Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 24 December 1889, page 2

1ýec )orsý1xuT Q 'imC5. PCeLISnED EVERY TUESDAY AsŽn Fe]II)Y. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1889. TuE: close obedience paid in these newerl countries to the social customs belonging to the older land is proof of the real bond of sympathy existing between them. To take the occasion which is now about to be celebrated, the original idea of Christmas is connected with cold weather and the cheer obtainable indoors with curtains close drawa and blazing fires. Although the climate is so dillerent in Australia as to render the observance of Christmas on its original lines quite incongruous here, yet the people of Australia from the time that the first bush track was blazed, or the first canvas town pitched, have never fallen away froom the due observance of the festival oi the s:une date laid down for the holiday in wintry Europe. And in spite of the incongruity not only the same date is observed but also many of the customs. The roast beef and plum pudding of old England are the characteristic features of the Australian Christmas day dinner, and not only is the customary observance kept up as regards actually creature comforts or physical signs of the season, but all the more faithfully in respect to the sentimental or moral side. Although the season about to be celebrated all over the world is one that leads to a good deal of what may be termed extravagance; although many good people give themselves up to a colsiderable amount of selfish enjoyment for a time; although a majority look upon the time as merely a holiday period, still the season has its lessons and there can be no doubt that the world is a good deal the better for the established custom of observing a day on which the whole Christian world celebrate the anniversary of its great Founder. Those who, during the rest of the year, keep busy in the allabsorbing pursuit of money-nmaking, find time at this season to relax a little and, instead, to spend money in the direction of allevimating the -ants of their poorer fellow-beings, and giving their friends an increased power of enjoying themselves. The members of families who are parted are, at this time, constrained to remember their kindred, and effotbrts are made to rectify the unavoidable breaches made by time ; to strengthen the chain that gets so apt to be weakened by distance. The hand-grip of the ordinary acquaintance gets more hearty at this season, the feeling of sociality is made to burn more warmly ; and while friends get more friendly, the best effect of our way of observingChristmas is that those -who during the year may have "fallen out" with each other, are frequently induced to "make it up again." These reconciliations are a very pronounced feature of the season, and it would be a bad thing for the world if such anl element were ever elininated or allowed to fall into disuse. The patriarchal custom of gathering the fminily under one roof-tree and being all together for a space, happy in the renewal of familiar confidences and love, is an admirable element of the Christmas season and helps to support its continued celebration in a very large degree. Although it sometimes happens that the reunion means the occurrence of an empty chair and the missing of some loved face, yet this sad incident, when it happens, should be of value to teach us the instability of human life and the necessity for so ordering our actions as to lie prepared to go in peace swhen the time arrives. The observance of Christmas does a large share in breaking up the narrower denominations of religion, although itis in celebration of one particular form, because the story taught

by the Founder of the faith is one which must appeal to the sense of all. but the most intolerant and bigoted. "Peace on earth and goodwill towards men" isonly oneofthe divineaspirations of the Saviour, who at a time when moral and social darkness were deep over the world, ordered men to do unto others as they would that others should do unto thenri-a teaching very new to the commnunity when it was first enunciated, but which lihs been a very large factor in spreading the tenets of our God-like religion all over the world. In the same way that somne tulnes never weary the ear, some scenes lnever pall on the eye, the homely wish which will be so frequently expressed during the next few days has never tired the speaker or the listener. The conjunction of the two "sentiments " is well chosen, for while the actual day is reqluired to be " short andl sweet," it is so inear to the advcnt of the new period is to be well included with it, and the happiness invoked constitutes a comprehensive wish. In common, then, with the usual custom, we desire to conclude by wishing our readers a Merry Christmas and a H lappy New Year, and trust that when the next festive season comes round it will find progress in the material iprosperity of the district continuing unabated.

As already announc ed, in oidler that our otaff may enjoy the Clhristmas holidays, the Times will not be published onn 1'riday flext. 'riThe programme of sports to be hell at the HIorshalt rrereatio,,n reset ve on Thlrsday lhas been considered good enough for all the entries retluiring nominatiott to fill up very well, and the cen.lnittet may look forward to leillg well patronised by the pullic. A large amount of credit is due to them for arragibg soch a dlay's entertainment. The items are very vaT'ied, for, white the mole serious events are all provided for, such as the 300 yards Christmas (:ift, the 100 yards spits for the 1lopetoan handicap. thle War. too!: mile hatlicap aond the hurdle race, there are the All-fours, Potato, Sack, illtclthels (in trade attire), Egg and spoon and Blind-folded barrel races. La-t. SunIday ats the longest cl day of the Australian year, but the way theeloudsluntg heavy over this di-trict it tiglt mihhave been one of the shortest. Only for a short break in the afternoon, as if to smile on the kindly eflibrts of hsMr. Cocks' hand in the direction of the l-forshamt Ladies' Benevolent Society, didl the sunt appear, and thle evening seemed to close early. Luckily, Itroainhas followed, and the proql[cts contimte fairly favorlable for the next few days. To-lday's Olbservatory forecast is :--'" \\'eatht ille and cool, oil coast showery : south west and southerly winds, tending to cast.' 'The authorities of the ITorshalr hospital intte 1I, as Iusual, to help tile inmates of that estimable institutionl to remembllter the anniversary that sa many of the physically Ibetter-otli' people of the world are about to celebrate to-morrow and the next day. We are asked to intimate that the commnittee of managem entl will be greatly obliged to all their friends who will assist them to carry out this intention. The arrasngemtents for the Christmas and New Year's holidays at the Horshani post andl telegraph offices are as follow :-On Chri"stmas Dl y (to-morrow) Itoth offices will be closed and the lay observed as on Sunday (tihe te!eglaph office being open at '.301 for the traismloision of extraordinary business.) On Bloxing Day the post office will he closcd at 10 a.m. and only the first delivery will hlie matt ; the country mails, however, will be received and dispatched as usual, but sto money order or savings bank 1h4.-..n Hill ie tirattuiised. iOn Itixitg Day and otn New Year's Day the telegraph office will be open for uitsiness as usual. Commissioners nllshby, Slcator, Nattrass and Keyte attended at the office of the \'esatent ts ilnmtera Irrigation Truat, last Saturday to deal with tenders and the following business vas dlone:--Contract No. 79t-For supplying pipes and making connections with set-rice reservoir, also main from satne, and townl reticulation with fire hydrants colmplete; about SS tons of cast iron pilpes including special castings; about 16 tolts of wrought iron pipes, togother with nsecessary valves, &c., also syplon undler railway.--R. Bradbhury, £3483 Gs 5d, accepted.-Contract 100-Defining the 1'tKenzie and Burnt Creek channels.The only tendler in was J. Smith, £.00 ; lresh tenders to be called, returnable 2nd February, IS90.-Contract 103, supplying and extending 3-inch pipe from existing lmain to Doome township with hydrants complete-R.lBradthlry,£117 Is 6d,accepted. Contract No. 1l---Faor constructing 11 escape legalatora on the \Wartook-Nati. muk chan:el from the distrilbution head, parish of Dollin, to tshe 17th mile.-C. T. Dadtswell, £G10, accepted ; Mathieson Bros. and Co., £G;47 4s 2t. Contract No. 115For constrncting four escape regulators and pitching 16 drops on the \\Vartook-Natimluk channel, from the 17th imile to the end of channel.-O-nly one tender, C. T. Dadswelhl £.13 i9s ld; fresh tenders to lie called, returnable on 22nd February, 1890. Contract No. 11-For constructing 6 escape regulators and repairing and pitching seven drops on the Arapiles chanltel.-No tenders received ; fresh tenders to be called returnable on 22nd February, 1890. The auctioneers of HIorsham advertise that they will close their business places from to-day until tile 3rd prox. Tie (ymbofwen Athletic Club hold their sports next Thursday, and a good programme has been advertised, including a Shieellied Handlicap for £8, and a Hurdle Race for £-l. A hall will be held in tile evening at the local Mechanics' Hlall. The tea meeting in connection with the anniversary of tilhe Primitive OMethodist Church will be held at Kalkee on Christmas 1)ay ; tea on the tables at 4.30 p.ma., and to be followed by a public meeting. The pretty trophy to be given to the winler of the Christmas gift next Thursday consists of a well-balanced gold bangle, having as the closing ends gold cup and hall ind square. Tile bracelet may be seen in C. Rennison andl Son's window, Firelracestreet. The banks in Horsh am will observe ful Iholidays on the 25th, 26th and 27th inst., and on the 1st prox. On tle 28th inst. (nextSatuirday) they willbe open fromt 10a.m. until 12 nioon. A picnlic ill conection withl thie Iible Christian Churchl, lIorshanls , will take place at McKenzic Creek on New Year's Day. A cricket miatchl for tihe Spragoue Cup will ie ilayed on Chriistmas Day at Beaufort betwteen tile Sforslusum atud ]leaufort ellis. Thie following wrill represent IHorlisham and will leave by the eight o'clock train on Chlristmas miorning:-OW. Bolton, IBrook, Doyle, lie lGrandi, CGreen, MECabe, Xisolt, Oshorn, Rennie, Taylor, Ward; emergency, R. Taylor. We are pleasedl to learn that Mr. E. T. Quayle, assistant in thIe Horshlam State school, has passed tlhe recent examination, second year Arts at the Melltourne University. In our advertising columns Mr. F. Smith, announces that on tile IstJanuary he will open a hakeroa shop, at the corner of Fireblacc aiInd lIanilton-streets, IHoreshan. The secretary of tile Wimanera hire advertises that hIis offices are closed until the 3rdl prox.

Messts. H-g!thlorl Lid l:rooIse lacre shown us some sp!end:d specineus of t apricots grown "at Ptetisdale, and if a'ly- J thing furtlur wer e w;:ated to convince as to I the suitability of Air. C'e't.s prope ty for 1 fruit cultere t s:'7: a u' nC car of 0I:o apricots should ie st :lcit. a At the bg;uq:i.t g:.c.i iy Mr. ]. f) . 0 White, the local ien"il,ec of tI.e I:or.d of f Directorsof the A,: i ...ul., Ilr. 'es' As.ne a' h tCol, on lhe o''c:?ion oi t nlcer-ong of the olard at Stcutii I"st Thursday, a large anl rep:eri.il?i\e as ll'Oineg i" was assimnbled. The i,,.tpary inil. d n Messrs. Woods aod Pleacock. ..!'sL. [10. The a toast of the l.';ia-r ?t saS p:.sposed Iy I DBe. hlc?oughtoin, p.es'i.:ent-. t:,: If'.s'a-n br,,ch. .;r. C. E.. . h a',, w.ts p, ,.a t n ^.s1 l -erc!o.'t- ;ieinp"'it-;lri.s. It may be mientioned that the elegant ferns and greenery used for the decoration of the stage on the occasion of tlhe late 0 Ladies' night Liedertafel concert were kindly given by .Mr. R. Clark junar., of the I conmmittee of that society. We understand that the students of the agricultural college at .ongereinong intend giving their friends a treat by producing the dramatic entertainment of " Alone," in which they will b:e assiste. -:'" tile Misses Brown. We art asked by the secretary of the IHorsllha Ladies' renerolc.ut Society to ° acknowledge with thanks the sumt of £3 ts Sd, being the proceeds of tilhe open air concert given by Cocks' Brass Band in aid of the society on Sunday last. The Federal Conference will probably be held in .d'obart the first week in February. The Horsham racing club announce that they hold their race meetings on Febhrary' 10th and 20th next. After leaving Horshaol, tile railway' conunisioiers visited Nbhill ou Thursday. It was promised that cruilers' e:cursion trains wouhl be aiiver-.i,ed a fortn.igiht previous to their late : that early attention would he paid to t te erection of stock sidings at Lilliun'r -r'.l Inaiva, and to that of a cool storage shed1 at Nhill. The matter of arefreshloentroom it tLie latter station was definitely declinole to bie considlered, as was that of senling on the 6I.3)0 pi.m. train front Ballarat to Nhill instead of stopping at Dimhoola. Nothing definite was said in reply to a request to have the morlling train leave Adelaide lialf-an-hour earlier, and that the afternoon train should leave Serviceton at 3.30 or 3 p.ot. instcaa of. al now, leaving Nhill at 3 p.llm., but the hoa. George Young undertook to urge the matter further on Mr. Speight. Tile Premier Permanent Building Land and Investment Society, of Melbourne, suspended payment oI Friday. The hank having stopped its credit, the society was forcetd to ask the depositors to postpone their demands until the receiptis will enable the committee to relte tile almonnt of loans awl deposits to withis t tli e limit set by the Builtlitng Societies' Act, namlely, three times the paid-up capital. The depositors took the matter 1qu:.tly and nothing like a panic was iioticeable. For the rresent the society will not receive a:u new deposits or pay out deptsits vicildy in hoand. Mr. J. Mt. lTemoleton is oengged in nic:king a thorough iniesttititio into the atfairs of the society, and will report to the eoyinittee for the irformation of rmembelll rs as soon as his inquiry is complete. ! -lier, Iltow.ning, the ht ceasedl ioet is to be Iburied ii .·lrsin'inister At.i;ey on the 31st. iast. Mr. W. IBridge Collyns, a well-known authority on the subject, tells the London correspondent of the Birminughamoi Post that the imports of Australian wines this year shows an extrlordilary increase over those of previous years. Last year about 2.0,000 gallons were imlported, while this year the 2qu0ntity is not expectedl to fall short of 2.?j,000 gallousi. Some part of the increase is doubtless due to the Paris Exhibition, where the Colonirl wines have been drunk by all kinds of visitors. In proportion to tile numbuer of exhibitors, too, the colonists have won many more awards than their Continental compel itors. It is understood that the action brought ,by the Australian Mutual Provident Society against 'Mr. Ocddes, which arose in connectiou with the finding of Mr. Geddes' son Sin tie Adelaide Lunatic Asylum, has been settled hy the defendant's solicitors paying > to the representatives of the society £4,900. SThis amount includles £2,500, which was paid to Mri. f:edles oi tile reported death of his son, and interest from the date of payment at the rate of S per cent., together swith the costs of the action, and was in satislaction of a writ issued by the society. The valuable results that ,must follow the cultivation of wattle trees in a systematic manner and on well defined liues is shown, says the Age, I'y the fact that the Conservator of Forests has accepted a tender for £-150 for the right to strip hark from the wattle trees planted on each side of the railway hbetween Coloe and iirregirnit. The total I lengthl of the cultivatiit is about 7 miiles, iand stripping operatiions are limited to trees 4 ilnches in dliameter and nupwards. lThis will embrace abouti one-thlirdl of thie crop rlwhichl was plaited bletween 0 and 7 years ago. The species inelides the acacia crienst , anld thle acacia l;yciatlhiu, thie two hest des1 Icriptionssuitable for tanning purposes. There is a large plantation of wattle trees on each sitdeof thie railway lille bietweet Melbourne and Geelong. They were planted nearly six Syears ago, and in thle course of anothler year a large portion of them will be fit for stripping. It is :estimatoed that thle valve of the ibark will bie aboot £10,000-a highly satisfactory resiult lwhen it is considered that thie expense of ploughing, plantiing aind sowing was iunder £1 per acre. There are 850 acres of wartle trees between 3 aind G years of age in one plantation at the Yeaou Yangs, antd in tile course of anothler year it large piroportion of thie trees will ihe ready for stripping. Last year 400 tons of hark, s vlued at nearly £3,000, were stripped from ~2000 acres of indigenous wattle trees growing in thle You Yangs State forest. A tender has also been accepted to strip thie wattle trees in ithe lIavelock plantation, inear 3alaiboroghu iand it is anticipated the crop will blie worthl at least £400. The work so far carried out luy Mlr. l'errin in plantting large areas of land with rwattle trees in the vicinity of tlhe You Yaltnlgs shlows that thie rwhlole of thei 1 preliminary operations can lie done at ani average of 10a per acre. lie is strongly opposed to tho promiscuous planting of trees along all thie irailway lines, but points out that it lhas proved very effective oli tile SMelbourne and the Geelotng line in breakiing Sthe bleak winter winds lwhichl sweep across the Werribee Plains to the great inconsenience of railway passengers. The prize fighlt bietween F. P. Sltavi, of Australia, and Jem Smith, the Englisih boxer, w ill take place at Lille in Fnlance, and not ia London. While a sailor oni board a ship in the P.ionen harbor (Franulce) which contained 100 tons of petroleum, was smoking his pipe a spark ignited the oil. The explosion which followed killed several of the crew, and £32,I00 worthl of property was deestrayed. To-day we issue a supplement shlowing the magnificent eight-story warrelhouse now heingerected in Elialueth Street, Melbourne, 1 for Mhessrs. Craig, Williamtson & Thomas, the importers, who, we inotice, are holding an immense clearing sale of saummer draper3y, wollens aid clothinig, as also firniture, carpets, &c., with thie object of opening ii their building next season with an entirely new stock.

The following accounts await payment at I the iHorsham Receipt and Pay Office :-W. J. Crowther, W. I. I Daley, E. Hfall, E. p Ifolligan, A. McWhirter, R. Olver, J. A. tl Pomroy, A. Thomas. P The postal department has erranged that li after the lst lnox. letter-cards wilt he sold u at Is. 3d. per dozen, or two for 2tad. Envelopes with penny postage st'unps em- ti bossed thereon will he sold at Is. :id. Ipc dozen. I 3Mr. Palmer, a flour miller at Mlloana. has erperiominted with salt sown, wit wheat as a preventive of rust. 1e i ased three tons to the acre ad tI whreve t it was put on, the wheat cTme enu fee ferm last, whereas on tile portion whtere it hal i not bleen used the crop was as red as bricks. The appearance of the herhage which l -t t heeome well bleaclhed in the last few wceels should keep people inl mind of the dreadfut! consequences of neglecting tires in the open. Special care out to be exercised by picni parties and sports:en. We have not he.r'lc of any tires vet in this district but anyone canl imagine what havoc the element woulld cause in our golden fields with the sun so lrying in its effects and a wind generally blowing to follow up a start. Mr. E. Philips, of Yanipy, has lighltcd upon a wheat which, according to the account given by the N. and T. Mail, appears to lie absolutely impervious to rust. The paddock from which the sound grain was taken consisted of twenty-five acree, promising a yield of four or five bags, but now so badly affected with rust that it irill e not return two bushels to the acre. The t healthy wheat consists of five heads, grown i from on seced, giving 233 grains. The rustproof and diseased grtain are taken lirt, an area of five square inches so that every breeze must have placed both in contact. t The grain was cut on the 8th )December, when the straw was green, and would not i be fully developed until tile end of this month. Mr.Philip intends to cultivate and propagate the wheat on the principle adopted by Steinwedcl, and so highly do his neighbours think of it that Mr. \W. Moor, of Yanipy, paid one shilling for a grain.. The Emperor William of Germany has been attacked by the influienza which is sot prevalent in Europe. Among others also, five members of the French 3Ministry are laid up. The new lecturer on varionsmattersaffecting the agricultural industry, 31r D. A. Crichton, will begin a tour of visits to the principal ecentres next year. His subjects ecomlrise fruit culture and the cultivation of timbertrees, fibre plants, oillproducing plants, tanning, tobacco, hops, maize, sorgmln, and fodder plants, the management of pastures, the propagation of plants, and the irrigation of orchards and gardens. .\Ir. Crichton will take with him specimenas of new plants, atnd his lectures will be somewhat cf the nature of object lessons. He starts with the Gippsland district and then comes to Iallarat. A very severe hailstorm passed .over Sydncy on Friday, the stones breaking hundreds of windows and stripping trees of all their leaves, and inl saome cases pierictng iron roofs. A large amlont of propet ty wae dlestroyed and damaged. The railway station master at Scarsdale, named William Rounds, has been arrested, charged with the theft of a box of clothing on the 11th )cecember, ISS1. the arti,'les were tile property of a teacher named Mary A. Gay. He has been remanded until the 2Sth inst. Last Saturday, at Geelong, Mr. .1. L. Doiw delivered a lecture, in the course of which hei stated that the annual value of the agricultural products of tile colony. inchlding farming, vine and fruit growing, and dairying, represented in round figures 1I 1,000.000 sterling, thus nearly tralling the corn. hinted industries of wool growing and mining. During the past severn years tch 1t1n?t unil Stliage Ila llit'cr?east iby 1,000,000 acres, while the rateable value of country lands hadil ies eased from £55,000.0110 to £93,000,000 sterling. The value of the cereal crop has risen duliring the ssmnt period fromt £2,730,000 to £6,000,000. lie anticipated that eventually the dairying industry would reach to five times the annual value of cereals, while, unless the mining industry increased its output largely, and gave the country something better than at present, the orchards, vineyardls, &c., woulul surpass the combined totals of the grain fields, sheep pastures and gold mines. The inquest held on McLean who was so unfortunately killed at Warracknabeal by the splitting of an emery wheel at Simpson and Bros.' foundly, was opened by NIrl. Kelso, acting coroner, yesterday, MIi. P. Phillips being the foreman of the jury, and adjourned until the 3rd January. A professional beggar in Sydney named W. Lambert, who has frequented the principal street corners for many years past, was arrested yesterday for soliciting tdis. It was found that lihe possessed £8 in case and a bank receipt for upwards of £900. A prominent member of the Sydlney constabulary, Sergeant Hayes, committed sucidle at Peterrham yesterday, by shoouting himself with a revolver. IHatyes took part in the suppression of tile notorious Wooloomnooloo riots, and was then severely knoctkedi about, and it is believed thie injuriesaollcted his brain to the extent at titlmes of causiing mental alerration. The Railway Conunissioners visiteil Kaniva last Thursday, anil promised improved facilities for yarding and trucking sheep and cattle, andl other minor matters. A iody which hlas been ildentified as that of William Eligett hlas, een fonnli ill the Campaspe, adjacent to Eclhca. On tile bank were fountl the clothes and a purse with a few shillings. It was ascertainued that Eligett came to Echucat on S:aturdlay night last and receivedl a clheque hfonti MIr. ODoonohue, a hIotelkeeper, who identicfied the body. Deceased told O'D)onohne that he was going out to purchase clothes and never creturned. The clothes on the lbody and those found were new. Dieceasedl intended to visit his parents, fartwers, at Gleulyon, on Tuesday. From thie footprints along the soft bank of the river, the police believe the case to be one of suicide. The Dunedin correspondent of the A i,-us writitng on tite 1th inst., says that the Exhibition continues to bie well attenldetd, anld everything indicates that at the worst not more than half the capital wrill bie lost, while there is a prospect of the project paying. Up to the present time the entire outlay has been £39,754, and tule olligations due out of that sum amount to £8,500. MIr. Joubert, the manager, hIas submittedl a proposal to transfer the bulk of the exhibits at the close of the exhibition to London. IHe proposes to ask the Governtcnt for all advance of, say, £20,000 to convey tle exhibits and cover the cost of sentding a small staffto accompany themn and see to their proper display. A free site coulld he oltained at South Kensington or in tile Colonial Institute. Lectures and limeliglht exhibitions of tie scenery would hle gircn at short intervals, maps and concise pamphlets would Ie distrilbuoted free, and al land and emigration bureau would be opened, whelre people could arrange for the lease or pulirchase of land, and secure passages to the colony. A highly romantic incident occurredl recently at ItHuber's, the Vienna photographer. An elderly gentleman, apparently a foreigner, went to Ilave his portrait ttaken, but as he had to wvait a few uminutes for the usual preparations, an album of specimen phlotographs was handed to him. All at once the employds in the next roonl heardl a shriek,and, hurrying to the saloon where the stranger was waiting they found him lying senseless on the floor. When he come to

himself he explained that tile album at which he had been looking contained a photograph which lie was conviinced wa that of his daughter, whom he hal not s3ee for twenty-one years. The features were so like those of his wife that ihe could not he misJtken. Hie raid that nufortunOte circumstances compelled him to leave her twenty-one years ago, at a time when his daughter was only three years of age. ,e lhad made every effbrt to find out the where. aboots of his family a few years later, but had liot, been alle to discover any trace. lie had long since acquired the conviction that they were both dead. The photographer tIold him that the portrait in question w?as that of a teacher of the pianoforte residing ill Vienna, giving her naelo and adldress. It was arranged that tile tranger, Herr I-, of New York, should call on her tile next day, and that in tile lleauotinle shie should Ihe w.arnld of his intended visit. The ldy turned out to ble his dlaughter, and has already left Viennla witli her fatler for tile United States. lie is a wealthy speculator, and thle poll. music Ilistress has suddenly found herself heiress of several millions of dollars. Herr .M-, prior to his departure, presented e Irr lulber with splendid diamond breastpin. A Cape Colony mail Ibag, containing diamondsl to tile value of £211,000 has been stolen from a postman while on duty at IHatton Gardens, LoIndon. Prince Henry of Prussia, the Kaiser's bro. ther, is the idol of the Gerllan naval aervico; countless Itories are told to illus. Irate hIls good nature, his devotion to his profession, and his physical prowess. Once lwhii tlhe "Olga," of whlih lie was tlhm), et Vatc'lllyeprcgil~llgllt l··lntnn*. w'ir,-lvin in Ille (nilf of Kiel; the order was giren throigh himi for aill i.hans to loathe. The weather wa.s chilly, anld an ollicer remarked tol tile princee that tie lwater Iust be far too cold to lie pleascnt. Hle suggested, therefore, th:at teic ordor lie alilnlllled. \\itlloult word, P'rince Ilenry, wliwass on tile lridlge, pilraig tilihnce into tlie sea, swaeti to the Jacoh.i laidder antern, elimbed on hoard again, a11, l munt ing,drippling t til-th, ridge. said to thie ofiicer, )it you l tay so now. 'There rwas lno reply, and tlhe prince, insteadl of gofing bIelow to change, remaincld on the bridge in his wet lihthes until his watch weas relieved. Auther st.,y illustrates tile prince's activity. One day, lit Wilelhnshaven, lie put : thaler etrweeili Ihis teethl alnd dasied op the ri4i_,ig , f his ship, crying " Ile who c.thecs M11 :hal hIe (lie thaIler." Although lie was lpuitand lhy the whole of the ship's comlllpany n)Ot on duty, lie wals not caught and, at last willnging himself by a rope to the deek, lie turned to the nearest of hii piilullers: aln said laughlingly " If y0o are as thir-sty a I aill, you must want it, sol hero's your ioney." These anecdotes are interest. ing, but it is a remarkable fact, Ilnning lownll throlhiil the ges, thalit royal princes are alwayvs inmre powerful and nlore active than otll her men. Ini .iolltillg-plarties, the prince always has tile ',iggest Lag. On tile sublject of preserving lposts the exllerience of anll Illillis fariLier Imay lnot prove IunLlliii'ter-ing to iinlly in Ailustralia. In huihling a fence alround his young oiclihals several years ago lie tried Iany plalls flr preserviehg thle posts. llaving oceasilon firel moving 1th fencller list Wilnter, ihe notedl the condition (f thie postq treated in ,!ilIffrent way~ when Iehing set uip. Those .,et up withl n1o )l.p;t.ratioll lie found decayed to tile depth of ,il1t inch or mole ; those oatedl with a thick wash of little were liellelr llreeve,, .hut l)1re seriiEusly attaciked Iv T?Orml;i i11o1 eC painted 'iti Ot I tar ' tt ere as perfectly llson as whlin put in the ground whlile thoee painted with pietrolellll alnd klroi-elle wer-e equally a . 1 . s for ht.ttli . As to the lest .. , . tile 'plO'-S beftIre plllting I --" Let thell he got thio . .theln with ia ln llof kerosell . brusli, give tile llWier thi . part to go into the gro.. .- .- . . . ;'. ap; li, tins of the oil, . each timle. Post.s tso t; . . t r o u b l e ,! b y w i Olls1 r 1 i h :- . . anli will resist dlecayi in ait This lie Iinds to be ti .. cheapest, and best mnethol ot preservation. -- i Police Court anll a report of the clicket matcil, Iorlsalia v. ITarrow, appear on page four. Mrs. Pemberton advertises a treat for the children, a Christmtas tree at her emnporilum, Wilson-strct ; all prizes, no b1lank.. To Correspondent.-" A Worker" (Wartook). Your letter Iust lie signed and aullthenticieatel hefore it can be puhlisted.