Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 25 May 1909, page 3

MR. JAMES HANKS. A highly respected resident of Hor sham in the person of Mr. James Hanks, of Railway avenue, succumbed in the hospital on Friday night to a somewhat lengthy illness from typhoid fever, upon which hemorrhage and general exhalustion supervened. De ceased, who was only 36 years of age. held the position of head carter with Messrs Broadlbent Bros. and ':o., and was highly easteemed both for his abhi lity as a workman and line, manly quailities. lie had ,een in thel emnloy af the firm for ablout six years, but had lb een a residlent of the Wimunera oin and off for 15 or 16 years, hav ing conm to this distr:ct from mranx holne," the place of .his nativity. Five or six weeks ago Ian was compelled to lay up with typhoid, andl, al tlh,ougl he' lIrd becn ill for omene time lIbfore he slntbmitted to. lie up, lie ap pearel to lhave a very fair dcance of recovery : but hemorrhage set in airal sappedl his vitality to s:iuch an ex?ont thalt exlausted nature could hold out no longer. Deceased leaves a wi dow and two children, the former be iing in a prostrate state owing to long and anxious vigil, one of the children being just convalescent after an attack of fever. The remaias of.de ceasedl were interred. in the Hor sham cemetery in the presence of a large aaLnu cer of friends, amongst wshom were tlhe ealplovees a I tlhe firi. Moessrs J.. 'rvor, '1'. Vaaterlield, S. Cowell, A. Waatson, J. Mlca.csd and S. Egan (fellow employees of lceased) acted as imll-lbearers. IThe 11ev. Th'Is. Collins (Methodist) solemnlised the lIu rial servie, anld Mr. A. F. Weight had clarge of lhe funeral arrage meats. "