Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 23 March 1926, page 2

OUR WOMEN'S CORNER (Conducted by "Etti.)

Fashion's ReaIm. 'i:y lad, w ill mSUrelv be very halrd pleaso if she cnnotor secure the cre coloring ihermay desire.for her antuan outfit. The leading eiti fashion centres Vresent 'it present angre upon renge: of delightful frockings in ilmost every known color. First favorites seemi to *4 bc the dtlightful -,hadings ini rosei wood and prune, almondl greeiirtand *.. smoke grcys, the ever useful costirn e v rather giv ng pljce to the nuitty and smart jumper troekm -lit i11toll oe fashioned in either felt, 'eour or velv t, are a Ivorn to mit imhth fioces Thei liitiest smnart trimming for cots. is a delightful mi itation at leopanrd, tigei mi cirmine furring, sold very reaon'mlylv by the vmrd. Hand bags of eirculhr pat tm rin of the sanie furred mmterial give a verv smnirt effect. . R ih embroiderv is the very 1lteat in ftuntmy work. Raftin cusliio i !oivers tablte . clitres, band bag, tmorked on i iney imaterials adotn all fanev ·oods wi indows, creating quite : k'nlesdescopic ~... et plea'zing .effeet. Mothorcraft-Caao. o(fMilk i::;rlig the hot weather the questioin : :1sks as to the bLct ay) of keep~g ,w's nmilk for the todtllers' use. 1 !- c:soull be from a mixed iherdi of * o hiri has been tested for tuiher(leisOne mcowm's iiilk should never Ih gi in to a rhildl. ct shoulil be obtained as soon after :I~iii ·g aspossibhl. iperferitbly twice :i\. 17 milk is brought to the hoase t:ur- before the housewife gets lp

ia d1. hay side or the house. in orut te earle-niorniigf sun may not Iat , it. 3lilk delivered in bottles shoc c h b left in the bottles until uiedl I astlet-s handing it has the letter. 'the- ia is r-moverd. anl a picie of eo 4niter musln. which has icen pre.·r , b~il~Med, put over the top. If . not dcliv er-d in hot ties, use a whe-inouth.-l vessel, free front *: no crevices. t hat i in ilL nii' Xii . enamel billycimii is tlwavs ii t suitabhle thitig. A tin bill'' in , no be use-I. as it itoe- not kecp ii co, aol it is abu hinishcd atiih * - tn-I therefore lhar-I to ela. in U i, - a rson to di so. An u ltiniun mii hil i not satii-faitorv. either. 1.~ ·cn the -esl- after use, rinse * - i I watiter attd -alt io remiii milk .lint. hn it:t.-It thoiough-l nith hot 'oe tr in the usual waii dy niub a: b-u tn :oni-. :ind then till withil hih is actutally boiling,.. put aud allow to, stand until it is for mitlk. 'the wat r i's *u-t. nton t c ami nd the cover put on ntaiti. I v . tr inuoil or driedt, as the boilSint w sr kCalds the vestl, Ind noth·ng i- h should touch thlt inside until ti--il is put in. As soon a'fter delIv as possible the milk must he i-k' -i a cooler. Gi-rmsn- double in th every '20 minutis in warrm milk. \n ordinary house ice chest is uitible p rov iling the miilk is kept in lie topl rightt on the ice, and not. in thle cupi-itoa:trl part of the ice ehlict Ice chests of n-.m kind iiiutst be erublied *daily. Germs lo not iutltioly in miltk kept at iice-chest tenmperatul i.re., t 5 o d. Flbr. Ar:<.ther cooler is niade of an i-irhtiiinwa:re substatnee. antd thi-s needstor nugIly -onking bhifore use. and mustI ie khit n-ct. A very tood cooler tiay be made at Lime fm-in a petrol tin, as follows:Cut the four sides out of the petrol or keroee tie.. Ruti a draw stringi th-rouglh tile long edge of a piece of Tuirki-h towelling 11 yards long anid var-I wide, titid biting it from the top of i le tin. Put :I basin (or a quarter of atnitilier tinii full of water on the top of the tit. Take some strips of flannel or tion lin-' aoliuit 2 inches wide. and 'ptc onue i-nid of -achi .trip in tihe basinu 1o thb-t tihe water mae run down from he b itn on to the towelling, and keep it c io-tanthy wet. Thiis cole-lr should -; 1:un' or stoot outside in a .shady -lte. It work, on tlh principle of a noolb rd ic ,aie. - .i emergenicy cooler is made by -tanldiii vie jug of milk in a souip pbltte tull r . ater, with over the top a piece om t n ellinti large enoungl to touch. thie 'wtt r ill round. This nmtu b stood iiout-ide in a shady spuot, ipptos-oi' the iindtwn iii the idge or itabe, or mn a - re l-I With due :ittu ntion to the h - It-v- tilere ,houldl be no diticulti in ,-pinp uii toddlers' milk friLsh ttlhist : -vi- ieachr. C ild's Toy from Amxrican Cloth. Pu sa ~oriediiiarv .\mercati cloth, -ti- oni lth white shie drair a Felix in in clii 'il t Thi dbleljl t hi- unitOritl acm1 ii tiot two shiates. butttenhiole thte two pit-ce- toigethr all rouid the -edges. mn-kiti' a simail tttrniing as you do to --u--i-I frin-tg. Wiiet -oui lhivo sewn --i.ii hii. way iiunia ituiti with colt on wol u-'iti' a pir -if scissors to hot it.' dotvi the legs and arnie, atid th4-i sew i. thti- r .- Two heads for eVes can le san uin. A how roinild the nieck will l-cerate a delight aful Felix the children -mill tve-. Our Tested Recipes. A-ple ani Lemon JTam.-S lb apples, 0 lb of sugiir, -1 Ilnmois j ijnt of water, Spint lemon j1uice. hl, ciore and I w eigh tite apples. cut them in -slices, a nil put then into a presernilig panwith tim witer. grated prel of tint lemnpoms, tni d lenioon juice. Enough lemons must be uis-i1 to make 1 pint of juice. Bring to the boil :inmd simmer unti the a:prles ore tonler. nald the sugar, stir until it has mnelted. then boil fast for about -1 hour. or untii the jam sets whM'n testel. Put it into pots nod cover. RenimVe ill scum whieit tlh j:im is boiling?'5

I entd Sup -~ pint of r:"d lentj~::ils carro bacon 01 hmt rind oi rl hm bone, salt, pepper, Iqurt of cold Wt er or stocl 1 tablespooioful of drppidng, l omonio0 sticks of celery if liked, a bumeh of herbs. ~ash the lentils, Iwash aiiid poee the cariot and onions, wash tBh Celer' anid ehiop. all finely. Cut upithe hnim or .bacon scraps, or cliop the h'n bone into several piecCS. Melt the dripping in a pan, add the strauicld lean tils and vegetablse arid stir over the fire for 5 miniites. t dd the stock ann the herb% then ttir until boiling. Cover the paii, and simmier: rcri gently unfti the .egetables are soft Regnoae any bones anid the herbs, and rub the sout throunrh a siee or colander. Rinse out the pan, returii the .onp to ii, and1 make hot. Season, aidr serveo very hot itth toast or fried bread. Rich Ginger Bread.-One pound;oh flour, half pound f birown silnr, rhalf a pound of butter, half a pound of trena cle; two ouncos of pcel, half a pound ol stoned raisins, to eggs1 half, a pint oh mnilk, one tenspoonful aclh of enrbonatr of soda and ginger, and half a teaspoon ful of rpowdored cinnminion. \arin til butter, treiele *nd milk together, sif il the flour. Fu~g ar and othier ingredi ents, lastly the igrbonate of soda (dis I 'oi ed in * little milk). and bake in : modiirito oten for one hour. You can ndd tao ounces of alnionrls if likcd T'lhis eake keeps inici antI iioiit. (0ofte Cake.-Malte half a lint o. stronig kzr coffee and piut aside til cold. To thlce-quarters of a .pound ,ol flour, nit in tihrlie bnespooijuis of blnk uin powder and t no ten:t51oonfuls of "round rinrcr; rou inlo t hi' flour half a pound of thinly shredlded mixed erandier pelo a quatrier of a Irmund each of sul tanas *iind currants, zian two ounces om rai its t'-ioilotiped). Drop an egg into a qunartci of a pouiid of treci-le and stir rhoroigihlt into the mixture, arlding gradu:lly a quarter of n poundi oi yugar; tinally, adrl the coffee, heating quiekly' until it is a stiff latter. 1Half till a huttererl tin antI hake quickly for two hours. Favoriti l'ium Poundding.-F-'our ounces of self-raising tlirur. inalkf : pound of beef suet, half a pound each of raisins, cutltanas aiid eurrarnts, a quarter of a pound of miixed peel, half a grated nutmieg. half a pound of sugar. half an oun ic of ground rinnamoun, one gill of milk. litk' a pound of fresh lirearterillius,. the juicn a nld rind of ntue lemon, two tunrcs of desivlenterl coonut or shredded almonds, half a pound of French ilnmis, a pinch of salt. and three or four eggs. Mix the ingredientu toethler, turn into a burterel j ba in * rad Boil for two hiours, then steriri for two hours before ser'ting. \lincieemat Without $uct.-One pound of so edless raisir.s. one pound of curI :aiits, one poutnd of apples, one pound1 if sugar, Jllf a prounrl of Brazil nuts,: tao mnd; half ounces of mixed peel, a quarter of a pound of sweet almonds, pne nutmeT (grated). antl a qunrter of a pound of best butter. Chop all flutly I and miix ell. Turkish Delight.-One pound loaf sugar. one ounce gelatine, half a pint Sold uater, tinvoring nud coloring, if likid. soak gelatine in half the water, :zatil dissolved. Put sugar with rest of nater into a pau and set on stove. Wt hen sutar is melted, add to gelatiiie itmd boil'for 20 minutes. Thon pour into tao w ell-buttered soutp platts. When snlid, turn out, cut into squares ntd roll in icing sugar.