Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 31 December 1948, page 5

'DIGGER DOINGS (By Guinner's Malte). CHRISTMAS TREAT. Aboutt 1500 children of; ex-servicemen availed themiselves of the Sub-Branch's invitation 'to: an afternoon of pictures, drinks, :etc., Inst week. :The `Women's Auxiliary, as iusual, did a good job aiid the: Sub-Branch wans represented by Presidenit iorson and Vice-President Geoff anders. . We -had 'toyed :ith the idea of :putting on something Idifferent for the kiddies :this time, thinking they ,might 'be getting too sophisticated to enjoy piictures and ice=cream. But, by. the cheerful chatter tb.t went on, it seems the youngssters fundi no fault with theiset-up. . ;: DIARIES. : The secretary "still has some diaries on hamnd. Don't wait until the annual ineeting; before securiig :youi's; You might liiiss out.' Subs. are due onice again, too, chaps. Are- y-ou going, to be in it? SANTA CLAUS. . The secretary .donned the traditional ) hiskers and robeA and v.isted 'ex-service patients up: at -the Base:onH Christmas Eve." They ill. reeired one lpound' each.- for a-- presenit, with the good wishes of the R.S.L. Two who were in a smash that night were admitted later in the evening and missed out

on the distribution, but theirs wias sent upi during the week.- 'It was a stinker of a night, as you will recall, and the secretary's portly figure .was ieduced by a. couple "of stone at' -least.' The nextC tiuie he plays Father l Christimis it will -be a- streamlined version-?no heavy robes, no .ihiskers! :Oui' thanks to Langlahns, just "he saine, -for loan* of the outfit. ; .. "" ANNIVERSARY.,. This week's column marks the end of just tuo years' efftrts by .yiour present scriibe. During that time Memory Lane has' appeared at the bottom of those notes 75 times. It hlasn't been easy,- especially :la'tely, : to' keep up;. a flow of reminiscences almost, eve-ry week like that. So I must thank those who, : ith a kindly- word of encourgemenstrhere anid' there,, made the job sconi: iworth while. BRIDGE NIGHT. Yes,- next Monday: at' S- in the Memorial Hall it's on again. Come along hnd have a good niglt's entertaiUmnent for 2/. There's supper and a free entrance prize. , . SEASON'S GREETINGS. SHere's iwishing you the. best of, everything -for: 1-940. May you never iave a uworry; may your- d(ays -b all. sunshine .may your' prosper. in :. our friendships; -may your .path: be ever straight. The best of luck to you and yours.Your scribbler, "Gunner'sl Mate." *