Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Tuesday 5 August 1924, page 3

Back to iHorsham pEtL.I.NABIES DISCUSSED. After the ordinary business at the annual meeting of Horsham Progress ,:sociation had been discussed 3n Thursday evening the proposal to hold , "Back to Horsham" was considereel. There were only :'2 townspeople preent. which was not considered a very hopeful augury for the success of the movement. Mr. Ewers. who hld acted as secretary for the movement at Eutherglen. was expected to .e present. but he was dletained by another cngagement. Mr. ?McIntosh. blo hadl taken part in the "Back to prtlaned" movement. was present Save some particulars of how the ?ople of Portland had carried the movement through. The question 1fl jilleting the "Backto's." as they are rSaled. cropped up. Mr. \W. MilUar said that fully 60 per Cent, would come back to relative;. ani the hotels and boarding housce would accommodate the remainder. The chairman. Mfr. H. H. Allan. .aid that quite a number of private t-ople would be willing to take the visitors for a week or so. Mr. J. Davis said he had attendsdT !te Back to Stawell. It was a hug' a~ir. The Stawell people entert:ain,3 the visitors on a lavish scale, and vith as little expense as possible to .e visitors. The Back to Hamilton was also splendid. but the visitors ~d to put their hands in their pockets for everything. They were charged '/ for a trip to the Wannon Falls. wrhich were quite dry when they got there. Mr. McIntosh said the first thinthe people of Portland did was to cnil a public meeting. small body could not take on such a thing like this. They must have the public behind them. The Chairman said he had had a talk with Mr. Ewcrs. who said it was ai very fine thing. In the tirst vlace. if they det-ided to do anything Ihey must pay their secretary. and pay him awel. It was no use the Pro,r, Association attempting to take - -p alone. They should recommen:! the MIayor to call a public meeting to ,ec It the people wanted it. They mu-t be unitedly in favor of it. If they went on without the full support of the public. and it did not prove a :-nces-. The public would throw it hack at them. Mr. Williams said it would take nine or te:n months to organise the movement. and:n it could not be held till next spring. say in April. They wonul have to appoint a town committee. who would 2=ather information about people twho had lived in Horsham. Amusements should be providedi free. or at as low a cost as possible. It would be necessary to call a public mecet:I-2. After further discussion a motion was carri,1 unanimously that it was ,e-si:able to ,or anis- a ' Back to Horsham.' an" :that the Mayor he askei to c onvene a public meeting in the Town Hail to consider the mater. The secretary was instruated. in the meantime. to write to all the t.aicsa'ions in Horsham. churches. ftiet!iy .?cieti, s. .portini and other clubs a sking them to send delegates to repre en: them a: the public meet