South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Thursday 1 June 1871, page 1

? Shipping. ? ^-i IPdR MELBOURNE, QK^r calling at LAOEPEDE BAY «?????» and MAODONNBLL BAY, returning the same route.— The iy. ROYAL SHEPHERD, H. 'Ward, master, trill Bail on Thursday, 1st June. Passenger* by 2 o'clock train. J. NEWMAN & SON, Port. d3 ? J. DARWBNT, Grenfell-street tfL-j. T?OR MELBOURNE.— Tntt^fc-' The Steamship SW OOORONG, Wm. . McLean, master, will saQ on Tuesday, 6th June. Passengers by 2pjn. train. ? ? ? J. NEWMAN & SON, Port. do ? J. DARWENT, Town. ? ^A-*. 17 O R MELBOURNE, -lgw»w.J? VIA KOBE AND MAOJHR*7 DONNELL BAT. ? The steamship ? :,... PBKMiA, F. P, Snewh, master, vill sail on Wednesday, Jims 7, immediately after arrival of the 2 oWock tain from Adelaide. GKORGBYOTJN©, d7xl Qflbert-plane and Prince's Wharf. .; ,Ai -Tjinn PORT XJNCQLN nE&tf sod poet AtransFA.— '. *^QBB* ? The«.s. ;.'? .'.;.'..' lubra, - . A. McCoy, master, will tail on Monday, 5th ' Juae, at 3 o'clock p.m. Cargo must lie alongside not later than 1 p.m. on day of laifihg. d5xl J.X-ABWENT, Grenrelt-rtreet. .^i*, 7'\RIENT LINE TO M&V/ LONDON.— The noted China -.-., .-..i PSr FALCON, . 793 jtons, Captain J. L. Sunn, triU have quick ffigpatnb.. -.Has room for a, few Cabin, passengers. ;. joseph snuaNG& oo. _, stthfe -HENRY SCOTT. ^ jift*. nnHB CAPE DIAMOND flWakl FIELDS.— The brig 9H» . ? - EDITH SMITH, Captain Sohon, sails June 5 for Port Elizabeth, ' Algol, Bay. 'She has still room for a few pas- ?engars.' Apply -to Captain Schon, oh board, or . |~a3i! ELDER, SMITH, & CO. ..^i^' TJOR WALLAROO AND jjjg^-T POET BBOUGHTON.— The flsftsav Schooner ? ? : TRIUMPH' waitHmtiTely sail on Friday, June 2. F* freight, apply to .'? ii* pOE TRBIOHT OR «H^X CHARTER.— The first-class - ?- ' ? ' J. G. FICHTB, ? carrying 340 tons, now discharging her inward ' «*gb.J', ;l -.???' ! *a.pply a-t onoe to ? ? '. ; dl' ? C. L. MEYER & CO. FREIGHT 'WANTED for 280 Bales Wool, Port Victor to Sydney, do ? ELDER, SMITH, 'ft COJ O~ SHIPMASTERS, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS.— The SHIPPING REPORTER attends to Telegrams ?.Letters, and Ills Boats are available for all limpwsf oosneoteA witii 'Shipping In the Golf, '?'.' ?* RICHARD JAGOJS, -- j ; ' ' $&&&&%!? PlEoB-TrfeTTe'iPanlnsnls. ' '?General Merchandise. i -ON *Aif* ?*y the UnderBignedv' OORKSJ'Lemonade and Gingerheer ; Paper, Printing, Wrapping, andBags ; ? TatbjW Tjunp-flMwfflftyii . ; : Linseed OH, Window Glass '-'' FrOToh Wire Nails, Canvas . . . = ' ? '?? Swiss Cheese (genuine Gruyere) - ?:?? ' White TTaegar, Meyer5* Swiss Bitters : ;' Salterswater, BoonekampiStomach Bitters. O. L. MEYER & CO., ! - tth»6 ''.'.. 31, Grenf ell-street' s f^IROULAR HEAD POTATOES ?'' \*J —Ex* Maltha and Jane. 'Sample eciusl to last-year's, . ' ' ' '. - .''..'.' | ?'??' '?' BOBIN t LeMESSUBIER, ! ? ac ??'.;??-? -; yport.1 ? N SALE, by the undersigned!Oekfcrated LION BRAND ALE (new '- brew), in 'hogsheads, 'barrels, and kflderUps ! ? Obnioteks; Branbags, Pig Iron ' : ' ? ' ???'? ? tBO., fee, fco. ?'???! ' Ja J. PARWENT, Grenfell-gtreet. ; STAtNES ALE, NEW BREW.jHder, Smithj ft Co. are now landing Bhipmentiof Meam.,0. Ashby & Co.'b Celebrate^ StaiamAhlnHogeTieads. thstej , FJCNOINO WIRE.— Beat ? ' Rolled and Drawn Annealed. All -%TT nzea. ? i ? i A- I I G. A. t H. BARTLEET. . ? ? ? ??-..: , ?? -f ? ' tth««xq! ' Drapery and Clothing1. 1 sWKosss^U tt-* bast p«UgF.'^i I } J. W. EGAN, \ y EMIT' HOUSE, JbUNDIXX1 8X 1 V THE MOST TrfBrirXi \0 7 Anddeddedlytt. A , I fantAvvarp pamtt.t mtAWRT I / HIH'S OLOIEIXO \ I XblMkUllaAftklte - j NDTIOE. — In consequence of the Terms of Agreement for the Purchase of the Stock of, the TJnderajaied not being oomplied with, the BUSINESS wfll be CONTINUED, as usual, until further notioe, by JNO. HODGKISS ft CO. ; ]f onsnber t, 1870.' . ' ' . dxa Gault &? Scott, 14, RUNDLE STREET, Are now showing the Goods -^purchased by them at the ? recent Sales of Messrs. Edelsteji & Co-, Adelaide, and 0ickson(Bros. &Co.'s Assigned Estate, Melbourne, at marvellously , low prices. ; Agents for Wilcox -§? Gtbbs' '? 'Fdfnily Sewing Machines. ' (Descriptive (Price List with fall instructions free. Also JFulspm's Hand Machines. \ TrH.E (Business of John' '? '0allaniyne & Co. has beeni Sold, with the Lease of -PreJ torises, to. ^Messrs. (Robin and\ IBirkfopf; Hindley-street, who take^-^o'ssession on the 25th October ' next; and. as the Purchasers take.otily abortion of -ihe Stock,- the undersigned pill, with Shipments to arrive, have to dispose of over Sixteen ^Thousand 'Pounds' worth of ibrapery at some price. THE SALE WILL COMMENCE ? on WEDNESDAY NEXT. Doors Open at 10, Close at 6, to allow time to jdjust and prepare Stock fur each Day's Sale. THIS SALE WILL BE ABSOLUTE. TERMS, CASH. ONE PRICE ASKED, AND NO ABATEMENT WHATEVER,J. J. BALLANTTOE & CO. ENTRANCE TO WHOLESALE STORE AT REAR OF PREMISES. tthaao

Drapery and Clothing. OA RUNDL Jfi-STREET. BE JOHN WINNALL (deceased). The Publio are respectfully informed that the WHOLE OF THE STOCK in the above Estate will be OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SALE on and after SATURDAY NEXT, JUNE 3ed. The Lease expiring on the 1st of July, it is absolutely necessary that the entire Stock should be cleared, and, in order to effect the same, A DISCOUNT OP THERE SHILLINGS AND FOURPENOE m THE POUND, OE TWOPENCE IN THE SHILLING, will be allowed off all goods purchased from that date. The STOCK, having been replenished for the coming season with good judgment, mill be found of first-class -value, and will offer facilities to purchase™ to obtain their WINTER DRAPERY upon very advantageous terms, and it having bsen the custom t-f the late John Wimwll to mark all goods In plain figures, his late customers and the publio generally will sea that they will positively reoeive a very great redaction from the usual retail price. Observe the Address— JOHN WUSTNALL, dxc ? 30, BUNDLE-STBBET. IMPORTANT NOTIOE. C. COOKE, VICTORIA HOUSE, BUNDLE-8TBBET, AND REGENT HOUSE, HINDLET-STREET, Having completed his arrangements for CLOSING ONE SHOP, begs to inform his Friends and the Publio generally that he has decided to CLOSE BEGENT HOUSE, 42, HINDLETSTREET, aad to effect this object, will offer the whole Stock at both places, regardless of cost. VICTORIA SOUSE, 57, RUNDLrMTREET, will be continued, .with, a well-assorted Stock of Drapery, Millinery, Boys1 and Hen's Clothing, Hats, Gaps, &c C. O. would call special attention to this . Sale, it being genuine. The PREMISES TO LET and the FIXTURES FOR SALE on the most liberal terms. tths»* Business Notices. SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY, GAWLER-PLAOE, ADELAIDE. JAMES A. HOLDEK Invites public attention to the fact that he has OBTAINED EVERT PRIZE offered by the Royal Agricultural Society for Colonialmade Saddlea, Harness, Bridles, and Whips in 1868, T86V1870, 1871; ^asides the Silver Medal,' First Prize, and Certificate of Merit In 1867. ; JAMES A. HOLDEN will do his utmost to uphold- the high position he has earned as a Manufacturer of really FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and to justify the very flattering comments of the Judges, the DaDf Ptess, and a discerning publio. JAMES A. HOLDEN challenges any Manufacturer in the oolony to eioel him in Quality, combined with MODEKATE PRICE ; andfurther challenges any one to Import from the other Colonies Saddlery better than-hia in Quality, or Cheaper in Price. ADELAIDE-MADE SADDLES, : ? ? ?- Melbourne V ? - . Sydney VShapes. , Adelaide } ~ Buyers' are requested to see that 3. 'A. HOLDERS NAME is on the NAILS of EACH SADDLE, and not to allow inferior 'articles to be foisted on them. . JAMES A. HOLDEN'S OOLONIAIkMADB HARNESS, FOR CARRIAGE, BUGGY, OR GIG. JAMES A. HOLDEN'S COLONIAL-MADE BROWN LEATHER SPRING-CART, DRAT, AND PLOUGH HARNESS, Some kind aa made for the Port Darwin Telegraph Expedition. JAMES A. HOLDEN'S COLONIAL-MADE KANGAROO-SKIN STOCK, HUNTING, AND CART THONGS. JAMES A. HOLDEN'S COLONIAL-MADE COLLARS, FOB GIG, CART, OR DRAT. ; Muss -fhs Addbsss— JAMES A. HOLDEN, GAWLER-PLAOE, ADELAIDE. : f\rtf . ?- €ty%fo]mbt%a$mt KIHG WILLIAH BTRBKT, MANAGER. 'M'0W OPENING, THE ADELAIDE BAZAAR, Opposite the Bask or Atotealasia., KING WILLIAM-STREET, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, ' SUITABLE FOB WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, comprising — ELECTRO-PLATED and Cabinet Ware PIANOS, Harmoniums, MnsicalBoxes, German, English, and Anglo-German Concertinas, Violins and Bows, Bell Harmonicons, xnd other Musical Instruments. . . ; A magnificent Selection China, Bohemian, and1 Hand-painted Sevres VASES. Handsome Lustres, Cut Drops. TOILET ORNAMENTS, in Bohemian and' Filagree. ENGRAVED JUGS and GOBLETS. China. Tea-Sets. STEREOSCOPES and SLIDES TRANSPARENCIES of some of the best Operas. TRANSPARENCIES of Paris, Rhine, Italy, and Switzerland; Opaque of the same. A few INSTANTANEOUS VIEWS on GLASS. A choice Assortment of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Purses, Pooket-Books, and Ladies' Companions. Courier, Ladies* Travelling, and School Bags. A well-selected Stock of PAPIER , MAOHE GOODS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's DreaoneCase», Cabinets, ic. ^^ CLOCKS, in Gilt and Bronze. WALKING-CANES. TOYS, including the latest Novelties, a few of which are the Whistling Top, ?Japanese Top, Magnetio Top, Gyroscope, and BuKerflies. ?A A nice BILLIARD-TABLE, suitable for private use. . ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Just to hand, a fresh assortment, including some of the NEWEST COLORS. N.B.— AH GOODS are MARKED in PLAIN FIGURES. The Proprietors solicit an inspection. This ESTABLISHMENT iaCLOSED EVERY EVENING ix 6 o'clock, SATURDATS at 7. die ? & H. JAFFA, Mawaqkb. PATENT WBOUGHT NAILS. J. J. CORDES & CO., The Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of the well-known Patent Wrought Nails, commonly known as 'EWBANK'S NAILS,' desire to make it known that they have adopted a 'Star' or 'Cross,' as their Trade Mark, aad that all Nails now made and Bent out by them, oxcept clasp, bear this mark upon their heads, and that within every Paokage sent from 'their Works is also placed a card bearing their name and address. Any Nails, therefore, which are not distinguished as above, must not be confounded with 'EWBANK'S NAILS,' ihe quality of which is so well appreciated as being far superior to that of any ether make. DOS WORKS:— NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, ENGLAND. tho

? Business Notices. ? CUNNINGHAM'S HAVE JUST UNPACKED A MAGNIFICENT COLLEUlION OP PARIAN STATUARY, SELECTED BT MB. A. CUNNINGHAM ON THE SPOT, Now on View, consisting of — ~ ' BUSTS OF Shakespere, Milton, Vandyke, Rubens, Beethoven, - Hande1, Mozart, Lesbie, Apollo, Psyche, Cobden, Burns. CHOICE FLOWEE VASES. Hawthorn Blossom, Dolphin, Convolvulus, Indian, Worcester Festoon, Berlin, Alexandra, Dover, Speedwell, Paiie. STATUETTES. Innocence, Woodmen, Cupids, Seasons Comedy, Tragedy. .TABLE JUGS. Cactus, Maize, Pompey, Exeter. COLUMNS. Celery Gups, Pincushions, Fancy Butter Stands Tilnket Boxes, &c. _ The above Really Elegant Collection are offered EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP. . : Bazaars and the , Trade Supplied upon the Usual Trade Terms. CUNNINGHAM'S, B UND L E^S T BEET, ADELAIDE. tho 225 OF CHAMBERS'S COMMON-SENSE AND EUREKA WASHING MACHINES are NOW IN USE, and this is how the purchasers speak of them : — ? , Extracts Only, No. L ' .. Lady Edith Fergusson — 'The machine has given entire satisfaction;'? .,?? ?' ? Matron of Industrial School, Magfll—' The articles washed are exceedingly well done, and the expense of wear and tear greatly reduced.' ' Mrs: C. Balk, Bundle-street— 'It enables tu to do the work-in half the time, and cleans tiie articles very effectually without in any way injuring them. ' ? i . . : ? Mrs. W. Everard, Bay-road— 'It does its work well,, saving much time and labor, and in no way injuring the articles.' Mrs. F. D. Beach, Hindley-street— ' I find that it has proved itself a most invaluable assistance in the laundry, especially saving labor and wear and tear of clothes.' MANUFACTORY— , F RANKXilN -S T RlET, ? ' ?:??:??-.- ; ?': ? ? - ' ? thstc V&AQM ££,03937. J. CRIMP, MAmteAOTTTEER. OF AT.T, KlNDS O* G£ji^3Ili®IES9 ?'??'?? ; - .,1LJI-BiHE!P. 38I!J£B(B&1BS9 STAGECOACHES, JSXP&ES8 WAGGONS, CITY SALOON OMNIBUSSES. . Also the celebrated Wood C SpBBg'«n4 Thorough-Brace !Buggy,: with Steel. Plate v Low-Moor Iron Axles, .and Steel Eres. ' Tho Thorbugh-Braoe Buggy is the lighteV inoBt -dnrable,and reliable Buggy made: they are - easy for' Horse ' iand^Man ; they will carry ?weight, .and are lighter than any 'Boggy,*' their size. .????? ? ?; ? ' ?' ?'? ?? \ ?'-'? -' ' - -. The combination Berch, Springs, andAzlei used in . these 'oardaJEes 'an. manufaotursi «n ihe premises, ', ? .'..,'., ;.' ' : ?.,;., ?....-., . ' .... :jftt»f QEPPELT8FIELD DISTILLERY, O :-4 ;«OUTH AUSTRALIA: I the Undersigned beg to^hbtify to the Hotelkeepers, the Trade, and 'the Public generally that I will continue to supply, as heretofore, tile following Superior COLONIAL-MADE SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, BITTERS, CORDIALS, to., and in doing so wish to remark that my business was established by my father in 1851, and that at the Intercolonial Exhibition of 1866-7. held in Melbourne, Victoria, the large Bronze Pbizb Medal was awarded to him for Sheets, Liquobs, .and BrrrEBS; that at the Grand Royal Agricultural' Society's Show, held in Adelaide, 1867, I obtained the Society's GotD Medal for Liquobs and Butebel presented byH.B.'H. the Duke'cf Edinburgh; and that at the reoent Exhibition, held in Sydney, 1870, I was awarded a FlBST-CLASS Medal for my Spibits ; and- 1 particularly wish to call attention to the recent very severe test myOolonlalmadeXom has been subject fav arising from a statement submitted to the Bench of Magistrates qe last T.ifmTi«iiig-j?ny by Mr* Oalbraitii, Inspector of PubUo-housea, feeling assured that ihe most -pxajudiced will admit -that I have fully ^Btablishedjthe. fact that the analysis then submitted does not apply to my Rum, and that such Trash never ;)eft. my premises. (For particulars, Bee Advertiser, Journal, and Exvrtst of May 12th, Hhefiegister of May 13, and various other Local Papers throughout Jthe colony.) To those who need Mid can indulge in good and. wholesome stimulants, I say — ? -TRY my BUM, PALE and DARK BRANDY, SOUTH AUSTRAU&N GIN, ? WACHHOLDER, and KUMMEL. To the Ladies and others who prefer Sweet Liqueurs, I say — ? . .-. TRY my MARASCHINO, CUEACOA, VANJLLE, ROSOLY, PAKFATP, D'AMOUB, LIQUEURS ; also my CHERBY OORDIAL, AROMATIC WINE, GINGER BRANDY, &c . To . those- who- aoffer - from Indigestion, Dyspepsia,- Ac. or are i little out of sorts and neediomething to ^tve a tone to the stomach, or to create an appetite, I say —? TRY my- STOMACH, DOCTOR, WEBMUTH, ANGUSTORA, CALMUS, or ORANGE, BITTERS.. ? . . . - . To those who never take spirituous or strong drinks,' and yet need something to refresh and not inebriate, I say— . ' ? TRY my TONIC WINE, GINGER WINE, RASPBERRY, PEPPERMINT/CLOVES, and LEMON SYRUP, or MIXING BITTERS. To DRUGGISTS,' I recommend my— SPIRITS of WINE, {Rectified and Unrectified. ? ? ' ' ' To all I say— Beware of Spurious Imitations. The whole of the above-named Goods I can and do with confidence recommend to the Public as sound good articles, free from all adulteration or any injurious compound whatsoever. The Trade supplied in quantities to suit requirements. ? ' ? ? * i ' ' ? Orders direct will receive immediate attention and quick dispatch. TERMS LIBERAL for CASH or CREDIT. B. SEPPJ4LT, . LICENSED DISTILLER aad MANUFACTURER. Steam Distillery, Seppeltsfield, near Greenook, ? South Australia. . tthsq rTXKE GALVANIZED IRON AND A. zma 'works nr . ' GAWLEE-PLACE will from this date be Cabbded on by W.F. GRAY & SON, who will be glad to give prompt attention to orders entrusted to them. Zinc, Sashbar, Tube, Windows, and every article in Galvanized Iron or Zinc made on the Premises. Roofs, Verandahs, Gas an Wata Fittings carefully attended to. rttho

? Business Notices. ? /CARBOLIC ACID SOAP.— V^ This Soap, so well-known as a disinfectant and purifier, can NOW BE HAD at J. TIDMABSH & CO.'S, thst* Sturt-street. ICT0R1A VARNISH COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF VARNISHES, JAPANS, &c, OIL BOILERS, AND REFINERS. List of Varnishes and Prices on application. G. DODGSON, AGENT FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA. . thstc R. CHARLES M. DOSWKL.L, late of the Surveyor-General's Department, for sixteen, years Land Statiet.andEsamining Officer of all Main and District Tibad Plans deposited under the Road Acts, - -Prepares Plans for dosing disused roads or opening new roads under the ' Roads Amendment Act, 1863.' ' . Diagrams and Tracings of Sections made, and general ^business transacted with the .Land Office,' ' Office— Gresham Chamber's, King William-street, Adelaide. stth** COLONIAL HAND-MADE BOOTS. M. BRANDON, 78, BUSDLE-STBEET. THE RED BOOT, Continues to employ a large number of skille workmen making for his trade. . Farmers and others requiring really FIRST-CLASS COLONIAL BOOTS. BUSH BOOTS, BLUCHERS, STOCKMEN'S, RIDING BOOTS. WOMEN'S and GIRLS' BOOTS, ' BOYS' and CHILDREN'S, And ELASTIC SIDES of all kinds, WILL FIND BRANDON'S COLONIAL HAND-MADE BOOTS THE BEST IN THE COLONY, The best materials only being used, and none but the very best workmen in the trade employed. . . .... i . 20,000 pairs of English-made BOOTS and SHOES always on hand, and the ' LOWEST PRICE FOR EVERYTHING. ' THE RED BOOT WAREHOUSE,! BRANDON'S, 78, Buhdee-stemmS «B- Observe the sign of the BED BOOT -over the door. , . ? ' j .. Closnd 'on Saturdays till sunset. thstci Music and the Fine Arts ; m DT7RYEA, PHOTOGR APHEk JL ? By Appointment to - j .' H.RH. the Duke of EmNBDEGH, i His Excellency Sir James Ferousson, Bart.j Peizk Medallist at the Uhivbesal Exhlbi,., tion, 1867, ! And Successful Competitor for the past three' years at the Exhibitions of the Society of Ar;s, in all branches of highly-finished Photograph; ?. At the last Competition of 1870 Frizes weie awardad him for Poitxaits finished In Oil Celer, Water Color, Mezzotint, Black anld Colored Crayons, in addition to each Branch of , Plain Portraiture. . ! ?? T. DUYREAwill spare no effort to secure the most perfect ' results and to sustain the reputation awarded to him. ' ' - N.B. — Faded or Inferior Photographs Copied, .Enlarged, and Finished .in Oil, Water, dr. Crayons, from descriptive particulars. \ Visitors from the Country are respectfully invited to view specimens on hand. : . T. DUEYEA, ! ' 68, KING WILLIAM-STREET. | t SIC j DUETEA w6uld caU ^ ? attention of the public to ihe following list of CELEBRITIES that he has ON SALE at his Rooms. Kinr William-street i — . ? . '

Argyll, Duke of American Boat's Crew Adeline Patti Agnes .Strickland Aiiy Sheridan Bishop Patteson Bishop of London Bishop of Winchelsea Bishop of Natal . : BUhop of Adelaide Browning, Sir James Blight,: Hon. John Bruce, Mr., M.?^ B|naJBy,'.Rey. Bismarck ? Bent-WsbBtor ?;? Buxtoa, Charles Cambridge, Duke of Commander Campbell Cobden, Richard Car.terbnry, Viaootmt Canterbury, 'Viscountess Childers Carlisle Cardwell Dickens, Charles Dudley, Countess of Daly, Sir D. Drapers and Mrs. (the ; l3e) Disraeli ' Derby* *Earl of Darwin Emperor of Germany Empress Eugenie Eliot. York*. . . Sari Tarborough FergussoB, Sir James Fergusson, Lady Edith Futii, W. P. Fortescue, Earl of Father Smyth General Tom Thumb General Chute General Grant Gladstone Gramville, the Earl of Goddard, Arabella Gurney, S., M.P. Guthrie, Dr. GeBeral Leboeuf General Ton der Tann Hphenzollern, Prince of Hamley, Colonel Hamley, Mrs. Hawthorn, Nat. Huxley, Professor Hamiltan, Dr. King of Spain Kate Santley Lady Daly Legislative Assembly Legislative Council iordNewrv

Xient. Haig Longfellow ; Lady MacDonnell Lady Wiseman , Lowe, Bobt., M.P. Lady Mayo . : ? : Lome, Marquis : ' Lemon, Mark Marshal McMahon Marshal Bazaine Mitford, Mr. McGregor, John Morler, S. : MoltVe Mkll, M-. ; Manteuffel, General ? von . ' Ministers of all denominations |Neilssen, Neilssen, Miss ' Napoleon III. ] Northcote ' ? Oxford Boat's Crew, i j Osborne, Bernal Owen, Professor Prince of Wales - ? Princess of TV ales Princess Louise ' Princess Helena ' Princess Beatrice ? ? ' Prince Consort Prince Alfred Princa Arthur ' ' Prince aad Prinoeag; Teck : ? PrinoessChristiail -Prince Imperial Peabody .. . ' PaJdngton, Sir James Peel, Sir R. Queen Victoria Queen of Spain Queen of Naples Royal Prussian Children :Russell, Russell, Earl'of BOchfort Ruskui Roebuck Straagways, Mr. Schuman, MadaiBB ' Sandey, Mr. Sothern, Mr. Steinmetz, General Simon, Jules Tennyson Thompson, Lydia Troohu Tyndall, Professor Titiens, Madame Trollope, Anthony Temple, Dr. Thaekeray Tom Hood Victor Hngo * Wellington, Duchessof Westm&cotL

On* Shilling each, or 9s. per dozen, with extra 2d. stamp for remission to any part of the colony. thstxc TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.— NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. COMPLETE SET of Apparatus, with instructions, for £10. CARTE DE VISITES, 7s. 6d. the Half-dozen. ELGIN TELESCOPE, Superior to any in the ' ' Colony, from 12s. 6a. each, by poBt 6d extra; if rot appoved «f within one week can be returned. . ? VTEWS^ the Largest Collection in South Aus- tralia, large and small, from 6s. per dozen.1 Jithsc B. GOODE k CO., «9,-Rundlp-street. LIFE-StZB PQRTEAIT^, £3 EA€H. ' Cartel de Visite 15s. per dozen ; extra copies Is. each, H. JONES, ,Late Operator at Duryea's, stthxao Opposite Town Hall. Hotels and Restaurants. AGLE ON THE HILL (Late Fordham's). . The above delightfully situated Hotel is within Ten Minutes' walk from, the WATERFALLS ; it commands the finest views in the colony, and is especially recommended during the Summer Months to TOURISTS, WEDDING, PICNIC, DINNER, and all lords of PLEASURE PARTIES. Choice Stock of Wines, Spirits, Ale, and Porter, the best brands. Shower Baths. Good Stabling. Paddocks and large Cattle Yards. JAMES TIGHE, Proprietor. ? N.B. — Amey's Bos' leaves the Globe every Sunday for the above delightful place at a qnarter-past 2, returning at 6 p.m. Fares, 1b. ' each way. ? thst* SHAKESPEA RE'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Nearly Opposite the Bailway Station, NORTH-TERRAOB, ADELAIDE. Superior Board and Residence for gentlemen ; also, every convenience and comfoat for families visiting Adelaide. tthso ' i.. .

? Public Notices. ? OUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE. NOTICE. The INSTITUTE will be CLOSED THIS DAY (Thursday), at 4 p.m., on account of the arrangements for the Philosophical Society's Soiree. _ - ? ; . By order, dl . ? ROBT. KAY, Secretary. K, O GRAMME of THE ANNUAL SOIREE ADELAIDE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ? tobeheldat ; THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE, On THURSDAY, 1st June. By permission of the Board of Governors and of the Committee of the Society, of Arts, the Museum and the Society's collection of Statuary, &c, will be open for Inspection. ' The objects of Scientific interest arranged in the various rooms will comprise Electrical Apparatus, Spectroscope, Stereotyping and Printing Apparatus, Orrery, .Microscopes, Graphoscope, &c, with Specimens of South Australian Minerals and of the Fauna of the Northern Territory, and Illustrations of Silk Culture. Shert Papers, Illustrated by Experiments, will be read in th« coarse of. ihe-evenlag on Spectrum Analysis by A. -Sidney Clark,' Esq., and on Electricity, by Richmond Baker, Esq. Tickets may be obtained at the Institute, and at Plata's, by members of the Institute, acdof the Incorporated Societies, viz., single tickets, 2s. ; deuble tickets, to admit a lady and gentleman or two youths under 15, 3s. Doors open 7.30 p.m. dl : .-: C. W. BABBAGE, Hon. Sec GRAND BAZAAR, *OWN HALL, ADELAIDE, WILL CONTINUE OPEN DURING THE WEEK. ? A very large Selection of Beautiful Goods sent, by the Missionary Fathers of Shanghai. Nankin, Vienna, Munich, ^c., &c.- ? . Also, a great variety of Beautiful Needlework and other Useful Goods. ' ' ' ' ' ' Admisripn; Is.. Doora open at 2 p.m. ? dc NOTICE-FIRE -'-BRIGADE ?-..- -NOTICE. .: . ?-??. WANTED, BUILDINGS for STATIONS-for the HOSE REELS of the ADELAIDE FZRE BRIGADE.:.'; -:.'.- -i -?: r~-.ji: Iti.r ? _ Also, some Active JHEN to take charge of the Reels as 'FOREMEN and FIREMEN in the Brigade. :??:?? .' ? ? ' ' ' ' - . . Also, a HORSEandDBITER for each of the hobse;reels. .. „' ,. The localities 'where the Reels 'will be statipned 'are :-t- .. . ???? .-! ?? ??? ??-??? ' : HORSE REELS. . - Near the' east end of Run9le-Btreet. '.' Near the west end of Hiiidley-street. ' ? HAND REELS.; : . Near the south end of KiDg William-street. . Near the Oab' Stand, COonnell-street, North Adelaide.:'..; ,-.p : : ?...?:'; '. ' . ..: i For full particulars, apply. to the Superintendent of Fire Brigades,' East-terrace. ? ? ... : . ARTHUR JNO. BAKES, '' ..... . - Superintendent. ; May31,'l87L' ^ . . . d3 , TWO POC:NDS:REWARD.— Any PERSON GIVING; INFORMATION to the undersigned that will lead to the conviction of: the offender of1 offenders Vh'o maliciously TOBE.DOWN the STACK .of BLACKSMITH'S SHOP and did other injuries .in O'ConneU-sbreet, North Adelaide, to the said premises, will receive the above reward. EDWINCOXr . '.. :d2 '' Childers-Btreet, North Adelaide. P OB L1C. NOTICE.— Whereas »n evil-disposed person, whose name itis not necessary to mention, has circulated a. report that my Port Adelaide belongs jto Mr. J. A. Hqlden, and that I am only his reprei sentative, tiie above statement I most ?positively contradict, and assert that the whole concern is my own, and that I have . no connection with' Mr. Holden or'any one else, otherwise than that of a customer;, 'also if any- more isuch reports are current, immediate action will be taken for. Tedresi -? '-?-* -??'-? ? ? ? ? - ;? ? ?Hi CAIRE, Saddler, &o., ? - ? ? ; ' ; CommercUl-road, Port Adelaide. - 'i , H.C1,'. im returning thanks to the public for past favors, wonld solicit a continuance of ihe game. . ? : ? ? . ' . ' tths3 AIQTICEi— Ali'DEBTS DUE to the 1™ ESTATE of WILLIAM TYRIE, Draper, Main-street, Kapunda, are to be PAID to me, WILLIAM HENRY CHARLTON, my receipt; alone bemg good and sufficient discharge. ' ' Lord Palmerston Hotel, Kapunfla, , ; -1 May30,187L ,'.;'. .6^., ' IN thie.A^SI^NE-D ESTATE^ of FOSTER'* HORNE, of Strathalbyn,: Storekeepers.— Notice is hereby given that a: FIRST DIVIDEND of Fire Shilling* and Six- , pence. (5s, 64,) .in..the ppund iati Jbeen declared, I and ii PAYABLE at our Offioes on and after! the lTthidayof Juneiiert to all Creditors who i hare,. executed the deed. jo£ ' assignment and iroved their claims. . : Dated the 31st day of May, 1871. '. ' , Byxnderjof tbe Trustees, ; - ' ;... PRICE & MACDOitfALP, ;. ;. '' ' ' ' jtccountants to :the Estate. 62, King WiUiamlBtreSt, Adelaide.' d3 IJM the ASS£Q*lED * 'JsSTATE. of WILLOOX & HASKEW, of:Hindley. street, . Adelaide, :Drapers.— Notice is hereby given that'* SECOND DIVIDEND of Two Shillings (2sl) ih:-the Pourid has been declared! and is PAYABLE at our Office on and after%he 17th day of June next to all Creditors who have executed the Deed of Assignment and proved their clarJOBS.' - ' - ' ' '? ' Dated the 31st day of May, 1871; By order of the Trustees, - PRICE & MACDONALD, ? ? Accountants to the Estate. 62, King William-street, Adelaide. . d3. HEREBY, G1YE NOTICE' that I will NOT be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted by iny WIFE, or any other person, after this date. ' ' ' i . . JOSEPH HOAOH. : Hindmarsh Hotel, May 30, 187L , d6 ALL PI^S, GOATS, DOGS, POULTRY, Ac., TEESPASSINGon my premises after this date,' will be SHOT. .J.Ki HAWTHORN. Harling House, Lower Mitcham, 3l8t May, 1871. - , . ths2 ,, Tenders and Contracts. tfWH OF KEJSSINGTO& AND NORWOOD. The Council invite Tenders for ihe following Works: — ?......-. 20. For about five chains of Pitchpaving and Kerbing at the junction of Williaai-Btreet and Sydenham-rsad. ? .' ; 2L For the constmction.-of a Culvert across the west end, of Bundle-street, Kent Town^ with necessary alterations tb'p'itchpaving. ' 22. Forapreading Metal in 'Kensington WsrtL 23. The like East.Norwopd Ward^ ? ?.., \ I: ' 24. The like WesfNbrwood. ? , . ?25. The like Kent War3;: '' '-?''-' ????''' 26. ' For scoring the raainjline of road bafof e spreading the metal in Kensington Ward. ' , 27.; The like East Norwood Ward. . ' 28. Tbimke West NorWood Ward. '? ? ? '' 29. The like K^nt Ward. ,-?_,._, . ? '; , ./ji; Further particulars can be obtainei from Mr. Nurse, the Overseer.- '- : ? - » ?'??'?'-? ? ?'? ?- -' l ?-'? Each Tender must be on- a: proper form , (which will be supplied by the Overseer), and must be in a separate envelope, marked outside with 'the' number as jabove, ... u. ? i:.u;. ,.: .'?.?-?.?. The Conncil will not be bound to accept the lowest or any Tender.1 : ? ' Tenders must be' in the Town Hall letter-box before 4 o'clock on Thursday, the 8th Juae, 187L ' ' . By order, jd3 ? J. E. MOULDEN, Town Clerk. IN the AbSIONED ESTATE of S. McKENZIE, of PeaoUi S.A. ' TENDEKS are hereby invited for STOCK (£3,508 4s. lOd.),' BOOK DEBTS (£2,199 9s. 2d.), and LEASE of, PREMISES (which has nearly two years to run at a rental of £60 per annum), either together or separately. - Stock is now on view, and Stock-sheets can' be seen on the premises, .Penpla, or at tha Offices of Messrs. Wm. Morgan & Co., Curriestreet, Adelaide, - and - ' Messrf. Donaldson, Andrews, & Sharland, Rundle-street, Adelaide. Tenders will be received up till noon of Saturday, 3rd J«ne next, to b« addresseil ' Trustees, S. JIoKenrie & Co., care of Messrs. Donaldsoh, Andrews, & Sharland,. Kundle-street, Adelaide.' Neither the highest nor any tender necessarily accepted. STOW, BRUCE, & AYERS, dllxl Solicitors to the Trustees.

Bnilding Societies. : 'HHE OUEEN PERMANENT X BUILDING* INVESTMENT SOCIETY. —The FIRST MONTHLY MEETING for SALE of SHARES will take place at the Town Hall Buildings, Adelaide, ok Tuesday, 6th June next, at 8 o'clock p.m. Borrowen in this Society guaranteed their Deeds in 61 years, or sooner if practicable. WM. JOHNSON, Chairman. JOHN BKISTOW, Secretary. Adelaide, May 30, 1871. thst3 Insurance Companies. CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND GENEEAL LIFE ASSTJBANOE ? ' ? INSTITUTlbN. Capita!., One Million. AssrmANOKS definitely completed and Cujhb promptly settled in the colony. : Loans granted on approved personal security, and on Freehold Property unencumbered, at Eight per cent, per immn dxo JAMES HILL, Agent, Grenf eU-»treet HEQI7EEN FIRE AND LIFE ?'? INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £2,000,000. L. A. JESSOP, Agent, Alfred Chambers, Carrie-street. rriHE UNIVERSAL MARINE JL INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). Head-Office, 35, Comhill, London. Capital— One Million. L. A. JESSOP, Agent, .dxo .. . Alfred Chambers, Cunie-street. -OBTRAIiASI AN INSURANCE ? ?-???'- ? COMPANY. ? . FIRE and MARINE and LIFE. HeadOffice-—Collins-street west, Melbourne. Sabseribed 'Capital, '£500,000: paid-up Capital, £150,000. Djbeotobs: ' Ohaibmas— Hon. James Graham, M.L.C. Vioe-ChaikicaS— Hon. Edward Cohen, M.P. . Hon. Alexander Fraser, M.L.C. Thomas Budds Payne, Esq., J.P. ' James Macbain, Esq-i M.P. Professor Wilson, M.A. ' Sbobbtabt— Edward Watson, Esq. Aotuabt— G. E. Cowley, Esq. ALFRED WATTS, Agent Register Chambers. dxc TiERWENT AND TAMAR JLf-MABINE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1838. HEAD-OFFICE, HOBART TOWN. . Risks on Hulls, Freight, or Merchandise' of every description aooepted at Current Rates. . . LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED, . ither in Adelaide, Melbourne, or London, as desired. ADELAIDE OFFICE, 12, Oubbix-stbeet. tthso WM. ISBISTER, Agent i XpSW ZEALAND INSURANCE ll -COMPANY, -3apital £250,000. . Marhie Risks taken at Current Rates. 1 «hsa | W. J. FULLARTON, Agent ; t\torthern: assubanoe 11 COMPANY,— FIRE AND LIFE. I . tthso , j , -X. L. iMKYER; Res. See. ; OUTH AIJSTRiALlAN INSUi. r BANOE COMPANY (UMTTED). ' , ..., . * CAPna*. £600,000. ! ? . . ;? .- BOAED O» BIBBOTOES : : - Hpn. T. Reynolds, Chairman. ; ; J. O. V«rcb, Esq..; J.P., Deputy Chairman. ? Hon. W. Milne, M.L.O. I N. Blyth, Esq. ' '? P. Santo, Esq. : f J. Counaell, Esq. : : ;. A. Hay, Esq., M.P. ;-?;.; FIRE and MARINE BISKS at Ourreni Bates. !?:.'?.?-; ? - MONEY LENT ON MORTGAGE. ? 'Asuranos Chambers, Adelaide; and at every Townihip in the Colony. I stUixe . , R, E. TAPLEY, Seoetsry. ! A'DELAIDE MARIJSTE AND' ii. FIBE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ; :: Incorporated by Act of Parliament :-. . OapitaL£255,100a .' 1- ' BOABD:OB DtBEOTOBS: Hon. William Morgan, M.L.O., ChalrmaB, : ? Walter ^uffield,Esq., M.P.J ? ' . ? David Fowler, Esq. : ? ? Joseph Fisher, Esq. ; 'Thomas Graves, Esq. ? ; . Anthony Hall, Esq. - | t. . . James, Smith, Esq. - 1 Offices— Grenfell-street, Adelaide. tiMAKTNE EISKS effected at lowest current rates. WOOL taken-with AVERAGE rec»Ter. able on eaoh BALE. ' Loss payable in London' or Adelaide. ? -. -'-'?'? '-' ' ? '? ' . ' ' -. FIRE 3USK8 -taken at liberal rates of town: or country. : . ? LOSSES promptly settled In CASH. (FRED. S. C. DREFFIELr Secretary. ?---??? - ' thsttxc ? AGLE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Accumulated Fund, £3,001,119. * : CORNWALL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY,fmwxo fmwxo HENRY S-IOTT, Agent : EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANOEi COMPANY (LOOTED). i .' DrEBcrroBS: ' : W. Main, Esq., Chairman. F. J. Botting, Esq. I W. M, Letchf ord, Esq J. Pulsford, Esq. | O.'Rankin, Esq. Secretary— Abraham Abrahams. Office— 9, Hindley-street, Adelaide. : Risks taken at the lowest current Rates. Insurers in this Company , will Participate, ; pro rota in any issue -f New Shabes which will from time to time be made. stho Professional and Trade Addresses T3 E M O V A L. FRANCIS CLARK & SONS and CLARK & CROMPTON Have REMOVED from Elyth-Btreet to GRENFfiLIrSTREET, between the Begixter Office and King William-street. stthx* ENRY STAPLE DON, ACCOUNTANT ASD GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, PEEL-STREET. LOANS NEGOTIATED. ? ; ? tths»* MR. SAMUEL PEARCE, HOUSE, LAND, and GENERAL ESTATE AGENT, HmDLIY-BTBKET, APELJUBE, S.A. RENTS, INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, and DEBTS COLLECTED and REMITTED, or invested in Freehold Estate, Government Bonds, &&, as instructed. Money to Lend, stthc t7 i m o v a jT. WJLLIAM H. HOLMES & CO. beg to Inform their Customers that they have REMOVED' from their old premises in Stephens'laoe to the more commodious ones lately occupied by Messrs. W. & J. Storrie, 19, Curriestreet WILLIAM H. HOLMES & CO., Importers of General Merchandise, d»* i - . , ? 19, Carrie-street . TPO FARMERS, MILLERS, AND JL - MERCHANTS. GRIFFIN CANT, PRODUCE BROKER, GREEN'S ' ? : ? EXCHANGE. dc VrOTICE OF REMOVAL.— 131 Mr. 'S. KIDNER 'has KEMOVED from Willunga to Pitt-street, Adelaide, back .of the late Mr. Maughan's chapel. -Consultations 'dally from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ? . . : ? dq J WILLIAMS, ACCOD NT-BOOK . MANUFACTURER, PRINTER, PAPER. RULER,. Wholesale and Retail STATIONER, 64, Sing William-street, Adelaide (opposite Green's Exchange). ? dc Conveyances and Livery Notices. JD. ARMES, VORK STABLES, ? RUNDLE-STREET. Saddle and Harness Horses on Hire. Horses taken in to Bait on reasonable terms. Every description of vehicle open to engage nent Charges moderate. tthso

Honey. ONEY TO LEND at from 7 per cent interest Every description «f Real Property Act business transacted. PBIOE & MAODONALD, dxc 62, King WUiam-street, Adelaide. ONEY TO LEND in yarions Sums, at lowest current rates. WRIGHT BROTHERS. Imperial Chambers, aflnitddt. thfxc ]y ONEY TO LEND at lowest rates iYl. of interest on Freehold Security. All busmess under the Eesl Property Act condncted with promptness. ' BAYNTON k PIZBY, \ Land:Agents auid licensed Brokers, Watertunue BuHdingB.'EIiig Wlllkm-street, .mfcd at Mount Pbasaet tthxe MONEY.— SEVERAL SUMS of . TRUST and otksr MONET to LEND on approved freehold security, at low interest. —Joel Roberts, licensed Laud Broker and Commission Ageat, 71, King William-street, tthso O»EY TO LEND.— Tke undersigned is prepared to LEND either LARGE or SMALL ?UM3 of MONEY, on all lands of Goods, «r oh Deposit of Deeds and Mortgages. Persons waited on. at their residences if required. All transactions strictly confidential. ' ? . . W.SOHDLITZ, Pawnbroker, ' 100, Knndle-Btreet andMorphett-atreet ? ; ? - ' ? rttho MONEY TO LEND.— Property brought under the Real ' Property Act, Mortgages, Leases, and Transfers drawn. W. M. LETOHFORD, , , Licensed Land Broker, Waterhousfl's-buUdlngm. __; ? ' -????. -,- ?? :ta-sxs| ?-MO N E Y T O L END. LOANS NEGOTIATED. GREEN & CO., ' i jExohange Land Offioee, King WnUam-street : ? . ? ' . mwthxo MOHBT.TO 1SB1», 3. E. MOULDEN, dc 94, King WUUam-atreet, Adelaide; MONEY to LEND, in large or small sums. . . Loans and Guarantees NegotUted. KINGSBOROUGH & CHAPMAN, Licenced-Land Brokers and Bstata i Agents, ; ' dxo , ' . ; Advprtiiei Buildings, i MONEY TO LEND «t 8 perceat. ' Txpon-first-olass securities, '*^ In sums as -uay be agreed. ' . ?- ' ? G. W. tJOTTON, Licensed Land Broker, ! axe ? Queen's Chambers, Pirie-street j MONEY. — Large or 8mall sums to' ' LEND,' at from 7J per pent, «oo*rding to security. '- ' ? ,''?'? ' ' ac ?-' -?.:MUMMEfcOO.,GrenfeU^treet ; ONEY TO LEiND in rams' of £100 and upwards. Interest 8 per oent OULLEN k. WIGLEY, - , Solicitors, re*i**»ig» Offices, ' do King Waiiam^treet, Adelaide. , ONE Z TO LEND in sums of . £100 and upwards on freehold security. THOMAS KELLY, ? i ? de r-- Waymontinfaeet West' i 'jy/TONEY ; in; LEND on Freehold, -Lfi Good Station Property, or othsrSecnrity. H'o- commission charged.— E. 'Bpioer, Carrl*. street ??:.-? - j; ? ?? ? -?' ' d* ' NATIONAL LOAN AND DISOOUNTBANK, OFFICE— GILBERT-PLACE. LOANS GRANTED In Sums of £5 to £5,060, upon approved Personal or other Seouritiei. Forms of application obtainable at the Offioe. Bfll Diseoiinted. ?:???? ' ADVANCES niade on PRODUCE, MER OHANDISE, and BILLS OF LADING. d»~\ J. DANIELS. Msaager. fI?HE SAVINGS BANK of Soatk JL . Australia LENDS MONEY at SEVEN PERCENT, on Mortgage of First-class Security, in sums of £200 and upwards. Forms of application may be obtained at the Bank Offioe. ' thxc H. H. TURTON, Aacaantmt ; EdncatioB. Mr; ; w i v e l l, ? Teacher of DANCING and CALISTHENICS. ??dj^V^* dj^V^* ^la^iW ^T^^k Schools and Evening Parties attended. Private Lessons. Day and Evening Classes. Academy, East-terrace, near the Botanical Gardens. ??,.'.-,./ .. ..- th**.-i Lost and Found. ' LOST, in the neighborhood of Norwood, a CARPET-BAG. Finder will be rewarded on leaving it.atMr. R. H. Wigg's; King William-atreet '., ' del STOLEN or STRAYED from North Adelaide, on-Sund&y evening last a stout BAY HORSE, accustomed to aaddl* and harness, and branded E on near shoulder, fifteen hands high.. .If stolen, a reward of Five Pounds will be given on conviction of the offender ; if strayed, One Pound on his delivary to me at 12, Bundle-street, -or Lefevre- terrace, de E. a WIGG. Wacfc^ m Q MINIKG CAPTAIMJ.— JL WANTED, a Captain, by the Sliding Rock Mining and Smelting Company. Apply, by letter, to the Secretary, at the Company's Office, Blinman, on or before the 19th of June, 1871. -References will' be required; applicants to state terms. ? d2xl RESSER8 WANTED at Messrs G. & B~ WSIb b Co., Clothing Factory. Apply -to Mr. E. Allen, Manager, Stjphen'splace. - ? ? del WANTED, a Gompetent MAN for the Willunga Flax Mill ; must thoroughly understand flax scutching, watering, fcc, and be able to take the management of ttw 'Mm. Apply, by letter or personally, with testimonials, to ' , ??'?.? T, MACDONALD, Dundee Tent and Tarpaulin Factory, dc ? Freeman and Pirie streets. -ANTED, a TINSMITH and GALVANIZED -IRON WORKER. Apply, H. Nettelbeck, Gawier-place. d3 WANTED, a! NURSEMAID. ? Refannces required. Apply to Mrs. W.' R. Boothby, Lefevre-terrace-, North Adelaide. ... d3 ANTED, a COMMERCIAL ? TRAVELLER.— J. T. Church it Co. , ? dl -ANTED, a good, Bober, steady .single man COOK, for a head station. Apply at once to Superintendent Bushmen's Club. ? do WANTED, a good MACHINIST, at Pantheon Boot Factory. dc AJSTKD, an APPRENTICE tV : the Dressmaking. Mrs. J. J. Taylor, Huttstreet. - ttb-6 WANTED, twelve pairs NEW or SECOND-HAND BLANKETS ; also three or six TARPAULINS. - Address 'O. H.,' this office. ? ? dl QA TEAMS more will find employ^i\J ment CARTING METAL and BUILDING STONE from Mitcham Quarries, by application to the Proprietor, J. 'Prince, Jan., Parkfields. Liberal prices given. thsto TTOPfcTALLEY RESERVOIR.— O- AVANTED, 40 to 50 MASONS for Pitchpaving 20,000 (twenty thousand) yards, do ?- ? G. & R. E. FRY, Contractors.

Land aad House Property, e s ken & o o .' s NEXT MONTHLY LANE AUCTION SALE wiU be held in the LAND MABT ON FRIDAY, 30th June, 1871. Particulars of Properties intended for this Auction are requested to be forwarded on or before 15th June. mwthxc GREEN & O O . LAND AGENT3 LAND AUOTIONBEES. LAHDBD PKOPBEIJS3 - TALT7ED, LAWTtUP gROPgSTISS : - SURVEYED. PLANS FnrnUhed and TOW17SETJPS I.AID OUT. Hani of Townihlps, Htmdreds, he, Ice., tibwughsut Oa OOLONT alwfaVE op&o HOUSES, STORES, LANDS, SECTIONS, ho. EiIS OB LBA8BB, KSCHANGB h AKD MABT, (And Land Offioes, Xing W131i&m-»ire&;. tAM-' '^ms^^J^ SEOTIONS, V partteBabseatrxoinAde. ; \ Ialde. GOVERNMENT (&**&u*b& , %n tat oa GREEN & CO., Land Agents, GREEN fe OO.'S APVERTiaEMENTS appear in the 'ADVBRTISER' Newspaper on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, and in the 'CHRONICLE' of Saturday. mwthxo QTQRAQEy— To LET, the STOKE k7 and EXTENSIVE CELLAR in HINDLEYSTREBT, lately oooupiad by Messrs. Paull and Mazadith. Apply to J. U. Ifjndt, Rundle. street; erto 8. Lasar. dc rpO be' LET, Two-storey HOUSES, _1_ ' ? of fivs roomseaahj on North-terrace west Apply on the premises. dc SHOP TO '*B LET IN KING , WILLIAM-STREET.— To be Let for a term -if years,1 iBs' Shop No. 83— well adapted for Watehmaker; ' ' Druggist, or any other b.uimestreWuirinr a^'firrt-class ppiitiori-at a BEABONABLB^REM; Apply to Mr. S. Allim, 'or to Mr. Hfh«, on -the premises. dc IG»-8TREJETj KENSINGTON. ? — TO te 1ST, a COTTAGE of Six Rooms,' withGas laid on, nice Garden, and every conranianca, dose to the Bus Stand. Apply to H.Hughesr^ dc FOR, SALE, cheap, a four-roomed 'HOUSE, 'next Marauni , Coaohf actory, Pirle-street ; also, on* of six-roomB in Gillesstraet Apply A. Look, on premises. d3 RENDERS are invited f.r the X PURCHASE of SECTION 702, HUNDRED of GILBERT, containing One Hundred and Nine Acres, let to Mr. John Gasmeier for term expiring in February, 1872. The Section it first-eUss Arable liBjttd; fenced, and adjacent to the Water Reserve. Neither the highest nor any tender will be ^necessarily accepted. WAV & BROOK, Solicitors, tht6x3 69, King William-street, Adelaide. TO be LET, a email FRONT SHOP or OFFICE, in one of the best parts of King WaUam-street Apply at Brady's provinon store. '' - - ? ? dc BATNTON- A PiZEY beg to announcs that' their CATALOGUE of FREEHOLD PROPERTIES for sale on easy terms, akd to lease on right of purchase, contains full descriptive particuUrs of 30,000 Acres of Land,' laid out in farms, in' various parts of the oaloay. - ?? AISO, FREEHOLD HOUSE PROPERTIES in Adelaide and the suburbs, including several desirable Family Residences, with extensive grounds and all the requisite conveniences. Copies forwarded free by post on application. BAYNTON &PIZBY, -Land^and Estate Agents, WaterhoAse'Suadings, King William-street, ? andat Mount Pleasant. tthxc qiO MILLERS«nd CAPITALISTS. jL — MILL'for 'BAM!, replete with every modern improvement District one of the most reliable for permamnt employment Ternis most liberal BAYNTON k. PIZEY, W-terhouse BmUings, King William-street, ' ? ? and at Mount Pleasant tthxc TO L'«T, THREE LARGE ROOMS on' North-terraoe, suitable im a School er Manufactory. Apply, X.W. Mitchell, «5. EuneUeitreet tthsc' OR SALE, OR TO LET, ? DESIRABLE VILLA RESIDENCE, MITCHAM. SB THOMAS XEITCH, INSOLVENT. Themdersignetf having purchased from the Assignees the,,*iquity of that delightfullysituated Property at Mitcham formerly known as the residenbeof John Parkin, Esq., andreoeatly occupied byyltr. Thomas Leitoh, comprising Bix-roomed, House, with enclosed. Verandah, Stable, Cart Shed, Cellar, and Tank ; together with about Four-and-a-half Acres of Land, subdivided Into Garden and Paddocks, now offer the same for Sale, or to Let, and are prepared to treat with a'eustomer on liberal terms. KINGSBOKOUGH & CHAPMAN, . tthso T t T Advertiser Buildings. rpO beiiUT, the capacious , STORE X - and OFFICES, with, extensive Cellarage, Yard, Stable, *c, situate in. HENDLEY STREET,'1 « the/ rear of Messrs. G.- PhiHipi ans!'O*.'s, and lately in, the occupation of Messrs. J.. Stilling & Co. ' Possession imjnsfflate,' ?'',?. .-'. ?; ' ' ? ' WRIGHT BROTHERS. Imperial Chambers. . ' ' thto rr\Q be LBTi :'-wi^ IMQHT of X PUKOHASE, SECTIONS 452 and 454, in tha HUNDRED of SEYMOUR, suitable for agricultural purposes. Apply to W. Peacock and Son, Grenfen'street ttht3il rpO be LET or for SALE, HOUSE JL- in Edsell^rtreet, lately occupied by Mr. F. W. Lindrum. , -Apply Clarence Hotel, King William-street 'i-!-r'. ' '?. ' thse 4 GRrCULTtJRAL LAND FOR J\. SALE— .'.?? HUNDRED OF BLYTH— Sections 1992, 1993,1994,-176,176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 194, 192, 208, 233. MILNE— 402, -409, 414, 416, 658, 659, 6G0, 661, 703. GLARE— 189, 440. . HART— Several good flections. W. Ik BEARE, Bnngaree. sthxao ' HENRY SCOTT, Adelaide. FOR BALK, a bargain, a short drive 'from town, HOUSE, eight rooms, cellars, .garden, paddock, stables, coach-house, &c, tea. 'Plenty water; every convenience. Apply to.G. W. Cotton, Queen's Chambers, Adelaide. \' ??'''? ? mtho 4VJ OURRIE-STRKET.— JfXf CELLAR and STORE to LET. '^tto^ JAMES T. TURNBULL. ba SOLD, a bargiio, HOUSE and Three Acres of Garden Laud,, at Fuliarton. . Apply, to H. Bees, at Air. Crowder's, Franklin-street. ' . .' thst3 - Produce. ? SX*( 8ALE, PRIME BUl'TuR, \J TENPENCE PER POUND. AO J. LYONS. Af-rfcO, STNDLEY-STEEET. *±*J* . , sttbc IMPERIAL MILL8, HDRTLEr SQUARE. WftEAT BOUGHT for Cash at highest market price. -? Gristing done In small lots at 93. per bushel. Large lots cheaper, as per agreement thsts ? .___ ? J. DABLING. WOOL, HIDiSS, SaEEPSKlWb, n*W, GUM, SHANK BONES, TALLOW, fcc, purchased by the undersigned [o Adelalda, dxc ? W. PEACOCK k SON , 'Amusements. SHAMROCK THEATRE. DER FREISGHOTE and ? THE OORSK5AN BROTHERS, EVKRY NIOHT THIS WEEK,