Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 5 October 1894, page 1

The Plopnlar Winter Fours. The very darkest sealskin remains the popular fur for coats and wraps. Very often it is trinmmed withll a contrasting fur, but wise women in buying a new coat elect that it shall be untrimmed the first year, so that it may be freshened the second by a decoration. For mourning wear black Persian lamb remains in vogue and is essentially the mourning fur, although as the seal is so dark it is a question of personal taste in electing its use in conjunction with crape. Silver fox-that exquisite bluish gray fur-is noted on evening wraps, while blue fox and red fox, which by the way is yellow in color, are also closen for use when a rather pronounced effect is desired. In black furs the long haired ones, like the black lynx and the black fox, are given thu preference. Gray krimmer-that soft, curling fur which many people improperly call gray astrakhan-is occasionally seen, but somehow Dame Fashion has dedicated it almost exclusively to the children.- Ladies' Home JonuaIl.