Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 27 November 1942, page 2

liSNTMRA SHOPPING Advertising Restrictions Furtther to the sta,,tenuet.issuede :i.rlier i the week by the .e roetary of i ae 1forshlii Chlnather of .Comilirce. !iiie setreiirv ve" ter iv -urittei'l' i i .n ul i detail the regula.tions regarilHling-'le ' 1i'.isplay asd advertisiing of goods' 41irithe ic fteStive -e' son. . lihe reguitiious ipplies only to --1vertiseniiont'l relating to the salIe "f goods or ilitcindi d .to plroinote the -.?., of. goods. JIt prov.ides that llny such adlvertisc-1 nienit shall not coiitaiII aily nmatltr dliicetflv or indirettly reilating to the se'-: son01 or days of Clristios or e-New near' howsoeveri desrribcd. or Clristlnias or Ne \ Year gift's or the practice of ~gi\-iig Chriistmaas or NeCT "Year gifts. i lrohliiiits .ini advertisenoll1t tending 10promote the sale of r oods. a:i i'efrenc to Christmis or New Year i-diircti liy naillm ny refere?ce to thliow seasouli oir i.das coliveyedt ny -the .t u oIt snclh expressions '.as ' n-uletideC . ,''I FMs- I' tive -Seisoni'' or similar i expressios'; riefcrenlc to Cliristaiii' or -New ''i tr gifts incliding -' slicl expressiolns' :is i"makes a usieiful )'presttt" "'1il T 'lh -gie-ttly :ippreciated "' -aid similiar ex-' pressions. I .-Thi regulation applies to all forl:ýi.j of advcrtisin g.nlulitng ricws)ipap'lr tdl.ver'tisenicimfs eitalodu'es, posier-?. signs, Iqfalets, hoardings, broadca'st. -?idveritisemieintis and 'an'l:idvcrtisiig nItter 'coI- -taiued Oit nmv Awrappiings aitid '.iidi:id alnvydisplay or arrangceiniiet 6f iar'tie's in ani' 'usiness "prnu?6Css incilidi'ig' an .disphly inany sliow-cse ilisile the orinises. l 0[o(to1n pieiUre aisd d lidle adv' r- i iaing is ''lso i icluded. iosiglns or :o-. tices at lie pa'ieta in iuia store co -tai hg dtircctiofs whlcer to 'llyi? ristIllaS or e.w'i'car ,gifts ,11 tlie'stor..