Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 4 December 1930, page 16

LEGAL NOTICES SI BOZO* nntRT.ra WYLD DECEASED. XJ HOTIOS IS HEREBY GIVES that the Deputy Ilutcr of the Supreme Court of South -a«triH« has ponuaju to 'The Trustee Act 18*8' directed that til crediton and other penon* having CLAIMS afainst Che ESl'ATIS of CLEOEGE CHARI,FS WILD late of Wayville in the Mid State out of buraua deceased who died -n toe 12th da/ at Sovember I»2» and Probate of whose Will waa granted to EXECUTOB TSUSTEB AUD A.GESCY COMPANY Op 60UTH AUSTRALIA LOOTED No. 22 GrentelUtreet Adelaide an to (end fall imrticnlar* of their claina to the -aid Company on or before the «th d»J of January 1931 otherwise the/ will be — - ''*»* from the distribution of the laid eatate. EDMUNDS, JE3SOP k WARD. Xpwcrth Buildiig. Pirie-atreet, *h.i.m. Solicitor! tor the Executor, ? IN THE MATTER OF the ESTATE at JOHN SPROD late of North Kensington in the state of South Australia Medical Practitioner Deceased and IN THE MATTER of the ESTATE of SARAH ELIZABETH SPROD late of North Kensington aforesaid Widow Deceased BY DIRECTION of the Deputy Master of the Supreme Court of South Australia NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the 'Trustee Acts 1893-1923' that JOHN CUDMORE SPROD one of the sons of the above-named JOHN SPROD and SARAH ELIZABETH SPROD late of 'No. 8 Rue de la Mon-tagne Paturages Belgium via Mons' (if liv-ing) or any person or persons claiming to be the widow child or legal representative of the said JOHN CUDMORE SPROD and claiming to be entitled to share in the distribution of the Estates under the respective Wills of the said John Sprod and Sarah Elizabeth Sprod Deceased are required to send by post prepaid to 'Mr. S. B. Labatt Ware Chambers King William-street Adelaide South Aus-tralia' Solicitor for the Trustees of the said Wills at the said JOHN SPROD and SARAH ELIZABETH SPROD deceased respectively their Christian and Surnames addresses and descriptions and full par-ticulars of their claims on or before the 15th day of June 1931 otherwise they will be excluded from the distribution of the Estates. DATED this 3rd day of December, 1930. SAMUEL B. LABATT. Ware Chambers, 112, King William-street, Adelaide Solicitor for the Trustees. FTHE HATTER of the Estates of tb* Under mentioned deceased persons:— BKKNJiAN, Laurence, late of Tory Bank, near Strathalbyn. Farmer and Laborer BBOWJJ, Uary Jane, formerly ot WIrrahsTa, late of Parkside, Harried Woman BUTTEBFIELJJ, Craven, late of Woodvffle, Billiard Saloon Proprietor BYRNE, John Joseph, late of ArtflaUx, OerporatloB Employe GALNAN, Allan Charles, laU of Edithbnrgb, Iacensed Victualler OAKPUUYNDEB, Alfred Oharlea, late of BwimaT*. Laborer EDWARDS, Emma Eleanor, late of WalkerrtU*. Spinster ? FOUBUAN, Hugh, late of Tnrro. Pensioner HENDERSON. Robert, l&te of Waiha, Hev let HILTON', Louisa Miriam, late of Blackwood, Widow JUM HUN'S, Hary Catherine, late of Goodwood, Harried Woman t.v.e Frederick James, late of Kensington Park, Postal Assistant MADDIGAN, John. late of liaylands. Itaatn UENEAB, Seth, 1st* of Soariunga, Out of Busi ness MILTON, Louisa Bella, -late of Oowell Widow KORAN, Margaret Theresa, late of North Adelaide. Spinster NEWBOLD, Henry, late of St. Leonards, Betired Salvation Army Officer NOACK, Paul, late of Varan, Farmer. PEARCE. William John, late of Larga Bay, Out EATCHWELL, Thomas, late of Linden Part, Out of BPEvTLouisa, late of Foreatrffle, Widow SREVENA, John Henry, late of Kapunda, Out ol Business WAI-SON, John, the Younger, late of Kingston, Laborer WlEi'H. Oswald Edmund, late ol Amblesida. Boot WILhlSSON, Bridget Annie, late of Woodvffie, Married Woman . _ . ., inLLLUES, Constance Mary, late of Parkside, formerly Stepney, Harried Woman WINTER, Martha, late of Glenelg. Harried Woman Whereas the Public. Trustee has been dtttf authorised to administer the above-mentioned Estate*: Notice ia hereby given pursuant to the twenry«cond section of the Trustee Act 189S and the Tesutors Family Haintenance Act 1918 that all creditors beneficiaries and other persons havme CLAIMS against the said ESTATES are re quired to send in in writing to the PubUe Trustee ithS office at State Baa* Building- Pirie-street Adelaide f uU particulars and proof of such claims on or before the 2nd day ol January 19SI other vrise they will be excluded from the distribution of the said Estates: And notice is al»o hereby given that all persons who are indebted to the said Estates are required to pay the amount of their debts to the Publie Trustee or proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof and aU persons having any property belonging to the saia Estates are forthwith to deliver the same to the aaid Public Trustee^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Dated 8/12/30. ? DICTION. ? ANNA MARIA PRINCE MTaUMKK Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after the expiration of eight days application will be made in the Registry of the Supreme Court of South Australia in its Testamentary Causes Jurisdiction for the sealing of the Exemplification dated the 26th day of September 1980 of Pro bate of the Will of ANHA 'MARIA PRINCE KITSCHKE late of 18 Burnbam Court (formerly known as and in the Will called 18 Moscow Court) Bayswater in the County of Middlesex deceased granted by the Principal Probate Regis try of bis Majesty1* High Court of Justice at London in England on the loth day of August 1030 ? ? BAKER McEWIN LIGERTWOOD B 1LTLLHOUSE Solicitor* for RIOHABD OABL WILHELH KITSCHKE one of the Executor* named in . the said Will. ? SOUTH AUSTHALLi^-IN THE SUPREME COURT. TESTAMENTARY CAUSES JURIS DICTION. r ? - ??« TJXJTJOBBY WHATMORE Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after toe expiration of eight days application will be made in the Registry of the Supreme Court of Berth Australia in Us Testamentary Causes Joriedietion for the sealing of the. Probate of the Will of GEORGE WILLOTGHBY WHAT MORE late of Tabba-street Ascot Brisbane in the State of Queensland' Company Director de ceased granted fay the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane aforesaid on the fifteenth day of November 1929. ? JOBNSTONE OL6SON ft KHEWALDT Steamship Buildings Currie-street Adelaide. Solicitor! and Agents for Messrs. Edwards fend Trout of Brisbane aforesaid Solicitors for the Executors of the WEU of the deceased. WANTED TO SELL Fl avers HOSE SPECIALS Taps, Sprinklers. Jt_ Boss Nozzles, n^^wl Mystic Spraya, fl Hess Menders* 11 Clamps II Stock j^^^^^zSss~~ 60 ft Coil i inch Hose 22/6 SO ft Coif I inch Hose || /fi for ... .. .- **/V MftCoil i inch Hose 35 / 50 ft Coil £ inch Hose J7/(J BottryGardea Sprinkler ff/. Watering Un». 2/11 4 quarts ... — *?/** Special Lawn Manure 4 It -f 14-Ib bags for _???/*??? 12-inch Lawn Mowers 42/6 Fjtm Osttrarr City mr Sotarks. Send for Catalogue. Phone 2744 FLAVEL I AMD SONS UMaTEO SU'IS RUNOLB STREET TRY ELMSDALE CIDER It Is a delicious temperance drink. ?apreme tor afl occasions, made from best quality apples and without chemi cal preservatives. By placing this health-giving and gmnettelne beverage on the market Mr. H/N. Wicks Is supplying a long-felt vast A most refreshing summer drink. Adelaide representatives: J. L.CHABLICK, 23, Walkervflle-terrace. Gffljerton. ?Phone M. 2587; and BACHE BROS^ LIMITED, jrult Exchangg1_grrotell^t;_ea5t^ I Gout Ptimtog I I Stteitaroarsttbbctlo. I

If you think yon can9t afford a Radio — reaid this 2

'T)O you know of any home that would part with its radio set? Im possible! Radio is too cheery and bright and indispensable to anyone who has experienced it. Are you content that other homes should be better and brighter than yours? Are you one of those who de ceive themselves that they can't afford a radio? You are wrong. You can afford it — easily and immediately. Raycophone's world-beating new set-^the Raycophone S.G. Penthode ? has brilliantly answered the need of thousands for radio at a proper price. Pleasing in its every note and every word. Easy-to-find-room-for and easy to-buy. The cash price, aU ready to listen-in, is £19 10/. Installed to your home for 50/ deposit, the balance of payments being made at 7/6 weekly. To purchase this remarkable set, therefore, means that you, or the com bined family, have to eet aside only ONE SHILLING A DAT. This Is not one of those statements that are too good to be true. There Is no question about the quality of the eet — It was designed ?'«* made by the factory which already has Australia's greatest radio-engineering achievement to its credit. It is sold to you by Harringtons, Ltd, a national institu tion, and leaders in radio since the in ception of broadcasting. Christmas Is near. Now Is the time to buy this set. If you cannot call to hear it, send in the coupon and we win post you the fullest particulars of this remarkable new set. YOU WILL NOT BE COMMITTED IN ANY WAY.

awJUnL^LHiff 'sBF -'^llaW^iRr '''la^BfflJ^ta' ' sfla^B^LnHiiH^*N^9£Hs!B^L«sHls^B^L^L^LM RAYCOPHONE 2-Valve Screen Grid Penthode, Complete with buflt-in speaker, and ready to listen-in. £1Q /I A/ Terms, 50/ deposit and JUlU/ 1 W ' 7/6 weekly. Pilot A.C. 2-Valve Small deposit and £11/15/- 4/- 7L. Buy a Commonw ealth Bond of Honor.

HARRINGTON'S for RADIO Address to Harrington's, Ltd, ^-~frf * fljfflffl& GP.O, Box 1401G, Adelaide. { MfSt Ji}ijtSfl££!d0^*'^ Post me more detailed information, please. It Is ^Wt %J^\Z^^^^^^^ LTD understood that this enquiry does not commit me ' ~^^^^^^^^ In any way. i^staolished 12 years. I Radio, Cine, and Photo. Merchants, ? Name ? ? 10, RUNDLE-ST, ADELAIDE. Branches all States and New Zealand. Address ? __ r _ k Pbk338

STALLEY'S' LAST THREE DATS OF Huge Re-Organisation SALE f 1 ' S 000 ^^ ^^T. Furnishings, worth of Manchester, and Fancy Goods THIS HUGE DISPOSAL SALE of Wanted Goods is an opportunity to Buy Season's Require ments at a Minimum of Cost Never before have we offered such Outstanding Bargains. See Our Windows for Outstanding Bargains.

Men's Black Lu stre Coats, all sizes, 19/6 for 7/6 each. Men's Striped Lustre Coats, very large sizes, 19/6 for 7/6 each. Men's Bow Ties, 6tL each. Men's White So ft Collars, 3d. each, all sizes. Men's Dark Gre y Flannels. 5/11 for 3/11 each. Men's 'Tobralco ' Pyjamas, 18/6 for -9/11 pair. Men's Pullovers, AU Wool, 25/ for 9/11. Men's Lumber Jackets, All Wool. 21/ for 12/6 each. Men's Pyjamas, 7/6 for 5/6 pair. Men's Knitted Silk Ties, 2/11 for If. Men's Black Wo rk Shirts, 3/11 for 2/11 each. Men's 'Meridian 'Singlets and Underpants, 10/6 to 12/6 for 5/11 each. Men's 'Aertex' Singlets and Underpants. Singlets, 6/6 for 4/11; Short Underpants, 6/6 for 4/11; Long Underpants, 13/6 for 7/11; Combinations, 15/6 for 8/11 a pair. Men's Athletic S inglets, 2/11 for 1/11 each. Men's Tussore Color Soft Collars. 3d. each. Men's Fuji v.)\r Shirts, Tennis, Sports, Fashion style, all sizes, 12/6 fo r 7/11 each. 48-in. Farcy Voi les. 3/6 for 1/ yard. 46-in. Fancy Voi les and Rayons, 8/11 for 1/11 yard. Cotton Crepe ail colors, lOid. for 6d. yard. 40-in. Fancy Voi les, 2/11 for 1/6 yard. 29-in. Check Ze phyr, 9d. yard. 40-in. British F uji, all colors, 1/11 for 1/ yard. 36-in. Linene, all colors, 1/3 for lOSd. yard. 40-in. Morocdin. 7/11 for 2/11 yard. 32-in. ?'Winner' Cambric, 1/6 for 1/ yard. 30-in. British Fujilene, 1/3 for lOid. yard. 36-in. Justice Cambric. 1/6 for 1/2 yard. 36-in. Rayon, 4/11 for 3/11 yard. 40-in. Crepe de Chine, 5/11 for 3/6 yard. Ladies' Boudoir Caps, 2/11 for 1/ each. Maids' House Frocks, 4/11 for 2/6. Ladies' Fuji Bloomers, with Lace, 3/6 for 2/6 pair. Children's Villinery, 8/11 for 4/6 each. Children's Dresses. 3/11 for 2/11. Ladies' Corsets, 4/11 for 1/6 pah-. Linoleum, iianc hester. and Soft Furnishing Prices Cut to Pieces. Children's Art Silk and Lisle TTnif Socks, aU colors and sizes, 1/6 for 1/ pair. Children's Art Silk and Lisle Three-quarter Sox. all colors and sizes, 2/6 for 1/9 pair. Ladies' Fully Fashioned 'Bond's' Pure Silk Hose 10/6 for 6/11 pair. Ladies' Cotton Vests. 1/11 for 1/ each. Silk and Cotton Bloomers, S.W., W., OJ3. size, 2/11 for 1/11 pair. Ladies' Silk Hose, all shades, 2/11 for 1/9 pair. OS. Ladies' Heavyweight Fuji Frocks. 27/6 for 18/6 Ladies' Fuji Silk Nights. 8/11 for 4/11 each. Ladies' Trimmed Millinery, 13/6 for 3/11. Ladies' Wincey Bloomers, l/n for 1/3 pair. Ladies' Cotton Vests, 2/11 for 1/6 each. Country Clients are advised that all order

Ladies' Mercerised Vests, 3/11 for 1/11 each. Ladies' Fuji Silk Colored Bloomers, 4/6 for 2/6. Ladies' Silk and Cotton Vests, 3/11 for 1/11 each. Ladies' Rayon Bloomers, 3/11 for 2/6 pair. Chfld's Cotton Vests, 9d. each. Child's Cotton and Wool Vests, 1/ each. Child's C'tton Bloomers, 9d. pair. Ladies' Rayon Vests, 3/6 for 2/3 each. Ladies' Crepe Nights, 3/6 for 1/6 each. Ladies' Silk and Cotton Bloomers. 4/11 for 2 '6. Ladles' Silk Camisoles, 9d. each. Ladies' Fuji Nights. 6/6 for 3/6 each. Ladies' Fuji Silk Frocks, 8/11 for 5/11. Ladies Cotton Bathers, 5/11 for 3/6 each. Ladies Cotton Bathers, 6/11 for 2/11 each. Ladies' Voile Frocks, 12/6 for 6/11 each. Boys' Odd Coats. Lustra and Cotton Tweed, small sizes, 1/11 each. Boys' Knickers. 4/11 for 1/11 pair. Boys' Pan am as. 6d. each. Boys' Striped Drill Shirts. 2/11 end 3/6 for 1/11 each. Boys' Cotton Tweed and Ranger Suits, 12/6 to 15/6, for 6/11 Suit. Boys' and Men's Straw Boaters, 2/11 each. Boys' Tweed Caps, 2/11 for 1/11 each. Boys' Skull Caps, for 1/ each. Boys' Sou'westers, 1/11 for 1/3. Boys' Fashion Shirts, all sizes, 5/11 for 3/11 each. Boys' 26-in. Sweater Coats, 9/11 for 2/11 each. Boys' Large Golf Hose, in Grey and Heather shades 4, 5, 6 boot, 4/11 for 2/11 pair. Men's Serge an d Tweed Suits, sizes 3 to 7. 59/6 to 75/ for 35/ Suit. Oak Coat and Trouser Press. 19/6 for 15/11. Grey Oxfords, all sizes, 10/6 for 7/6 pair. Men's Fawn Oxfords, with stripe, all sizes, 12/6 for 9/11 Men'6 Crash Motor Suits, 27/6 for 10/. Men's Motor Coats, dark Grey, 8/11 to 15/6 for 5/. Men's Cricket Shirts, White, 'W. M. Woodfull' brand, I 8/11 for 6/11. Men's Bathing V, 1/3 for 1/. Men's 2-piece Cashmere Bathing Suite, 12/6 for 3/6 suit. Men'6 Khaki Work Trousers, size 3, 4, S, 7/6 to 12/6 for 2/11 pah-. Men's 1-piece Cotton Bathers, 1/ pah-. Men's Genuine Panama Hats, 25/ for 6/11 each. Men's 2-piece and 3-piece Summer Suits, 29/6 to 49/6 for 5/11 Suit. Men's Silk Summer Suits, 63/ for 20/ suit Men's Tennis Combinations, 12/6 for 6/11 each. Men's Fashion Shirts, 4/6 for 3/3, all eizes. Men's Felt Hats, bound edges, all colors and sizes, 12/6 for 7/11 each. Portable Gramophones, play 10 in. records, 63/ for 20/ ea. Large Pure White Towels, 1/3 for Sid. each. Large Colored Towels, 1/11 for 1/6 each. Men's Fancy Sox. all sizes, 2/11 for 1/9 pah-. ; must be acenmrmnfed with sufficient postage.

? H. STALLEY & CO., Parade, Norwood.

MEDICAL A — If uncertain about yui health write ?£\. Nurse U Zsrt (Registered), c/o Boa »*. G.I' P.. Adelaide. ? — LADIES, try my Corrective Treatment. — Nurse Mack. Boi TOCG. G.P.O. ? AGKNTS for Dr. Marie Stopes'e Books, also Alliances Send for Free Catalogue at Sur.'ical and Rubber Goods. — A. Saunden & Co., rtr.. Ltd.. 311 Flinri-rE-lane, Melbourne C.I. UlDTlNSPnis BfM & STEEL I HU tinre and certain for all Female ? UWW complaints. Every iadjr abould keep H B Proprietor : Martk. -lnmifc*— ?^T-gTT tat. M

MEDICAL — THE Centra) Bobber Company (BeeMereS). Box 1047. G.P.O.. Adelaide — Bobber Goods, all Surgical licet stocked. Catalogues tree SI pagea. ? ASTHMA rafferen — There ia a treatment for erery cage. — Ennar. Chemist. Hilton. — IF in doobt're health, 'phone M. 2746 tx appointments. Kuree Willis, or irrite Pai 1533. G.P.O. ? /'tllEMICO Dependable Rubber Goods Supply Vj (registered). Box 1069, G.P.O., Adelaide. Catalogue Free. MAKRIED Uaies, avoii irorTy. send for free valuable information. — Box 1542M.. G.P.O.. Adelaide. ? THE Rubber Enppliea Co. (Registered), Box 676. G.P.O., Adelaide; S. Pitt-et.. off Frank -'in-ct.; 1, Gresbam-st., near Gre&hara Hotel; 66a, A.K.A. Buildings, Gawler-pl. All Rubber Good*. Send lor Free Catalogue*, Open Friday olghta.

MEDICAL ? IABETES— If you SuffeTirith this Complaint. eomniii3i™:e'Trith 'Cured.' :hia olBje VT ANTED TO SELL NEW WHITE PAPER, 15/ per CwL On Tracks. Adelaide. ?THE ADVERTISER,' KING WILLIAM-SI, ADELAIDE.

1,000 Pain 1st Qaafcy Hetrywdfk Pta* Silk Hose, purchased at a big Sscvmt, to fce sold for 5/- per pair less. 18/11 STOCKINGS FOR 13/11 Heavy weight Pure Silk, fully fMhtanwi Bittifowwd lMdi ??* -toes, wide jqympn^faw tflpft p^py {£ ^fliflfp tectate Om^mHL ^ Blade, White, and an duds tt Brown and Vtam. A «233 line at 18/1L A rare bargain at 13/11 EVERT PAH PERFECT. The Product or a famous maker. if yon «*~'t knew «M «MM recognise this parUcular -*~*«'ir you would bar M» mBk i Get a pair to-day. Tbey will aeH quickly. t ' -LADIES9 SHOES ~ ? REMARKABLE VALUE! HIGH GRADE GOODS AT lift. GAIN PRICES! ! ^^^.W tncawHng Pstant Oamrta. mmgOr ^Ml Manned with Orey mAWSS. ~-^M stamped lertfaer aHmntuNSTlL ^-^BLMh 6te*fiB/8te 19/11 : ^ .^^sS^^^SBr^ ?? SoatbaH% ia«rifaa» Shoes te State ^^^^^^WW If Kid 1-Bar Umd Mm. «ort JkM. ii ^^KS^Sl^^ ^^ and 6 cnly- 48/9 lor 9A/A --Made in England by BoattaaWs. Indies' FMm KM 14v Madm toe and heel, comfortable fltttng. Siaes 21 to SL 3»m ftr 29/& Parker Pawn Court Shoes, lizard trim, nwnd toe, «tte bed. OMM ^ 4-7. 49/6 for ^/Q Made m ^enna. Ladies' anart Btande KU i-Bar. medtam toe mm. !'] heeL Sizes 4-6. 49/6 to dear at 39/g Balance ol oddmente to ladles' Bnoes m — utUid *&a and mm H original prices ranging from 35/ upwards. AH to dMr at 19 /If ; Whybrows! Matrons' Blat* Glace ^l^^^fi^} 1-Bar Shoe, medlnm toe, leather ^^^^^^^^\-^ heel, very comfortable fittings. All V^^IK^^^^^aW^ sizes. 24/9 for 21/ ^^B**^^^^^^^^^ SLIPPERS! A wonderful range at English. French, and AaatnUaa CjtapriB far I Christmas gifts, colors and designs ate *ery attnetttc OwdhrWHp Slippers are a much appreciated gift. ! FOR ONE WEEK ONLY \ A special discount of 10 PER CENT, am be aPoyafl «b aB jajjaal ! Shoes. BOSTOCK-S, DiIUT8, CUBES. SOOTHUIA OBflCP0p-. and JONES. AH ttie newest designs and Ma at ttaejBS makers. BUT NOW AND SAVE MANY 8HaU2r*36 OBI SKKBK DONALDSONS LTD. 16-18, IMmM Over 40 years' reputation for quality, nine, and aarrteft 'THE EXPRESS AND JOURNAL*' THF 8EST WEC-BB UtftfOL Printed and oobn&hed dafly a? ArtiiiHUu m b^mimi IAbMbIU a»||||^ offices of Tbe AdverOser. Ibe Cbxocikte. and Ttm aaanai aat JUM^K^ tang wiHUun and Wamootti ataMal MdWAe, *i* AaaMaa* jKK|i||

'*'^ '*'^ ^^ ^^ '*- '*? ^^ **- The drink a m»n remembe™.

? ^_ ? THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1930 ?