South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Monday 21 April 1879, page 7


[From the Daily News of March 14.]

Never since the marriage of the Princess Royal of England with the Crown Prince of Prussia has a wedding of any member of the Royal Family been celebrated with the pomp

and circumstance which attended the ceremony of yesterday. The Princess Boyal was married, like her Boyal mother, at St. James's. Of tbe weddings which have taken place in the more restricted area of 8t. George's Chapel that of the Duke of Gonaaught is the first which has been graced by tbe personal assistance of tbe Queen, Her Majesty having been present at the marriage of the Prince tt Wjle* and tbst of the Princess Louise TKther as a spectator than as one actually taking part in the ceremony. The celebration held yesterday at Windsor was, therefore, of unwonted splendor, and attracted to the Boyal borough an »«'?'«»— concourse of spectators. Soon after 8 e'clock Windsor was alive with exriitrtnnnl- and antifipufrrt At noon the four processions— thote of the Queen, Princess of 'Waist, and the bride and bridegroom— quitted the -madrangle. Her Majesty drove in her own canape, which was drawn by four ponies, the remainder of the Boyal Family occupying the gilded State coaches driven by tbe Boyal coachmen in their liveries of scarlet and gold. On leaving the square tbe processions passed down the hill under Henry Vlll.'a Gateway into the Lower Ward, and thence under the archway of the Horaeehoe Cloisters to the west entrance of St. George's Chapel. The preparations for uniting in matrimony the daughter of the ?' Bed Prince * with the third son of the Queen of England had been so skilfully made that tbe beauty of St. George's Chapel was nowise impaired by unseemly structures for the accommodation of spectators. Those not entitled by virtue of their high office to be present in the choir were ranged on cither side of the nave, down which a crimson carpet had been laid from the western entrance. The space within the Communion rails and the Haut Pas fmmoAisttiAj without were covered with rich purple velvet-pile, strewn, as it were, with the rogri'i»Pfn of the Garter, and around this were arranged tbe seats, also covered with purple, for the members of the Imperial and Boyal Families, and bearing the mwm device. Shortly after II o'clock the guests arrived, aad at once occupied the seats allotted to them. A few minutes after Lady Elphinstone came Mdlle Musuros, the Italian Ambassador, and the Countess Menabrea, all of whom occupied the seats assigned to spectators of the highest rank beneath royalty— the stalls of the momentarily dispossessed Vrxi^tM of the Gaiter. The red cap of the Turkish Ambassador and the broad green ribbon of the Osmanieh next came to the fore; and then beamed on the scene the genial presence of tbe Belgian Ambassador, Earon Solvyns. Next appeared Lord and Lady Sydney, and these were quickly followed by a couple on whom the eyes of all present were turned— the Austrian Ambassador aad Countem KJmiji. The ambassadress, who is of Han

g&rian race and princely 'cank, is celebrated for her beauty, and for wearing the mort magnificent diamonds of tbe corps diplomatique. In the light of the surpassingly clear day every movement of her head was revealed by the flashing of the great brilliants with whioh bar coronet was studded. Karolyi was himself hardly less aa object of attention than his wife. His costume was a singular compound of richness and good taste — a remarkable contrast to the gaudy so-called ' Minister's coaw,' in whioh the members of the English Cabinet array themselves. Sea Count Karoyli sat the Danish Minister, wearing the light blueribbon of theOrderof the Elephant. The Knights* stalls on the other side of the gangway, each with the banner of its absent master glittering in the sun, were occupied by the Marquis of Salisbury, wearing the miniateral uniform and the collar of the Garter; the Marchioness of Salisbury in a magnificent diamond coronet; the Duke and Duohess of Marlborough. and the Duke of Wellington, whose duchess, by right of her office as Miatre?s of tbe Robes, occupied a seat on the opposite side of the Chapel next to the Haut Pas. To the right of the Duke of Wellington sat the Doke of Sutherland, in a Highland dress, and the Duchess of Sutherland wearing diamonds and pearls as splendid as those of the Countess. KasolyL At the head or the knights' stalls on the opposite side sat Earl Cairns in an ordinary Court dress, tbe Duke of Richmond, and betwoea tile Duke of Northumberland and Lady Cranbrook, Lord Beaconsfield. The Duke and Duchess of Bedford occupied seats on the same aide, and next to the Duke of Leinster sat Lord Granville, wearing his uniform as Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and the collar of the Garter. Next to Lady Gran ville sat the Marquis of Hartington. Lord John Manners, aad in front of the latter Lientenant-Genera! Sir David Lysona. Among the oconpanta of the seats below the knights' stalls were General Ellice, the Dean of Westminster, Colonel Maude, the Earl of Clonmei, General SirC. Ellice, and Mr. Theodore Martin. The choir had not long been occupied in part by guests invited to Windsor Oastle on the occasion of the wedding, and in part by those brought by special train from .London, when the nave, previously tenanted by a few Gentlenienat-Arms aod Yeomen of the Guard, became brilliant with the presence of an increased cumber of those splendid officials. As they ranged in line the toues of the National Antheni were heard from without, and the procession of the Royal Family aad fiojal guests advanced slowly up the nave. At their head marched the heralds. As tbeir gorgeous tabards came in sight the State trumpeters announced by a fanfare the approach of the procession. Immediately behind the heralds cama the chief officers of the Queen's household, and then advanced two striking figures— tbe Maharajah DuleepSinghandtheMaharance. Diamonds and emeraldsglittered from the lemon-colored turban which covered tbe head of the xon of Bnnjt-et and Chunda Koor, and the Maharanee waa dressed in cloth of gold, with a scarlet shurl over her shoulders. Next to catch the eye v. a= the ample figure of Prince Edward of Ssxe- j Weimar walking abreast with the Prince of Leiningen, Familiar faces to English folk naw advanced — the Duke of Teck and the Dachjss ofTeck (Piincesi Mary of Cambridge), who wore a dark 'green dress with velvet train. After the Princes and Princesses of Sue Coburg and Got ha came the Duke of Cambri lje and the Duchess of Edinburgh charmingly at- ! tired in pale pink satin, and tbe Prince and Princess Christian of Sckleswig-Holstein, aud then side by side the young Prince Fritz Leopold of Prussia and his mother — tbe mother of the bride, the Princess Frederick Charles. Inmediateh in the wake of their lllu-tri jus relations walked the Prince William of Prussia, -:m of the Imperial Crowu Priuce. dressed in tB? uniform of tbe 1st Regiment of Ga-rjs, side by side with his mother, the Or ? v,. Princess (Princess Boyal of England). Ai Handel's march from ' Hercules' res -un ?- i through the chapel the procession comiu i.-i. tbe long court trains of the Kojal la e1'eitg borne by their ladies-in-waiting, vtrains were watched and cleared a* -ioa»: -t moment;, by skilful pages. As the Print?'- -f Wa.'es eaterrd tbe cboir the ejres of i-.vj t -«-? , zctnotoBied to Boyal pageants brighd :u- '- i the G£ht of the ' mother of our kings to lift,' foUoweu by her younger children, the Princesses Louise, Victoria and Maud of Wa'e*. and Prince George of Wales. The Princess of Wale* wjre \ a white satin dress with black velvet trimmiags, ; and the Cordon of Ste. Catherine of Bussia, with many other decorations. Last of the procession came the King and Queen of the Belgians, the latter of whom was dreaded almost entirely in peacock green. While this majestic procession was passing through the whole length of the chape), it became evident that certain decorations were worn for some special reason, and ont of some particular compliment to one or other of the Boyal guests. As the King of the Belgians was£tbe Queen of England exoepted, th? ocly actual reigning sovereign present, was the most honoured guest, and ths i Belgian Order of Leopold was that most , generally worn by tbe Boyal Family and guests. la rcFDOtue to this act of princely I courtesy, the King of tbe Belgians himself wore ' the Order of the Black Eagle of Prussia. Tbe '. majority of tbe Princesses wore the Grand ' Cordon of the Order Ste. Catherine, in com pi i- i ment to the Duchess of Edinburgh, and the . white and black striped ribbon, with pendant cross, of the Prussian Order of Merit, iu honor of the bride, who constantly wears it in grande toittttt. The display of decorations was niigniE cent as tbe Boyal guests took their pLices round the Communion rails, within wiiich were already assembled the Archbishop of Canterbury, tbe Bishop of London, ? the Bishop of Winchester, tbe Bishop of Worcester, and the Eean of Windsor. After a few minutes the State trumpeters again announced by a flourish of trumpets the arrival of another procession — that of the Queen.

Again appeared York and Lancaster to head the procession ; but on this occasion the heraldic force received a notable accestion in the person of Garter (Sir Albert Wools), whose pretence in a procession indicates that of the Sovereign. As Mendelssohn's march from 'Atbalie' resounded through the sacred buildirg the Queen was seen, dressed in a complete Court dress of black satin, with white veil and coronet of diamonds, preferred on this occasion to the miniature crown worn at the opening of Parliament. UerMajesty and suite were attired ia mourning. Not ao, however, the Princess Beatrice, whose mourning was cast aside in honor of the occasion. Her Boyal Highness appeared in a turquoise blue costume with a velvet train to match. .Sido by side with the Princess Beatrice walked the young Prince Albert Victor of Wales, in the cos turce of a Naval Cadet, and in the train oi the Queen was a cloud of high Gourtdignitaries. Like many of the Boyal personages present, the Princess Beatrice wore the broad ribbon of Ste. Catherine. The Queen, according to her custom on occasions of State, wore the ribbon of tke Garter with the George set in diamonds. Her Majesty, who took tip her position to the right of the altar Tails, near the cushions on which the bride and bridegroom were to kneel, appeared in excellent health, and remained in conversation with the Princess of Wal*s aad the Princess Beatrice until the bridegroom advanced to the altar, preceded by the York and Lancaster Heralds, and ' supported ' by bis brothers, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh. The Duke of Cmnaught appeared in the uniform of the Kifle Brigade, which was also worn by the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Edinburgh of course wearing his naval uniform. The Boyal brothers wore among a galaxy of other decorations, their collars as Knight* of tine Garter, and tbe Prince of Wales' the Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold. As the march 'Albert Edward,' by Sir George Elvey, was played on the organ, the bridegroem walked to the crimson cushion oa the right of the middle altar rails, and at once knelt in prayer, while his supporters remained standing on his right hand. All eyes were now directed towards the procession of the bride, who, with her tt supporters,' her father, Prince Frederick Oharles of Prussia, and the Crown Prince of Germany and Prussia, was advancing up the nave towards the choir. The train of Her Boyal Highness, who was attired in a white satin bridal dress, trimmed with wreaths of orange flowers and myrtle, was borne by eight bridesmaids, and the contrast between these fair young ladies and their supporters lent surpassing interest to the group. The Princess Louise Margaret, whose bridal veil was flung back that all might see her fair young face distinctly, looked perhaps a little paler than on her arrival on Tuesday. This interesting pallor is, however, accepted as becoming to a bride, and nowise detracted from the pleasing effect of soft brown hair worn low over the brow, bright brown eyes downward bent, a nose slightly retroussee, and a mimf-li fashioned in the perfect outline of the arcdeCupidon. The keenestcritics of feminine beauty are always found among the fair sex itself, and even these could find nothing but praise for the feature which more perhaps than any other lends sweetness to a face bright and sparkling in expression. G reat interest was also excited by the two mighty men of war who officiated as her ' supporters.*' The tall powerful form of tbe Crown Prince was clad in the dress of the Sad or Quaes's Ouiruuers, a white tonic, with crinuM

pantaloons, jackboots, and pickelhaube with white plumes- a uniform dear to the eyes of tie Prussian soldier. Faripassu with this magnificent chief walked the 'Ked Prinoe,' an equally martial figure, in the costume from which lie derives his cognomen, the uniform of the 3rd Begiment of Hussars. Over his left shoulder the hero of Koniggratz aud Sedan carried the blue 'dolman' of the Hussar, which partially concealed rhe biilliant scarlet of the r emajnder of his attiie. Every inch a soldier in appearance a» in fact, the ''Bed Prinoe' is bat little older than his cousin, the Imperial Crown Prince, and like him is remarkable for his superb carriage. As Handel's ** Occasional Overture' was played on the orgaa, the bride knelt on the cushion at the left of the bridegroom, her stalwart kinsmaa remaining erect on the Haut Pas, motionless as statues of Odin and Thor. Amid perfect silence the Archbishop of Canterbury commenced the celelebration of the solemn rite this brilliant throng had gathered to wita^v^; the musical part of the service being performed by the choir of St. George's Chapel. During the ceremony the chapel presented a magnificeu t spectacle. Every seat in tbe choir was ocrupied, and the contrast of colors and the sheen of jewels became almost dazzliug w en the bright March sun poured out its full strength, flinging the brilliant hues of the many-tinted windows athwart the u;-:«r air already gay with the banners of the Knights of the Garter. Solemn and impressive iu us gorgeouaness the scene was of brief duration. and there was little space for the eye to dwell upon its details between the moment when the Bed Prinoe gave his daughter away and tbe Prinoe of Wales produoed the wedding ring. The Archbishop of Canterbury having pronounced the benediction, the bride and bridegroom remained for a few minutes still kneeling, while the grand tones of the Hallelujah Chorus filled the air with melody as the sun had already filled it with color. Then a happy and pleasing scene took place. The bridegroom having saluted his bride, led b«r to her father, who took bis daughter in his arnia ami kinMu her heartily on both cheeks. Her mother thi-u embraced lier in the same simple German fashion Thenowlywedded pair next mlvanoed to the Queen, who. stepping quickly forward with visible emit ion, tenderly embraced the bride, who after, bowing gracefully, kissed her Majesty's hutiil. Kindly greeting* and congratulations over the processions which had entered the chapel separately united and left in reversed order— the bride and bridegroom and their respective suites leading the way, while MendeUsohu's 'Wed-ding March ' was played on the organ.' ' ~ ~*j At the close of tbe ceremony, the Queen aod Boyal Family returned to the Pa'ace, tLe A battery of tbe Royal Htrsc Artillery, stationed in the Long Walk, firing % salute of 21 gnns as the cortege passed from the chapel to the Palace, where tbe register of the marriage was signed. by tbe bride anil bridegroom, and duly attested by the Queen aud by other Boyal and distinguished personages invited for that purpose to the Green Drawing-room. Luncheon was then served to the Queen, the Boyal Family, and Boyal guest*, in the Dining-room ; anil for Her Majesty's other guests at a buffet, extending the length of St. George's Hall, where the Boyal plate was displayed, and the golden tiger's head, with crystal teeth and ''practicable' tongue, taken at Seringapatam, excited the interest alwavn evoked by the appearance of this famous trophy. After luncheon the Ambassadors, Foreign Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, and the other guests who came from London, left the ptlase. The departure of the Duke and Duchess of Oi»naogbt was watcbed for with the greatest interest by the many thousands of spectators -v'io Iiced Uie route. It had been arraaged ths' \he. Duke and Daclet-s should quit the Cast e n.% half put 3, and » little later tbe Soyal ^tir tcok their departure, followed 05 a sh 1 ,vr of slippers from the numerous guests. Precx!-d V-v an etcort of the Boyal Horse Gui-i-. the Duke and Dachrrc drove slowly .iown fas Castle Hill on the way to their destin f :o:\ j-mid tbe cberrs of toe crowd. Her 1; - al Hi^l'neM wore over her co-tume a white cot-led si!t jacket triirmed with »«ran*4owm. »ii i n white bonnet trimmed with orange bkwstms and myrtle, and carried a white |-ara«ol also decorated with the same flowers. Two bouquets wt-re lying in the carriage. As the Duke and Duchess drove slowly thraojrh the streets both rept»tedly acknowledged the enthusiastic reception tbey met with on all sides, »ul at last clearing the concourse of the Long Walk, th* eorteg* made for old Windsor, and proceed by way of Chertsey to Olaremaunt House, Dear Esber, Sarrsy, once the residence of J'riuee Leopold of Belgium, and afterwards the home of the es-Oueen of the French. Marie Amelit*. Some of the dresses of the ladies were scanned during the ceremony, and tbey deKribed aa follows:— Her Bovat Highness the Princess of Wales wore a toilette of Oriental pcarl-cc^ired brocade, richly i-mbroidered in pearl*, with ruffles of point d'Aagleterre and narrow l*n'l» of sable. The train was composed of tin? darkest amethyst velvet lined with Oriental pearl nttin. bordered in narrow sable, a smaller train of matchless point d'Anglstfrre. entirely covering tbe rvutre, was fastened on by large medallions of pearls. Tbe corsage was profusely stndilei with pearlsand diamonds. Her Koyal Highneaa wore a tiara of diaaoads, white ostrich feathers and a long tulle veil, *nd a necklace of rows of pearls and diamonds. The most picturesque group, a nd one long to be remembered, was formed by tbe Princes* of Wales surrounded by her youthful daughters, all charmingly attired in dresses of the s.ttne colorings. Their Bovai HighnrsMrn the lYinctsses Louise, Victoria, and Maude of Wales were attired in dresses of Oriental po»rlcolcred brocade, with stomachers of Mechlin lace and ct- intures of darkest amethyst velvet over japes of poult de soie of the same tint, with small volants of Mechlin laee. The drew worn by Her Bojal Highness tlie Duches-- of Trek was one of Koyal magnificence. Tue corsage and jnpe were of the palest primroso and oiive brocade, with pliacs anp draperies of aiiventin, festooned with volant* -,f the finoat Houiton laoe; the train of the richest o'ive velvet, lined and bordered in ermine, was fixed on one shoulder with diamond clasps and diamond stomacher on coniage. Her Boyal Highness also wore a tiarn of diamonds, Iap]i~ts, ostrich feathers, and diamond necklace. The Marchionessof Salisbury wore a mostpicturer-.(ue dress of antique Louis XV. brocade of a w-ry pale reseda hue, with embossed wreaths aud bouquets of my osotis and eaves. The j upon as composed of the darkest reseda velvet dra ' d in brocade with festoons of myosotis satin. Tlio corsage was of velvet, with a Louis XV*. waistcoat of brocade and beautiful diamond or .aaienta. The headdress was a tiara oTdiamo:. i«, white plumes, and veil. Tbe Duchess of Sutherland wore a magnificent dres of silver ami g ,..l brocade, mixed with a new ahad* of scabie i~ velvet and finest point de Tienise. The cnrs*_;-? was trimmed with matchless rubies and -lia-niobuF, wliich blended beautifully with the uew thi-le cf velvet. lier Grace wore a tirra of diamonds, white ostrich fuatbers, and gold&ud silvor veil. VioounteFsCraubrook wore a dress of Bussian gray catio dnchense, draped with guipure luce and velvet of the same rich shale. The headdress was of diamonds, plumes aud lapi ct» . Tie Marchioness of Conyngham wore a toilet of mauve satin and costly antique lacu, tbe skirt strewed wit!) branches of mauve aud white lilacs. Her ladyship also wore a tiara of diamonds, white feathers, with veil and braucti of lilacs.