South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Saturday 25 October 1873, page 1

? Shipping; ? |J|i DOR MELBOURNE, Tlfff^ J? VIA EOBB AMD MAC*???*??* DONNBLL BAY.— The steamship PENOLA, ? F. P. Snewin, mut«r, will aril om TUESDAY, 28th October, Immediately after arrival of the o'clock tnin from Adelaide. Sluppert me rmtated partievlatiw to obterve Oat mo pweb until* LADEN laXtr than 1 p.m. on Aaf o/ taSiitg. obobob young, eldaxl GObert-placo. or Prmoe's What ^fcA. 'pHlS Steamship TlH^hy. 1. ALDINGA 3MHBT wttl sail fer Melbourne ok followIng days, viz.— ? MONDAY. November 8. dc AlfeaK 17 O R WENTWORTH M^r AND UPPER DARLING.— aBaUs* The steamer ? BLANCHE, Captain Wellaoe, will leave Huiim on the lift instant, calling at Blanohetown. _do ? 17, Carrie street. nAt 'I? OR EDITHRURO', flMa^-T WALLAROO, AND POST dHaV AUGUSTA.— The Steamer KOTAL SHEPHERD «fll nil on Teaadsy, October 48th, at 8.15 e.m. Cargo mot be alongside not Uter tkaa 4 p.m. on Monday, October S7th. Prepaid PwntU received at the Offiet up to IS mom m Minuter, October 87th. HBBBKBT BVAH3. 4. Curie-street. JOHN FORMEY* SON. Port d3 x*a X?OR WENTWORTH .Mfe-P AND UPPER DARLING.?EnfJaaTjF The Steamer VBBTA will leave Ooolwa on the 27th instant, eaulng at MOanr. For freight, apply to d3 ? WHYTB, OOUNSELL. It OO. o3k^ E»OR PORT DARWIN fl^r DIRECT.— ThefinUJanOUpper ll^BHg SOPHIA bow ready to receive cargo in the Company* Basin, will have qnick dispatch. For freight °* '''wB^Ym'oOTNTSELL, fc CO., 1 -.__ JAS. T. TURNBULL. f TownBAWUNQ8 k CAVE, Port de Ajk*. rMTY of ADELAIDE, for M^V^ LONDON.-PASiENOERS are ?W requested to PAY BALANCE of PASSAGE MOHEY, and to hare their heavy lomnn board. an* to embark not later tins WEDNESDAY noon. 29th Instant. All AOOOUNTS against this vessel mutt be RnrDEREDia dupBeateat oax Port office, not later than WEDNESDAY. 39thbutont SA&ROLD BROTHERS, d4 Town and Port a, . T O N D O N DIKEOT.— jQMasV JLJ THE ELDER LINER iffiBS^. CRalOCNDARKOaH, Oapteia Hughes, wOl be dispatched Ant we* n November, for the htamr/VW Balm. stthc ? KLDIR. MOTH, fc Oa Jftav UORT AUGUSTA TO jH^JL LONDON. — THB BLDBR Ht badbc rapidly at Port Augusta, and will be dispstsnait for the February Sales, XD. TAB3IE fc 00., Port Augusta ; tthso ELDER, 8MTH, * OO., Adelaide. jH POKT VICTOR TO j-WfcJL LONDON.— The OBpper aMp ealbat Port Viator to eomplete her loading, and win be aapatohed fa Mma for tin FefcIWirBafca. K. AtLKN, JUN., Port Viator. ttaec ELDER, ShUTS,*; CO., Adelaide. ?-aw T ONDON.— The feat-sailing ?w^^-Li AlShips ssaVaEwS* Captain From DABRA ? WhuBder} OOONATrO ... Smart VPort Adelaide. WHITE EAGLE.. Andrew j LUFRA ... ... Hodge ) THB OOOLWA... Johnston J-Port Augusta. CWVBDON ... Httghet J BkiBngandqatober. snumefc oo. atthtu ? HBNttY BOOTT. A* T ONDON ORIENT LINE .jM^JU — The AHumqiipper ' 878 tone, Oaptain WQUant Andrew, baa very eneerlor uaaMingw aeoommodaflwii, end aaS* early In November. ? JOSEPH STILLING fc OO. wrt-onw HBWBY BOOTT. ? jSfc-v 17OR 8TDM1T AND jMfejT JIEW0A8TLK,wW» immediate 4W dbpatoh.— The Al Batwee 80UTHBBH BILLS. OaptataMoOaUnm, haa room for 200 ton. d^i ** ? T.BIOKKBa ^^ |?OR PORT OAROLIMF. jM^JL? The rejnlar trader Gutter 4kVmw- SWAIXOW ? aow loedlag, tad wffl bmI with qnbk dbpatch. ? do A^ fJOR PORT PIRIE jM^F DIBBOT. -The OOpper O8PRBY wOl e»U oe. Satnrday, the S5th OeUber. d3 J. at 8IK0LAIB, Afent ^^, DKOULaS TRADUTO s^n^^lA) POST WAJCBFIBLD.— The ValmV DASHING WAV* leaTM Port Adelaide every Tnaaday. Oeoda reerivedaad atored by «he vaderekned free of expense toahippen. etc ? H. D. OBPTTKNDBN, Agent. jH^J: VIABIVOLIBAY.-The 4kHnV OAXBIBBLASB, J. Momb, maater, wHl eaU with Aepateh. Apples board; or to de ? H. WKatAK, Pert. JL. T7OR PORT PIRIE 4-^^X: DIKBOT.— The regular tod«r b*tex«w*oUabIypertpoiMd,wffl«aa oslbm-def.ttefftklaetant. 4» ? Q. H. PAQUALDT. __^ 1?O& FORT CAROLUTK. .»* ^swSSSo^0^ wffl eaU on Hoaday. Oalober ST. Apply oe. beard. ? d2 { CON8IONKES per MARTHA MENU are rtqvaeted to PASS EN. TBIBB. Bflh ef Lading meat be yiwiitliid et attrPortOAoe. Mb Okie* wffl be eeknww. lodged vnleei damage la potato* out before Bemoval of Oeod. from the Wharf. SUpwfll not be naponnble for abetoaettak efapbit er other bonded goeda euept frem aeekegea pointed rat on the wharf m bad order. *OAPTAIN LBSLHwffl VOT beBBmPOHSIBLS for any DEBTS OONTRAOTKD by ska OBIW. ? dg ? KLDKB, SMITH, fcOO. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN, frem Leaden.— AflOLAIICB againat thb vemel mart be Bendered fat DapUemto at ?erPerteOde on or before TUESDAY. 38th ta-Mlt HAKBOtD BBOTHaTKS, dS Town end Port, O aHlFMABTJejRS KEROHANTS, AMD OtHBBS.— The gHlPPlNO BKPOBTKB etteada toTelegrama or Lettara. end hfa Beeta en ?vaflahle for all ^STeeBBeetodwtth ShippUg intheBulf. Be»ABrai-ehOBteB.IiefeyirtPe«lmwk, Cteneral MerchovadiBw. N SALE by the mctanigBed— Bar bom. Short bea, Hg boa, Hoep tan, GeivanUod ben-^^ BkabVa, WOJ «WvenbSdton,-Bofler-Platoi (Me^rMfelaei), «^%%BreweriIIiingla»,DealB,FJoortBg. beDda,Fenebtt^nre.FireBriaka, Salt (eoatw e»d fine), Siia, *», (Ooogoo and Onepowder), Tobaoeo. Tarpon^, lorki end *''£»,--'--» Wator«ottlei, Haader-e Btowt hbeMe, Marof India AUtaHart. e-d «bita). FWdJHaBbnirt Stoat In hhdi., U. VXIL £u£ »»Bdy boartor^aahe and eaeeri, KattolTi Dark Brandy In T'-*— — V aTnaai— ?'? Pale In o.narter^ala, OoonUaVbBwXb! qsarter^eka hale m dark). ttomSSfWu b- eaaaa, BenSe^i (Priae Meoal) Geneva? ttnm (bmeTkutX^WhWa, and jJoiSTw to « o.p., nhd^. endqwrter^*i),BiottibfltaS do PHILIP LIYI A- OO, I i

general Merchandise. {'INFRtTATE 8 ALE— BALANCE V/ oftheJ.H.JK3amraOARGOofFINB NEW SEASON'S TEAS, eonalating of Oheata, Half-ObeaU, and Bore* Medlom to Superfine £abew Oengooa. and Boxe* Scented Pekoe and Oapen. Ifnaten on view at Han Solomon fcSalom'i Auction Sooma. do ? GILES ft SMITH. N HALK, bj the aBdereigned— WOOLPAOKS Oornaaeka and Braabaga Floor Bag*. SO Iba. andldO Ow. 72-ineh fieuliia and Sewing Twine. de ? PETER CUMMIWQ & SON. ON SALE— Crushed Lott Sugar Manritin. Sagar, Oilmen'. Stone, Preaerved Hah, Sugar Oandy, Ohirory, Bioe, London Salt, Orange Pekoe, Spieea, Fancy Soap. Perfumed ODa, Iinieed and K»wO0, Branbagi. ?ttho ? THOMAS GRAVES. Drapery and Clothing. J. A. NORTHMORE & CO. Daalre to return thtir tiianka to the Public of South Anatralia for the patronage hitherto beatowed upon them, and to aanooase that tram thiadato the BDSINBSS win be CARRIED ONnnderthertyleof NORTH MORE k, DEAN. October 1, 1873. NOLTHMORE & DEAN, In aolieiting a eontimunoe of the patronage accorded for ao many yean to the firm ef J. A. NORTHMORK k CO., rerpeotfofly amtoimee Oat with a view to facilitate coondenble alteationa. which their preaent very Large Stock, tin Shipment! now in Port and to arrive, and the OommenoenuBt of the Seaaon'h Trade renden lneonveniact end Impolitio at the praeent time, they have determined to offer thmr SHIPMXNTS OF SUMMER GOODS at a very eoaaiderably amaQer advance on BagUdi Invoice Priea than at any previon* eeaaon, In order to REDUCE THE STOCK Mlowaipoarible before cunmifiiring alterattoM. The fonowing itenu wfll be found worthy ittention:— LADIES' Hid OmLDRDra STRAW HATS, 10,722 Jut Opened, from 3jd. each. More in Port. 10,062 Yard* RIBBONS, moeh below raloe. GWNTLBMBNV WHITE 8HIBTS from 3a . 113., nraal priee 4*. Ud. vp to 9*. Ud. eaeb. Direct from the maanfaetaren, in dnding the 'Boolevard,' 'Standard,' ' Improved Oorauo,' and 'SI Jamet1* in embroidered oaatrea aad manifold pteata,be*ton front and beak of neck. Che 'LILT' LOKOOLOTH, Flnlihed Pure, exprendy for Haohine Work. Ladles who have parehaaed Otia superior Longsloth are napeetfeJly taf ormed that we now have tt b-IlqaaBtlea. EHB SCOURED GREY SHRUNK SHIRTING CLOTH, In all widths and qualities; ?IwFmkhed Pure for Machine Work. WHITE and COLORED YOSEMTTES. HaH pom. Crepe, Pique, Serge, Striped, and Figured Qofltinga. Printed, Brocaded, Twffled,aijd Plain Oamhric Olotha. Plain, Figured, Striped, and Broehe BJeribob, fa.,**.A A Large Stock ef Laos, Leno Hum and Bwtai Wfadow Ooztalna, OhildreB'a, Maids', aad Ladles' Stays and Oor eeta—aB fhe newest ahapes. NEW GOODS, NOW OPENED, FOR SUMMER TRADE, !of oar own Importation. Alraadyopemd ... 86 eases and bales Import— White Eagle ... 7 do. do, Oraigendanosh ... 13 do. do. Booth Australian™ 16 do. do. Total „. ...120 eases and hales. NORTHMOUE & UBAN, 99 AND 191, BUNDLE-STREET, 7, RUNDLE-STREET, 1103 AND 106; BUNG WIUJCAM-STBJSET. J. T. FICKLING, TAILOR AND OUTfTTTEE, 4, BUNDLE-STREET, fa NOW SHOWING a, tanje variety of SEASONABLE -KK-DS, oomprlsfng Sammer Tweeds. Esney Vestings, and tiw mul Stock ef Iheeaelngfcs. BMmg Tweeds, tot, which h is prepared to nake op with diapatoh at Mode retoPrless. Akn a varied assortment of Hats' Ties, Shirts, fcc ? de WHITE & BIS BOP TAILORS AND DtTORTEBS, Bag lespeatfalty to oaMonee to their Patron*, Frtenda. end the PeMfageneralryttat they have exOessisMo. and BoHett an Early hugectiea. Akn, *fly«KpeeaB»,exWWte fcgle,* eon.: aigameat of Oemtiamem's HMa, ShfaS, Gloves, Braaea, Tisa, tea. FASHIONABLE TAILOBtKa ESTABLISH. MEHT, 80, SING WILLIAM-STREET. atthq ? Produce. ? HIGHEST MARKET PRICK for WATTLE BARK. Stndmarsh Tannery . de ? JWO. DEWOH fc CO. alGHSST If AKKET PRICE given for WHEAT— At cheOBOWN MILLS, Vietoria^qnare, AaMaUej — — 'H AttheDKeTOBEEKKAILWAYSTATIONj Aad at the BAKLEY BRIDGE KAD.WAY STATION. _Baas Lent end Wheat fltored on liberal dxa VEttOO BBOTHEBai RIMS BA.OON aad HAkU, and CORN-FED POULTRY BOUGHT for 6ash. at BRA1-Y% Provision Store, 77, King Wmiasi ?bsiiiiI ? do_ THE T7NDERSIQNSD offers his services to the WOOLGBOWEBS of Booth AwtaaUa as WOOL BROKER, either to sett to, er to obtain advaoees from, first-abas ftrms,totheee who may wish to ship on their own asssnnt, and wJl be happy to forwacd ear lafennatloii oa tin rahjeet Woelpaeks enpplied. ?JOHN JOHN CHRISTOPHER, September LISTS. ^ ? ewie OOL. HIDES, tSEEEPSSINB. BARK. aXOt, SBASK BORES, rAM0v^toThwialiMia by the naaataW toe W.PEAOOOKeiBOM. Board and Eesidence. FOUB BOOMS to LET, opposite Stow Ohonh, FUndeta-atreet. Apply next door. dc MRS. ELL1UTT, BEACH HOUSE, GLENELG. BOABD AND LODGING. gaT* BOOMB TO III IMFUItHliUUD. do rfX- LKT, at Glenelg, till let LecemJL bar next, a, FURMIHHED COTTAGE of five Rooms. Immediate possemioii. For addraw, apply at ^-imr(t((T office. de

grofessional andTrade Addresses ALEX. SAUNDERS AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION AGENT, TAYIPB-8TRKKT, KADPTA. dc ALFRED SMITH, Narseryinan Olive Nursery, Hackney-road. ? PLANTS OK8ALB. die FREDERICK WR1UHT (Laxe Pttik D. Pbabkxkd). LAND. LOAN, AND FINANCIAL AGENT, Gresham Chambers, Adelaide. dxe M. AODI8ON, LI0BM8ED . SURVEYOR and ZJLND BBOKEB ; abo, HOTJ3E and LAND AGENT.— MONEY to be LKNT at Lowest Rates. Dentehe Corresponded. Office, WATERHOUSE CHAMBERS, Adelaide. dxc O H JS S1ACLAIK (formerly of Port Adelaide), CUSTOMS, SHIPPING, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, PORT DARWIN. Consignments carefully attended to. dc O R I M E R A C~OT, SOUTH AUSTRALIAN WINE HEROHANTa sampling cellar— Usdeb East Wiko ' Reoistcb' Chaubbbs, G BUN FELL- STBEET. dz AJ1CHOLAS SOWION, ~ ATJCTIONKER, VALUATOR, AND COMMISSION' AGENT, LICENSED LAND BROKER UNDER THE REAL PROPERTY Leans Negotiated, Transfers, Leases, Mortgagee, and Bula of Sale Drawn. &c Account Sales, with proceeds, rendered 12 hoars after sale. Vassstbmb^ Aubcbb*. £xb R 8^ A N D~O~; . ACCOUNTANT, WHEAT AND SHARE BROKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AGEKT, Wa.nsHOD8i Chambbro, Ajmludb. Oonsignments, &a, promptly and carefully attended to. dq WWADUAM & CO., ? HOUSE, LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, AND VALUATORS. Uoenenil Surveyors and licensed Broken under the Real Property Act, Stock end Share Brokers. Loans negotiated, and Money temporarily need. The Australian Land Mart, die King Wffljam-atreet. Adelaide. Money ORROWERS. — MOJSjfcY TO LEND, In Large or Small Some, «t Lowest Bate of Interest W. WADHAM at CO., Ene AnstraBan Land Hart, Kii^WHHam? street. ? : Axb MONEY*. — Large or email stuns to LEND, at from per cent, eeaordlsg Lisumilts de Q*. MUMME k OO., Grenfefl^faeet. MONKI TO L£M U. J. B, MOULDEN, de ?4,K3ng WHUasa-street, Adelaide. MONET to be LENT on Freehold Seenritiea, nnder the Seal Property Act ir otherwise, at lowest rates. KNOX ft THRUPP. mas ? 92, King William-street. MONJCY to 1JSMD, in large or amsUsiuns. Loans and Guarantees NecoUatoa. . KINGBBOROTJGH af CHAPMAfc, Uesnsed Land Broken and Estate Agents, die ? Advertiaaf Beidfaigfc I* ON I!) Y from 6 par Cent., according WL to the amount required and the nature of the eecnrity.-G. W. COTTON, Ueensed Land Broker, Queen1* Ohambeim, Elrb-street. ? dxe MONEY TO LKND oa Good Freehold SecariHes at lowest Bates of Interest. C. MANK. BoUeUoe, dxa ? 65, King WiMam-ebjeet. MONEY TO LKND, in Luge or , Small Snma, at Lowest Current Batea. Transfers, Mortgages, and Leases prepared, and Property brooght under the Real Property Act. J. O. PHILIPS (Late Letehford b Philip.), Ueensed Land Broker, Agent, Ac. dm ? U, King WflHamnrfreet. MONEY TO LEND, LOANS NEGOTIATED. GREEN eOO, Exchange Land Offices, King WIDlain-street. ? *Ulixc QJX PER GENT.— MONEY to O LEND at tiiis rate of interest is large amnwiits, and at 7 aad 8 per eent, aoeordlngto the value of ?eenrity. BAYNTON ft PIZEY. Laad and Lean Agents, King WOHam-sbeet. ? etftie QIX PER CENT.— MONEY to O LEND. AH business under the Real Property Act transacted by W. M. LBTOHFORD, Ueensed Land Broker, Watorhooseh-btdldlBg*. ?atttaa Hotels and Bestaoranta. JACKMAim DINING-ROOMS, 48, KING WILLIAM-STREET, ADELAIDE. FIBST-OLABS BILL OF FARE DAILY. Oomaatingof— SOUPS, FISH, ? JOINTS, ENTREES, POULTRY, PASTRY, fea SxaeDent Colonial Winea, Isolnding the famous Sydney Prize Wine, by the Glass er BetSa. ? TEA, COFFEE, AND COCOA. The Proprietor havteg lately, a* eonsidenble expanse, added ? Hew and Oommodfcms Diningroom, also several weO-TentiUted Bedrooms, win new be able to aeoommodate eomitry visitors or respectable lodgers. ttbse YORK _EOTEL. PRIOR LIST FOR OCTOBER. Per Bottle. ? Pet Owe. U.A. a. d. 4 6 Heanessy^Brasdy „ .. H 6 4 0 Clo«seB«AorBiBqrft's ._ .„ 48 « 3 0 SwaineBoorde^OldTom ... 32 0 4 0 D-mvDkA Irish Whlsky._ ... 44 0 4 6 LorneSootch do. .„ .„ 46 0 3 6 J. Stewart's do. ? 38 0 3 6 end 4s. «. HoOands ...48s. and 62 « 4 ° HabsMbig Bt™*'t *** °Wn « ? * 6 U.V.O. 4ol, do. ^ 42 0 4 0 Loohnagsz, or GlenUvit Whisky 44 0 2 6 Old Tom, Bom, or Whisky ... 32 0 3 6 Port, er Sherry _ .„ .„ 36 0 3 0 to 4s. Claret ._ „ 30s. to 40 0 2 6 Heck^ Claret ec Champagne, pta. 43 0 2 0 Ginger Wine ft UmefidoeOordUl 21 0 2 0 KaapberryBslm .- — ._ 24 0 B 8 BBftetteABtttam ... ... 66 0 4 6 Til T ? Misiinrisnaiisiins .„ 48 O 6 6 3 STAR BRANDY .. 72 6 An assorted at the dosanprioes. Per Dozen, by the ease. 1 0 Barclay's Stoat ... ... ... 10 6 1 I BysaVs Stout .„ ... .„ 11 6 1 0 Richardson's do. ? 11 6 1 2 Gainnass'a, bottled by Foster ... 13 « 1 9 Pig Brand Stoat, stone bottles... 14 0 1 2 Foster's Ale ... ... ._ 13 6 1 2 Tennsnes and Bass'* do. ._ 13 0 1 0 Flower's Ale ._ ? 12 11 8 OhampagneO]darn .„ _ 16 0 0 S and M. Plnta Porter t Ale 7s. 6d. 4 8 6 BLACKING PORTER (Is. 6d. per dosenfor these bottles If returned) ... 7 0 ENGLISH ALE AfiCD PORTER, la. PER QtTAST. PnsiT^y. penis osr dtu&t SSs. per giJlttn, Bom, Gin, or Whisky, 15s. do. Two ahiUings per dozen given for the Gin and Wine Botties. Oovntry «xdess ferwszded on xeeetet of eheqoe. Discount to the trade. stxc PUBLICANS' DECLARATIONS FOB COUNTRY HOUSBS, Pbtoc la. en., may be had at the ADVERTISER, OHKO1TICLE AND EXPRESS OFFICES, KT2TG WILLIAM-STREET, ADELAIDE.] dxc

? Religions Notices. ? PRESBYTKHIVM OUUKUH, FLINDERS4sTREBT. ANNTVERSARY SB&VTOBS, Babbath, 26th October— Forenoon, Rev. W. P. Wells. Evening, Rev. Jamks Ltall. The discourse in the Evening will be specially addressed to Young Hen. „, ANNUAL TEA MEETING MONDAY, 27th. LEOTUBE by Rev. John Datidsok, on the late Dr. Guthrie. Tea at half-past 6. Tickets, Is. each, may be obtained from Messrs. Calder, Wilson, and Robin & Birts, Bundle-street; Loutit and Everett, Hiadley-street ; and Brown ft Wood, Waymontfc-etreet. ? sta3 KENT TOWN WKSLEYAN CHURCH. OPENING OF THi NEW OEGAN On SUNDAY, 'ortober 26, THREE SERMONS w01 be Preached in connection with the above. In the MORNING, by the Rev. R. S. 0ASELY. AFTERNOON and EVENING, by the Rev. S. KNIGHT. Collections in aid of the Organ Fond. atth4 ESLEYAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARY, ARCHER-STREET, NORTH ADELAIDE, ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2bd, 1873, FQREB SERMONS wfll be Preached — HORNING, at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. BlCKtOBD. AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, Bev. H. T. BUBOSB3. EVENING, at half -past 6, Rev. W. P. Witts. ? On MONDAY a PUBLIC TEA MEETING irQl be held in the Schoolroom at 6 o'clock. The PUBLIC MEETING wfll be held in the 3hureh. The Chair wBl be taken by Mr. W. 3HABLAHD at 7 o'clock. Addresses by the Revs, r. Bickford, W. P. Wells, J. Henderson, T. Uoyd, A. Bigg, with other gentlemen. Tickets for the Tea, Is. each. The Choir will render several Anthems at the Public Meeting. sth3 1/fR. T. 3. GORE wiU (d.v.) i-L PREACH, in the CHRISTIAN 3BAPEL, Grote-rtrtet, TO-MORROW EVENING. Subject — 'The Shepherd and the flock.' Service to commence at half -put 6. so ESLEYAN MISSIONS, PIRIE-STREET, TO-MORROW. At U, Rev. G. W. Patcbbxl!; fand at hslf-part 6, Etev. S. VTnglHGTOB. CoUeeHons. ? del HLAYTOK CHUBOH, KJ KENSINGTON.— SUNDAV, 26th Oo»ber. SERVI0ES wfll be conducted— MORN-[KG, at 11 o'clock, by Bev. Moboan WUJZAKa EVENING, at 6.30 o'clock, by Bev. A. 3CAU3. ? *9 FRANKL1N-STREBT CHUBCH To-morrow Kev. O. Linley wfll preach in he morning ; Rev. C. W. Stockdsle evening, del Public Notices. BIE8TS ! Who are they ? See PntettaiU Advocate of Saturday, October JSth. ? del_ CJOUTH AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY O OF ARTS. NOTICE to members is hereby given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING will be held it the Institute on MONDAY, the 27th Octowr, 1872, at 4 p.m., for the purpose iof nomilating and ELKOT1NG a GOVBRNO& of the South Anstrslian Institute for the ensuing ATtw*lTAM ABRAHAMS, Hon. Sea. Adelaide, October 8, 1873. ? d2 C»T. PAUL'S CHURCH. — It is O intended to hoUan AFTERNOON TEA ind EVSNDTG OONYERSAZIONK iof this Sbngregation on THUBSDAY. November 13. Details will be given in a future advertiseBrat ? ths2 noTTAGE HOMES for AGED and KJ INFIRM POOR, Etsnley-atreek, North Adelaide. Mrs. MUBGSAVB has Ukdly conlented TO LiYthe FOUNDATION-STONE if the above BoOdine: on Monday, 2f th Inst, it 5 o'clock p.m. Stttwcriben and friends are nvited to attend. ? Whsm4 FTNLEY CORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that tbeCOIXEOTOR iriQ TAKE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS to RECOVER ALL RATES that remaia Unpaid kfter 1st November next j By order, ! JOHN WATERMAN, Town Clerk. October M, M73. ? ! Jhst3 COUTH AU8TRAlilAN O SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACJHERS' UNION. . The FIRST AIINUAL TEA end JPUBLIO KEETING will be held in Krie-«treet! Leetnre HaH on Tuesday next, 28th October. Tea at 5.30. Public Meeting at 7.30. Johi Cotton, Esq., in the chair. Addresses bj several Ministers and Friends. ? | d3 ROYAL AORIOULTUEAJL AND i HORTICULTURAL SOOTETyOF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. _, THE GRAND EXHIBITION OF I CATTLE, SHEEP, HORSES, 1 -OG3, POULTRY, BIRDS, AND GA1 IB, COLONIAL IRDUStEIBS AND 'MANUFAOTURES, . j ? DAIRY PRODUCE, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, FLOWERS, io. wiO be held at the EXHIBtFION BUILDINGS and GF6 )UNDS, ? obTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 ENTRARCEBfromOe FROMBtHOAD or throagh the BOTANIC GARDENS. ENIBIESforUveStock,P»altry.flMs and Game, South AnsbaBatt Industrial^ d Mannfaetarea,end UneBuneratoa, wffl *B omtilt Close at 4 o'clock en Tuesday, i he 28th day of October. Hanks, Hunters, Carriage end Bag* Horses wfll be shown in action at 2 o'clock n.i u Hunters to cany 14 stone over such umpsas may be providedby the Oonmnttee. I FXOURSION.TBAINR. i Tickets on the Northern Une wfll *e issned et all StaUons on Wednesaay, the 2*tfa, end Thursday, the 30th, avaOaWe for retutn up to and by any ordinary train on Monday] the 3rd November. , *ORT LINE, at all Stations oa 1 hnrsday, the 30th inst, available for return «pt- Friday, the 31st inst. FREE BACK CARRIAGE wfll tie allowed for all Stoekoooveyedby rail way exbtbitod at the Sh»w and no* add, on prodmri Ion of s-oeitincate from the Secretary to that e feet BAND ef MUSIC, FIREWORKS, eSad other AMUSEMENTS. . -Befreshme&ts on the Ground. Members* Tickets, Prize-List, and otter partienlaiBaan be «Malneiat the OffioeJ Beghter Chambers, Grenf ell-street , | g^ C. J. OOATES, Seyetary. rnflfi £OUTH AUSTBJ LIAN X. CRICKETING ASSOOIATtO r. . ALL ENGLAND BLEV1 iN, The public ef South Australia -bm raspeeV faflyiiifsrmedtbatanears«steBdeain r is being made to eeeure ? visit of the Bn«liACMeketeni by randngUie required worn of say i 1,500 by CBarentoes ef £2 end upwards. 13m whole of the resonroes which « II be reoeived by adnusaton to ground, fce., wfll he «Ua. tribnted]»vraManMmgtbesnbaeribers. As the receipts will be very Urge, it is poauble the subscribers win be reimbuned, oravteAy ntobe only called opon for a portion of I leir guarantees. Contributions will be also gladly received in aid of this object. The Committee trust this Appeal rill meet with a ready and generous response, as it is unlikely another opportunity will evt r present itself of seenring the presence of tbjs Worldrenowned Eleven in thu colony, i As % final answer must be sent to V otorUby the 27th October, It is specially resae tod that promises aad Sabsooptions may bejial t to any of tte ondersigBed during the week?' A. F. SoWnson. 'Wm. Pope.' ' J.W.Oelton. W. G. P. Jofi be. A. Crooks. 3. Pickering, j m, FraLAyea. L. H. Shott C & Leader. F. B. Burton. A. Lucas. T. King. d6 H. Y. SPARKS, Hen. Sec. QT1CE TO THE PUJBLIC. ? ! GOOD TEMPLAR DSMONSIRATION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10.J tths3 ALADf vill OIVE a j correct DESCRIPTION of CHARACTER, DISPOSITION; also,' events past,* prekent, and i'ij»ststiwiis. from hand-writing. lAddress, 'OOKFDDENTIAV G.P.O., enolpaW2s. in stamps. i thst3 IN RJ£ RESERVES,! PORT ADELAIDE. See Gawler pap^s at the Institute. : del

? Public Notices. ? ROAD BILL.-By direction of the 1 President (F. Hamhafokd. F8«.,J.P.). a. SPECI&L MEETING of the Association of District Chairmen will be held at the Norfolk Arms, Bundle-street, on Wednesday, the 29th October, at 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of consideriDg the proposed Road Bill now before the House ef Assembly. 3. KEMP PENNEY, Secretary. |D. C. Exchange, Grenfell-rtreet. elthst6x2 TN the matter of the A8SIONMEN 1 J- of JO3EPH HUGHES, of KorHi Adelaide, Baker.— A dividend of Five Shillings in the pomnd will be declared and PAYABLE to all assenting Creditors on and after 4th November next, at the offices of the undersigned, No. 69. King Waiiam-ctreBt, AdeUide. WAY k 8YMON, dl ? Solicitors to the Trustees. fflVE POUNDS REWARD.— The above reward wiU be riven to any one who wfll give INFORMATION leading to the conviction of the offender or offenders who THREW DOWN a TOMBSTONE in my yard on the 22nd of October. d3 B. LAYCOOK, Waymentb-street. ALL POULTRY, «c, found TRESPASSING on my property, Part Section 228, Goodwood Park, wfll be destroyed aftertUsdate. ' O. KFHBBIDGB. October 23. 1873. ? d2 ? Public Companies. ? TTiMetBLINS GOLD PEOSPECTEd ING COMPANY, N.T. (LIMITED). Notice is hereby given that file Third CALL of Tta SmiUirGS per Share has «Us day been made by the Directors, and is payable to the Secretary, at tin Registered Office of the Company, on or before Saturday, the 25th October, 1873 ; and all Shares in respect of which such Call remains unpaid at the date abovementioned will be forfeited by the Directors, in terms of the Articles of Association. OSMOND H. GILLE3, Secretary. 16, Register Chambers, October 18, 1873. ? smwfsS IT HE ALBlOfl MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). Notice is hereby given that a CALL of SixPETOl per Share has this day been made by the Directors, and is payable to the Secretary, at the Registered Office of the Company on or before the 13th day of November, 1873 : and all Shares in respect of which such Call remains unpaid at the date above-meationed. Wfll be forfeited by the Directors, in terms of the Articles of Association. Dated tae S3rd day of October, 1873. By eider. O. J. OOATES, Secretory. Register Chambers, Grenf ell-street. ? Adelaide. ? d2k THB LADY FRaNOSS GOLD MINING COMPANY (LOOTED). Notice is hereby given Oat the extra CALL of TwoPDfCE per Shan has been made by the Directors, in conformity with, a, resolution passed by the Shareholders1 at a meeting held on the 3rd day of September last ; and all Shares in the said Company in respect of which tike said Call remains nnpaid after the expi. ration, of fourteen days from the date hereof wffl be absolutely forfeited. Dated the 184b October, 1673. a2f 1 WILLIAM BACK, Secretary. 11HE LADY FRANCES GOLD . MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). Notioe is hereby tfven that a CALL of ThbiiPBJiCB per Share has been declared by the Directors ; and all Shares in the said Company in respect of which the aaid Call remains nnpaid after the expiratfea of fourteen days from the date hereof wHl be ahssliitely forfeited. Dated this 18th October, 1873. a2f 1 WILLIAM BACK, Secretary. HGRNBR'S GOLD MlMtiG COMPANY, N.T. (LIMITED). Notice fs hereby given that the ADJOURNED GENERAL MEETING of the Company will be held at tie office of the Company on MONDAY, the 27th October, »t 4 o'clock. ? HARRY TURNER, Secretary. Temple Chambers. October 17, 1873. »m3 NUGGET GOLD MINING COMPANY (UMITBD). An EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders win be held on WEDNESDAY, October 29, at the Company's Office, Waymooth-atreet, at 6.30 B.m., to consider the propriety of winding the Company up, to receive the Report of the Board of Directors, and for any other business that may be brought thsw3 W. A. CAWTHOBNB, Secretary. KCOROONA COPPER MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). NOTICE is hereby given that a MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS wfll be held on Tuesday next. 28th instant, at my Office, Victoria Chambers, King WflKani-street, to consider Memorandum end Artieles ef Association, elect Directors, ud other business. W. L. WARE, Secretary. Victoria. Chambers, Stag W31ianv«treet ? October 82, 1873. ? thstS T- AMBAROORA (8.A.) REEF -L GOLD MINING COMPANY (LIMITgD). —Notice is hereby given that en EXTRA. ORDINARY GENERAL MKBTING of Shareholders of the Company wffl be held at the offices of the Company on Tuesday, the 28th October, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose ef considering &e advisability of DISSOLVING THE COMPANY, and if necessary to appoint « Liquidator to wind up the same. HARRY TURNER. Secretary. Temple Chambers, October 18, 1873. tths3 TOHE PORT WHARF COMJ_ PANY (LIMITED). The Directors have this day made a CALL of £5 (hn Pomroe) per Share, which meet be paid at tae Registered Office of the Company, Port AddsMe, on tor before the Isl November next. ? H. D. ORUITENDKN, Manager. October 10, 1873. ? sttb6 OB. IK NT COPPER MINING COMPANY (LmirED). NOTICE b hereby given that e-x5ALt.of Two Shuukqb end Bnpasoa par Share has been declared by the Directors; end ell Shares in respect of which tneeaU OaBvemainc unpaid after the thirty-first day of October, 1873, are Hable to forfeiture. Dated this 10th October, 1873. dlk ? O. H. B. GEE, Secretary. npHE PIONffiKR GOLD MINING -L OOMPAKY (UMTTEDX. Nottos I* hereby given that the ORDINARY GBKBRAI. MBamNO of SHABBHOrj-KRS in the above Company wffl lie held at Queen's Chambers, Adelaide, on SATURDAY. 1st Novessber prox., at 12 o'doek neon. Dated this MHi day at October, 1873. ewgfc G. W. OOTTOy, Secretary. DEVON CONSOLS MINING COMPANY (UaaTBDV Vetiee is hereby given that the TRLoTSFER BOOKS of the OasnpaBy wfll he CLOSED from WEDNESDAY, tae S9th October to .1B08DAT, Ot SdSnmbet, 3873, WE a. WHimraTOH, Seontur. Adelaide, 24th October, 1873. ; A. PROSPKCTOSKS OF THE PORT ADELAIDE AND YOfiKB^ PENINsola rfiaNsrr oompahy iuhited} may be HAD ON APPLICATION1 at the Bankof Adelaide, oi|to WM.S. WHITINGTON, Gi»atMOhsirajetasKliigWmkin*treet,Seere pro tern. . . . dl3 HE KANGAROO GOLD REEF MINING OOMPAVY (LIMirfiD). NOTICE is hereby given thai a CAIX of Sizpeb-oi per Share h«i been made by the Direotors, and is payable to «ie i Secretary, at the registered offios of the Company, on er before the 15ft day of November7l«73 ; and all Shares fa respect ef wMeh sueh Call resoaina unpaid at «he date abewenfentjanad. ahall be absolutely forfeited to the Compsay. W. t WA&B, Bectetary. Vwtoria Chambers, King WUUamisttreet Adelaide. October 2^.1873., I «t2k |tH£ HAMLSY MINING' OOttX PANY(LIMirKD). ! By a&BXBS Act of 1865.' ; NOTICE is hereby given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the. BHAREHOLDEBS in fee above Company wiube held on Monday, the 3rd 'November- at t*o!doA. at tiM Arbitratien Boom, White's Sooins, King Wflliam-stoaet, for the purpoae ef »«~«— li^g Adding to. oijtepealing any of tlie Prorisions of the Proapectna of *he Oompany, % imareasiog the Capital of the Company in terms er.Oaiue 58 of the Miners Act of 1865. ! JAB. & SOOTT, Winager. Tangle Chambers. Oarrie stoaet, ? October 24. 187a etttinrfxlk . TOBPRINTENGoI evray descriBtiom O EXECUTED at the itmUtir, Dkrmidt and «avr«M Offioa, en the shaitwa antlan, at ?west ratetj -Jonntry artem poaeibally si ?sdsdto' ? I 4a*

Tenders and Contracts. D^18TR1OT OF LEFEVKls'd PENINSULa — TENDERS wffl be received untU noon of Monday. October 27, for the undermentioned Works :— L Making Road in Birkenhead, Sections A andB. 2. Making Footpath along Semaphore-road. Specifications and Working Plans at the Clerk's Office, Port Adelaide. All tenders to be addressed to the Chairman, at his office, Port Adelaide. tth«3 F. H. BIX, Clerk. OEPAHATE TENDERS will be k? received at this office, until noon of Friday, the 31st October, for furnishing the SUPPLIES required by the COLONIAL GOVERNMENT, in snch quantities as may be required, during the period eommenclrig 1st January, 1874, *md terminating 31st December, 1874, or until fresh contracts shall have been entered into. For particulars, vide Government OazeUt, 16th October, 1873. ? A.BLYTH, Chief Secretary. Chief Secretary's Office, Adelaide, October 21st, 1873. wstf4 Tt)B UILDER8 AN D OTHERS.— JL TENDERS are invited by the undersigned for BUILDING STABLES, LAUNDRY, OUTHOUSES, ENTRANCE GATES, PIERS, WALUKG, tat., to RESIDENCE, OLENELO. Plans, specifications, and conditions, may be seen at my offices on and after Monday, October 20, where Tenders are to be delivered by noon of Tuesday, October 28. Neither the lowest nor any Tender neoessarfly accepted. ROWLAND REES, O.E., Architect Central Chambers, Adelaide, ? October 16, 1873. ? do rpo BUILDERS.— TEN OKKS are 1. invited for Building ADDITIONS to RESIDENCE at NORWOOD; also, for BUILDING STABLES, COACH-HOUSE, &c Plans and specifications may be Been at the office of the undersigned, where tenders will be received until noon of the 27th instant. Neither the lowest nor any tender necessarily accepted. THOS. ENGLISH, Architect. Temple Chambers, Gurrie-atreet, ? Adelaide. ? d8_ rpENDERS for MEDICINES, -L MEDICAL COMFORTS, PROVISIONS, FUEL, &c. k., wffl be received a* ADELAIDE HOSPITAL up to noon of Tuesday, Ilth November next. For partieulan see 0evernntaitOazttte, 16th November. By direction of Board of Management, s3 THOS. H. AKROYD, 8tewaid. rpO FAFMERS AND OTHERS.— JL TENDERS wffl be reeeivedmp to 25th instant for the supply of Seventy (70) Tons best MIXED HAY (New) to be Stacked in two separate Btacksof 30 and 40 tons, at oar Yard, Hindmarsh. The whole can be tendered for in one lot, or each Stack separately. Neither the lowest nor any tender necessarily accepted. Tenders to state time required for delivery. ^ J.&B. TAYLOR, Tanners and Carriers, mndmuih. inn -1i-.».-ab, October 16. 1873. ? »tth4 TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS axe requited for BUILDING the right wing of the AREAS HOTEL, GEORGETOWN. The plans and specifications can. be inspected at the office of the Architect on and after Tuesday, the 14th inst. After the 16th inst. they can also be inspected at the Georgetown Hotel, Georgetown. Tenders to be forwarded before 4 p.m. on Saturday, the 25th inst. R. 6. THOMAS, Architect and C.B. ? . ? x3«tth7 rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRAO J- TORS.— TENDERS wffl be received by the undersigned for BPILPING the PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE. Plans, Specific*, tions, and Working Drawings may be inspected at the offices ot thejundenrigiies, Aielalde. np to Saturday, the 1st November ; after which date, and Tip to Saturday , the 15th November, at 12 noon, they can be inspected at the offices of the Secretary of the Institute at Port Adelaide. Sealed Tenders to be forwarded to the Architect by 12 noon of Monday, the 17th prox. No Tender pwjciiiisi fly accepted. ft, O. THOMAS, Arebitaet and O.K. Adelaide. October 18. 1873. tthal2rt Music and the Fine Arts r|\hLE ADELAIDE SCHOOL OF JL PHOTOGRAPHY, 61, BUNDLE-STREET (Five doors west of Gawler-place), Isnow»mplete6^udopeanndertbj9s**nage of He 8. floinmnn, whose long experience and suooessfol results achieved in this colony and Victoria wffl guarantee perfect satisfaction to those who Caver him with their patronage. The GL&SS-KOOH has been constructed with every oere and regard to the delicate and pleasing distribution of light and shade ao essen-tial to artistic effect. PHOTOGRAPHS COPIED, ENLARGED, FINISHED In OILS, WATER OOLOBS, MEZZOTINT, OHROMOQRAPH8, and Ml tme vsiious liEWEST STYLES. a SOLOMON, Manager September 6, 1873. ? dc PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, and CABINET ORGANS, by the best English, French, and German Makers, at various prioes ; all guaranteed to stand the climate. BRASS INSTRUMENTS Bands en easy terms. The BEST STOCK ef SHEET MUSIC ta:fte Colony. PIANOS FOE HIRE, to become th* property of the nirer a* the end ef 12 numttu. Tuning and Repairs properly executed. _& ? &MA^B8,Bimds»rtreet. SOCIETY OF ARTS PRIZE AWARDED TO HENRY JONES, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER (LITE OFS3UX0B AT KB. DDBTSJl'b), OPPOSITE WHITE'S BOOMS, KING WILLIAM-STREET, ADELAIDE, FOB PORTRAITS OF CHILDREN. tthssae PIANOFORTES, PIANOFORTES, WHOLESALE PRICES. J. WOODMAN, IMPORTER OF PIANOS AKD HARMONIUMS. DlKOI FBOat tBM EHKOPtUH MurOFACTOBaTlS. ? that* MELBOURNE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY'S ANNUAL AST UNION. ORIGINAL on, PAINTINGS. OLEOGRAPHS and OHROMOGRAPHS, LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS *c, Wfll be Gmnrj Awat by Art Uhiob, as NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Oostomers ordering 18 Oabtbb di Tmnt will be presented with Two Tickets: Six Cartes de Visite, One Ticket Cartes de Visits 10s. 6d per dozen. If.R— Pictures on View. Public inspection ?invited.- 16 and 18, Bundle-street. , dq ? G. FREEMAN. Manager. QTJs.JtAUauol'IU SLIDES. ^J Another Oensignment from Messn-. Provost t Co., the Publishers, just to hand. They axe, »a beboe, ef As very best quality, and oomprbe views of Gnat Britain chiefly. Offered** 8a. 6d. per doc, the published price being 12s. dot Also, m, consignment from the ?ante Pnbhsher of Boeks, Illustrated with Photographs, offered at published prices. Photo,, Views, &c k. a wioo & son. Education. T AD IKS* COLLEOE, XJ KENT TOWN. Pdwspal aad Ladj-Sopenntasdent— MRS. OHA8. A. MURPHY. Terms for Boarders :— Thirty to Thirty-five Osjaeaa - per twnfl'w j to iadudd ^ig?*'^1. Music, Wax Flewers, and Leather-work, with Fancy and Plain Needlework. Other a^oomplishiaente extra.Papas Papas wiU Reassemble on Hendiy. 13th inst, tfasto

? Anmsementa, ? rpEEAlBI ROYAL. GBNUINE~SUOOES8 OF MBS. AND MR. F. M. BATES, Who will appear in the Drama of FAHCHON, THE CRICKET. Which wiU be produoed, for the FIRST TIME IN ADELAIDE, THIS (Saturday) EVENING, OCTOBER 25, The Performance will commence with the Drama, in five Acts, entitled FANCHON, THE CRICKET. FAKOHON ? HR3. F. H. BATES. Lutobt ? Mb. F, M. Bates. Supported by the full strength of the Company. Act L The Shadow Dance. Act 2. The St. Andoehs Festival. Act 3. The Witch of Gosss. Act 4. The WiU-o'-the-Wisp. Act 5. A Year Later. To conclude with the screaming Faroe of KBVBR BEOKOH POUR CHICKENS. US' F A~T B . ^f\ rpOWN HALL~ ADELAIDE. port adelaide'blondin troupf. An ENTERTAINMENT will be given by tia above Company in tte Town Hall, Adelaide, on MONDAY EVENING, October 27, ? for the BENEFIT OF MRS. LANE, OF NORTH ADELAIDE, Whose Husband was Drowned a short time since at Port Wakefield. Doers open at half -put 7 for 8 o'clock. Prices of admission— Front seats, 2s. ; back, la. ^^ d3 F* O N O I R T~I OFFEMBAOrTS OOMIO OPERETTA, In TWO ACTS. 'MAGIC MELODY.' will be performed in WHITE'S ROOMS on TUESDAY B VKNING, the 28th inst., by the MEMBERS of Mr. T. W. LYONB'S SINGING CLASS. del ? J. H. LYONS, Secretary. Cricketing Notices ? CRICKET.— KENSINGTONS V. SOUTH AUSTRALIANS. The FIRST ELEVEN of the above Clnbi w01 play their FIRS! MATCH at Kensington on Saturday, the 25th October. Play to ooBiinenoe at 2.30 p.m. del H. HALL. Hon. Sec Stock, Vehicles, &c. FOR SALS, Light BPBING WAGGON, second-hand; LIGHT and HEAVY EXPRESS WAGGONS, new; REAPING-HAOHIMK, neariy new. THOMAS DAY, Carriage BaMer, fcq, Onnie-street. dc FO & SAJLE «, superior tecond-kand BUGGY, to csrry two or four. Also, a Second-hand Waggonette. — U MARAUN, PMe-sUeet. sttb.3 Oonveyances and Livery Noticeg fMPKRLAL LIVERY AND BAIT 1. STABLES, opposite StgUter Offloe. Fuat-ebas HORSES and BUGGIES ON HIRE. BUGGIES for HIRE by day, week, month, or year on reasonable terms. SHOEING DONE at ahottert notice by first-class shoeing smiths. THOMAS L. OOTTRBLL, fcltLq F!ropfiebnsi OTURT HOTEL STABLES JAMBS FERGUSSON begs to faiUmate to Us Friends and Customers that he has now token the above Stables on his own aeoonat from tN« Trustees of the late Aux. Feboubsoit, and oUdU m oonttttBation of the Patronage whinh the late management ao long enjoyed. WeadUg Carriage*, Buggies, Saddle Horses, 4c., Let on Hire oa most Reasonable Terms TTni'.n. .JJ o»» a*mw~tm^lt*nt attJlB Land and Hoose Property. REWERT FOB BALK, OR TO LET.— TO be SOLD, or TO LET. In the country, a Brewery with Plant complete. A splendid opening for aay one who ?nder-stanas, and can oembine the Sedawater end Gingarbeer businesi with it _For particulars, apply to Messrs. O. row BEBTOUOH AMD OO., 40, BnBdle-Bbeet, Adelaide ; or to Mr. H. WILLIAMS, Storekeeper, Wentwortn. ? wti»s3 piOTTAOE of Fiv» Eoomrfor BALE Vy Cheap, on easy terms, situate near the City Market Appiv to Wat PADDOCK, House and Land Agent, 33, King Williamstreet. ? Mac EAST PAYNEHAM.— To be LET, neatOOTTAGE of Seven Booau, «ttb oonvedent Oatboildtiifi-s, Garden, aad Paddomk. Rent, £40. ROWLAND k THORHBER, dc ? 39, King WOliaai-sfaeet. T^LIGIBLE BUILDLNO all JUS. NORTH ADELAIDE — Melbourne-street, 130 feet frontage to 8ussex-strest at rear. OashorOredit. SOUTH ADELAIDE-40 feet to Gflles. atreet by 60 feet deep ; also, SS feet to VineeatatreetbyadeptbofeOfeet. TheBleok weald make very eompaot proparty. MXRKJBT GARDEH8.— Several Properties in different localities for sale oa easy terms. BAYNTON ft PIZEY, Ettfcxe King Wfllism^fcreet, Adelaiae. FOR a PRIVATE FAMILY de. eJroui of a healthy Country Besidenoe for the Ssmmer end Autumn afenths, a very COMMODIOUS HOUSE «f Ten Keoms may be had, etthT wholly ar in part FUBHISBBD or UNFUKNISHBD. The altoaUon has the advantage of being within a few hours' drive from Adelaide, and from two to three of the Lakes and South Coast, and bin a oentre for field sports. Daily Mails —?'— I'lg and afternoon to AdeUMaT Church of England. Presbyterian, and WesIeyan Clergymen are resident. Exoellsnt tuition for children. Address, 'X,' thl offioe. ? e4_ HOUSE TO LET.— A DeligktfallyfH*,**** gnmm«r ft^^^m. m± HT. Alf IHTON, near Mount Barker; rent moderate. Apply Mr. TIMS, Australian Photographic Company, opposite the Town Hall, Adelaide. ? wstthsS ORT KLLIO1T.— TO be LKT, by the Montt, or for the Season, from 1st November next, CLIFFHOU8E, PORT ELLIOT, situate olose to the_ Rocks, oontaining Six Booms, amply furnished. Stable. Coachhouse, Harness-roam, Outer Kitchen, Jce.fce. For terms, apply to James Hill, Esq., Grenf ell-street. October 34, 1873. ? do_ SPLENDID 8 IT IS for a GENTLEMAN'S SUMMER RESIDENCE for SALE in the HILLS, nine miles from Adelaide, and commanding one of the finest views out of Adelaide. The Property consists of 40 Acres— 10 Acres excellent Garden, planted with every variety of Fruit Trees. Abundance of Water, Wood, and Building Stone. For terms, apply to BAYNTON ft PIZEY, atthx* King WIBiara-street, Adelaide. rpo LET. those PREMISES n JL GAWLER-PLACE lately ooeupied by Messrs.P.FaIk&Oo. Apply to J. A. HOLDEN AND 09. ? de fTX- be LET, in O'Connell-Btreet, X KORTH ADELAIDB, the LARGEST DRAPERY STORE there. Enquire 3. GOLDSWORTHY. Little Adelaide. d» rn O L JS T.- Cne of the best I BUSINESS PRki-OSES in ALBERTON, In which a. Drapery Bvaineu has been avooeaafnDr earned on for eight yean by Mr. R. T^r.n. Apply B. &A.LAHGMAN, Portjoad. Hindmarsh. ? tthsc rpo be LKT, KEST TOWN, Hr M. Boomed Detached COTTAGE ; Shed, Gaiden, Water laid on. Apply Mr. FOSTER, Solicitor. thsmS

Land and House Property.' GREEK k OO. B L NEXT MONTHLY AND AUCTION SALS wffl he held In the LAND MART ? OH FRIDAY, 21st NOVEMBER, 1873. Particulars ef Properties intended for this Anotlon are requested to be forwarded on or before 6th November. tthsxe rpo be LET, SHOP and PiLoMlafcS -L Ko. 100, Bundle-street. do ? G. R. DEBNEY. npO be LET, BLANCH VILLA,** JL NEW GLENELG, 14 Booms, all newly Saddle-room, laundry, Pigsties, Fowl Yard, kc, fee., all is excellent repair. Apply to FREDERIC WIOKBTEED, Adelaide. de Bev. THOMAS FIELD, Glenelg. rpo be LET, a comfortable EightJL roomed HOUSE in NORTH ADELAIDE. Apply to W. KING, Jon. ? de To let, House «f te« BOOHS and one of SEVEN ROOMS. with Gas Fittings and every convenience. DorseUa-terraoe, threemtnute** walk from PestOffice. Apply to J. a SOLOMON, Cental Chambers. ? tthsc riU be SOLO, or L.tiX with KlUtlT JL of PURCHASE, a Very Desirable Section in the HUNDRED of NOABLUHGa. with all Improvements. Appiv to JOEL BOBSBTS, 45, King William-street^ or J. F. COOK, Clarendon. tthse ANTED to Bent, a Four er Five-Roomed COTTAGE about two nlUs out of town. Partieulan to 'O. «.,' thisoffiee. ? d3 ? Wanted. ? A PPLIOATIONS, accompanied by t\. testimonials, for the appointment of JUNIOR HOUSE SURGEON to the ADELAIDE HOSPITAL, wOl be received by the Board of Management op to Tuesday, the Ufa November next Salary, £300 per annum, with Board and Apartmaats (for self only). By direction of the Board of Management. fag THOS. H. AKROYDTstaward. BTJSH CABPANTER8, Bullockdrivers. Station and Farm Couples, Men Cooks, Bricklayers. Wheelwrights Wanted.— HUNT'S Labor Omce. ? del O TEEKEK8 for Beape^Hayjiakra, O Ploughmen, Farm Youths, and Lads, Wanted: good wages.— HUNT'S Labar Office, King WUuanntreet ? del NGINEBR WANTED, to drire an Engine and generally handy at Bev palm. Apply at this office. ? dc ffifiMALE COOKS (prirate femilee and hotel). Farm Hands, Haymakers, Hsvnlcen, BaVoookari, Wanted.— KEMP PENNETa labor Exchange, Greuf ell-street. ? del f^JSNOlNO.—WAftTlSl,, Contractors to put up about 60 miles of WireFencrng on Oarosna Run, situated CO miles west of Port Augusta. For r»*i— -«»- apply personally oi of letter to ****** 3. K. FBOST, d3xl ? Oaroona, via Port Augusta. f?OB. THE COUNTRY.— WANTED, a GENERAL SERVANT f-a, small family ; woman engaged two day* tn the week for washing aad Ironing; noraegirl kept Apply to Mrs. GKBENDDHIELDS. Fnlteney-etreet Worth. ? d3_ rpHE ADVEaildftR is «pen to JL SB-ENGAGEMENT to any POSITION of TRUST, er Baiaswan, Bookkeeper, Traveller. Testunonials, refetenoe.— fAMES LAWRBKOB. Dench ft Oe.. Hindmarah. dlO '1X1 TAliAttSM.— WAJVl'cu, at, JL G. k B. WQb k Co.'s Olothing Factory. SteadyHen-OoatB*n&*4riPr«ssers. Highest wagea. Apply S. AIJXN. Manager. do ANTED, respectable LAJOd, as SouBBfor Btprmani TdtffrapK far AAerton. Bossw«tor, IXevre'* Ffeninsula, and Port Aislaidf.— *pply between hours ID and 11 o'clock a.BL, Port Adelaide Branch Offices. ? dc_ WANTED, a BOF for Billiard Saloon. Apply Civil Service dub. adjoining Earl of Zetland, Flinders-street. d3 WANTED, BOY, about 16, look after hone and trap, nsefol house mud garden. d3 JAMBS OALDBB, Bundle-street. ANTED, a NURSEMAID; . refereBoes required. Apply to Mrs. EBENEZER OOOKE, South-tenaoe west ANTBU, a few fcharp JUADS far Mxprea Runners. Apply at this omoa- ? d6 WANTED, SO good PIGE and SHOVEL HEN. Apply on the Works. NewBesunnii. Wages, 7s. per day. de ? G. C. FRY, Contractor. \1TANTGD, BUTCHERS to Tf Slaughter 8heep at per hundred. Apply ADELAIDB MEAT PRESERVING COMPaMY, Weodvflle. ? de_ WAMTKO, any number of additional NAVVIES on our Railway Contraetanear Namaeorte, and a- few &TOKB-MASONSbythe job; also to let. Piecework In suitable lots, 80.080 eubU yards of earthwork (all harrow work), and quarrying and breaking 20,000 ombic yards ballast. de PALTRIDGE k PA8KIK. Kawaeeerta. WANTED, a COOPER to art op Bhooks. Permanent employment to ? ?toady hand. Apply Adelaide Meat Preserring Company, WosdyiUa. ? dli WANriSD, an active YOUTH' must be able to diive. Apply & BAKEWELL *- CO., Grocers, 63, Kundbsfaeet ? de WANTED, CABINETMAKERS. Apply W. BENBOW, U», Hindhir atreet de WANTED, a LAU, about 14. Apply. WIKBB * MOBOOMBE, Osrriigo Buildett, FrankllB^treet ? d8_ WANTED, strong LftVD that can drive.— JNQ. DBNCH It CO., Hu-4-marsh. dS ANTKD, a YOUNG MAN aeeustomed to the Oabinet-Making.— THOS. O. HADDKIOK, W, Hiadley-street ? . ? d2_ WANTED, a MECHANIC ? thonmgUy oonreraant with the construction and adjustment of Weighbridges. Apply to the Manager of Railways, at the Adelaide Station, any morning between 9.30 and 11 o'clock. ? etthe WANTED, MAN and WIFE as General Servants on Farm «''«? to Adelaide. Apply to BAYMTON * ltZST. King Wnihun-atreet ? lhst6 WANTED, a competent DRESSMAKER ; liberal wages given. Apply at No. 2, Pybus's Buildings, Nortn-torraoe. tths3 ANTiSD, COOK for Ccuntiy Hotel; wash and Iran. High wages given.— Mrs. BYNO, 41, King WTUiam-Btreet. del WANTED, a BOY with some experience In Coach-Painting. — L. MARAUM. Pirie-street WANTED, an Improver for * BLACKSMITH, in the country. Apply 'to JOHN OOLTON & CO., Ourrie-street ??' ? atth3 WANTED, in a smdl famly. thorough GENERAL 8ERVAKX. References required1. For address, apply U. andJ. FOWLtfK, Retail Bstabluhment d2 ANTP.D immediately, a Second* Hand DRESSMAKER; also, Apj.rentIoe«.-O. OOOKB, 107. Bnndlfrstreet. Ae WAMI'EU, srver*l itupej.a ,«. Youths as JUNIOR ASSISTANT?. di ? ODNSINGgAtl'S. ANTKD, a good JUNluK CLERK. Apply, wtiiterti mo Bid. t Proprietors of Advertae.' ? dc ANTED, a HOU8EWA«D.«iil a good GENERAL SERVANT. Aj«i-ly Temperanos Hotel, opposite RaUway SUtioa, North-terraor. d3 ( 457