Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 29 December 1922, page 4

CHRISTMAS IN HORSHAM. The wet cold Weather spoiled all the programmes that had been drawn up for a pleasant time out in the open during, the Christmas holidays in Horsham, and some picnickers were forced "back from the Grampians., In, some cases the tents were blown down, and in order to .keep warm, during the night men had to walk about with p11 the clothes they could muster. Such a cold Christmas has not been experienced for some years. Had it been a warm rain there would not have been so many complaints. .The heavy rain on Monday prevented many family reunions,. the" state of the roads making ,motor- traffic impossible. Owing to the great success of the children's sports in May Park the previous year the youngsters had been looking forward eagerly to th'e event on Monday, and it was a great, disappointment to them that the rain prevented them being held. Howevpr, the following day cleared up sufficiently for them to be gouc through, although they lacked the enjoyment that a warm dry day would have given. Bowlers, cricketers, and tennis players all had to spend .most of the time beside a cosy fire.