Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 11 June 1907, page 2

North-Western Province Election The latest official returns for the North-Western Province show Mr Hagelthorn's majority to be 740—a notable victory indeed, for it means he got three votes for every two given to his opponent. The latest declared by the returning officer are—Hagelthorn, 1869; Levien, 1129. The first official communication received by the Honorable Frederick Hagel-thorn, M.L.C., is from the president of the Council, Sir Henry Wrixon, calling a meeting of members for to-morrow (Wednesday) to determine who shall be appointed President and Chairman of Committees when the session opens. Sir Henry Wrixon retains the presi dency until the new election is made; Sir Nicholas Fitzgerald was chairman in the late House. No doubt both will be re-elected if they desire it.