Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 31 December 1913, page 9





I Jsbw that summer has really nrrived, nnd

the "boat wave" is to be looked for at least [once in eva y neck, it is desirable thal ne I should begin to adjust ourselves to hot weather conditions, und to ¡linn our work

¡and our outings in oidcr lo save ourselves

as far ni possible from Hie effect*! of the hent. Tim domestic woman, I think, has the Yvoifct of it in the summer lime. Cook i ine mid washing and ironing nre warm

walk, even in cold weather. Hut in hot weather the kitchen of ii small house gives one .1 foretaste of the Inferno. The gill who lias to be at busine's- nt 9 o'clock, and who doe-i not içturn home until 5 p.m. or.O p.m., experiences very little of the unpleasant-ness of n reilly hot elav. The city buildings, except in the cni-e of a few small stuffy shops, nre cool pl.icos, und the most unpleasant tune in Hie city is generally nllout 7 o'clock hi the evening, when the radiation of, heat from pin-omcnls and walls seems to bo nt Its worst, especinlly on n still evening. City buildings, too, nre generally clean, and the sweeping and dusting is done at an early hour in the morning or late in the evening, so that the business girl knows nothing of its unpleasantness. Hut in the little house all the operations of cleaning and cooking have to be carried on by the people who live in it, and the artificial heat .necessary for cooking makes much of the work sheer tor-ture to thoEc who do it. Our Jiouscs, too, aro so badly designed from the,point of view df the domestic worker. Hu» ventilation is so inadequate, nnd the internal space so cut rup, that all the evils of housework nre ag-

gravated. Hut the fuet remains Hint'the gicatest part of our discomfort .is ' the "tvny in which we set about our work,

our fooli-,h following of regular li'oiirsrnnd rogtiln'r habiW of wotf-.' nil the year -round, without respect to "ic weather. We do not i ndapt ourselves,,!« we might do, to our con-


My purpose, to-day, therefore, is to sug-gest how the- discomforts of housework' mayj bo lessone*ï oh the very hot dnys. And the first piste of ndvico I have to offer is to get ujo enrly.. In summer, I nm convinced, "tile best of nil ways to lengthen our days "is to steal a few hours from the niglit." In [all tropical ' conn tries both business people nnd domestic people make the most of the , cooler hours of the day. The hot part of ' the day is (incited to rest. We, of course,

cannot order our lives entirely on this plan, for wo have only some two, or nt most three, months of really hot weather. Hut the domestic womnn can adopt the tropical plan during the hot season, if she will. If her men folk do not return home in the middle of the day, she can arrange her hours of work as she pleases. 11 is quite light just now nt half-past 4 in the morning. The nir is almost always cool, and there is a de-licious freshness which we do not experi-ence at any other time of the day. The woninn who chooses to turn out of bed at that bout* can easily do the whole of her housework, even to the prepnring of the evening meals, by hulf-pnst 10 or 11 o'clock in tho day. A big family washing, if com-menced nt 5, enn easily bo finished by 8 or half-past 8. Shopping, if there is any to be done, van be done in comfort between fl and 10 -o'clock. If one womnn lins all of these tilings to do, she cannot, of course, finish tis. early ns 11 o'clock, but by 1 o'clock, nt Inlett, she will have got through all her work and bo able to rctt with a clear con-science. ITcr early luncheon over, she bliould practically go to bed., To lie down in one's clothes is not to-rest propeily, mid her object should be not mci ely to lie down, but to sleep if possible. The Imbil of sleeping in the dnytimo i£ Boon. acquired. The very small children, who,aie not at school, vol-y1'! eajlify! adapt 'wién'iscfves to tho habit of afternoon rest, and n quilt or rug spread on the Ilanr,' with a pillow for the head, makes tl)*e bc-l daytime resting-plnce for tt little, child. The' f-icsila. should con-tinue until about 4 o'clock, nnd he followed by a cool or cold bath, .and the woman iV'hQ makes this her daily linbit in the sum-mer limo will hnve a new sense of comfort .and'well-being. After the bath, and a care

un loiieue, n cup ot toa is delicious, and

the hottest mid most breathless evening can bo faced willi equanimity. After dinner, or ten,.an hour or two should bo spent in-the open nir. Children who have been resting from 2 till 4. o'clock will not be ready for bed before, about half-past 8, and n quiet ..mik or n tram ride, oven if the weather be close nnd wami, has a wonderful effect in inducing sleepiness.

Pood anti clothes nre both, of course, very important considerations in hot wea-ther. I »ec plenty of little childi cn far too heavily clothed. Habies are taken t out. wrapped in woollen shawls, perambulators* hilve thick blankets or rugs tucked over them, small childi en often nppear'to bo wearing two petticoats as well as n dress. At no time in the summer are twb petti-coats needed. Women themselves have r_iliscd the comfort of the scanty cloth-ing they hove been wearing during the last two or three years. It is only "a very-old fashioned woman nownduys who ever worirs two petticoats. Hut they do not apply their Knowledge always to the clothing 'of their children. At no lime in the summer does a child requite more than three gar-ments. The underneath-one should be of thin woollen stuff. Over Hint a little bodice with drawers or bloomers may be pufon, and over that the dress. On very hot dnys a thin woollen combination garment and a thin frock nre quite enough for comfort.

And where babies in nrms nie concerned mothers need to learn that a shawl is not nn indispensable garment. If the night ia hot, carry the baby without a shawl. It will sleep far more restfully. If you ore going out nnd fear n change, entry the shawl yourself, but do not ask the bnbv to carry it until the temperature demands it.

Pood in hot vvealhof should he very light and, as far as possible, cold. Meat should not bo eaten very freely. If children seem to need it. thny will ciijoj- it better in the form of dainty sandwiches. Vegetable sand-wiches, snell as tomillo, lettuce, and nut sandwiches, arc ¡ihrnyg appetising, and the lettuce sandwiches may he mndo moro nourishing bj' the addition of c_"s, and'iiiifc sandwiches more piquant by adding a little chopped olive to the nuts. Salads made of coltl boiled, potatoes, j-oung peas, well boiled haricot or butter beans, or nicely cooked French bo ins will be enjoyed far more than hot vegetable'. Eggs may be served hard boiled anti cold, vvith piquant Mayonnaise dressing, and all kinds of cold meat may be made appetising hy serving

them with snluds. \

One other lcmintleV seems to. bo neces-sary, It is mv practice on hot evonings to lake my children out between 0 and half past 7, and during the last week or two we have amused ourselves by observing how many of the IIOUFC'S we pass ha've their windows opon. Ou a generous computa-tion I can safely saj' that not more th in one house in four has its Windows open by half-past B in the evening. It is no un-common thing to see a whole family out on the lawn, escaping from the ..tillinrf. ol' the house, but the house still closed up, to keep the stiilliness in. Every house, f think, should lie opened np by 0 n.m Even though the nir outside seems as liol as that inside, ventilation is neeessaiv, and for that purpose every door and window should lie set tis wide open as possible. If possible, they should be left like that all night, and at about 8 o'clock in the morning, or pcr

" A D. T "._ LADY'S P A G _


Special Articles by "Queen Dee," Reports of all Social Gatherings, Lady's Gossip from London! Weddings Here oro! Abioatl, Notes and Queries, Dress Patterns, Interstate Letters from Lady .Corre-spondents, Social Notes, Theatre Pressing, Notes on Current Fashion», and .Modes, children's Fronts, Hint» to I1OU=CVVIVCS, l'jpeis on Health, Coolterj,


Country Edition published every ThurttlJ.v, and Town Edition on Saturday.


Imps a little,cnilior,. they should be closed again,for the d-*,y.


Tl-*pÜBh"''nl¡di*'um'íiOi is not the time that most of Ufa would choo-e foi.sewing, it h.ip pens not infrequent!) that before the »cliotil )cnrjOpens childi en need to be pioildcd with ,111 c\tri flock or two 1 baie therefore for ni) illu-1 rations this week some; neat little frocks suitable for school girls 1 c tween the ages of 0 ind 12 'Hie first st)le is one ii Inch I lind most serucenblc, both foi wintei and smtimci weir It is ti straight little flock, fastened on one ».ide of the front from shoulder to beni, and intended lo bl1 worn with a lejtliei or kid heit, and Milli a deep white collai It can lie lined or not in dehn ed 1 find ii ustinlli a good plan to hue the )oke and siccus Willi "-onie thin nnteiial Al this time ot the )i-ii it cm bo mide in um oí i etiti Iu-,tic m tustore oi i)apnnt*K! silk, in buen or tobi deo In cooler ne ilbei mell i ni illino dcliiuie is ti suitable maton il, m ii inter a good t.erge is the best thing to use foi it Colins to lit small child-ren ni e dilheult to bu) It is adi lt-ible there

fore to get a suitnhle pattern, nnd make the collars nt homo.' A good, faiily coarse linen mnkes-thc most serviceable collar. It may bo wolltet! with embroidered spots, or simple' piittcrii, or hotiiBtitched. Kümo of the shops will do the hemstitching cheaply when the collars aro modq. Daintier, but less serviceable, collars may bo made from hall spot nnislmor fiom an all-over embroidery with"a small design. Little cuffs to match the collars look vciy dainty when fresh and clean, lint it is hard to keep thom fresh and clean when the children are at school. The second frock is equally simple. It has a Magyar bodice and a straight «lightly full skirt. The sleeve is set in well below the shoulder, with a piping or a tuck to finish the seam: ' Kor frocks like this it is advisable to stitch the belt to the dress. The waist

is high mid loose,'mid no separate boll can be kept properly in place. The third frock ih cul on siniihir lines to the second, but being intended for "best," it is trimmed in n pretty style'with lace or embroidery. It is advisable, I lliink/to make all childi en's frocks m 'such a way that the wasliing of them, may bo easily'accomplished. Every dress'worn by school children'should be of washing material. The livst of the three dresses illuslinted is open all the way in


order to facilitate ironing. The' little "Mag-yar .frocks inny al<*o be Mintie lo fasten down the fiont, and be buttoned or fastened with patent pi ess buttons all the way'to the hem. This style of fastening is very desirable when n woman-lins nil her own work to do and,there are several children, for it enables them to, dross tlienu-elves without her assist-

ance. In the dress materials now available for children's flocks tlieio is a very wide choice. Cpcpe looks very dainty when new. but-lins a wnslied-otit appearance by Hie end of tho seasoiif A .good white or coloured linen, nqt a pale oue.lasts two seasons easily. Vciygood qi'ulity linen can iiMiallybe bought nt the sales for about cigliteenpencc it ynrd, double width. Tobrulco will last, with pro-per treatment, for two or oven linee sea-sons. Of tho thinner materials I like plain white colton voile, bet. This year, however, I find that some of the voiles shrink bailly. Thal was not Hie case with the good quality voiles that I bought a couple of seasons ago. Allowance should theiefote be made for flu inking. Tho waist can easily be made big if n bending is used to, linisir it, with ribbon thrended ¿brough to draw it in at ¡¡rat. In length provision can be made by means of a deep tuck on the underside of thd.hen. If Jnpnnese or Tussore silk is used foi' children's frocks n good quality "should lie chosen. It is more economical in the

end. I jirefer Chinn silk to Japanese, be-cause it is as n rule tougher.



"It. IT. Down" (Creswick) write* on the sub-ject of small-fruit culture:-"Tho district in which I have bren livinj? for four j ears Is nio_t suitable for small -fruit proa inc. nnd I hive been prenchinpr the fri-owth of them. I wrote to Hendido some time npo to a friend connected with the jam Industry, a skint; for Information. Ho said that the factory imported smalt fruit«; from other State«?, and also stated that when people here eould supply them by the ton the factory would ho «lad to appoint nu tipcnt In Creswick. As I um trçinç to foster Iruit-«rowinfr here, naturally 1 nm jjlatl to iel?, on any opportunity of stimulat-ing interest In the matter. I readun extinct from vour recent article nt a mrelinir of the Creswick Horticultural Society laet Wedneeda**, and n«ked for -wine bpecrieni «if «null fruits to «end to you. Will 3011 kindly draw attention to the matter ht* M vins what jon think of them. Of «mr-*, it Is not much (rood (rrotviiur them unies*-! it can be ('one at n profit. Have yru am idea what pi lee factrrle« would «ite for the fruit* Theie In an unlimited demand, I am confident, but whether ot a pnuble priée ii .mother nutter. One or the lillies he loin;) np to the Horticultural Societv Ind a return from a «niall plot of stn tv berries which

would jinn out at mr C1 *? por icre '

Tin. fruit ililli um.rd In lient condition The lîoosiH rrîcs \me mttiuUK superior to am that J lm\c ever leen in \i lbourne «mi of tlietn, lupr smooth jjreen one« such a'* one never «eos on silt \ hu «oro Hpo enough to cit

tlie rest ni.cU tho nest delicious coomborn tart tint I hau citen for tin mr. and more \ smill poUeetion of _er\ Um hlacl miranta j»_vc nie t pot of e.ecllfnt jim an 1 tho rod tumut« windi wore \(,ri bl»:, I combine. 1 with i ftv, toj,an horrli« and produced «OHIO I puiitif ilh firm .ntl

well fh\nuri(l Jilh whi.1i I like lütir thin the i jill, mudo from ied currants alone 1 am \cr\

cnteftii for thU ot piriunit. of steins wl it Mt I tom nu produce in the wn\ of símil fruit"

.Mint I want to 1 now now i" win wc >-LC fruit of tbfh qualité on «ile in the shop My red ciirr.nt jell\ was not nude until Christmis morn Injr, Hine daift iftcr the fruit wat. sent so it wilt stand the time m_e_._\r> for drapait1 and dt liven \ Bim 11 «pra. of rid currint cnrlosrd in dît itcii tint tin- luu-hts arcoon prolific too Oulnp to the extensive liolidiis list wool I lm.e not lud a chime to make inquino«* from tlie jam factoiies ilKitit the prfoi ».non for fruit, but will do so nt nij fina opportune


^Fcmt ' O ai r urniijnO «sks if um of m. render, ran tell her whether there is am sale for raw silk ni "\ litoria ahe has 1 ipt silkworms for some tin«.. Kiwi has ii lot of «ill in skein«, which she would like to sell if mvwiWi

M. inmiirks nn Hil«, bubject hate hat! tiega tue results, iso one geeras io know anj thing about

It. Some Knie UKO I was consulted on this sub-ject of silkworm culture hV the iirOrftit Ludv MajofeM of Melbourne, wini luke» n kee ii and wide ihti'ri-t, in the question of dit eloping home in-dustries-. The people wh^in I consulted then seemed to rcgnrd Victoria ,n a very «iii Ubi« place for silk culture, but «nw no immediate prujpu't of the Mabhshnient of the índu-try. .Tile ex-perience of America in the tn-ittci- (if-^t)ic p_Ub litbmenl of -silk itiltnre is not encouraging. Niinlc iohi efforts líate been made lo prow r.nv bilk in QeorRlaj VÍrgihil), Pldlndi lphi-i, Wnshiimton, ami California. One anti all (inve lulled, although the Agricultural depirtmetit dVl its IffFt to foat-r the industry* Silk is Urwelt* m-um fact tired in America, but the raw silk is imported Instead of Wing locally prawn. The bull of the rat-, .-Ilk u<vû ¡r¡ Prance, ti erina tiy, rriglatul, and Atneiica is grown m China, .lapant nwl ltnlv. It would prptil that something more than a suitable climate for the gruwlh of tilt« white mulberry and the cultivation of i tho worin is requited. Perhaps the Industry la one which appeals patt» ujjrl.v in people of special tempéraments. At nil eviids P does not seem to Wah industry that crtn lu' artificially stimulated.


"Obsoiver" (Melbourm) writes its follow»! "Hating rend vour interesting ¡trticles In /The Argus' oh various matU-i-s 1 vtish to draw jour attention to what I consider n source of great dancer, especially nt this seuhon of the year. That is the very low chimneys which arc built in wash house8. Around my own place there are several of thesV chimneys mid I often notice quantities of Kpiirks cot nilli; from Hiern. Most people bum up rubbish, st a h as paper, cardboard», and raffs tinder the copper, and us these ure sparrt-producers 1 think that It would be much safer if such chim he.ts were mndr ti» rise above tho level of the surrounding building, either hy mean!) of brick-work or Iron piping. I lime often noticed-in re-ports ot tires that they have begun^in a wash-


ITiia Iç a matter to which the building com-mittees of councils might turn their attention. It is a real danger, especially as most washhouse* arc built t?f wood. ' ? ~*


"Ftrret" (Yarrawonga) asks for my opinion on tho subject -of tile smoking oí cigarettes by


This ia a qucslion-of a sort which I very much dislike. Mv personal opinion on such matters can 1 hot be of importance to anyone but myself, I do not like lo see women smoking; but, after all,« the women who do smoke have na much in-dulge their own tastes nnd opinions as Phnvc to Indulge minc. I want to help with my knowledge nnd judgment those women who seek help; but'I, do not.wish to be regarded as a censor of manners'

or morals.


..Anxiety" (Orbost) tina a little girl/ l8 months old, who Is slight!v Irilidy-lcggcd., She flsks.Jf anything can be done to rectify it. The child has been walking for four month«. " * »

Handy-lens are i** » to tickets, and rlekets Is caused almost in>arl_bly by,Improper .feeding or mat-nutrition from other causes. Very often chil-dren, when they first begin to walk, scent to be Bliphtly baHily-leggetl, but tills corrects Itself .in a little while, Proper feeding is the only preventive, ttgntmt jflckoU. Give ihp child'plenty of, fresh milk-ütíficaldod 1f possible, f^ho can hnvc:othor foods-bread und milk, biscuits- nnd ''"mille, thin bread nnd butter, broth, meat gravy, stewed upplcs. Bago; arrowroot and white of egg pudding?, gelatine and white of egg midlunga, custard, fûft-bolled i olîgo-4iut milk should be her chief food for some

considerable time. If possible, consult u good chil-dren'» doctor, -lie may order some epcefal íood as well, such as meat juice.


"Country Girl" (Kangaroo Ground) nain if I ran suggest' some employment that could "be undertaken at home lu spare time to en m pocket money.

There are hundreds of young and old women in Victoria who arc asking the same question every year. Those of them who have any special gift' or I talent for any particular kind of work do* manage

to dispose of it. There are three agencies now,In Melbourne for this sort of thing-the Arts _nnd Crafts Society, the Iaidics' Work Association, and the Co-operative Craft work erf. Hut they aro none of them prepared ta Ret] mediocre work. None but expert and highly-skilled workers can join 'them for the purpose of selling hnndiworki The BUCCCSS of their depots depends upon the excellence of the work chown. 1 should recommend country girls to think Eciiously about the matter of rural Indus-tries, and to sec if there Is not some work of this cort in which they- could take an interest. . - The Ladies' Work Association takes orders for home-made jams, and this is it direction in which I should think nome women .might-specialise. A girl who has no enterprise or business ability, how-ever, is always nt a disadvantage In trying to find

a market for her wares.


To meet the constant demand for suggestions for useful articles that eau be mnde by young car pen tera, I am giving two sketches of pretty and

sensible ptfeca of furniture. One is a bookstand for use i-Chide a t(cd or easy chair. Three or four

compartments muj he made on top to hold batiks, j

and the little FheJf below* adds to the sonvenience of tho bookstand. The tecond article is. a lo?


basket, intended lo hold the blocks or "billets" of wood for the winter (Ire. A strong, .durable wood thould be chobcn for this, and copper ol' brass fittings will greatly enhance its appearance,


"S.B." (Melbourne) refers to an inquiry in this column for ii dressing for black hoots which have

»cióme discoloured or patchy, und recommends the ollowittg process:-"Take some uomnion w.tslilng 6oda and dissolve it in water, making: the solution fairly strong. . Then paint or wet the hoots nil over -with it, and hans thom out in the wind ^o dry. When dry procure some striking ink from the shoemaker, mid p.iint the boots well,with the ink. Hang them out to dry,, a ml'when ¿try «ive a second coat of'ink and, diy again. Two cn.its Bhould be »ufticicnt. The boot1, will,have,a lune; black colour until rubbed with n soft cloth. Apply tome black cream and polish in the usual

way," ,


''Ii.ll." (Yarrawonga) says" that* rubbing with kerosene is the pusicst way to clean greasy gul* vu ni set! Iron. It is effective with rustras'well as grease. , _


"Mary"' (Geelong) asks how to remove mildew, and bow io prevent It in u i-emi-tropical climate.

I toiling the clothes in milk'dud drying them in the sun is said" tu remove mildew;- Sour milk *is better than sweet. I have not had occasion to try this, but it la a simple- method;* fttiil-worth try-ing, for mildew is diflicult to remove. -.lavelle water is also said to lie effective.* To 'ntake- it dissolve ílb. chloride of lime in two-quarts of boil-ing water. When nearly dissolved add lib. washing eadu. Strain through flannel and let M um I. Bottle the clear liquid. To use-It, brush the liquid on the spots, rinse well, and add a little ammonia to the last linsing water. Use .huelle water carefully, ¡is if too much is used, or It is loft on too lonir, it ruts the 'fibre*. Keep it out of children''' reach. I do not know any w'ay of preserving clothes from mildew in moist, hot climates, other than by packing them in air* tijrht iMues. They must be kept quite dry. Mildew develops only on damp materials. ,


"Old Iml>" (Kerman Town) ft-iks:-(1) WJ.en ladies inll on a new urri.ul, should HIIC give them tea? (2) I« it correct to Imc \isitlng-cards- not laving un at-lionn» day? (3) Two epinslcr Incite»,

Inning ulled cn a mirrica lauj wun grownup duiighteri» whit cards should he left bn return tall (I) The Urruvmin cillcd and Kft lils caid His wifi «No called and lift hers What cards shmld li lift on return?

(1) Cirtainl- (2) ^ cn-the fict of no nt home dav Mi oui i bi mentioned when cillmg ind the per ton .wittd ísled to rall when comenieut to both, or to noliT. whin ilwut to call PO that von maj bi it honu (1) One or tin m irriid 1 »His

with ncr iljujitcp» name* llie MI*M.S -" written under hor_. (1) Hie mothers cm! willi hir t!a\inhtcrs mimi written hi low hen» and two of her lnihlnnd «? nrdp, if «li is not u widow Mrst .i*It¡_ should be ntiirncl undir u month

W1LMUS IN lill

*V It * (North Cippsland) uti _. if an) oí m} icadei« tin tell her how to keep wee.ils out of fo\ skins that IIIM. not been tanned


TtSsOHl SIllv Wll^S

'Gertrude' (Bindiuo) asks how I would aihiM. her to make up i pieu pf tu^ore silk She is . oung, mid wTilts to get a tood dill of wear out of

the dre*s

1 think no st) le lools better than a (.imple all in ont froLk, buttoned all the wa. down the front

rhii bloiiH should be m ide with long -.boulders, or U fuU Manjar st) le. A pretty white embroidered

lawn rollar looks best on such a frock and the |

"'Oliera! effect depends a gool dell on the choice of button* Plain ivor) coloured buttons look will If the ball Fhapc is preferied it is liest to ' fasten the dn s with patent fistrnerfl, and to BC-T tin buttons on top, with or without simulated

I uttonlioles The ball buttons come unfastened I \CTV uni lil) Plain tussore covered battons always

look well


The litflc pjttim of * flr«-t pants* «houn ii. th*

sketch is a vir> simple one The pints ure cut I mute straight, a little piece being hollowed out in the Centn of each «ide for the legh to pa** through

I rho material is gathered into a band at top and'

bottom, and buttons and buttonholes made to i

I fasfen- the garment pvor the thighs. The designer

i of the pattern suggests white cotton crepe as a

suitable material, afc.hflng easy to wash and re-quiring no ironing. I think, however, that it it. too harsh, and I should' prefer to nu1:e the little gar-ments of cashmere, nuns' veiling, or viyella. A little edging of torellon or Valenciennes lace round the curve-cut for the legs would give A daintier finish to the "pants."


!'Betty',f (Malvorn) ai>\i? how to get a white linen

dress to look really clean, It'ha» become yellow and dirtyMooking, and docs not seem to improve with ordinary hashing and Iwiling.

Soak the' drew, in w'urm water, to which a little of the chloride of lime polution often des-cribed in this column, or of the .lavelle water recently de-scribed, has been added, 'Uto either solution spar-ingly, and Foalr the dress for an hour or two. It mutt be quite clean when soaked. After foaking rinse it \cry thoroughly ami dry it. All the solu-tion must he got out before letting the dress dry.

Wash as usual afterwards. >


"Grace" (Mildura) nskrf how to wash a tussore silk frock, ileis has gone very dark since wash-


1 don't know what would make it go dark, un* lesa soda was used. I wash tussore in the-soft soap and borax mixture-two auoonsful soft foap to 1 spoonful powdered borax. Risholvc in boiling water. Add a bucketful of cold water nnd let it oil get cold; Wash in this and rinso well in clean eold.watei. Dry thoroughly on the line, and Iron when bone dry. Do not'damp the silk before iron-



"Norma" (Melbourne) asks if Alie can safely wash a cream Sicilian skirt. How should it be Ironed? What could be put in the rini-lng water to keep the cream colour? How much starch should be used to give a muslin drew the proper stiffness as

worn now?

Wash the Sicilian dress exactly in the way de-scribed for tussore silk. The cream colour will not be affected at all. Sicilian is not ca?y to iron. It irons best when quite dry, and a very hot iron'Is required. Care rrtust be taken not to scorch it, however. For the muslin dress make boiled starch in the usual way. and thin it down with cold water until it is almost as thin ns water. Voile requires no starch, but muslin needs jtist the very thinnest possible starch.



".T.D.M.R." (Brighton) asks for<a recipe for lentil pie.

The following nro recognised vegetarian recipes: -1. Doll one pint of brown or rfcd lentils In salted water until well cooked. Hub them through a sieve. An-onion may be added to the lentils when boiling if liked. Mix with the lentil juice enough stale breadcrumbs to make the mixture moderately stiff. Then add half a,'cupful o! cream and two well-bcatcn eggs. . Rake until nicely browned, and serve with fresh tomato sauce. Cook one pint lentils as before, and rub them through a sieve. Add one pint of baked breadenitnbs, half a cupful of thin cream, and a few chopped walnuts. Season to taste, ndding n little powdered sage. Rake until well browned. Serve with tomato BUUCC. In rubbing tho lentils through the sieve a fair amount of the water in which they were cooked should be used to make the process easy. When nibbed through they should not be dry, but fairly wet.


''fxma" (St Kilda) Tccommoiids the following recipe for horserndish sauce as being good and economical -"Grate about three tnblef-poonfuls oi horseridish Put it Into n small basin with a te ispoouful of sugar, half a teaspoonful of silt, and hilf a teaspoonful of dr) mustard Pour over this three t iblespoinfuls of vinegar, and allow It to st ind for a quarter of on hour Then add three tablespoonfuls bf thfck cream If the sauce Is too thick, it c-tii be thinned with a little milk It cuiuht to lie about tho consistency of ordl^ars trcini Buy lu the first piare n foirlj thick stick of horsertdish, winch costs about (M-. or 8<1, and plant it in the garden, lind dig it tip as vou re quite it Grite About nn inch and n half eich time The well watered soil keeps It frcfh If crcim is not to hand milk, mav lie used, or a little white sauce gives a good çorçs(stcnc>, but nothing is ns good ns the cream VVe.gorte this sauce in a little glatzs jam di=h,7and pulpit on thd table "


In the Email house every ,'Jbuilt in'1 convenience leprestnts i_ _uiv-_Df? of,spa_i_~ ]A the nccompinylng fkptch Is shown nn arrangement bv ,which a j flat wooden board, whích,ma) che,used ns ti pastry

hoard, or as a tray for cai+jlng dishes, to the Intchcn, is provided With a space under the drain

ing board of the sink. When the washing \ip is done, the board can he pulled out, and the clean diMics piled upon it to be returned to the dresser or wherever else they mar bç kept. When not in

use the board occupies no, and is always * covered from dust. ,,


"Constant Reader" (Kangaroo Ground) Bends the following recipe for Siotcli shortbread:-"iib. flour, 207- sugar, Jib. butter.*- Heat butter to a cream, add the sugar and llouç sifted, work it all into a ball, roll out, cut Into square«; or triangle*, and bike for half an hour itr a moderate oven." ,


"Agnes" asks what Is the reason of the fruit in a good cake falling to the bpttom.

Lit lier the mixing ha i not been properly done or the oven has been too cool at flr*.t The best way to add the fruit is to mix it willi the Hour, and add it by degrees after half the eggs have been

liciten in.


"Patty" (Glenormiston) asks for recipe for fruit salad.

Take a medium-sized pineapple, 6 or 8 bananas,

3 or 1 lemons, and any other fruits In season. Pare the pineapple and remove the pits. "Hold the fruit steady with a fork stuck into the core at one end, and \ a second fork shred all the Voit part of the fruit off the core." Tear up the fruit with the forks Peel the bananas and slice them into a big bowl. Sprinkle sugar thickly over them. Then cut or break up the other fruits and add them to the bananas. Sprinkle moro sugar o.or. Pile the pine-apple on top, adding more sugar. Then add the juice of the lemons, diluted \vith an equal cjuantity of water. Let the salad stand* covered over, until required. Then «tlr up from the bottom to mix the fruits thoroughl).


"G T." (Hawksburn1) sends the following recipe for mulberry Jam. It is,i she says, a rich and beautiful jam, particularly nice as n dessert jam with cream. "UFe ripe fruit. Put 121b. fruit and 4 cupftila of waler into the presen ing pan. Roil until the fruit is soft and well cooked Strain tl_rmii_h coarse inosauUo net. Put on again, anti

nilli 'iib. sil'-nr to oiory pound ol strained limit. Cook for 30 minutes after it liecins to boil. The straining Is necewary to keep tho shanks out.

LOdAN nnniiy JAM.

"New Chum" (Colac) '-asks lor 'JL recipe for ]oj-nn berry Jam. -i

Tlie recipe given for( mulberry jam will answer excellently for .logan licrries.


".l.D.C.II." (Brighton) jiends a good tested recipe for raspberry jam. "Allon* 31b. mifrar to each lib. fruit, l'ut fruit and Migar together into 'tlie preserving-pan, anil let it stand on the fire, in a moderately warm place, until the sugar is ills* solved. Still it very -rrntly nolv and then, lukins cure hot to break the fruit loo much. Then bring it to the boil, and'let it boll fast for not more than 10 minutes. If made In this liny, Hie colour of tlie jam ii ill be perfect. - Ours keeps well for a -. ear. Store in a cool place. The juice of red cur-rants added'lo the jam nukes It delicious. Add also all), minni* for every cupful of red currant luke. To obtain the juice boil (he fruit with a very little water, mid squeeze the juice out of the fruit nilli a iioodcn spoon. Strain the liquid



".T.D.M.H." (Brighton) asks if any of my readers can ¡.'lie hcV'recipes for siieets In which _coa

butter Is used. ,,*,,,

In the 'factories cocoa butter is used to mix the chocolate" for all chocolate sweets. It Is this that «Ives the chocolate coatiiiK its firmness and evenness. I baie been unable to lind any recipes in which it is used. Perhaps some reader may