Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 24 March 1905, page 1

WOMAN'S WORLD. BY SYLVIA..' Paquin, who is thechief arbiter of fashions for the world, is making a speciality of draped bodices which cling tightly to the figure and merely suggest drapery in the graceful folds drawn.over a fitted lining. In these draped bodices the belt is entirely suppressed, and instead of a girdle or belt a simple outline of plain silk edges the bottom of the bodice over the top of the skirt. There is is general fancy foi a point or curve over the top of the skirt, iih front, on the part of draped bodices of this description. Wit! such, Paquin uses sleeves of various dimensions, giving a preference to the high full top and fitted lower sleeve, while Callot, -another famous ddsigner, makes a feature of soft blouse bodices, and seldom turns out any other kind. Thus, the one great authoritythe greater of the two-goes in for tight bodices, and the other for loose,.but the trend of fashion is all on the side of the former, as next autumn we shall see pretty well'nothing else but the tight description, with the certainty that winter will cause a. total eclipse of tle old style. A long washing jacket-blouse appears in the picture, which is especially suitable to a slender figure.. -Tight-fitting, it is very attractively turned from collar to - basque, while it is drawn in at the waist under a folded silk belt-consummatingin a handsome bow with ends, one short in front and the

other rather longer. The sleeve tells its own story, exhibiting on the cuff that pretty idea which is now so popular of two cuffs on end, up and down, the "join" being either a ruching or a silk hand, resulting in a bow of the kind shown on the belt. The buttons on this garment are a considerable feature of the design, and may be plain pearl or silver. Exquisite are the collarettes, capes and fichus. Art here seems to have exhausted itself, and yet I hardly ever go out without seeing something fresh and equally pretty ivrith the former favourite of my heart. As ain example, I saw a pelerine to-day of marvellous beauty, the entire front being in the form of a scrolled shield with flaring border that undulated most gracefully, this being due to the twists and turns of the scroll. Around the neck was .a silken ribbon, set rather low, this -being tied in at bow in the front and ending in.tlhree streamers, a long one in the centre, anid the otiler two much shorter, but each finishing id a flare of lace, which seemed at first glance.to be part and parcel of the pelerine. Again, I saw a fichu which I should have liked to possess, a full draping of chiffon having a double flounce of lace, while between the material and the flounces was a strip of dark-colored silk caught at intervals with diamond-shaped ornaments, between which it was raised in just as many puffs. A pretty little child's dress is always acceptable, and the one in the illustration, of mull muslin, has mhch to recommend it. Descending from a pointed yoke, the fullpleated skirt hangs practically straight, its only trimming the broad baud of insertion lace, which may or may not be the same as that of the yoke. The sleeves are full bishop shape, well tncked at the arm, where, as will

be noticed, the yoke part is diverted to" form a little peak. Equally pretty is the profusely thered muslin hat, which calls for and has no ornament, save the dainty face below it. With this little frock, I show the yoke part of another, the skirt of which hangs freely with three tucks. at the bottom, and the sleeve to a short flaring cuff below a wristlet of gauging. With it is a pretty washing hat of mu lin land lace, the manipulation- of which is evidenced at a glance. . An innovation in parasol handles is 'reported from London, this being a chain loop for the wrist or arm, froin whichtthe article is':readily suspended 'wheniever desired. The chain is an attachment some inches above the butt of the handle, and is, Ishoold" 'eay,;th'e latest alternative for the crookl .landle,,with this differonce--it ismuch more convenient. The idea is for the owner, having tired of carrying her sunshade open above her head or.hanging 'down, clutched by the hand; to slip the chain loop over the handand let the article dangle from the wrist, the chain serving to support the sunshade, and to provide something which, at first glance, might easily- be taken for a thin! bracelet., Just now some very pretty novelties are being exhibited in the city, which might, be bracketed in the class which would compass the. loop chain parasol. Exquisite purse bags,made of velvet .with artistic silver monnts, and chatelaines of variousdelightful patterns. . meet the eye in rich profusion as suiti-U se . the season's fancy. . -Writing asrecently as possible in London.:. a -well dotablisled authority has much to.say. on "dots" a few of her-remarks being a?i follows: -Such a deluge of dots as is coming down upon nsl Dots on everything-big dots as large as a shilling, little dots the size of a pin head-dots in groups and fanciful designs mixed with stripes, cross bars and flowers, but dots, always dots,just the samel Parpicularly fetching are the filmy chiffons with large silk dots; the feather-weight chiffon velvets, seemingly lighter than ever this season, with large, glossy moons, pressed in the silken nap; and the lace grenadines, and nets, and satin foulards--with the tiniest dots of all ! Lightness of textureis amarked characteristib of all the nl?w fabrics, and most noteworthy in thi Is-leet, are the novelty veilings. -