Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 25 April 1919, page 1

Ee NF~l J"VE4K A'/ESY/A. IZv eKEBh WEruAKnE said Ever,ýrwere y/

I?IA1 ABOUT YOUT NEW. TRAP? All Vehicles that leave our. factory have only four good points to recomt'end them-they look well, they last .llh, thec run well, and they always please :he purchasers. Large and small ordcrs receive prompt attention. All material of the very best 'quality.-H. and h. Bradshaw, the Premier Coach and Bueegv Builders, Firebrace-street, Borsham-Atlvt. Rheumatism Cured Y ',- of the most Experienced 'h,..,:ts in the Commonwealth. "Hansen's Rheumatic Remedy" Sve ryb·hodv is talking about It. tom!'l!!y rids the system of Uric Acid and restores the lost tone of the ]lI)SNEYS. The pain of RHEUMA11ISI- relieved after a few doses.. I Ottles, 5/6, from Hansen, Chemist, Henty. New South Wales. Rholesale--ROCiKE TOIMPSITTAnd Co., MELBOURNE. Obtainable from B.. McMieilin, Chemist, Horsham. - . Young Bros., HORSHAM. Have Secured Agency. for FORD CARS. Murtoa and Jung Diskict ALSO SOLE AGENTS -IN HOR'SHAM DISTRICT.

Musical Notices. EXAMINATION SUCOESSES, 1918Piano advanced grade, lower division, elementary, and three primary; Violin, primary. Geo. P. Frayling. TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Modern Touch SINGING Pfect Voice Productionb VIOLIN No Long Difficult. Diplomas Awarded. 152 Passes at Exams. Some with Honors and Distinction. G5 PIANOFORTE PASSES, including PIANOFORTE, L.A.B. PIANOFORTE, A.L.C.M. P 3inging Passes.-Two Advanced, one Intermediate, four of other Grades. Vioiin Passes.-L.A.B. and A.L.C.M., and 25 of other Grades. VIOLONCELLO.-Three Passes; HARMONY AND RUDIMENTS.FOUR ADVANCED GRADE BAR-* MONY and FIVE of other Grades. -41 Rudiments. K PIANO TUNER. MUSIC CONSERVATORIUM,. ROBERTS AVENUF IIORSBAM. ----~-- -- ce ~ J. R. BAILLIE, L.A.B. 30LO VIOLINIST & BANDMASTER )f the HORSIAM BOROUGH BAND. Teacher of VIOLIN, VIOLA, THEORY, HARMONY, FORM & ANALYSIS, and all BAND INSTRUMENTS. Pupils prepared by Mr. Baillie have >btained the diploma A.L.C.M. honors n University exams., and thirty-two ,assed in various grades of violin ilaying. I Students prepared for the concet )ltform, Orchestral playing, and all sxaminations. For further particulars apply Mr. EO. RYAN, or private leaidence, 0owden-street. Madame Bellmonf F Carreno School of Music ,Iate Melbourne University Extension Lecturer.) ooncert Pianiste and Teacher of Artistic Tone Production and Interpretation. . . SUBJECTS : Pianoforte, Musical 'orm and Analysis; IHarmony, Couneirpoint. TEIACIERS' CLASSES as at Mel)ourne University, and Private Tuiion in the Art of Teaching. Pupils travelling by train may obain coucessions from the Department. Tuition Resumed on MONDAY, FEBRUA1RY 24. Address-Temperance Hall, IHorsham'Phone 206. J Mrs. M. B. Allan TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE. PUPILS PREPARED FOR UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. PRIVATE TUITION AND THEORY IN CLASS. TERM COMMENCES WITH FIRST LESSON. Fees on application. Address: Pynsent-street, Horsham. Mr. Harold E. Rodgers, (Certificated)., Honors University Conservatorium of Melbourne. Primary Teacher of Piano, Organ and Theory, TERMS, 'etc., at Messrs. Rennison's and Sack's Music "Warehouses, or at V Private Residence, " Alien Villa," Wilson-street, Horsham.. First lesson commences term. Miss Amy S. Clark, A.L.C.M., i (Certificated University Conservatorium I of Melbourne.) "TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE. Terms, etc., upon application at Mr. Rennison's Music Warehouse; or at 0 Private Residence, SEARLE STREET, HORSHAM." - Term commences with first lesson. 'Phone No. 172. Singing MISs IRENE TRUEBBIDGE, A.0.QM.. : Of Melbourne, Visits Horsham weekly, and may be interviewed at Mrs. Robert Lawson'a, Urquhart-street, next Church of England, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, between 2 and 5 p.m.Private Address : O/o Miss Brent, Baillie-street, Horsham. The Flavor of the Fruit It is the flavior you get with -nMoeMULLIN'SS FLAVORING ESSENCES. : -• Delicious fruity: flavdors for Custards, -JeUies, Cakes, IcingF..llgs,' ai"d a. maer of: table delica-ies. These flavors are, pure, and strong, having the-tiie flavor of the fruit. Obtainable in the- following flavors: 9 Price, 1/- perlbottle; SPosted 6,bottles, 5/6.: -*RASPBERRY, LEMON,-~ ORANGE, PINEAPPLE, -PASSION FBUrIT, CJAMAIC A GINGER, STRAWBERREY, ALMONDS, -BANANA, VANILLA, -- Sold only by R. McMallin, SC" EMIST HOB3B M. i-ead "The Times" -advertisements and trade with advertisers'

Professional Notices. H. Balfour Cathcart, SOLIOITO], Itse' Next to Young Broa.' Auction Booem, WILSON STREET, IOBRSH&M. Telephone No. U5. , R. J. Wilmoth, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOBR Opposite "Jones and MeCann's, rIREBRAC. STREET, HORSHAM: TRUST MONEYS TO LEND.[rCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Phoni 147 .. J. Weldon Power & Bennett Solicitors, Etc.; Pynsoent -Street - - - - - IIORSIIA. Mc. Bennett, Commissioner for Affidavits, N.S.W. John A. Polin, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. MODERN ACCOUNT SYS'I'E[S for . Farm and Busiaess. FINANCE AND GENERAL AGENT. Assignee of In'.- ent Eststes. A: Comndslioner ' the Supreme Court for takingl Afhavits. WILSON STREET, HORSHAM. 'Phone. 63 '. C. W. Mathers, DENTIST, FIREBRACE STREET, HORSHAM. Hours, 9 till 5 r Saturday, 9 till 1. R. S. Grant, L.D.S., SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, (Late Grant and Simkin), PULS'-BUILDINGS, : FIREBRACE STREET, HORSI±AM. '·PHONE 69. WILL VISIT. NATIJEUK, April 29. Jas. Barnes,M.M.c.v.s Veterinary Surgeon, heLACHLAN ST., HOBSHAM?1: Phone218

BUSINESS NOTICES. What: Has Happened ? FOLK SAY, WHEN THEY COME INTO OUR STORE. Do You Know? We have taken over the adjoining premises lately .used by Mir J. McAuley as an Auction Mart, and we are now showing an UP-TO DATE STOCK OP HARDWARE, ETC. AXES, CHURNS, PLOUGH CHAINS, SEPARATORS, DOOR MATS, COPPERS, ..; ' PLOUGH REINS SALT LICKS, LANTERNS, CARTRIDGES, PLOUGH SHARES, SHELL GRIT. A Cau will be to YOUR ADVANTAGE. GROCEBRIES-Quality and Prices Right CROCOERoY--A Varied: Assortment to choose from. BRUSHWARE, TINWARE, IRONMONGERY. Gray & Sullivan GENERAL MERCHANTS? Firebrace-street, Horsham. 'Phone 208: - GIVE US A TRIAL. Produce, Bought in Any Quantity Man... Wants Gift Chat isa little different. ie knows n how to choose hi own ties, Collar Bmokes and such things-no one else on earth can choose them so well. oBut yo can sfely thooe for him ny one of the scores o things at-But. you . N NISO N SO E :NNISON'S sure of lad apprecition are WATCHES. FOBS, SLEEVE LINKS, STUD SETS CIGa CASES, SOVNEEIGN CASES, CHAINS, Penh dents, Scarf Pins Cigarette Cases, Match Boxes, . Shaving Outfits, Hair Brush Sets. You'll get the right kind of gift here. We have complete stocks of the presents that will be serviesable and always welcome. o COME pD BUT. PRICES HERE SAVE YOU COu Mi BYI' A LOT OF WOBRRY. C. RENNISON & SON, SWatcdlakers, Jewellers. and Opticians, t Firebrace Street, Borsham

Ballder., Eta o.. i. C. C. CLcAR BUILDING 'CONTRACPOR, ,'.TIMBER AND IRON :MERCIIHNT, - Searle Street, :rHorhii&. ESTIMATES .:submitted -for ally claasesi of .Buildings Explerienced 'Workmen sent to .allparts of the rountry. '. ON SALE.--ardwood, Sofitwood; Galvanised Iron, Painits, 'Oils; aid.-Builders' Requisites. -PALINGS PICKETS;, DROPPERS-:: IfLl5 DOORS ,and: WINDOW SoBTFEt S . , ddress ~ SEA4LLE STREET, HiORSHAM. 'Phone 172. Oulton and Boyle; BUILDERS, TIMBER MERCHANTS,. AND UNDERTAKERS, Firebrace Street South, HORS BEA.. AGENTS for Monumental Work; Lancashire -Insurance Company.'Phone No. 20. C -Notice of Removal . A.. F. Weight, FUNERAL DIBRECTOB, Ham REMOVED to FIREB ACE STREET (next Heald's, Saddler). Funerals conducted in all parts of the distriet. Strictest attention git en to all orders. " Polished Oak and Kauri Coffins in stock. All Funeral lequisites, Shrouds, and AxiIficial Wreaths, etc. Agent for G. Dawe Monumental Mason. Also a large Assortment of -Pieture 'rame, Day 'Phone 226. ENJOY tly satisfaction fi- know-in that you are buying .a Ha wih'ch represents ,maxinutm value and maintains its exceptional wearing qualities and good appcarance to the end by always buying our Jlats. J. DR1PPS' Where you will ilways find everything you warit in Clothing, Boots, Blats, Shirts, Ties, etc. FIREBRACE STREET, HORSHAM. 'lihnne 47.

WEDDING and other Invitation Cards or Circulars Printbd at " The lHorsham Times" Office.

"" BUSINESS NOTICES. Autumn and Winter Goods .,W. BIRO. ALLAN BROS. Are now Showing the Latest in LADIES' COATS AND COSTUMES MILLINERY--Al that is Up-to-date. DRESSES-All the Newest Shades in Tweeds, Gabardines, Covert Coatings. Navy Serge. Ask to See Our. Guarantee Serge. Also Full Stock of BLACK, NAVY, and CREAMI RADIANTAS. SAllan Bros,, DRAPERS, Always Up-to-Date, .Opposite Post Office [PHONE 741 HORSHAM. OURz STOC~is I -are -4 _ S E ,sell Groceries-and you can always rely upon our stocks being fresh and first grade. Quick, however, and small profits is our motto, and we value the smallest just as well as the largest order. Trevan & Connell's ALMONDS ..... ............ ... ... ... .., ..... ... ... ... 1/3 per lb. DATES ........... ...... ... ... ... ..4 ...... ... ... ... Sd. per lb. SALMON PASTE ...... ... .......................8d. per tin CHOCOLATE MIXTURES ............... ......... 10d. per lb. JUBES and CARAMELS ........................ O1d. per lb. CUPS and SAUCERS, per , doz......... 3/3, 3/6; 5/3 and 7/6 PLATES ... .. ... ... From 5/=. per dozen to 10/6 SUGAR BASINS (Glass) ... .., 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 and 2/6 each S.ANCY VASES ............................. 6d. to 7/6 each AND A LAJRGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT. OF -AND A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF CHEAP IRONMONGERY, CROICKERY and GLASSWARE. CHEAP IRONMONGERY, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE. GASH BUYERS OF FARM ANDDAIRY PRODUCE. GASH BUYERS OF FARM AND DAIRY. PRODUCE. TROPE, TWINE, HARVEST OILS, Etc., at LOWEST RATES. ROPE, TrWINE, HARVEST OILS, Etc., at LOWEST RATES. Firebrace Street, Horsham, 'Phone 86. Wristlet Watches that combine Beauty with ? Accuracy cad that repreent in the hiblghest degree the good ,. tabste and clever craftsmanship of modern watch constructlon. Such you w1lR fnd in our display, inexpen* aively priced. The bracelets are strongll mard and all watch movements are ritically eXamL a ned and tested for accurate time keeping qualities. TYou are invited to all and inspet our display. *WATCHMaJ .KR' APD JEWELLER .. , HORSHAM


BUSINESS NOTICES. New Furs, Costumes, Skirts and Blouses that "Have a Way" with them. A Way of Being Becoming. A Way of Being Distinctive. And at Langlands' in comparison with their Quality. These Furs, Costumes, Skirts and Blouses are sure to win the -favor of Women who want something more than "average" garments. THE FURS are of exceptional richness, and comprise skins of all kinds made ,into Coats, Capes, Muffs, etc. THE COSTUMES are made in a fine range of Serges, Twills, Gabardines, and Tweeds of rare beauty and finish. . . THE SKIRTS are extremely smart-stylish to the last degree. Some very attractive skirts are those in Black-and White Check Tweeds; others in Tweeds of various shades, Gabardines, Tricotenes, Twills, Serge and other Seasonable fabrics. THE BLOUSES are charming and comprise models in Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Ninon and Silks-truly a beautiful display. -Every new style; every new.color, every new and good fabric, is here. Truly it is a FASHION SHOW of exceptional interest, and prices are more moderate than you'd expect. An inspection will more than bear out all claims we make. COME TO-DAY and select your apparel for -Autumn and Winter Wear. John Langlands & Sons, The Fashion Centre, Phone 10. Firebrace-st., Horsham MacDonald Bros., Builders and Contractors, Timber Merchants, Etc., Horsham. We are prepared to bilild Houses of every description (Bricks or Weatherboard), complete; or any other class of Building entrusted to us, suppling he Best Materials and Workmanship at LOWEST RATES. Write or call on is for a quote. DESIGNS SUBMITTED. ESTIMATES FREE. OUR TIMBER YARD and .?0IEKSlOPS are at MURTOA, where we stock, ll classes of Building Material, also Tanks, Baths, etc., MADE ON THE PREMISES. - -NOTE THE AD RESS:)EARI.E-STREET, HORSHAM, and near the Railway Station, MURTOA. Telephone No. 167. MAY, & 'ILLAR Wimmera Foundry, Horsham, 5. Ri MAY, Proprietor, . ? -HIGH-GRADE 3LMATERIAL AND WORKMAO S1IDP. - ,' PROMPT . DELIVERY AND REASONASIj pBL CRIC¶.--; LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED TIMBEB OPEN FOR IN SPEC TI4LARGE STOCK 'OF SEASONED TIMBEB OPEN FOR INSPECTION. TOMB RAILINGS, and all kinds oI AGRICULTURAL. IPLEENTB S and MACHINERY. REPAIRS P-RO PCll'YTEA I n'"k PRICES ON APPLICATION. PRTCES GN APPLUAT10Ote