ladies of the Congregational Chapel in ?*- tend hoMing their second Bazaar, for the sale of fancy and useful articles, in aid of the building fund, on the 24th and 25th of May. Considerable contributions have been received from Eng land. Further aid from the Ladies of the Province is re spectfully solicited by the following Ladies, constituting the Committee : —

Mrs Gouger Mrs Giles Mrs Frew Mrs MoorhoutB

Mrs Partridge Mrs Russel Mrs Watts Mrs Stow (Secretary).

W. H. GEORGE, PLUMBER, PAINTER, A H D GLAZIER, KING W1LLIAM-STRKET. \\r H. GKORGE has on sale window glass of * ' ' the following sizes :— 27 x 20, 24 x 20, 24 x 18, 20 x 10, 20 x. 14, 18 x U, 18 x 12, 10 x 14, 1C x 12, 14 x 12, 14 x 10, 12 x 10, 10 x 8.

Copal varnish Carriage do. Oak do. Mastic do. Black japan Oil gold size Japan gold size Turpentine

Ground colour* White lead Venetian red Black Brunswick greta Unjer Raw linseed oil Boiled do.

A large quaatity of Dry Colours, as follow*: —

Vermillion ? Indigo blue Venetian red Red leid Litharge. Spruce ochr« Stone do. Bristol do. Burnt do. Pale eroroc yellow Deep do. Turkey umber, raw Ditto, burnt English umber Spanish brown Vandyke bruwn Raw Terra de Sieua Burnt do. Prussian blue Verdiur do. Antwerp do. Indigo do. Blue black

Lump black Bone Mack Dry white lead English whiting Native do. Copperas Duik Brunswick greea Light do. Mineral do. .A c/i^'.Cy if Sable pem£U Camels hairdo. Gold leal Dutch metal Dark gold bronza Light do. Silver do. Pummice stone Sheet lead Zinc Solder Putty Boxes fur pumps

All descriptions of pumps tnado to order. Every description of ornamental painting, writing, graining, and gliding, executed equal to the London houses, at one half their charges. W. H. G. dealing only for ready money, is enabled to sell every article, and execute all descriptions of work at the very lowest prices. TUB K1EBT PRODUCTIONS IN THB BOELD toe. THE HAIR ! THE SKIN ! ! AND THE TEETH ! ! ! ROWLAND'S MACASSAB OIL TS universally acknowledged to be the only article ?*- tbat will effectually produce and restore bair (includine whiskers, mustachios, and eyebrows'), prevent it from falling off or turning grey, free it from scurf and dandrifT, and render it de lightfully soft, silky, curly, and glossy. Caution.—- Numerous pernicious compounds are universally told as ' Macassar Oil.' To ensure the real article, see tbat tlie bottle is enclosed in a wrapper (a steel engraving of exquisite workmanship), on which are engraved 'Rowland's Macussai Oil,' in two lines *«* To further ensuretae genuine article, see that the words ' Rowland's Macassar Oil' are engraved on the back of the en velope nearly 1,500 times, containing 29,028 letters. Without v this none are genuine. Price 3s. 61; 7s.; family bottle* (equal to four tmall), 10*. 6d.; and double tbat the, 21s. per bottle. ROWLAND'S KALYDOR. This elegant and fragrant preparation thoroughly eradicates all pimples, spots, blotches, re tness, tan, freckles, and other de fects of the skin, heals sunburns, stings of insects, and reduces inflammation. It imparts a youthful roseate hue to the most bilious complexion, and renders tlie aims, hands, and neck trans parently fair, and delightfully soft and smooth. it is invaluable as a renovating and refreshing wash during travelling, or exposure to the «uo, dust, or dry piercing winds, and after the heated atmosphere of crowded assemblies, Gentlemen will find it peculiarly grateful after shaving in allaying tbi irri tation oi the skin. Price 4s. 6d. and 6s. 6d. per bottle, duty included. ROWLAND'S ODONTO.OR PEARL DENTIFRICE, A Fragrant White Powder, of Oriental Herbs. It eradicates tartar and decayed spots from the teeth, preserves the enamel, to wbich it imparts a pearl-like whiteness, and Axes the teerh firmly in the gums. Being an anti-suorbutic, it eradi cates the scurvy from tue gums, strengthens, braces, and renders them of a healthy red ; it removes unpleasant tastes from tbe mouth, wbicb often remain after ferers, taking medicine, &c, aad imparts sweetness and perfume to the breath. Price 2s. 9d. per box, duty included. ROWLAND'S BSSENCB OF TYRE, OB IMPXRUL DYK, - Changes red or grey hairs, whiskers, eyebrows, &c, to a beautiful brown or black. Price 4i., 7s. 6d., 10b. 6d., and 21s. par bottle. ROWLAND'S ALSANA EXTRACT Immediately relieves tbe most violent tooth.ache, gam-boil*, an ?welled face. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6o\, and 10s. 6d. per bottle. Observe.— To protect the public from fraud, the Hon. Com raisbioners of Her Majesty's Stamps have Butborited the pro pnetor s signature to be engraved on the Government stamp A. Rowland & Son, 20, Hatton Garden, which is affixed to tbe Kalydor. Odonto, and ANana. None of these are genuine without the stamp. Beware of Imitations ! I composed of the most pernicious and trashy ingredients, and wbich are fiequently pressed upon the unwary as 'genuine,' and under the lure ot being cheap. Be sure to ask for ' Rnvland's Articles.' Imported by Mr J. Beutbam Neales, Government auctioneer' and «old by every Perfumer and Chraist tbrougboat tie ?iviliaed world.


G. F. Aston John Baker Chas. Bonney Chas. Campbell A.L. Elder C. G Everard J H. Fisher Chas. Flaxman A. Forster Jas. Frew W. Giles Thos. Gilbert Wm. Gray Wm. James Dr Kent Geo. Morphett W. Peacock

Hon. Capt. Frome, R.E. Hon. Jacob Hagen, M.L.C. Hon. Major O'Halloran, M.L.C. Capt. O'Halloran Hon. John Morphett, M. L.C. Hon. A. M. Muody, M.L.C. G. V. Shipstcr Hon. W. Smillie, M.L.C. Geo. Stevenson Edwd. Stephens Saml. Stocks, jun. Hon. Chas. Sturt, M.L C Edmd. Trimmer Robt. Thornber John Wotherspoon Wm. Wyatt.

COUNTRY COMMITTEE. MOUNT BARKER. Lieut. W. G. Field, R.N. D. Macfarlane Joseph May Matthew Smillie. A. McFarlane STRATHALBYN. J. Rankine E. Stirling. MORPBETT VALE. A. Brodie John Turner. ENCOUNTER BAY. Rev. R. W. Newland Dr Wark T. B. Strangways PARA. G. F. Anstey A. E. Fortnum. OAWLEIl TOWN. Stephen King John Reid LTNDOOB VALLEY. John Hallett John Harrison. BAROOSSA. W. G. Brown Josep'j Gilbert W. Evans PORT GAWI.ER. Capt. Allen John Ellis. PORT ADELAIDE. R. R. Torrens Henry Watson. PORT LINCOLN. Chas. Driver. NORTHERN DISTRICT. Capt. Bagot Wm. Slater. Wm. Jacob MEADOWS. B. Davenport Capt. Hughes Hon. Lieut. Dashwood, R.N., M.L.C. WILLUNGA. Edw. Loud A. Cliffe.

T'HE COMMITTEE beg to anaounce, that *~ tbe Show of Live Stock will take place on Wednesday, the 4th September next, at Messrs Stocks & Co's., Gre-fell-street, Adelaide, when the following prizes will be of fered for competition, viz.: — CATTLE. First class prize — For the best bull, of any breed— not less than two years old. Second class prize — Second best do do do Third class i tize— Third best do do do First class prize — Best dairy cow. Second class prize — Best cow. First class prize — Best heifer, not exceeding two years old First claw priEe— Best fat butiock— age, symmetry, and weight considered. First class prize-- Best fat steer — symmetry and« weight considered. First class prize — Best team of four working bullocks. SHEEP. First class prize — Best combing ram. Second class prize — Second best ditto, ditto. First class prize — Best clothing ram. Second class prize— Second best ditto, ditto. First class prize — Best pen of five combing breeding ewes. Second class prize — Second diito, ditto, ditto. First class prize— Best pen of five clothing breeding ewes. Second class prize — Second best ditto, ditto, ditto. First class prize — Best pen of ten fat wedders, not less than two years old.

B0R6ES. First class prize— Best stallioo. First class prize— Best draught stallion. First class prize— Best brood mare. First class prize — Best draught biood mare First class prize— Best coll or filly under two years old. First class prize — Best colt or filly, for draught, do , do. SWINE. First class prize — Best boar. First class prize — Rest breeding sow. First class prize — Best fat pig. Second class prize—Best litter of pigs not exceeding e'ght weeks old. special rnize First class prize— For the best general show of stock. POULTRY. One guinea prize— Best basket of not less than five tur keys. One guinea prize— Best basket of nol less than five geese. One guinea prize— Best basket, of not less than five ducks. One guinea prize— Best basket of not less than ten fowls, N B. Tbe competition for the poultry prizes will not be confined to members only. BEWARDB. To shepherds, of members of the society, who shall pro duce a certificate from their masters of having reared, in the present lambing season, the greatest number of lambs, from a flack of not less than 300 ewes First class prize. Next best — Second class prize. Next best — Third class prize. To the best sheep-shearer, for sbeep thorn at the show ? First class prize. Nest best — Second clai-8 prize. 8WEEPSTAK.EB. Members desirous of competing for extra stock, or re wards, in addition to the above prizes, must give written notice to the Secretary of the names of the subscribers to the sweepstakes, and pay the amount of the same on or be fore the first of August next. No sweepstakes to be less than two pounds. All exhibitors must have paid their subscription to the Society of 7s. 0d. for the current year. Members desirous of exhibiting agricultural implements, may do so. The entrance money to be paid at the time of entering tho stock on the morning of the show. A general meeting of the Society will beheld at Messrs t-amberts rooms, Hindley-street, at nine o'clock precisely, on tbe morning of the show, to appoint the Judges, who will be guided by the following regulations :— 1st— That the stock exhibited shall be tho bonafide pro perty of the exhibitor, and that it shall have been bis pro perty for at least three months previously to the day of exhibition. J 3 2nd— No premium will be awarded, in any case, where there are not thrte competitors ; but the judges will be authorised to award prizes in cases of ninicular merit. 3rd— All cows exhibited must have had at least one calf within the last two years. 4th— AH maros must have bred or be visibly in foal. 5th— All the sheep to be exhibited unwashed. 6th— The stock shall be on tho ground by 8 a.m. of the day of exhibition. The Committee will announce as soon as possible the amount of the prizes to he awarded, which will be made as liberal as the funds at the disposal of the Society will admit By order of the Committee. O. S. KINGSTON, Honorary Secretary. Adelaide, 3rd M«y, 1844. J 'eiary.

STATIONERY. QN sale at the Register printing office, on as ?* iortment of stationery, as follows : — Ledgers Cash books Journals Account books, of various kinds, rultd and plain Memorandum books Writing papers Forms of Agreement between Matter*' and Servants' Bills of Lading Quills and steel pens and holders Blotting papers, ink India-rubber Round and flat rulers, &c, &e. BILLS (^LADING. QHIPPERS of goods are rnBpcetfulIy informed that Bills

'-' oi uaaing arc on saieai me omce oi tuis paper. Register Office, January 1844. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SATURDAY MAGAZINE. PROSPECTUS. A NUMBER of the most respectable Colonists have expressed themselves desirous to support the pub-lication of a weekly periodical similar to the London Sa-turday Magazine, with a view of diffusing through all classes of the Colony a general love for literature at a rate cheap enough to bring it within the reach of every person tiisposcd to read. It is considered that such a work, wholly unconnected with pjluics, may be acceptable to the South Australian public, as tbe vehicle of useful knowledge, pleasant instruc tion, and humourous entertainment iu moments of leisure from more absorbing pursuit*. Is is, therefore, proponed on concluding the second volume of the South Australian Magazine, to alter the character of that work, its thape, and price, and under ad ditional editorial management, to publish in its stead, on every Saturday, a Magazine, to be called the South Austra lian Saturday Magazine, at tho low price of threepence a number. The work is intended to contain as much variety as pos sible, in original contributions of local or general interest. Articles on the Natural History of the Province, original poetry of merit, tales, narratives, and miscellaneous sub jects, light literature, with occasional remarks upon and exti acts from modern published works of established renu.

tatiuu. The first number for each succeeding month will ecntain a short record of the transactions of the past month, liaeli number will contain eight octavo pages of the size of the LoDdon Saturday Magazine in double columns. Adver tisements will bo published with the Magazine on the most reasonable terms. It is needless to add that it is only by an extensive circu latio n that the expenses necessary in getting up such a work can be repaid, and that regularity and punctuality are espe cially desirable in its appearance. To insure in part tnese objects, the Col.mi.-ts are ear nesty requested to subscribe torsucli a nmn'jer of copies as they may choose for six months certain, this enabling the Editors to prepare anj |,ubli ,!i the Magazine weekly without delay, hesitation, or riti for a time which will cither establish its success coni^li-icl/, w+i'ru.u its fji'lure r» ..3 utidci- ' taking. Contribution! and advertisements ate requested to be ad dressed to the Editors of tlie South Australian Saturday Magazine, at the Register Office, or at Mr Plata's Library, or to Mr Deacon, North-terrace, by whom subscriptions will be received. The first number will appear immediately on the comple tion of some preliminary arrangement, of which due notice will be given. Emigration Gazette and Colonial Advocate Office, 75, King Wi) ham-street, Ciiy, London.

THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN VIGNERON AND GARDENERS' MANUAL. Just published, in one vulume 8vo., neatly bound in cloth, price 3s. to Subscribers, and 4s to Non Sulihciijirs, T^HE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN VIGNERON ?*- and GARDENERS'MANUAL, continuing P.ain Practical Directions for tlie Formation of Vineyards arid the Cultivation ol the Vine, whether lor Wine, Raisins, or the 'I able; the Formation of a Fruit and Kitchen Garden; Propagation of Hardy Fruit-trees, with Catalogue and lull Directions for their Cultivation; tbe General Management of the Kitchen Garden ; Catalogue of Cu'inary Vegetahles ; Seasons and Mode of Planting, Solving &c. ? By Gto. McEwik, Gardener to Geo Stevenson, Esq. CONrKNTS : CHAP. I. -THE VINEYARD. Section I ? The Cultivation of the Vine for tbe purpose of matting Wine. Situation, Aspect, and Slicker. — Soil. -The situation, soil, and pro duce of tbe Vineyards cl' France, Spain, and Portugal. Marking outandFcnciugllic Vineyard. Preparation oftlieGround. -Mode of Trenching.- Manuriip. - Selection of Grapes for Mating Wine. - Suitableness to tlie Soil, &c. — Method of Propagating the Vine. Dressing Hid Cuttings.- Planting Ibe Vineyard. - Mciuod of procuring Rooted Plants. —Removing and planting them out for the purpose of filling up blanks iu the Vineyard. Pruning. — -Stakes for ihc tuppor. of the Vines. — Method of Training. — Dressing tlie Vineyard for tbe first, second, third, fourth, lifth, and civtli cf-n-inn«.

Section II ? The Cultivation of the Vine for tbe purpose oi uiakinp Raisins. Soil, Situation, and Manuring, &c- Selection of suitable varieties of Grapes. - Manner of Planting. — Method of making Espalier rails -uid Training the Vines.- -Pruning till the Vines come to ma turity.— Spanish Heed. Section III — The Cultivation of the Vine for the purpose of growing Gmpes lor ihe Table. Trellis. -Trenching and Manuring.— Varieties of Gr»pcs.~ Pruning and Training. — Quantity of Fruit. CHAP. H.-THE FRUIT AND KITCHEN GARDEN. Section I.— On the Formution of a Garden. Choice of Soil, Situation, and Aspect.- Shelter from cold Winds.— Descriptionof the best Soil.- Walerfor Irrigation. -Beservoiis.— Form of the Garden.- Fences. - Live Fencing. — Acacia,'nati»e of Kangaroo Island.-- Prickly Pear.- Trenching. - Improvement of the Soil, if necessary. - Arrangement of the Garden into cora partmeols, walks, &c. - Edging of the Walks. - Making the Walks. —Laying out theGardcn with Frnit-trccs.— .Choice of Fruit-ticci. —Mode of Planting.- Core during Summer. Section II ? The Propagation of Fruit-trees. By Seed.-By Layers.- By Cuttings.- By Grafcing.-By Budding. Section III. — Catalogue of Hardy Fruit-trees, Shrubs, Plants, &c. Tbil section comprises the native country, adaptation to climate uses, general habits, modes of hearing, seasons, directions for pruning and transplanting, voil.situation, and aspect proper for the following fruits:- Almond, Apple, Apricot, Banana, Clieiry, Cu cumber, While and Red Curram, Date, Fig, Gooseberry, Guava, Lonuat, Sweet Mel 'n, Water Melon, White and Black Mulberry, Nectarine, Olive, Orange, Lemon, Citron, Lime, Shaddock, Peach, Fear, Plum, Pomegracue, Quince, Raspberry, aud Strawberry. Section IV. ? General Mm ngitnent uf a Gulden, and Cultiva tion of Culinary Management of the Soil.-Manure, and situation for the Mixeo.— Manuring. -Fruit-tree Borders.- Rotation of Crops. - Sowing.— Coraparotive meiits «f Bioadcusl and Drill Sowing.— Thinning, Weeding, and Hoeing.- Study of the Soil. Protection ol tender Plants. Shading.- Mulching. -Watering. Itulcsforthe Manage ment ofibcGtrdcn.&c. Section V — Ctaloi'iie of Culinarv Vecetal.lcs. Rules for Sowtne u Hflerenl part9 of the Colony. - Time of sowing, management sating seed, &c.,&c, of the following Vegetables: -Artichoke. Asparagus, Balm, Basil, Bean, Beet, Borecole or Scotch Kaie, Brign»l or Egg-Plant, Broccoli, Cabbage, Capsicum, Carrot CauliBower, Celery, Cress, Endive, Garlic, Horseradish, Kidney Bt»n, Lcck, Lettuce, Marjoram, Mint, Mustard, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Pen, Potato, Radish, Rhubarb, Sage, Savory, Sea Kale.Slialot.Splnach, Tliyme, Tomatoor Love-Apple, Turnip, and Vegetable Marrow. Published by James Aiusn, at the Register Gt&ce, corner of King William-street, wbere subscribers' copies may be ob tained, and sold at Mr Plaits'* Library, Mr MacdoMjall'i, and Messrs i'iett and Linklutcr'i, Hindley-street.

JUST PUBLISHED AT THE 'REGISTER' OFFICE, HUKDLE-STttEET, CORNER OF KING WILLIAM STREET, Pit ICE FOUR SHILLINGS, i TBE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ALMANACK, AND GENERAL DIRECTORY FOR 1844. 'pHE following ate the contents of the Almanack ~ .according to tbe order in wbieli the separate article* stuud: — CONTENTS : I. The Editor's preface. II. Eclipses for 1841. III. Equation of time for 1844. IV. Law courts, law terms, bank holidays, &c. V. Anniversaries, fixed aud moveable festivals, &c. &cc. VI. Daily calendar icr 1844. Containing tbe rising and setting of tbe sun, the phases ot the moon, and otber ueelul matters, with directions tor the farm and garden, core pi led expressly for this Almanack. VII. Horticultural and agricultural calendar. Containing full directions for kitchen garden, the fruit garden, the vineyard, and the field, tbe whole having been curefully revised for the present publication, and special instructions having keen introduced for the cultivation of the vine, tbe hop, tbe tobacco plant, the cotton plant, and the castor oil tree. VIII. Catalogue of trees, plants, &c. &c. Grown at Melbourne Coltnge, North Adelaide, by George Stmnson, Esq.. mid containing, 1st. hardy fruit trees, sluuks, plants, &c. ; 2nd. tuble crapes and wine grapes ; 3rd. bnrdy or namental trees; 4th. hardy ornamental shrubs; 5th. Imrdy ornamental climbing shrubs ; Cih. hardy herbaceous plantti j and, 7thly, bulbous roots and plants, &c. &c. IX. List of horticultural productions Of South Austmlie, comprising the vegetables and fruits in season, and tbe plants in flower during each month of the year, compiled by Mr George McEwin, author ot the ' Soulb Australian Vipncron and Gardener's Manual.' X Constitution and Government of the colony. Under which is comprised with other matters — 1. The Act for tie better Government of South Austruliu. 2 The Act for Uegulating the Sules ot Waste Lands in South Australia. 3. The Lund Sales' Regulations issued under tbe foregoing Act, with the fees and schedules annexed. And 4tb, A digest of nil thut is interesting and important in the Acts ot the Legislative Council at pteteut iu force in 'this Colony. XI. Civil and Military Establishment of South Aus tralia. Containing a list of all the Government officers, and of her Majesty'., Justices of the Peace for the Province, &c. &c. XII. Onenine of the new Ler/islativc Council.

Under wbicb head is included — 1. Governor Grey's opening address. 2. Governor Grey's Financial Minute fur 1844. 3. Resolutions of the Council ou the revival of emigration. And 4th. A list of till tbe Acts passed during tbe fiist session. XIII. Public Institutions of Adelaide. Including Literary and Scientific Association, Banks, Free masons, Odd Fellows, Total Abstinence, und Philanthropic Institution, &c &c, XIV. General Colonial Statistics. Comprising fifty closely printed pages of matter, arranged under the following separate heads — 1. Laud sales in the colony. 1 Financial position of tbe Government. 3. Receipts and expenditure of tbe Colonial Government including — (l) Genera! memorandum of receipts from Jan. 1st, to c mt. .30th. Ifi3. , (lij. Cocnpfratit'c^fccdpts anS espen^iture for first Qire*' quarters ol 1843. (in) Estimates for the year 1844. (iv,) Miscellaneous items of expenditure. (V. ) General abstract of Receipts und Expenditure. 4. Banking Statistics of the Colony, embracing— (I.) A comparative analysis ol the half-yearly returns of the average weekly liabilities and assets of the Bunk of South Australia and Bank of Australasia, Adelaide, from the curliest date of Ibeir publication down to November ?27th, 1843. (ii.) Statement submitted to the monthly meeting of tbe Directors of the South Australian Savings Bank on iho 4,1, n../--ml.o, lftit

5 Commercial Statistics of tie Colony, including — (i.) Export of oil and whalebone for 1841, 1842, & 1843 (ii.) Export of wool during the season 1842-3. (in ) Import und export ot wheat, flour. &c, from tbe 1st October, 1841. to tbe 30th September, 1843. (iv.) General abstract of imports and exports for the first three quarters of 1843. (v.) Imports lor tbe year ending the 30th September, 1843, with their description and quantity, the | laces from which they were imported, and their estimated value in sterling (vi.) Exports for the year ending 30th September, 1843, with their desciiption and quantity, the places to which they were exported, anrl their estimated value in sterling. (vir J Sundry articles of Colonial produce exported, from tbe 1st April to the 30tb September, 1843. (via.) General return of the value of the. imports and exports of South Australia, for tbe three years ending tbe 30th September. 1843. (ix.) Return of shipping inwards and outwards, for tbe three years ending the 30th September, 1813. (x.) Return ot vessels belonging to the Port of Adelaide, 30th September, 1843, with the date of register, vessel's numc, master's name, and tonnage of each. (XI.) Special shipping return moved for by Major O'Hal 1 or on, iron) the 1st January to the 30th September, 1843, with their tonnage, and number of passengers. (xti.) General shipping return, from the 1st January to tbe 30th September, 1843, with their tonnage, and tbe number oi their passengers.

(xiii.) General return of vessels built and registered in tbe Colony, up to 30th September, 1843 (xiv.) Mines und Quarries in the Colony. (jcv.) Return of Flour Mills in the Culony, lot 1843. C. Agiicltural and Pastoral Statistics, including — (i ) Comparative return of the number of acies in culti vation in the years 1840, 1841, 1842, and 1843. (it.) Return showing the difference in the quantity of land under cultivation on the luth October, 184-2, ur.d30th September, 1843. (hi.) Return of the price of grain at tbe Adeluide Corn Exchange, from the 3rd Match to the 20th May, 1843. (iv ) Notice of tlie number of horses, cuttle, und sheep, entered in tbe application for licences to depptture stock on the Wuste Lands o( thu Crown, made previously to tbe 5th September, 1843. (v ) Table showing the progressive increase of stock, from Junuary, 1838, to December. 1H43. 7. Statistics of Uelipion and Crime in tbe Colony, including — (i. ) Places of Worship and Schools in South Australia. (ii ) Denominations, ministeiu, und places of worship iu Adelaide, with the averse attendance at each. (m.) Return of tbe number of offendeis in the Supreme Court, in the years ending 30th September, 1840, 1841, 1842, und 1843. and in the Court of General Sessions of the Peace. 8. Miscellaneous Statistics, including — (i ) Return of buildings in the town of Adelaide, exclu sive ot the siihuibs, for the ye»r 1843. (u.) Return of Public-houses in tbe Province, for the years 1840, 1841, 1842, and 1843. (in.) Births, Murriuees, und Deaths in tbe Province during the year ending 30th September, 1843 (iv. ) Amount of tbe ordinary revenue und expenditure of South Australia, for each quarter, from October 17tb, J838 to December 3 Irt, 1843. (v.) Ooods wares, mid merchandise imported und ware boused, in tbequttrtci cndincSUt December, I8-3 (vi.) Persons who have arrived in or left the Piovince by way of tlie Murray, from 1st Oet 184-2 to Sept. 30. 1H43. (vii.) Ruin Gunge, kept by G. S. Kingston, Efq. (viii.) Tuble of Annual Means for 1838. 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, and 183:). compiled from a register kept by Wm. Wyatt, Esq., Grenfell-street, Adelaide. XIV. Country Directory for 1844. This Directory has been compiled from returns procured es. peciully for thin Almanack by Mr D. G. Brock, mid embraces. 08 fares ci.uld be ascertained by personal visits, the name of every proprictoi und cultivator in the Province, with the quantity ol cultiva'ed land, and the amount ol stock possessed by eadj. XV. Adclaida Directory.