Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 9 December 1899, page 5


A meeting of the Central -Board of Health waa heid on December 6, and there were present Dr. W. Ramsay Smith (chairman), Dr. A. \V. Bill, Messrs. H. Rymill, J. Kowell, and W. Haines, and the secretary (Mr. G. tx. Ayliffe). f Tbt secretary waa directed lo write to ° the lotd board for the district of Kadiua, and asir what steps the local board had taken in regard to this board's request that an officer of health should be appointed. Replying to a communication from the board, Sanitary-Inspector Pync. reported that the Renmark IrrtVation Trust was re.--pon?ible for the condition of the channel whence toakage bad occurred, canting dampness to a residents eremites, but that the premises were' aboot to be vaca- ? ted. Received. The secretary to the local board of health for Talunga wrote in reply, end stated that a slaughtering establishment and piggery at Forreston were in very lav condition, but the local iword had determined some montim back not to grant slaughtering licences for any premise* situated within townships, and in regard to. the establishment at Forreston, which wa» j not licehsed, the matter was now in tbt* hands of the local board'.* solicitor. Received. ? ?'.? ???* n',--.-]-olioo Sub-Inspector Field wrote 4ad recommended that Mounted-Constable Jnta -O'Brien, stationed at Leigh's Creek, should be appointed an inspector .. under tba) Health Act. Tbe board made the apmwtment. ' v* A resident of Mylor called attention to the prevalence of whooping cough in that neighborhood, and stated, that, .children from infected houses attended tie public school. One of her own chadraWJwa* affected with the dineaoo,»jleairEd to know whether there was. dana^pJB Bending ' the children to school. The -Ch airman had advised that the children should 1-e -kept at home, ao3 information had peea sent to the Board of School Inapectora. Approved. The board approved the appointment of Dr. Arthur Goode as officer of health tot Terowie, vice Dr. Seabrook, sjwagnrd. The Chief Inspector of Stock; Mr. C. 3. Valentine, forwarded information with reference to a pig on -which hie district inr. spector had performed a post-mortem examination at Pinkerton's wlimghtf* naioij. Narracoorte. The examination revealed that the animal was affected with tubercukxdB. It was directed that information should be sent to the local board of health, and that the chief inspector of the Oentral Board should proceed shortly to the eorifteastern portion of tbe colony on a tour tat -inspection. ' _ ?* Referring to a. recommendation from m '. Central Board, that a medical practitioner should be proceeded against lor «. breach-^ of clause 127, of, the Health Act, tbe local board for Port I-irie repKed that *n -ex-planation fcad been made fay the ntedual practitioner, and the local board did not therefore think it advisable to proceed against him. The secretary was ulsaxra»ed to reply ftat this board did not consider that die reasons -were sBtisnUtocy, and that it instructed the local boacd to take proceedmgB. ' vi The chief inspector f nrnubed report* oa the sanitary condition of 4be town- ta : Kapunda and the district A Eapanda, Be- . spectivdy. geveral inssjutary conditions' in. -; the town -were referred to. Tn fje diatriet,, the i»angb4*»ripe eatsblisbmenU avnd HKgr''-: geries were very nnsatisfactory. Bigs were allowed to devour Mood and uncooked' offal, and not the ^tightest attempt was beinir. made to cany oat file provisions of -the Health Act, 'with respect to ghngnter- ? houses, and die keeping and feeding of . pigs. Tie secretary -was directed to send 'partKuaua to the^eepadive local lioattt^ ; ; and reoueBty in lQgam to tfae'filan^ilw'ipy-^.1 tfM«fjilKU^rffn-»nrf» 4tnof lwawlwtL 4haBr ~'^WUS&* ' SO of tbe Act .shouldrbe etrrtly edforced, -The Chief Inspector also ftmuahed a |«- ' port with reference to the riaueaaily for {. closet and urinal conveniences at Moonta uay. The report -was to the 'effect that in ' the summer season large nmnbere of per- -sons were carried from Moonta. and other -towns to the seaside by tramcan iSrionging to the Rairway Department. There was , no privy or «'p«l accommodation, **»^ -. at ? the time of inspection, although it was higa tide, there was human cxcretaXv to be asjen in quantity under the jettj-,^ Much formed to visitors the only protee- - .; bon from the sun. It appeared to the - ' Chief Inspector Oat the Railway Department ought to provide the necessary con-... venienoee, and tbex, they should be plooed on U-e railway neserve. . Postponed fintn ?; furtberpartieulare are' Before die Board.' The Chief Inspector of Cattle {umished ; ? reports with reference to.the aiamdnenoK* ? establisnmiaiU of Mr. John Frederick !&nS ' ncr and Mr. Han; Wilson respoctiydjr.. . The reports were read amd received. The eame officer also reported that : whilst he waa inspecting Mr. Turner's premises two 'wasters,' not . Mr. Tpnier'e property, were bBng'kfllad. One waa . badly affected .with tnbenaaoeis. . 11ns beast the inspector seized and destroybd by keroaining it. The eecretary wss di- . rotted to Becertain when tbe bauori came from. 'i'«^ Tbe Chairman reported that pumuMo. directions given st the last mertang of the . -board, a letter hail been senttottie local board for the city with reference to the . Mayor's vemmrki bearing on tbe proposal that the Central Board should take the control of an 'T»«*jir of duriea, to be anointed by. tbe city and suburban local boards; The letter, of whkh the following is a «opy. was approved:— 'I aim instructed to draw

your attention to (he CoUpwing fact* m. , bearing on the atatoment onotod from. 4be annual report of bis Worship the Mayor: — The matter has stood still now for some, months, apparently owing to tbe lukewarm attitude of the Central Board al Health ? who agreed to take control of the inspector appointed, provided tbe Crown lanr, officers «aw no (objection to the arrangement. Repeated applications have been made to tbe Oentral Board, whose plaint -has always been that -they are awaiting: a reply from the Crown toolieitor.' On May 23 your board wrote » airing this board to undertake the control of an inspectorof dairies. On die ealne day this faard considered the matter.- On July 12, following on further correspondence, .ana after two deputations, this board forwarded a. mimrte to tbe Minister of Healtfa, a copy of which has since been sent to you, stating that although the scheme , seemed a departure from the spirit ot the Health Act, still, in view of the good results that would probaUy- follow, Uiis board was wiBing to undertake control t£ the inspector S there were no legal im- . pediments. This waa forwarded for the opinion of tbe Crown lavw officers. Despite , the efforts of the members of tois board, who took up the crass of the arrangement warmly, and did everything to expedite matters, and despite frequent communications from tins board, the opinion of the Crown Solicitor did not reach this board. till October 13. You were immediately fur- ? niahed with a. copy of that opinion, andavtUhough that opinion appeared to preclnds the board 'from meeting your board's views, ibis board nevertheless, after carefid discussion by the whole of the mem. bers, resolved to go on with tbe scheme. What delay has occurred since October B fan been one to unavoidable causes, vU., the fflnesB of certain members ot this board, who were warm exponents of the scheme, the absence of Councillor Baker ;a Melbourne, which prevented him from meeting the chairman in order, to adjost: the ecbeme, &c From theae facts J believe it will be pban to you that there is vcr/ httle ground for the iftatement Oiat ttna board has shown a lokewarra Btpwie ia tiie matter, and tfcwtoard has sonrfdiffi- d enh-y in beUevansj that fc» wocahip was , cognisant of these facto, or of the attitude . of this board, at the tune his report w»*_ written.' , 7''r ? Reports were received of 2 cases of *yphoSfever at Nonrood. S at Port KriMfc I et AAftride, 1 at Fiteroy, 1 «t One, \&u Port Addaide,a«-d 1 atMmjwo; 2 of *&* „ tberia. et Ad«4side, 2 a* Wallaroo. »«*Col- ': lege Park. 1 at Prospect, 1 at, il»eb«rton, and 1 at Goodwood; 1 of noBrls^na. tteiei of the followmg T*aoes:— Adeaude _,^aol cottages. Rose Park, Naaroe, Partonde, Hyde Park, and MaWrn; 1 o£ erywodja , at Norwood, 1 at Higbg-Ae, and 1 at Parfc -v side; 1 of tiabercufosis «a Adelaide: 2 «!, measles «t Addaide. Total number o* ; cases reported. SL . . The infectious diseaae mortnaiy-tmok. : showed 2 deaths reported darinK tbe weet 1 from whooping coagb at Munootpa, and -1 from typhoid fever at OsanviHe. - -. -.'