Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 16 October 1928, page 10


AUSTRALIAN NOTES. leoonJIng to a statement of (to note lame 1 l»Mlniint ot the OnamawnUfc *'*, 0» MMfaf of AtutnlUn BotM tewtl «1 m| » «MM- ob Aaptcmbw M «M l».tM,*M, Sw M»Mn( «M^TS.S«a 10/, HttW, Bite* I* 4* nine of «18,8ia,8M «n baU by the lMd», ib« to Uw nhM 4 AUMUttl 1«/ ; . Hr *» F*»ta, m vmm « 1*1 MA w* lMtk.»Ol.i»T. t^h,K t»M *v art. ** dr. .,' Wmm and M.M) per out. or^ata to the onmomrcALTH bank or act? THAW*, -j,--,. . - ?

I' f» tMHi ioMnriU'l* «*«t$i^«M WIr'j**. ttttfin, bum, m kit «t otter jy-'tgjf « M'* dtemmM, Itpa art afmrn to p, (M «M «Mmt taM «»' M fti tart, «; i t *? Otonaaamaltli Beak (iktwiwt Made) Act, ft ^?^** '?* ?'' 'tolUaai bTth. String JcfeHlUft MNHMtlt Mtl MUM, *|i^ar rther

flaw* - *« 5?**»«**tar!«« P^lHnf '»*j»l» asaAMrf k#nr with

nan. aolicilor, Rriabane; Jamos Thomaa Islf-s. esUtp afoil, Briabane; Chariea Pltimm, K.C, IiwtMct. Brisbane: and Charles Elliott, etaaielm*«. BHabane.WUfDHW WUfDHW * GtX. UBOTBD. 7k* 4lnetn»oiBf VUktam * Ob^ limited, in their mbo* tor tk* ymt cutnl Adtr 14, note a jrtifeh ha* aajaiad ttrosrtoat tk* Graunon«etlt* «nr aoaa tfaka pa*. Th. dinotara, 'under Oc OtRKMaWMk WMUlT tt|) Ml pCoflt* tor tbe atannaal taaatui -*JMy». paw -toring tb« ptTimJ, wtikdi iocInAM MvriK retroapectlre Fedcnl land *a«_ aMaaaaata. _P» halanoe at ? i^i i n soowBt tnvjat ftmnil so- JqAf ltft I»t7. -raa AIM**. *? *«Uk b 4^edL proIan vtitUn tefic ob ?oooatt tohr vehMa and putt «aU, -1^*S. aaaafa*' £M,040. The .?W «( *i.0» -a ben ynxited lor tanUin. Md «aq-1e aMrkto Bade far had and doubtful 4NMB, alte whtefa tte set pnrfMa for the year WWa «M48B. Altar «tyli« the pretend ♦STwttM JWdaata ITfamMy »wl JntTlait, aad 10 p» «U. oa tb» iajl««i- afcam oasBal tor tt» yjjtr jajalOlr OJtT.te .*«»'' C SI jmf*£3r M* pmSTto Air 14, 1*23, lotMat dWmd ifcr 0i» a«lr year enKd Janutrr 16. 1«28. «aa paid «a April M. IMS, at the late e* 1O per oaot. «-r nun « Ifce orfinsry capital, anaorbinR ca.ils. The total aaumut gf »ppropi1*ti0B leoonnt ti ««M08, whleh npnaeste the vndividad praant at th» oomjnoy mm at fair 14. 1928. The directors, after provtdiog br ball yearly dJrideada m preferred preference and urefemw* ahtrw to Jhme SO. 1939, bare declared a further dividend for the naifyear ended Mr 14, 1*28, at tbe rate at S per oent. per annum on tV ordinary rime capital. pcyx)-l« on October SI. 1938. maUne 71 Et cent, for the year. After paying the above *M«ndt Am trill be a aurptm ot £1.087 an the year'a trading, trfaJch remain* in approBTtaUonaoooant. ?BUMEVS BUMEVS TKC8TKB AND EXECCTOK COMPANY. At the tUrtT-teventh htlt-raulr meeting of ananbolian In Klder*- Trariw and Ezscutnr CiiMHailjr. Ulattna; to bo h-*t on Sonnbir 2S. tk* *lt»»t»a n* nHBanl the payment ot as Malta dlridend *± the rate of 10 per cen:. per amuua f «? tbe atx Buodu ended September UNITED raOTISIONS. The dbaetoia of Cnttaa Vmr-*mm. thrited. ban. dadared a dnrtdend oa ordraary and pntamwa ahatw at Oejtte «( 8 per cent »er ?aunait, pajnbU -? October 91. EPPPMPA FAMMEBg' COOPEKATIVB SOC1KTI.The The aceooBts of tba BuAinda, hmirf Confeiatlm Sx«ty tor the aatf-rear ended Anpuf: 81 (haw net anrpida ftsa* auei of Etom asvl wood, and meipta ttam renn, *a?, £3S,ZS1. Bom f«ea, tent, etpnam, Ac., AnVliMa, ahtMbe4 £I,fi01, bmraine of emnlira CS0, depreclaUaa AJ.TSS, lcivlne t aurptwi ftt tha hatt-Mir it «»S,O17. The total tmmc to- Uh. halfyear w«a £370,164. Tic direct ore mxmmmA that the wrnlm of £!8.017 tx- af,pr.-'pri«--1 aa Whwwn Tt»a«a ta atare -nJaim- «r 1/3 is ftt pound on purdiiaH and* tad raid tor rfurtnc th. luOf-ratr -«aept «aur. bran, anl chafff, tatenat at ttw rate of « per cent, per annam on afcar* aocoaota and E per oenc per aamnB tm laaa apejiata, and a Sanaa to employu. 9» reaen-ai af Hie aoclety -now total CTT.TSS. DnrtoK -t» hill-rmi the amnbei^ ?hip (aeraued from 17,164 to 1T.94I. The dlraeton report that during the faaU-year ttw oldfataMiahed buahiwa of liena. Bee fc Hll, at. 8addle«nr-h. haa bcea pmrhaaed, «nd extensive addmona made to tbe atore at Kadina. COTTOK JrVTUBBS. ' : Kaan. bmcmaa *???- ? recpivad a oab--«aaa- on Monday #Wfcr Ike clwinj qnotarloa an tt-» Sec Tori Cottjn Eidianje on Baturday ?a UthnhK—OttOKT. 19.14 eesU (djwn .14)4 Pewaalw. is.o« oenta (-krwn JO); Itich, 16^1 oentt (dum ,tO). OOX BKOTHEKS (AUSTRALIA), j %x BraUu-ra (Auabalia), Limited, ban an?aiiiiiiLii -ae parehaaa of tne bnjjncm and (PodItta at tfoan. 8ar«a * sJeErv. PwA. Tbe

r--iidiir linn has for thirty yrars rarrifd on a r.-:ail funiiLuiv bu.-iiK-» a*. U'' lliani-str'vr. in the «k™ AuMralka capital. Cox B:v-:he.-5 -Au»-iralia) »:l: ui ?- o- .t from Sovemlicr 1. ar.l a» ej.n a« possilile will hviuita cloihirj anl »ift e nids de-.BirLTnenU, t.imiljr : 1 th.-si? m tli.-ir other BtoiTs. It is and Ts:m-d lUr 'croii: Im »U' Bjttem of wiling wiP. »lf.o be iUroduct^l. this purchase Got now hiv« d:pai'ljupnt sJjrc* operating .-n tJie tTffli* syBt^m ia Melbranie, Hobart, Launos'nn. Aiit:aide, an.l Perth. TTie Ia:«t nt-.-jiaun »iil (rive !he adv^iitafrc of lajTrcr Imyni^ opP1'^111'-^5. aI*d *ii£ cjmpany, by fipreaainfr ~ its acUvititb over lour Eutcs, ninimio-9 the ill effocts t'oat wjold result from a trade d^pres.sioa in any oue tiLale. COMPANY BEGISTRATTONS. Tlie following companies hare been registered in tiout.a Aastraiia: — W. F. Le Cornu, Limited. Capital, £100,000 in chares of £1 each, objects — To Purchase from Wesley Flockiiart Le Cornu, Cliaries-street, Adelaide, piaJio ami orpan importer, aa a sou.? concrm as at October 1, 1928, the bos ness of importer, nuuufactuier, repairer, &c, and agents for pianos, player pianos, organs, phonographs, &c., and tj carry on the auov--*aamed businesses. Shareholders: — W. F. Le Coma, tt. O. Evans, Hit:y WulS. E. E. Salas, and F. H. H. iosen. First directors — VT. F. Le Cornu and R. a McLaren Tale Fruit Packers. Limited. — Capi-tal, £5,000 in shares 31 £.1 each. Objects — To carry on the business of fruit packers and dealers in all produce of orchard, dairy, farm and vineyard. Shareholders: — F. B. Wilson, W. H. SUidment, G. \V. Selth, T. S. Bonen, and V. A. PooL First directors — F. B. Wilson and T. S. Boaren. Pope Sprinklers Limited. — Capital, £15,000 divided into 3,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, and 12,000 preference shares of £1 each. Objects — To acquire the business of manufacturers of irrigation sprinklers and fittings, carried on by Sidney Barton Pope and Henry Pope, at Robert -street, Croydon. Shareholders: — S. E. Pope, H. Pope, H. C. Pope, Lily Maria Pope, and J. H. Richards. Managing director, S. B. Pope. CASTlEMADtE BKEWEKY. The acciunts of the Castlemline Brevery Company (Melbourne) for the year ended September SO, chow net profit of £ 21.865. The amount brwght torwaid from tbe previous year waa CSM13- An interim d^idend of 1/3 per ahare m paid in February last, amottntins to £12,500. Hie director* propose to pay a final d'.rtdend In tbe twelve month* to September 30 last ot 1/3 per share, amounrins to «II,6OO. tlui ilsorhiiV the yeir'i profits mad m. aan- at £-SS lna bM nu-i balu». teaviaa; t« b« tjuiled tonr»i4 to cmlit ot profit and Ion account the turn of £30,678. IMvidend tor 192*17 us at tbe above ate. WHEAT MARKXT STEADY. The English «beat Market on Baturday was cabled as steady. -tt pricoa unchanged. The ?teadier tone ma attributed to reporu ot frost -n Argentina, *of tiiese Ken b-: confirmed. One private advica stated tJait tbe aiarket vas nertouj. So sala wen given, and the only indication of vahie waa a report that there were offers ot new BEaaon'a 'Australian wheat to India at 48/. Futures «*m higher, but options all l»ai_L. Untpoal fubm nnned 3|d. to 9'4j per ratal lor* October, IJd. to S/4J for DeceotKE. Id. to a/4 for March, and Id. to Q/*i tar Kay. Chicago options decided id. to 4/9 IS-16 per bunbel tor December, »d. to 6/0 «-l« tor Mitch, and id. to i/U tar Hay. Winnipee «u dora id. per bathel (or October. 1-1 «i for March, and 3-l« for SUy, In tht local market on Monday tttie vat (low, and »Iu« growers* lots in the country were unchanged, the cause «tiU being wide at fraa tft to 4/8 per bushel on tracks. Port Adelaide, or chief shipping porta. So busineai waa reported in narcela, and in the absence ot declared buTtta or leDm, it H difficult to name a Tirtee. Fkmr tor hoae coasumption had the ucoaj distribntinR demsnd. and a sale waa reported, to Colombo. Then were alao enquiries from Ecypt and Glasgow. The Farmers' Union received Its weekly wheat eahleRram firom London on lfonday. Taa stated that tbe market ta steadier. A SoTemWDecemfeer parcel is quoted at 48/9. There are fears of frost tn Argentina, but bosinen it KnenUy dulL larger Nortlt American top. plira check pppenlativie bayinsr- itiCBtm -are buyfn? moderately, and tbe world consumption Is believed to be large. 8h:pmenti tor the week were l,T00,m« quarters. INTERNATIONAL WHEAT. The Lirorjiool 'Com Trade News' ot September 11. referrinff to wii^t. said: ? 'Tike geoe?Bl international position has undergone no (treat chance ia the past week, although doubtless tt will be found that provisional estimate* ot mppliea aad reqntremenU will have to be modified. R aeenu fairly clear thit neither Fiance aor Oeramny will need aa much overKraa wheat as expected, but. on the other hand, Mediterranean countries are buying well and likely to continue to do so. and consumption generally in Europe and riaewnere ?bould be liberal at the present price level. Japan report* bad weather for the rice crop, which is likely to affect tbe demand for wheat, and tht position ta RoasU aa regards food enppUes shows little improvement. We have stO ip report, however, iliat actual and pmpectioe world mppIM* are hearr. aK»-«brr-4ar exceed the likely deaund of importers, eren it this thodi be fncreajwd bv larger takings of non-European comrtriea, aad at vresent we would not like to KO oo record witb a statmeat that total reqaiMOMBts will exceed oar prorlaioiul estimate of 103,800,000 quarter*.'* AVSTBAUAN PRODUCE EXPORTS. The Minister ot Mirketj (Sir. Paterum) ha* teued a report of the principal exports from Australia far S^jte.mier. The tollowicr were the mx-.1s exported from South Atutralia: — lamb— 828 carcases, approximate weight 3I.-«1 lb.; batter. 397 boxes, 22,232 Ih.: e^zs, 31,200 down; oranges, 2( cases. Dried Fruits — Pears, 11,424 lb.; currants, 14,000 W; lezikB, 3,021 lb.; auitanas, 2S.4S0. Wool— Creasy, 4t bales; scoured, ISO bdr«, eheepdeins, 37.104 dtina. SUII wines, not subject to bounty, 40 gallons. RETAIL DAISY PRODUCE. The KeUU Grocers' Association ot South Austraaa repjrt thai the retail selling prices axe as toder:— ^^

Hotter. — Choicest fa^:'ry, 1/9 t» 1/10 perl lb.; siparalir. 1/6 to 1/*. IS-lTi. — Markf; condi:i.-ns rrcrailin? at tlie prpsH-:i: time prevent quotations Xninz ma-Ie --f re:jii «rjr pricts. which depend tu'.irt-ly upon Jdshcrs. — J/10 pa lb,; ham rashers, 1/11 per lb. Clirese. — New, 1/3 t» 1/* per lb.; matured, 1/-J -n 1/8 r-T lb. Oninrs.— 2 *d. l'otaroes. — 7 lb. for 7d.; 14 lb. for 1/1. WHEAT, FE3) GRAINS, AXll DEODUCE. Wheat. — Merchants* buvinj? priec for propers' lots, f-a.q., trucks Tort Adelaide or aii--f oclp.-n«. 4/7 to 4/8. Fl-ar. — £11 15! -Jrliivr-.-d, Itss 5/ concession Or cash. Mill Offil -net pricef). — Bran, £0 10/ p»r ton, trucks, mul dour, fjr minimum truikloads; less quantises of not less tki.i lialf a ton, up tD 1/61 per bii=hd, delivered in Die metropolitan area, l'j'.larti, £7 2/fl per toa, trucks, mill d.-3r, for minimum tru^klojds; for Ims quantities of not less Than ha'f a Ton. up lo 1/S per bushel, d»livered in metrjpoMan area. Ozts. — Ojoi feed Airman, about 3/3, l'or: Adelaide, tor fni* lo^. ConiuckE. — Men-liairts quote f-ir mew feason's de'.ivrrv, about 10/8 per dozen, truclfi, Port 'Adelaide. Cliaff. — Curtws* quotations fir pjrc-ls, on trucks, Mile-End £5 15/, in hwjweijrlit lags inclnded: delivcrM, £6 10/. liapn ir.c'ufied. Hay (cutters' buying prices i. — Best* -wbeaten Ehan-pd. dflivrTed at metropolitan mills, new seawn't, £4 2/0. PoUiocs. — «S ts £C; now locals, £20 tc Onions. — £20; new Silverekins, £20 to £22. Cheese (ThurFday's market).— Sew malies. lame tj loaf. 91-i. to lOid.; dwarf, lid., and matured, lid. to J2d. Butter (Thursday's market). — Ch:ri?ert factory ar.d creamerv,* in bulk, 1 /-'«!; first jrrade. 1/4J; second anrfthird, l/3{; prints, 3d. ertra; bert separator ar,-i dairies. 1/1 ti 1/4}: fair. 1/3 to 1/31; *?«* stores and collectors', RDod cwdiMi:., 1/1 t5 1/2. Biccn (Tliursdar's markefl. — Thoi^rt factjrv-cured riSes. 1-3 to 1/31; rolls. I/! to 1/2J; mid.11.-«. local. 1/4 to 1/4S; haras, Ival. 1'!S to 1/7; Oejrse Fanner's 'Supireane' brard. 1/R to 1/fl. IjttJ. — Bulk, 10d- to lOJd.; 1 Hi. packets, lid. t« Hid. rtars (Thnrs^av's market). — nen, 9d.; counted ami tesred ' e^ra ; dock, l«d. HonfV.— 4 |d. to Sd. fir rrime eirtrarted: 4 ]d. t.; 4 Id. best candied, d™ to li-3- for lawer trades. A'monds.— Brandis. in*, to lOJd.: jniied coftrhellF 93. tn 9Jd.; hardsbells. 5-d.; kernels, 1/10 to l.'lol. Beeswax. — 1 ,'9 for prime c'.rsr li^™.