Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 24 December 1909, page 3

NEWS.AND NOTES 1MG CHRISTMAS MAIL. For the past two days-a-nd especiilly yesterday--the baleted-appearrace at certain points of the -town fetter carriers told eloquently of the arecly inflated vlumne of correspondsnce which the" Christnmas season. has been rergonsible for bringing -to I-trslu.n., d-Yesterday's deliver3y was. ono of -the biggest yet known in the town. From England alone there were 300 letters, 50 papers and between 35. a:d 40 packeages. DAMAGE TO CROPS. The li'eather of- the past few days Ihas been nothing - short of disastrous to the crops of the district. '-Monday weas in. especially vicious day 'it this respect. A tour of a' large portibo of the' farming areas on Wednesday revealed . a very regrettable state-o of affairs. At Pimpinio, Mr. E. A; Dahlenburg lost approximately 50 per cent. of his Purple Straw crop. Before the wind of IMonday Ihe estimated yield of fully eleven: bags, but whent Ihe ran the harvesters through a 'section t he reaped barely i five-bag" average Dart's . Imperial was a -variety whlicl slifered dxr3y: much, bhit Feceration stood the blowing very: swell.. A. similar experience is related by Mr. Janmes Reynolds, of Garup, whio esti mates thaving lost fully one-third f the grain in .his Purple Straw. In other places the losses are reported at' anythlring from one bushel to five buhsiels per acre.