Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 7 March 1913, page 5

S The -Rifle. 1: WIMLA?ME DISTRICT:UNIC? | MATCHES. LARGE ATTENDANCE : OF il0SOOTEllS AND GOOD SPORT. SThe annual" gathering of rifletr.en from all parts of the H.immera and I the .llaliee which are embraced in the purview of the. Wimmera District Rifle J.Llubs' Union No. I took place at the local range .on Tuesday, \ednesday and yesterday. The entries were large, and the shooting was generally so good that the meeting may be re garded as.having established a record for all-round eniciency. About" *00 marksmen were present, and tle majo rity acquitted . themselves very credit ably. In fact, the scoring at all times was so good that very few in stances of specill note. stand out fronm the whole. The meeting was the first at wv?ich ten pairs ot targets had been in use, and the benefits were apparent front the outset. The nhtches were got off in'much quicker lime than usual, and practically nothing was lel for yesterday but the series of service unltches. The Ilorsnan' marssmie got into their old form, winning the "A" teams match, and the veteran snipper, Mr. William Smith, topped the scor ing. He was widely complimented on his excellent shooting. E. Day, last year's winner, again carried off the aggregate prize. The range was in charge of Captain Mahony,. of Rupan yup, l .do-was assisted loyally by the members of the executive, and the' manner in which the shooting was conducted reflected credit both on him and his assistants. Mr. C. lRcinison, the secretary, who .was assisted in the work by Mr. 11. D'Alton. of Dim oola, had all the arrangements .in pertect order. Mr. E. Culliver provided lun cheon for the shooters and visitors in his uslually first-class style. The visiting riflemen were enter tained at a social dinner on Wednes day night by the IlorsMiam Rifle Club. There was a large attendance of shooters and a few friends. Captaint iahony presided. Speeches appro priate to the occasion were delivered by Captains MlcKenzie (Nhill), 31rtin dale (Dimboola), and Caunphlin (War racknabeal). In proposing success to the Horsham Rifle Club, -Mr. S. Miller,

o;1 tup.nyup, paui a ainga compliment to the club, and expressed his pleasure at. the excellent shooting of its mesn bers.' lie was pleased to see the mem bers taking an interest in 'their club and the prolithlle pastime. (.'i:ptaiu William Smith, who responded, waxed reminiscent, and referred to the time wlhen the Rupanyup club was the crau:i combination of irctoria, mand to the fact that it won the Sargood Shield three years in suecession. Lhe .Chairman, in a very ueat speech, pro sented to the secretary, Mlr. Renulisou, a magnificent case of cutlery, swhich comprised a dozen of each article re ,luisite for the table. In makiin, the ireat?tation, .hle paid a high tribute to Mr. liennison's ability, energy and perse,'erance. Mlr. Itennisoin had done a' gret deal for the union, and tor the good of rille shootiing gener.ily. lie was a model scceretarv, and. mas recogiised as such by the ollicer tl headquarters hlio had the supervision of rifle clubs. lie trusted that he would be spared long to act in nli present capacity, and hoped that he would treasure the gift as the tangible evidence of 4:e estiemn of the rillemen whose clubs constituted the union. M3r. lRnnison suitably-.responded, lie lid not think lie deserved so inagilfi cenlt--a relri-da- E,,I I.;., II-d?i.,r in tile intercsts of rille shooting, and if hall i the good things said about him aere true he would indeed ':.ave cause to feel proud. lie would treasure the rift very dearly. hDuring the evelning. iongs were rendlered by Mlessrs Deckert,. Gray and E. A. l3uegel. . F'ollowiig are the -results of the shootinlg . . .

NO. 1. " IIORISII\AM.' JUO Yards; 10 Shots. Score hIep. Titl. V. Vaug;hain. Warracknabeal 47 5 50 £3. . Edgar, Aubre ......47 50 £2, 1R, Duncan. Huipanyup ... 47. 4 0 W. G. Kennedy, YanaC ... 4 3 54) £1 Each, E. E. Day. Nhill ......... .12 9 F. Ctaluphin, WarrutIknabo.al .17 . 410 E. 11. ieod. Aubry ... ... 1-1 I 18 A. E. Ellis, Wail .. ... 2 48 15/ 'Each. W.H. Miles, Winiam ... 41 4 18. J. TJease, NcthUrby ..... 45 :1 48 Jan. Ball, Wail ......... 43 5 48 Tom Ball. Horsham ... .... .id 48 A 'T. Slaughter, Murtoa 47 2 18 .1. Day, Nhill ... ... ... 41 4 48 10/ Each. F. Weir Winiam ... ... 4 . 48 G. W. McClure, Mitre Lake 45 3 48 A. L. Itancock. Aubrev ... 1 43 i .IS T. Gunther, Rainbow ... 43 4 47 F. Chapman, ltulanyup ... -12 5 47 A. Wohlers. Winium . ... -3 4 47 It. Iteinheiser, Wtait ...... 43 4 47 It. MceCollim. Aubrey ... 43 4 47 ID. McDonald, Warrack'beal -15 2 47. II. Willis, Netherby ... ... 45 2 47 Jas. Baker, Wail ......... 44 3 47 W. G. Ellis, Wail ... ... :.. 45 2 47 7/6 Each. A. Chaipman, 11upanyup ::.:43 -1. 47 C. et auisoil, IHorshamu' ..: 144. 3 :17 A. E. 1Bakei;rMut'oa ::. 4-1 8 + 1-7 C. Runssell, Brimsprings ... -14 :. -C. W. Macdonald, Horshum 44 3 .I T A. HIutchinson, Brimsprings 41 2 -46 E. Mills, Rainbow . .. 4. .. 40 Wm. Smithl Horsham .. 12 4 40 W. J: .\nlptl, itre.Lake ;. 414 2 46 L. J. ClarK, linial . '.. 4u 3 4 5/ Each....