Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 25 February 1927, page 5

CUORCH NOTICES. PRESBYTERIA.OHTJRCH. : :Minister, Rev..E. G. Petherick.. HORSHIAM-.-11. "'The Life IerIe?ieter' II..' "iO Lifting of the "eil:." , DOOEN -.3. HORSHIIAM .-, ">ore Wonders of the j BrimSon 11. Norh~BH Wowod ·:. "VC 24'dl~eg ii." ~ti VcKenzli Creek 7.30o Mri Allan Mnr. tin. M:, ETHODIST C:_hUROES.l IIOR:. TA?M.oT 0? >rM M daimiuitain: SIlee. IL W. I redlerick (Camber \': ::?V~ pni-iza U?)3iB~:rn ?}S?{.:omiFFPS~;ei well). YECTIS EJAST.11, Ret: I. W. Fred' ?ri : ? , . Mr. w. df . . ii]Y: 'RT :EXI?i{-:?On:i?6T:roramo .... . ·: .? :. ..... , g..--. ? - :istlh,':i; · i :: ,i~ : :-6na ,< ,:-a ,l~~.·- ....! .. . .... ,... -IE3?iAW . .-3 R. ' I. W. F ederck PIMPINIO -11 M >II. bbs : .30. Ir. Rou landq. 'ES1T TWAIL -3 Mi. Hlobs :7 301 Rand.. '.lU*Nr I\N DV31l Mi C. C Clark. I AKEE-Mr. *Te'iue. CHURCH OF CHRIST. T.::TORNHR- arn I. E: 11'am W oriilp : speaker ',W- Paorne eninu 6: 040. Prayer Meetin fli .0 Son , Ser ?i ?e 1reacherl I. iW i Pyne :nt baect. The Forsaken Alls. .1 welcome. ITp'- f-\3 pmIn. .1XT. Millar. PIMPINTO r 3 pm. .. ~W. Pabne. OUCtThCI 01' ENGLAND QuIncineageima Sunday. lCO:psTL\t - tae and 1-l1 cr? 'nmnion :Tg Even'hong gLOWR1 Ir- ORTON.Wi - , IEvR:n I-,( ,I,:r:::: .?.:::2·-`·: Z,,a .,,-ti ::.l`:~~lje- h~~:: flfi?:ee:,D Ren va., - oa.- R.D." ITA \YN .---31. )' 'Eventoniw R F . P ET. MThompson. THE SALVATION ARMY "' Citadel. Horsh. : Hairvest Feshtinval u' nday 1frn'ln Afternoon and Nig ..?d@ ttrfnet 9-2;/2 or : Sheeting oKal;clrkF . .o Ural -i-ninn . 'Ioins . a Nah lCi(oiad Proiranm"t hi 'aredy oe Niihtn. Ihlorw'am Boroan Rand. TENDERS. HTORSHTAM I)ISTRICT HOSPITAL. TENDERS ot nssriited forl t eted. folGEO). L. RZAYS. [ "? low ing : Shire Office. Shr eeti::: I~orshafm. ''. SE)Tpply of nS Rollethr Blinds itction plete. C1 ards o r Circoulnrs rinoleum first Hiorshamr TinlLcs" Office..qnuhtiiy 11 ards rown Linolef 2nd qnnliti to include~ cost .'of layinag, iuhire directed. Snmples to ba submitted with all tenders. ,."' 'J3 Tenders Close Februar3 i8th. C. I. FiRENCHAM, Secretary. RA. L. GEORGE,~ Roal Hotel Bi Slinis, 1Ylson Street, ;HORISLLM, Inuites tenders for the Bi ection of Puiblie 'Hall. 't Gymnbowen. - Ieposit with tender, £1 per coat. Tenders-Close ~Tucsday, March 1st, 1927. SIRElDF--W[MM1ERA.. COUNTRYa ROADS BOARD WORK, -TLNDERS are invited and will lie received. uin~il 10 n.ut. on Friday, the -I Ii d'w of Mtarch. 1:927. forC - ontraet 18224/52 : Re-slieeting 0000 macall feet' UDooc Road. SHIREl Or WIL131ERA ORIKS. *Coait-met a-20/27 :Loathing Taviors T lake roald. -CenontraS 820/27 : Shocti ng betwveen joliaas' a*inl Rufle's. Copittact 9 20/27 :Sliecting on Kalkee fRoadPhuina Phuina 'nd specifications 'it Shiire Offinc. D)eposit of 5 per cent to accompanit each teder. The lonest or anly tender not naecessnrily accepted. GEO.L. RAY. Shire Secretary. Shire Oflico. Ilorsliam. 'WEDD)TNGi and other Turitation Cards or Circulars priiited ai ''''o. Fioridiar Tinies'' COke.

WANTED. WANTED TO RENT.-A furnished rooml, suitable for married couple.Apply 537, "Times" Oflice. WANTED TO LEASE.-A Horse and Cart for one month easy work.Apply 540, _Times" Offiec.. WANTED.-Young [Manl wants fencing.-Apply 53f, "Time.-s" Office. WANTED.-Experienced farm band; £2 5/ a week.-Ring 407N. WANTED.-Post Splitters ; good timber. £3 a hundred.-Ring 514, IHorshli u.WANTED.-Lady, WANTED.-Lady, with references,i nwa ts day work.-Apply 531, "Times" Ohice. WANTED.-A General : good wages. :--Apply p.Q. Box 17, Murtoa, or ring 'lphlne 94. Murtoa. SWANTED.-General : no washing. lit comoking : 30/ per week.-Apply? ith copies of references to 355 Wattletree SRoa I, EAST MALVERN. -V. ACNCY for two men bo?arders near railway station.--Apply 52, 'Times" Office. ;"WANTED.-Smart Junilr iSalesWomian for HIosiery and Glovls: :Sales experilnee nece.ssary.--Ap phl ,b tter Boi 72: Horsham. . : C77 7rY YO.UNG 3A1N nuWants periiinnt posi tion in Horsham (any ork): but is useil to grocer. greengrocer, a:iid n agenc bsiness: fin'fact isefil, at ani Iwoi ?. pp : 5.3S, 'Tiits'rc Office: Vi WNTED KNO N7W That T PISHERI, ., dlii* 1 Coaritter ad Joiner is Prielpared to do cip-entry iiu towi or ;coutry- -(D'aelhsu . md builnthos crectet at moderaite rates; Plans subminitted or ;desigiied.ig Esdimn.tes ::ive f, ir ll elafses of wori? - oin-cri:and Flwire Doors .and Serefie.: Tork iniship ii?ranitebd.: VWoksiTlOp B :aillie Street Y -est- ::-. : ' -. ': ; :: * :.; :,.' -, . IO LET NTD FOR SALERL.. ;^ILE? ' OR LEASE.-A six-roomed Ilsc.se b:tliroom. wash-hoiise, copper iijd trc-ughs antd fias. siituated in Smith Street.;: Rent 32/0 or .:0/ per. week or. I:lease for any !e)riood not less thali 12months.-Appily Box 2S, P.0., Ilo-POR, SALE.-Six-roomed w. b .house, also. bathroom, re?eintly Hiltf centrally sitiyited. -App ly.t , :Tiiies". Office; \GOOD CAPE BA1ITERY ETY for Sil.--Ailyi J. T SMTT h K!lk':-. "or* E oorp thro inontlis ld- Appl 30i o ',Tims' Offie. :for Pdre. , i URE r Girebod Pups h*aCpinler -(importedi) . rom ii;ais orpv: 1y -Famous verse o:ut of Lad.y -idke: four months old. Prie. £4 10' ,en h io.l. . r.::. STEVENSON"Gln Alv ie, Cavendish FA RM FOR SALE at' £4 10/ ini oin nl S.S. termSs?. Fiinest laud in Riveruil hwita r r.i. ;:2:6 0 inchi iinfall: 10 iTn fi ronraiIway.' AIIress replies to?39."Tims" Of FOR PRIVATE SALE SplyiEtu mM ERV.N ( pplough(Gas "'I'jpsinaspreade. 'Phone 7 I, Pinipino iraiern ('[elbouirne's choicest subuirb) sitiite .525. Lower Malv ernL Road, fr'sai.ii,: Tihe house compirises eight rooms:n; Ithl all modern conveniences,; garige; etc., on land 60 ftly 1S80 ft. Landi-aliue: approximnately £15-20 per ft. : Pri.'f25o00.: Terms.?T. W MACKfIRRAS & CO. PTX.i:LTD 10o0 Queen Stri et .Melbourne. M lLVLERN. Sbsir.t aly lbuilt iiwk:, . id rough icasl litousc' situa te "., Gaiinor.: Courti: Park. Miilverfi (Mel'ouniie's chliicest sutibiib) conimprisin 7 rDiioti ls::ih tl all'? nmodern ,bnhveniences. li'mr½ "Erue,; sleep-out. etc:; Woild 1it:i retiriio: farmer desirous of livinig Sili.n select position. 'Price £800S ohn rill deposit.- AppIly .. W. MACKERl :it 8 & CO. PTY. LTD.. 100 Queen StOi:eit. Melbourne. I; O.HLIDAY. RESORTS; '.: ,OTRTiAND.--To Let : '.urnished rii irtieii'its.- useO:U iiiiuii-roanim. kitchen, ;nirverfie6ires.-MTSS WADBE, Federal iniise; LPeicy. Street) ;: VISITORS TO PORTLAND. , :For e xcellent accommodation book .T.. P. CARROLL, Compton House.. 'Phone 159. . . London House, and Cafe Bentik Sree Potand. ;,iUii JIOil GUEST -10s d' 0 .ie Smiiiuite from station aind beach" Excellent Accorunmodation. ,Tarifl--£3 3/ per week. 'Phone. Portland 171. ' E. - I. McKENZiE. ,, : ,,- . >-:.-.r . ... , ' :+ -,.?Pr lcpri... ss. Ij I -- -;

AMUSEMENTS, MEETINGS. ETO. RAILWAY PICNIC, BALLARAT. * MARCH 11th, 1927, SPECIAL TRAINS will run froin Melbourne, Ilendigo, Birchip, Dimiboota. Hamilton andl Caluperdown picing up passengers en route. Tue Ballara t Regatta Association has nrra ngedl their Annual Carnli 1 for the day. The greatest rowing function held. Tickets obitninable Ut stations. Day return /(iil, Week returli 9/. GUS KROGEII, Sec'reta i. 530 Collius Street. Meblbourne. KITCHEN TEA TO MlS4 VERA SANDEllS. THURSDAY, MAR('I[ :3rd, 'l lie Vectis East Sunday. Schol. HAVEN FOOTBALL CLUB. H1E .ANNUAL MEETING of th Haven Football Club will be held- at MIr. A. E. H1adwell.s residence, on TUESDAY, 3MARCII 8th. PTnrers aindl intending plaiis and members are requested to ftttend. .1. MARTIN. Hion. Sec. WIMMERA INLAND FREEZING CO. LIMITED. A M IEEENO of Shareholders miid r'thors initerested in t 'te above-naimed (C o001) n11 w~illbe held as follows :TOWiN TIIALL, IIORSII 3., On THIURSDIMY 1 ARCH 3did it 3 The mneetin, vill libe. ildicrscd bhy 17r. So82 C iiberon (Director of 'Ariuclltrir) Ch'i man. .iild other Dirietors (f tile 'Analgaimnated Freezing Co. TRADERS' PICNIC At * ILAKE NATIMUK. -SALTURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th (Shopis Closed All Day). Iiorshiamlland in attendance.Ice Cream .available. . Bring your own hamper. Hot water priiided.K -. -- luins -Peanunt Scramble. Races. Traiin TicketS : Adults 2/ti, Children 1/3. Traini leaves ht 9 n.m. LOS A·... ~s i uD FOU~lfD.~ -IrPoC)U nDED.-Oe black hack. sumeti tell wi spick oni forehead aini lihtbr :re cut onl shlotiltic. One bay liack mm:re2 stai on forehead. two 'hmitie hind feet. Onle b Yt half (lrailCt. maen, star on foreheadil uollar ibarked. All no iSible braundK o be sold at the Shire Poiund Tahmds on Marchi.-I. B 1 Xl C ARTEII, L'oundkmlkeri. LIME FOR SALE . SBes: .-Buddldng Lime, in any quantitv Apply H: 1. SANDERS, -Lime ils. Mlitre. 'Phone No. . Mtre. Jir Sar ad othr Agremen: Fosif sor 'itl at "The i ulorhair rime9 01cn.c

[IORS'U1AM T EATRE S·.::alnrdayEvoing t83 I Hr IlE MOT SENSATIONAI. IIAILOAD FLM I YT.1 "THE TRANSCDNTINENTAL 0 T' i : :wrer k of zh,, ,llmll ing f'lyer wll stali T :dout I u,? - f "thil • ': i c It:: a uati c -a?l iev umnt s of all tilc e., t?'fi·: hit'orp. this "o dar" inl, so: reckless, so tremendlt o s111 an Tffeet ever ii)e0l atitt??pt ,? *R C:\xe1ne and: the ecffort are surely jus~tiiedil in thie s.tiillrt1 : e?a-lt. " And .i AON 1A) VIE\'S in. "THE BEAUTlFVL RE L"E A .::' ht i ?i amen d in the top of the tafll rli. towier -iil., i: the . first. ?eck hierldd the bIreak ' dawnl Pauk ?ll'wer, thundlered. , througI tlihe slelinig countr iside. -Throu,,li hanmlet andl town he nurged his sw ,arinl' hoire. , until he hiad:: m rouiipoi :th se!tlei's- f ind n ide Per .U.. :ne of i thoUs: and thril s see The Beautiful R?.hil. -: ...; , : . S MONDAY NIGHfTe PERCY MtARMONT LIOXD' JITUGIII an In ,DOTLORES I)LL RIO In! N h-re, isl"'t nythIn t th Worii ,'.i'?t; : i 'rllo The 'e-0 00 his never knowln a In llr ptl. There iSn't amnvting iaderworld Sticiet.i-. iia -o Ike ial i nt in the woi l of tsi 'i il ntl startling i s tiis'10 o e tr ie. ' Box Plan at Tieatre. P; r atinee thins Saturday..

AMUSEMENTS, MEETINGS, ETC. P'ELIT. INA 1 Y ANNOUNCEMENT. A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT Will be given in the Horsham Toi6n Hall on SATURDAY, 3MARCH 19th. l (St. 'atrick's Night) StByi?ading vocalists and entertainers.: I 'WIch ?t lipers fcr full programmi.:n St',': p . PHE LAN, Ilo .. . Seretary.. COLONIAOl GAS ASSOCIATION - LTD. C_-OQKING DEMONSTRATIONS. CQ0KING DEMONSTRATIONS l : ': W jhelold 1in" ti:. I 10:noRS1rlA To wxN 1r I .LL: On TUESI)Y MmIrci 1st it 3 p.n. a Ind WEDlNESDAIY.' Mihl S2id,.' at 3 ).m. STURSDAY, March 3il' it ,3 p.; . itrestinh r~ prgraniuicis ha i'I.") ?i arr nigeild. Inil T recipes e cverin " e'iii demoiiostratiol's itemns will le iirculated to all ladis .aittenldifng. I Ctiuil aloni iind learn howv to more (flicihtly use yvour igs st ove. or if not yet . 'gas user. oset ji?st how corinforti: ilt anid "oienimioii t gas cookery' <can h e. . . ' *-. . . . Deinionstri:aor : M.is HuIIli;. T)ireetre fss Of.Tle Iloe S'rviein Depl)rtmeint of th(" Coloitil (Gas Associltion. SE. (CIIGITONx an ' ' '. r. PUBLIC NOTICE T:wish t iinotify thlit I intenid blildin:t a Slaulite.r Yard on my protiprty. lontliCiirt No. 4. Shirte of Arapiles. W. J. PAItTSIT, Haven. STHANKS. 3M11. and M-RS. uALLAM desire to Tlhuiii Dr. Re:ad. ilMatro! and Staff of the District. Ilos!ita:l for their kindness and i ttuntion to t heir little (daughter while in inniite i;: that institution. SHIRE OF ARAPILES. PAYMENT OF RATES; NOTICE is hereby given that the li:e .for the Current Year must be paid on or 'before the 1st Marcl, 1927. iPersonsi whose Rates' are uniilid by that date are liable to prosecution. 1E. HIEAD S Shire Secretary. PUBLIC NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN )DUCK SHOOTING ,and FISHING are .Prohibited cniour Properties- in pa-rishes of Toolongrobk and Toolondlo (Salt Lakes district). Trespassers will be prosecuted. , SEecutcirs Estate late Jas. F. Kirby. U. S 3`0 E (Late of Bull and Mouth Hotel, -o rshamn), D,-Dsires to notify the nublic that lie has taken over. the well-lknown BIRMINGHAM HOTEL, S ui Street, FITZROYI. :. Accomimodation for Visitors.. . /. 'Phone T27(0.

PUBLIC NOTICES. J. R. BAILLIE SVIOLIN, IIARMONY, ETC. : Pupils .prepared for all examinations. :Tuition. Resumed February 3rd MIss B PICKEN, L.LC.M., Certiflcted Uniiversity pf'lelbourne. TEACIIER OF PIANOFORTE and : : r : 'THEORY. ' Plpils piepreldl for enuamlntions. I Ioi"termisvtet., apply care MIrs. Ro? iert F1rew, M*iiLchhin Street, Ilorshlnu m:. :i ·' - " Tel. 34. .TuiiOn Rcsunmed Tuesday, .Fcbruary?.. t: h, 1927. .., : SI.NGING AND VOICE PRODUCTI?ON SMRS. T. CAMERON Resmiles Tuifitni February 28th, 1927. SMteIIceses at Iballi:rat last few years iniclude-: .18 irst prizes, 14 second prizes.:.12 lthird prizes. SAILMI STREIT, IIORSHAM. MISS RENE HYNES, L.A.B., .TEACHER OF PI'IANOFORrE, STHIEORY and IIARIMONY. Pupils Prepared for University Examinations. TERM COM1MENCEs on MONDAY, 14th FEBRUARY, -1927. F,,r further particulars al)ply private resildence, Urquhart Street, Horsham. Tel. 521. -MISS VIOLA ALLAN, S Grade I. (Advanced), S (Milcbourne Uiliversity), 'PIANO and ORGAN. P'YNSENT iTRiEET. IIOPSTIAt. 'Phone 256. Resinumes February 25ilh, 1927. The North-Western Saw and Moulding Mills and General Joinery Works. WHITAKER & HARRIS PROPRIETORS. ALL CLASSES OF MOULDING and :' JOINERY 3MADE. Estimates Give, Trial Solicited. IKALKEE ROAD,,IIORSIIAM. Opposite Uebergang's Chaff Mills. 'Plione 619. B, T, BRADBURY Desires to notify the puldic that he has l'U?.CHASEI THE LEASE of thel CRITERION HOTEL, Wilson St.,. ; lorsham f,ireucrly endlucted by M[r. it. E. Charles. . .. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION. Iiet ilr:ulas of Spirituous Liquors ikept in Stock. • IElTBhOUTNE BITTER on DRAUGIHT YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED. " " 'Phone 54. : BALLARAT COLLEGE. IFounldedl 1SG-I. A Public School.of the Presbyteriahn * .. Cihurch. Boardhuig and) Day Stchool for Boys. Sinrlated in the best residential. part ,f lallarat, with spacious playlng .iehls, and passessing boatsheds on Lake Wendaouree, the Co!lege is an ideal h.sne for boys. . ..xclllent examiiation resuls.. Esx-':: 'p?tional health recorld. Mltoderate fees. First Teri February 8th11. Prospectus on apIplication. : Principal, A. RICHARDSON, B.A. ., ALEXANDRA LADIES' COLLEGE,?,HAMILTON. THEt COLLEGE will RE-OPEN Zo? TUESDA.Y. FIBRUARY S, 1927. The 'rinelial. Miss 3. I. IIunit A. A.. Will behin residetice early in the New Year. -Meanwhile correspondence should be adldressed to P.O. Box 26, Hamilton. O, C, CLARK BUILDER and - -S-, . TIMBEIR MEiRCHANT, - "FOR SALE: Several Recently Built Attractive Bungalopws,::all modern conveniences- in -'. metalled streets and the best- Jocalities.: " " : - Address : SWilson and Urqulhart Stree's. . . 'Phone 27i7.. TRY THE NW JEWELLER .?FOR WEDDING PRESENTS, ENGAGEMTENT RINGS, BIRTHDAY PRESENTS - - H, H IARNOTT FIREBR ACE STREET NORTH. H:as opened a new anid, complete stoik . of all the latest designs in Gold,Sd' -1! ver and Nickel Wa-tches, Ladie': Wristlets, Bangles, Brooches, Wed hing:, and Engagement Rings;. including :thi: lateost. in 'diamond settings. I Als ?: a,' large assortment of the latest noV?l .: ties in silveor ,plat, wa re and .loc faiof varioui'? patter s ? WATCFIESl CL i E ANTD J ·· EWr.h RPIE