Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 23 July 1926, page 20

A £40,000 FILM.


The picture version, ot Marcus Clarke'e 'Tor the Term oi His Jfatural Life' is to be produced in Australia, and will cost £40,000. This, it. is hoped, will place Anstralia on the map as a fflm production country. Fiim^ng wiil commence oa Angost 10, with. Mias Eva Novak in the leading feminine role. Mr. Norman

Dawn, the well-known American producer, jjas been engaged by Union Master PicitoreB, and arrived in Melbourne last week. He Baad Australian -conditions -were like those ot Southern California, and he was confident the picture would compare favorably with American films. a Mr. W. A. Gibson, a director of Pnio.n PJaster Pictures, said his firm, realised 'Hiat in making a bid for the world's market, it was necessary to spend, a very large sum of money. Without a foreign market it would be impossible to get back eren a fair fraction of the cost of production. . He had every confidence that this would be the first of inany Australian pictures which would be put on the world's market. The directors had made arrangements -with the trustees o! the Marcus Clarke estate for the -world rights of 'For the Term of His

Natural Life,' and the scenario writer would alter the £tory in a manner that iroiud mnKP it acceptable to audiences without its too gruesome effects being made a feature. Mr. l-awn produced the famous picture 'Cabiria' about 12 years ago. He has been aoout 25 years in motion pictures, as a camera man, director, and producer. 'Justice of tie North/' 'Lure of the Yukon,' 'Thunder Island,' 'The Evil Half,'; and ''Toe '.Eternal Triangle' are among : 40 pictures he has made. Some tnneago Mr. Dawn read 'For the Term of His Natural Life' in America, and was etruck with it3 possibilities for the

screen. Jie considers tbia is one ol the best ?opportunities to maku a picture that will attract general attention. With Hiss Eva Jfbvak, now on her way from America, are Miss Kathevine Dawn, wife of the producer. Mr. Ceorge Fisher! and Mr. Steve Murphy. Jfr. Fisher will have the role of Rufus Dawes. llx. Fisher is an EngUsiman trbo has spent most of liis time iu the theatrical and moving picture business 'in America. He began bis film career i-itJi Thomae luccin Triangle features. He has appeared vritU Mr. William S. Hart, Mr. Charles Ray. Miss Clare William?, iliss Mary JUJnler, and other ive^-known artists. Australian mcinbers of the oast will include Miss Mariou Clarke Mr JJunstan Webb, Mr. Mayne Lynto'u Mr Ar'Jmr Toucliert, and Jliss Jessica Ha-.oiirt.