Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 13 September 1929, page 31



Primary producers throughout South Australia will be interested to learn that Victoria's Better Fanning Train ?srtll make a tour of this State, visitin;; many towns throughout the agricultural areas. It is expected that the train Trill arrive at Bordertown on October 8, and the itinerary for the

ollowing 10 days will be aavised later by the Minister of Agriculture (Hon. J. Cowan). 1 The Better Farming Train was inaugurated in Victoria in 1924. and it has made a great appeal to the practical farmer and the younger generation, ol agriculturists. Higli-ciafs animals, of all classes and breeds of livestock, are carried on the train, and departmental officers give lectures at all towns visited on the breeding and selection of dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses. Practical demonstrations are given :n the matter of dealing with dairy products, and advice is tendered in regard to feeding necessary to obtain the maximum production from the dairy herd- The growing of pastures and the conservation of fodder are also dealt with, and information regarding stock and plant diseases is made avail- 1 able- A public health car is attached to the train, and lectures are given on

sanitation, drainage, and pure foodsA qualified nurse accompanies the train, and her addresses to farmers' wives on infant welfare have been very popular in Victoria. In addition to the Victorian staff, officers of the Department of Agriculture in this State will accompany the train.