Warrnambool Standard (Vic. : 1872 - 1879 ; 1914 - 1918), Saturday 14 March 1914, page 3

ST. PATRICK'S DAY. srorTs Axa d' 61OCESSION.. M.tTIONAL CONClal'f AiT NIGHT. 'The amnnal celebration in inemory of St. Patrick will be held at Warrnamiool to-day. For a long time pastlarrangements have been ii progress for marking the occasion . in a imanner worthy of an event in which the sons of Erin are greatly .interested, and the colmpleted programme indictes that there will be abundance of.entertaining items for the pleasure and anu sement of the pulnilc. The rendezvous will be the Agricultural Show G;rouiids; where a varied pirogranmm of horse and pedestrian contests, dancilg for the juiveniles, ' ap attractive dlisplay of calistheuics a.nd 'iysical drill by the pupils of the Q ristian Blrothers' College, and other' events, will bie one tiihrough. To add to the fun, there iw'ill be : a ! merry-go-rojimd and othler side shows on the gromnd, and thfe Citizens' Band will make tho air resoiniid with merry music throughOut the afternoon. Pridr to the corimiencement of the foremoing' progranmno lmvhaeveri a lengtlhyj nd''timposing procession. will be arrauex,1 in order at St. Joselph's school corner. The principal features of this i aft of the.demonstration will be six beautiful competitive tableaux, pIrovided by ' esidents of } oodfird, Purnimin Allaasford anod r'arrtia?pbol. and which art' ex.pcted to gecel i all previous 'effoirts in this, direction for striking effect haid srtistic beautye ; a variety of decorated velhicles of original and attractiv? colcepti;i groups of horsenien from. the? slrrouidig itstricts; memnler of the R C B'. S.. attired .in -reegaliai add all the chil-. lren of. St.: Josphs'si Sclool prettily dressed' for suchi an auspicious occasion. 'Thle procession will assemble at 12.30 and at one o'clock will comlmence the marchl'to the Show Grounds firom !St. Joseph's, via 'Ra *lau Parade to Liebig street: up i iig-street to ,Koroit street, and then direct to the rendez'ous. It will be "acco0pa'nied by the Citizens' UnBand, the ' Warrnambool Caledoniam'Bandi anld the Irish lipe Band from KoroitWihlich will play inspiring'mirches along the route n'd unmistakably 'iroclaiip that' the hay is set sipait: ii: honiai of the Patron Saint of treland. A grand national concert will take place at th' owrin Ht l 'at nigt.li The rograhnme i'ill'h.b Po a distinctively Irish and popular character, and with - si?q aecomp?lished vocalists '.as bMiss Elsie t,:irew?eek and M'r. Collier'amnoig:tho performers, it goeis withioutasaying: that' 'a thore?ghlvy enj6yable treht i;i "'store.i A special orchiestia', composed'of the best available talent inithe town and district..will'also- he present pnd will utndoobtedly greatly add to, the pleasure of the evs'lig. .A crowded house is a virtiual certint y, and, as seats may still be reserved at Mr. Walter Davies, it is expected that many' of those wilho have not already done so, will this morning take b1o. precvauion of securing - ell ir. , ' : ; 'hfe orga uisers of the' day's celebration have everything arranged' on a cauiprelihusiVes aiid . very,' 'thorough basis, and as tlik i-seather- is:prctically certain to be . favorable,'. the townispeople generallyv ill no dgobt avail themselves of th?uiopportunit 'of participatiag: in .what promises to be a very. pleasurable time.