Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 2 December 1938, page 4

CHUISITMAS SUSTENAI CESPECIAL is6ni T9 F4IIE The Government has decided that for the .,weekeoxlcomencing l fleempee 19 one special f s ee of sustenine will -begricgfanted as ~:n-aditjdla~:riti~al hrsta allocation A ongothers, the ispecial allocation will be mIa o te'heads of familue in eceipt 'hf sustenanbe durii'ng the week ending December 24, and those who, although not in receipt of sustenatice on December 24, would be eligible as from Decenime: 26. Also one issue will be m ae to' familfes, th/ heads of which are engaged on relief work during the week ending Saturday, December 24, and who were in receipt of sustenance when the call for relief work was accepted. The special issue in these cases will be in the forn bi ofcash r ordeis, Wvhichever is the practice in the particular municipality at the present time in receipt of ordinary sustenanice. Work is not to be demanded iii Tespect odfconcession sustenance grated as aove Under certain conditinixs special allocations will bp made to men i eturpg from relief work, full particulars of which can be oLtained oni application to local sustenance olces. In municipalituesa where firewood is being supplied a11 families in r eceipt of isusenance in the week ending Deemb~~li 4 may be granted one additional allowance, of cwt.'foi that vieek only Men returned from relief woriv either~ fina.lly or temporarily, apd granted the special issue of sustenance, will also be entitled to the Christmas allocation of hUl1 cwt. of fi1eirepcd`.