Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 21 December 1943, page 2

CHRISTMAS MUSIC IN CHUROHES A- feature of .the. services at the various churches on Sundky was the singing of special Christmas music in keeping with the approaching Yuletide season. At St. John's Church of England at Evensong, numerous carols and hymns were. sung. by the choir and- congregation and the choir rendered the anthem God from on High Hath Heard. the soloist being Miss- Lola. Cranage. iThe Misses borothy McMullin, Kati' Riichards. Mr E.-K. White and theý Rev. Canon Fettell sang. Sleep, Holy IBBbe and the duet The Song. of the Shepherds was sung by the Misses June Newton and Rona. Riley, and solo parts in one of• the carols were taken by Ron Lane and Rex Fettell. Mrs J Balderston officiated at the organ. At the M'ethodist Church v-lrvr- available " seat - was occupied at Sunday ev:ening's $Christmas servico: when the story= of::the ativity iiispirbd' a worshipful' people. The Rev. E E. E. Shackell conducted special pr.yers fo0 the King and aiation and foi the Primo ZMinister. Mr Winston Churchlill: The! Bibleh message of prophesy and filfill ment was interspersed with well chosen solos, and carols delightfully rendcert' by the choir with Mis. .T. Sawyer at. the organ, and as the theme proceeded' the congregation joined in the' hymns until the climax: w?as reached in ''`lC Holy Night" (by Mrs.a Waallece) and; -the Westminster carol. chuich decorsa:tinos included large bowls of Christmas lilies :ud white gladioli. gifts of Mirs. Rbddl, sen, and. Miss Aishwin andI thei Old E:inglish Trails of ivy and c?prus "vith the" sil ery starr of-Betlhlchemn ni the background contiributed .to the Ghristnmas atmosphere ot joyful. aiid ~ -everent devotion. Well-known Christmas carols: and 'hymns were .featured at the evening servlce .at St Andrew's Presbyterian Chu;ich, .-Vhen the choir' also reidered the anthem Thou D:idst Leave Thy Throne, with MMss Ruth Smith as solo st, .and the ladies .:of thel chioii sang There WVas a ,iRosebuid Bloomfed in the Snow. Mr C W. J kel, at the' Church of" Chriit;,tookR for his subject The ;=Kiig: from" the Ivory Palaces, basing, his rem'iars on the prophetic psalm;i 45': A:Apprtprriate hymns were suing aiid': the duet The Ivory Palaces was;rendered by Mrs R Kimberley and Mrs IR Berry ." Members of the Methodist- ?Presbyterian and Church of Christ chloirs visited -the -Horsham Base Hgsptal :at the cornclusion. of' thiservices aind sang carols and 1hymns for the patients MirsA. L Kimberiley acted as organist aid: the combinied :choirs wer : condctd yi:? Mir A D Beynon At e conclusion of .the ssing ing all.- wer e' edrthu? i " at supper by Matron Arthui tdth RABBI S - While 'cartin:' ha in- iiiprojt on . ednesda hlaist~ 1 A reta"- of. IitI' returned to i tiba -itw~ inl-trttced- nani'illerd''

ST S.3I1OOI - mEXAiMIIN ATION +'iliriný tre i? t erinltts of the :exs ln ati, hen:.1, eldn i tPli?, tIki'o nnld itat' iclil fpr thli Il olintli oDecember: iie rlnii:(~'()nhl:) llPo.ner:. VI :' (iB je `e ii , . f:(, ) '!: ).; 2. ePhyllis. traiuin .it adn Sliirle. uii's (eqnu'a? : 3. . ( lrit i , Iiii .:e ( ,.erald i l ~ -'.oi 2. = Gwn nFisoij3. ':.(b Geoff Chart 'Ilia: 1 io Pohi:lreri-? Jine? ; Koild : (ia) i:.s?irflei , utler 1, Lois: Ko: ali. Maitrgariet Bivvro itland Mlargaret Gerlach (equal) :2 IV . (b) Tone } tillitia lis iBirara Tistloi e 2. eLaw 1ence Clark 3. III. (h)i .Keith Blie 1. VTauce .ilto iiand :.lonli dStowv 1ioy G ripleiinaj1 - .iTfTifii . )-l".latiie ct 1r -D'- 1Don 1uflield rnd Iren Bunes ,, Y' onnie Ferinindes s3 SEASONAL GREETINGS yn fli iiiii our cugstimers sincereily for their: patrohifge, we .tfell thitat.. 'ear=sliotild tnot nhass ithioutt erxpires lie t.titlitIi anditheirs: otur bet w?isr~hies fi' iiMerr -mXnifis.: aidievery proselrityi ithe ii?.year aand -hope thiatt ,-e ii?'y hi taia tiheir. iitironage and -friendship throiighonit$ the coinint ryear. - S" tiingen iUie":er eiitii ta 2 ` y?Grii ebirace strcet. io.rsnsli-iii (tfid?t). -Mr. W E. Thoinims. siurgeoi dentist, Siuiou.ice's ithi e in . viiting iIor