Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 24 December 1940, page 8

The Christmas Muessage. To morrow once again coinmemorates :the b1essed -anniversary of God's greatest iftof6i mankind in the birth of His be~loved son Jesus the .Light of the:?World. :The Light that n.eVer fails, thi;:t is ever the blessed holy- iersonification in assurance of '"'Peace on- Eari~i. good will to mankind.' Peace tUiat ;never-failing : everlasting peae ti a ~ :--perietrates and floods

e through the very darkest clouds and will surely dis?-ense.: aiid triumphj over the ev??il forces atteimpting to i?revaili thrn oughout thii war torn woild of :to day: For if God b' for is, who can be against uish " is surely-our .'-:d finite assuriiance as we march on as cwir criia in'lth.fa 1solders unader thi Grefat Lord's pro'ectlve Eguidance from miraculous almiost wm~el .ossi-ble. detiverance over mosit oiverwhelming outnumbired anid diabolic onslaiughts And daly aimnid the widespread.h chao we yviedw our iassuiredly indicative vic tory dawning into a flood flight peace to be :established throughout a chilstianised purified Wworld.-- As: I write the' deep peals of 'Big Ben is signifying the time sigial that reaches Australia in the 6.15 am.m news broadcast Big Be~n, whose pealing is the heart music of every British subject, seems to have cupped into transmission Lte priideful courage shown to the worl-d by, the uncrushatile spirit of Britain,..: We ha've gon? ;throdghi much; truly. beyond a full realisatoio: since last Christmas?, buti how u iii limited has been ouri bliessinzg. With to-mnorrow s dawriig -of the happy anniversary of the ;bir:th of.the Say iour of Mankind, ouir hearts are re-. newed wi h a .:glowing Christian replenishment that..ever :spirs us :on to our great. democratic goal, the achieven3ient: of p-Ieace and Christ's established o'er all, the eaith. To-morrow -will be featired. bj; countless' happy reunions, a;id a: deeper heart's duriion to :our loved and noble boys who miarch: in' ouiir: Christiain ranks along :the. trail with': the one true signpost ":;'To Victory." To the brave motheirs, fatheis, relatives and friends of these brave absentees our hear s reach out ;into a .big understanding sympathy. Our prayers, and a very especial Christmastide one, are so much with those dear boys and you all. Their's the noble fulfilment of that great British answer to the call of the colors, "I serve." Let us, one and all, with this Christmastide signific'nce, establish every ' endeavor into a greater practical .appreciatifon of: all their self-sacrifice in service. God bless our splendid men, Seind thein: safe .home again, God bless our men. To-modrrorw night, Christmas night; our. beloved King o"roadcasts, and we -know. a true- Chiristian message wili be ours in happy reception: With ill C?ristians throughout the w:orld,I ever do we carnestly :sing?- : God save our gracious King, Long live our noble King,' God save our King,'.:: -and 'with the additional prayer asceiiding from all hearts "God richly oless :him h-:and his' truly beloved deiar nrides, we ever ?egistei thanks to God for the gift of such ideal Christian leaders as ??3we knovw our beloved King and Queen to be'. Truly aire wte -sQ richly blessed, and 'et this b"e our paramount New Year prayer and reso?iution, "Oh God' make us- fully worthy. of it all." Chribtnlas Cheer Readers, ypu will beh delighted to hear that, due to your l1indly offerings and seve il big hear.ed folk- in cdntacdt, a widespread distribution of toys and Christmas cheer has beern our hapipy lot, .'and included local' distressed and a .very deserving district institution "The Stawell Chilren's Mental Hospital."" To all who so richly contributed to such a grand Christmas distrilbutiorn, how happily and sincerely I thank you all..: . . • : .