Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Friday 19 December 1941, page 1

S HORT:. HOLIDAY: PERIOD : OVER CHRISTMAS TheEarlier Closing of Shops . Enforcing : the Prime iniuster s. cisro n regarding holiday observan'e dunrig the Christmas period, reguI tinis were -gazetted on Tuiesday ioifr lj iogtathrid'other days thand Chritiiji l ~6fi~,Boxin&D~ay v-andNew Yea? r'atr~ are te be observed as holiday~tn$j .dustrual. establishment:'- .:??",.:::. The regiilations over-ride any. Sta o .orthie pro isions o. any i ndustris-l naard or order proiding-for, pnh is holidays or ainnual leave The rules y ill erninent departments" and toohilier?ov::.Cr tifrzomii thse-:hoida no annial Ileave nb&nifel oI ed over tho Chiimas~i and, New-Y;?e.ar -,periodL ciexpt?.'.r cases of illness ors pressin emergency E'e ry emply ee ?ntitled td-o leave '-;un r any Aaw- orinidustrial afvard will hle ~affected.: Where n: iniemployee is deprived of:hi leave thiough thdi regulatiea. he is: to :i be .paid- ii:J. amiount equal t".o hi~ sahliy or wages for the piriod of the~ave lost -Paymet is to -be h?sie i1f~mthe ~first paiy after Januar': I where-normally an employee .would b. grianlted-eave IroD Christmas.-Day to iNe?.i ear s Day (inclusie), i.oron Ithe first\-' pdly day after January 3; u-hero. Snormallyie would be ::bgraintd -lea ;BARr LY C LOSING OF SHOPS. 3 'With. few e?ceptions all iosh p. "tIhughout AXistralia will in dfuture be required to closi? ot ]i:ter :tha-ni 6 ir1i I GIneral o ems given to ticMijiLi :, tmodify thl ule on a regonal bass, and ini this connection he may suth.tu? ae an earlier time: or ?& later tame. SShopsihich spply mnedil or clheniiiii rcequisite%, cordials, fruit, veg~tilinlir other perishasbles may remaiin op0 ui I til. a'laterl hour ii fof that pu:rpose,.b ii customerbanky niotbie ei$cved with thr sham Chaimiber of Commerce 14r' H A . SRoe, stated thatr traders aiad otlie s. it thtonshoul observthetashuldo ehe regulatiion set out. The decQision of the Clihi;inri of iCommerce as announcedf in liast issue will not now take effect::.: . "..' : 11··: L·: